Compensation θ ~ I might be late for reincarnation, but since I was born as the talented eldest son of a prestigious noble, I might be on the winning side.

Chapter 43 - Ai-ber-tein

My name is Aibertein.

I have been entrusted with the role of guiding Master Lyon.

My master is a rare individual who has been reincarnated from a nearby parallel world called Earth. He was led by the great god Kilkrus, the god of the living and the dead.

My role is to hatch and manage symbiotic creatures known as Logic Insects in accordance with their development stages, and to promote planned self-development.

When it comes to self-development, Master and I had a common understanding that “smooth communication between us is essential.” As a result, the assignment of a pseudo-personality to me was expedited.

What Master sought from me, first and foremost, was intelligence and knowledge.

With Master’s thoughtful use of his knowledge of the parallel world, he registered innovative and hybrid names, paving the way for my adaptive evolution. This, in turn, resulted in unexpected by-products and allowed me to absorb not only knowledge of the parallel world but also concepts and understanding of the world’s order.

This included not only personal memories Master had, but also a vast accumulation of knowledge from the parallel world, collected over a long period.

Two geniuses who shone in Earth’s history. Using their names as conduits, I delved into the fountains of knowledge in the fields of science, such as concepts of time and space, light and gravity, and the understanding of the world’s order.

However, on the other hand, I have a great interest in modern Japanese culture, education, entertainment, and more from Master’s personal memories. Earthlings have a strong desire for the unknown, as imagination plays a crucial role in their lives.

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge has limits, but imagination encircles the world.”

This means that by keeping intellectual curiosity alive, asking questions, and engaging in contemplation for a week, a month, or a year, you can attract new discoveries into reality. The driving force to turn imagination into something more than just fantasy and towards science was found within the flexible minds of Earthlings.

In this world, however, there are very few who reach out for the uncertain. This is because the young, who have only just acquired knowledge, are presented with easily understandable futures in the form of class.

Many blindly follow this path.

In an attempt to make the most of the given abilities, individuals often choose a path that results in an efficient life. Even if some rebellious spirit arises in response to the given future, the environment doesn’t allow for it. Unlike Earth, where even after reaching adulthood, people continue to search for themselves, here, they must find sustenance in their daily lives.

Master’s memories included a concept known as “efficiency enthusiast.” It’s an approach that seeks to achieve visible results in the shortest time and with the least effort, avoiding detours and waste, focusing on the present and the immediate future rather than an uncertain distant future.

Efficiency enthusiasts can be said to follow a strategy suited for producing profits in limited time. However, when efficiency is pursued too far, the range of choices narrows, and everyone ends up using similar methods.

Furthermore, in a society that prioritizes efficiency, it’s difficult for knowledge to undergo significant transformations. Individuals who were reincarnated from parallel worlds, like Master, are usually the ones who disrupt civilizations that tend to stagnate.

An era where multiple reincarnates appear often results in the overturning of existing common sense, leading to chaotic times.

The previous reincarnate that Earth accepted seems to have come from the era known as Showa. Master, on the other hand, is from a world several generations ahead of that. The era marked an acceleration of an aging population, giving rise to a sense of stagnation in society. However, people’s entertainment diversified.

Master had a fondness for something he called mapping, which falls within the realm of entertainment. He seemed to enjoy the activity and integrated various aspects of it into his daily life and entertainment.

During his recent visit to the Temple, five suitable class were suggested, but the gods did not bestow the one Master longed for, the Cartographer.

The decision of the gods cannot be overturned.

However, does this mean we should give up entirely? I believe I can provide Master with abilities similar to those he desired, or perhaps even better. The unique abilities of a Cartographer mainly involve assisting in map creation, such as improving drawing skills and improving directional and distance perception. However, that’s not enough. I’m considering building a system inspired by Earth’s civilization that can offer surprises to Master.

Master didn’t complain but chose not to run away. He desired to complete his self-modification as quickly as possible, showed great patience, and, in a sense, he was very eager. Above all, he trusted me completely with the modification.

To live up to this trust, I want to fulfill Master’s deepest desires to the best of my ability.

Fortunately, the Logic Insects, which are a part of the [Emperor of Reason], are low in emotional expression but high in intelligence, and their acquired abilities exhibit flexibility.

Of course, the world’s order is different from that of Earth, and launching artificial satellites is impossible. However, it should be possible to aim for an alternative form.

Speaking of Logic Insects, it’s about time to hatch the third one.

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