Delayed Transfer

Chapter 369

According to Hamil, they would leave for the palace at around ten in the morning the next day and the movie show would start at around eleven. After the first movie, they would pause so that nobles could eat their lunch and then continue with the second film then pause again for a repast then the third movie would be shown.

Mark would conjure the equipment when they arrived at the designated location in the palace then he would leave once he found and talked to Arissa.

Hamil was delighted that Mark would come with them since the circus leader admitted that he prepared several persuasive arguments in making sure that he would go with them since Hamil wanted to make sure that there would be no hiccup in the equipment that they would use to set up the movie.

The circus leader also asked Mark to prepare the traditional movie snacks like soda and popcorn so everyone would get into the rhythm of seeing the movies in a theater. Hamil admitted that the snacks prepared by the circus people and sold before the movie started were also earning them a lot of coins. Nedertu then made a side comment that the circus was now beginning to become extremely rich and Hamil just smiled. Mark then wondered if maybe that was the reason why Milena was always in a good mood since she was the one handling the family’s finances.

Milena admitted to him once that when Mark was tired of the life on the circus and the road and finally wanted to establish his mage castle somewhere, she would be willing to become her majordomo and all of her assistants said the same thing, and surprisingly it included Nedertu.

He told everyone that that could be a long way off since Mark was still enjoying the circus life and the life on the road because even the most dangerous thing that they encountered so far, which was the fight against that Monarch Lich was truly exciting.

After their discussion, Hamil left with Nedertu and Mark rested for a bit inside the RV playing a game on a console.

At around five in the afternoon, Mark went outside and was surprised to see that Arissa and her friends including the male students returned to his RV but then he noticed that they were looking at Milena’s closed stall disappointingly.

Mark approached Arissa and her university mates.

“Arissa, ladies, welcome back! Did you leave something?”

“We forgot to get the promised items from your stall and now it’s closed,” Arissa said and Mark was surprised that the young lady was looking at the stall sadly.

Mark saw that the young noble was uninhibited when showing her emotions to others. It was the exact opposite of her friend Tunisha who was always showing a cold front. He then thought that according to some of the books that he had read, nobles were taught not to show their emotions to others so their enemy wouldn’t be able to read and control them but maybe it was a case-to-case basis.

“Well, you ran so fast earlier that I hadn’t had the chance to remind you. Usually, our items sold out at around three or four in the afternoon since all of them were unique and diverse. We changed our items daily, which was why they were highly sought after by the citizens of Narcone,” Mark told the young students.

The male students were still looking at him coldly and with disdain in their eyes, especially after learning that he was just a circus merchant.

“We will be unable to return tomorrow when your stall opens since we’ll be in the palace watching those unique shows that your circus would present and we can’t return during those hours the day after since it’s usually class hours,” Arissa complained.

“Well, if you give me thirty minutes, I’ll reopen the stall for you,” Mark said while smiling winningly at Arissa.

The young noble lady smiled back at Mark and agreed and the women sat on the sofa that Mark provided. He left the male students to keep standing since he didn’t care about them and he saw that they couldn’t complain because it appeared that they didn’t want to be perceived as whiner by female students that Mark assumed they were pursuing.

Mark then entered Nedertu and Milena’s RV and saw that Milena was about to prepare food for their dinner.

“Milena don’t cook. I’ll prepare our dinner tonight. Can you help me reopen the stall since the young ladies who came earlier returned and wanted some of the items that we were selling? Can you help me choose the best items that you think those ladies would be interested in?” Mark said to Milena.

Milena rolled her eyes at him but immediately made a list of the items that she thought would invoke the young noble ladies' interest and delight and she was assisted by her assistants, Lisa, and Norleen.

Nedertu and Connor went outside the RV to set up the stall and left them to their devices. After a few minutes, Milena and the others gave Mark a list of items and he replicated them immediately.

After that everyone transferred the items from the RV to the stall and Milena kept explaining to the customer who noticed that their stall was being set up that they were not opening the stall, and was just showing the items to the young noble ladies. She then pointed at the students who were seated on a sofa nearby and the customers who saw the students had a look of understanding on their faces. Everyone knew that merchants couldn’t help but cater to the whims of the rich and the nobility.

The students ignored the customers and were instead looking at the items that Milena and the others were transporting from the RV to the stall and when everything was laid out, the ladies rushed to the stall. When some of the male students expressed interest in joining them, they received such a fierce glare from the ladies that Mark couldn’t help but laugh out loud which prompted glares from the men towards him.

Mark saw that Milena, Norleen, and Lisa were busy explaining the items to the ladies. The twins and Liriel arrived together with one of the few people who were assigned to look after the circus kids. The children arrived with huge fanfare since they were driving the electric carts designed to look like the spaceships from the Star Wars movies.

This prompted the male students to approach the vehicle but the funny part was the twins suddenly started yelling that they were being attacked by space pirates. The kids then formed a line in front of the electric golf carts and at the forefront were Deo and the twins, holding toy lightsabers that were glowing. Mark relented to giving Deo a lightsaber due to the twins' cajoling.

Mark and all of the surrounding people laughed at the expression that the male students wore when the children confronted them. All of them were taken aback and looked flabbergasted. Some of the kids were even wearing makeshift costumes and all the kids looked chaotic and unruly.

Like everyone else, Mark waited at what the male students from the university would do but the students had no choice but to return to the stall. The ladies looked at their male classmates with disdain and returned to listening to Milena describe the items.

The kids then suddenly started yelling that they successfully frightened the space pirates away causing their audience to laugh out loud.

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