Delayed Transfer

Chapter 370

Mark saw that the beautiful ladies of the University of Nocturne didn’t choose just one item but several at once. They emptied the whole stall and allowed their male counterpart to assist them by becoming baggage handlers.

At first, Milena and her assistants were concerned since she had heard that Mark promised them just one item each but when she looked at Mark’s expression which was him just smiling, she knew that the ladies would go home with the items in their hands without any problems.

“You don’t need to worry Miss. We will pay for the other items on top of the one Mr. Mark had promised us,” Arissa said when she noticed Milena’s expression.

Milena noticed Mark shaking his head so Milena immediately responded while smiling at the ladies.

“You don’t need to pay. You can have all of them.”

At first, the ladies responded that they couldn’t take the items for free since based on their knowledge, the items cost a tremendous amount of coins but Milena just smiled and kept silent so the ladies didn’t protest anymore.

After they were done with their shopping, they all went to Mark and thanked him profusely.

“I’ll be seeing you tomorrow since I’ll join the people who will set up the theater in the palace where you can see the movies or what you call “unique shows”,” Mark said to Arissa and the others.

“We’ll be seeing you then. Again thank you for the items. As with everything in this circus, they’re truly unique,” Arissa said then all of them left saying that they would have to return to the university.

The statement surprised Mark a bit since that meant that even though the sun was about to set they would have to return to the university and that could only mean that they were probably living in some sort of dormitory house inside the university.

Mark then turned to Milena.

“Milena, do you know something about the University of Narcone?”

“Just the general information that a city outsider would know. If you want to know more about the university, you should talk to the elven sisters since according to circus gossip, they had been invited to teach a class in the university once.”

That statement caught him off guard since according to Hamil, the last time they had been to Narcone was more than ten years ago. He hadn’t confirmed it yet but he wondered if the elves in this world were also long-lived or even immortal just like the fantasy books in his world. He couldn’t help himself so he immediately asked Milena.

“Milena, are elves in these lands very long-lived or even immortal?”

“Everybody knows or at least those who are from here. The lifespan of an ordinary human who didn’t receive the blessing of a profession would live to about seventy or eighty years old. Those who did receive the power of profession like becoming a warrior, a rogue, or an archer, and others would live a lot longer since their basic statistics would be increased by the blessing. The only exception is the wizards or the magic-wielders since through magic, they could find ways to lengthen their lifespan almost indefinitely. A normal elf lifespan who didn’t receive the blessing of a profession would have a three hundred to three-fifty years lifespan but if an elf had a profession, their lifespan would be much longer, and just like any wizard, an elven wizard would be able to find ways to extend their lifespan indefinitely. Is it different from where you came from?”

“No it’s not,” Mark answered immediately which made Milena wear a questioning look as if asking, why were you asking then?

After that, Mark went inside the RV to wait for all of his family members before replicating food for their dinner.

While he was waiting, Mark decided that after setting up the theater in the palace, he would return to diving his dungeon. He would concentrate on leveling up for a while to make sure that he would reach his goal of becoming very powerful. He really wanted to learn how to create a magic portal that would allow him to return to Earth, not to live there of course, but to update his media content and add more brand-new technology that he could replicate and also check out what happened to his friends.

When Mark arrived in this world, he thought he would find a location where he could stay and then concentrate fully on leveling up and once his personal dungeon was not able to assist him in leveling up anymore, he would explore the world in search of powerful dungeons to increase his level but the circus derailed his plans. He fell in love with the circus or with the idea of the circus life. Traveling and encountering exotic places and people while in the middle of an entertainment group. Back when he first joined, he thought that he could travel and could still dungeon dive to level up but when the twins joined him, he focused on making sure that he and the twins were happy all the time. Then Liriel joined them and now he has a family.

Mark kept telling himself and everybody else that the kids were his siblings as an attempt to possibly inform everyone and deceive himself that he wasn’t ready to become a father but to be honest about it, he was already a father. The twins and Liriel were his kids and now they’re almost at the forefront of his concern. His current life actually revolved around them which he thought in hindsight that it was a mistake.

Soon the twins would stay in a magic university he would be left with Liriel. He wasn’t truly concerned about the twins leaving him since he did have a spell that would allow him to create a gate so they could visit him anytime they were free but he knew for a fact that he should also concentrate on becoming more powerful so he could live his life the way he wanted without anyone powerful interfering.

Mark also wanted to go back to dungeon diving since he also wanted to finish dungeon level thirty-three and above since he hated the current snowy and cold setting. But the most important fact was that once he reached level fifty, he could farm more powerful items.

He thought that maybe one of his problems was it was boring to dive the dungeon alone but to be honest about it, he was still wary of showing anyone his dungeon since it was a powerful source of power based on the items that would receive from the dive. Mark decided that he would just continue diving his dungeon alone since it shouldn’t take long till he completed it.

When the sun set, the twins arrived followed by Liriel who was being carried by Lisa. Milena, Nedertu, Norleen, and Connor followed soon after. Mark asked everyone what food they wanted to eat and after receiving everyone’s preferences, replicated each of them.

While they were eating, everyone talked about what happened during the day and the twins were particularly vocal about their experiences. Mark was glad that every one of his adopted family was happy and this removed the little bit of regret that he felt when he thought that his leveling plans got derailed.

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