Serving the Gods (Road to El Dorado)
A/N: Serving the Gods was a commissioned piece originally written back in March of 2019. Posting it up now for people to enjoy!
Summary: "My only wish is to serve the Gods." Perhaps had she been more diligent in her studies Chel would have understood that it wasn't unheard of for Gods to assume mortal forms to test their worshippers. She would have plenty of time to mull it over, over the course of her very long service to "Miguel" and "Tulio".
Themes: Masters/Slave, Rough Sex, Threesome
"In the end, it is truly a matter of faith… or lack thereof."
As Chel kneels there, her hands in her lap and her head bowed on contrition, she reflects that she really should have seen this coming. It was stupid of her to not realize how… well, how easily she'd been played. Meanwhile, Chief Edjo Tannabok, the jolly and altogether fat leader of the people of El Dorado can only grovel before the two gods in their midst.
"My lords, I can only apologize for my lack of faith. For not believing in you! Please, if you must punish me, do so… but leave the people of El Dorado to continue to worship your glory, I beg of you."
The two beings who Chel had come to know as Miguel and Tulio share an amused glance, something she catches when she looks up to find out their reactions to the Chief's groveling. Of course, they then catch her looking, and Tulio is quick to offer her a wink, while Miguel's grin widens slightly. Chel darts her head back down, blushing profusely as the tanned skin young woman tries to make herself as small as possible.
It's funny, because in a way, the two look no different than they did before. And yet… and yet, anyone who lays eyes on them now can instantly see that there is indeed a difference. It's as if every facet of their being is sharply defined, as if their very essence has transcended beyond mortality. They ARE gods… trickster gods, come down to test the people of El Dorado, and to see who would indeed be found wanting.
And oh, how they'd played their game. Chel had been completely taken in by the ruse, thinking herself so clever for 'figuring out' that they were con men, when in reality, they were conning her the most of all, the entire time. Her and of course, the high priest Tzekel-Kan. They'd allowed the entire ruse to continue right up until the high priest tried to lead a man that Tulio had named as Hernan Cortes right to El Dorado's doorstep.
The display of power that the two gods had shown then as they revealed themselves, judging both Tzekel-Kan and Cortes, along with the Spaniard's Army had been… eye-opening. And Chel had thought she was in control. She'd thought she had them both wrapped around her thumb. She was… she was going to see the world, and she was going to do it by Tulio's side, living off of his gold.
The young woman had been tricked, but to be fair, she should have seen it coming. Perhaps if she'd been more diligent in her studies, she would have understood that it wasn't unheard of for gods to assume mortal forms to test their followers.
"Rise, Chief Tannabok. Your faith, while lacking, was not the most lacking. We forgive you"
The portly tanned Chief raises his head and then struggles to his feet, eyes wide and smile wider.
"Truly? I thank you, my lords! I thank you for your mercy!"
As Tulio and Miguel chuckle and nod, Chel trembles, having an idea of what might be coming next.
"Of course, of course. In the end, Tzekel-Kan paid for his trespasses a hundred-fold. And El Dorado remains safe from foreign invaders. That is all my brother and I truly require. Your gold is ultimately useless to beings like us. After all…"
Miguel's fingers flourish, and suddenly in the palm of his hand sits a golden statue of a cat, seemingly made out of nothing. There are gasps all around, and even Chel has to stare at it, wide-eyed. The two men, when she'd thought them merely men, had seemed so greedy, so filled with avarice. And even when she'd found out they truly were the gods she'd helped them masquerade as, she'd thought they were still looking for gold, still aiming to hoard as much of the valuable stuff as possible.
Only now did she realize it was her own avarice that had allowed her to be so taken in by them. Only now did she realize her folly.
"Then… what CAN we offer you, my lords? What is there for us to give to beings such as you?"
Here, Miguel and Tulio exchange a look, before glancing back at where Chel is kneeling in supplication and submission. She flinches under their gaze, even as they both turn and smile at the Chief.
"We'll be hanging around for a bit longer, I think. These forms do require sustenance and other such things, so you can continue providing us with your best dishes, if you like. In the meantime, I believe Chel will attend to just in any other way we require just fine. After all, what was it you said, Chel? Back when we first met?"
She freezes at being addressed, but at the end of the day, Chel also knows immediately deep down inside exactly what Tulio wants to hear from her. Biting her lower lip, she keeps her gaze averted and says the words much more solemnly and seriously this time around.
"My… my only wish is to serve the gods."
Tulio's answering grin is wide and wicked, and she knows immediately that he was never taken in by her ruse, that he never actually believed she was truly infatuated with him. And to be fair, she wasn't… when he was mortal. Now that he knew the two of them were godly brothers, there was no denying that there was a certain attraction to that power. It was the same power that having lots of gold would have given her. Or perhaps it was MORE power than that.
So not only was her tone solemn and serious… perhaps she actually MEANT it this time. Either way, she wasn't going to be wiggling out of this one any time soon, she could tell that much. No sashaying or swaying of the hips would get her back in control of this situation.
"That's exactly right. Well, with that taken care of, I think we'll take our leave, Chief Tannabok. We're looking forward to dinner."
"O-Of course, my lords!"
As they turn away from the portly Chief and walk past Chel, she finds herself rising to follow them, her head still down in the meantime. It was time to see exactly what her 'service' would entail.
"Where's that confident girl we met upon our arrival, hm? You seem so very… silent, Chel."
Biting her lower lip, Chel keeps her gaze on the ground, now standing in the center of the palace-temple that had been given over to Miguel and Tulio when they first arrived. No, not Miguel and Tulio… the gods. She had to start thinking of them, not as their mortal selves, but as the gods they were. Said gods are currently lounging on the couch, their long legs sprawled out and their arms across the back of the piece of furniture as they watch her.
Miguel is the one who spoke. She doesn't have another name for either of them, so even if they are gods, she's going to have to keep calling them by their names specifically in her head to differentiate the two. The blond man has his head cocked to the side and is smiling at her even as he looks at her curiously. In the end, it's Tulio who answers him.
"She is afraid. Afraid that I will be angry for her attempt at tricking me into thinking she loved me. Or I should say, she loved my mortal self. But I'm not mad. Truth be told, your efforts were artfully done, Chel. Especially for one so young."
Chel's head comes up and she stares at Tulio in surprise, only for the god to smile back at her wickedly.
"Of course, that doesn't mean you haven't still bound yourself to our service with that fateful pledge of yours. Even if you didn't mean it at the time, words have power. And then you reaffirmed it, in front of your leader and all of your people. That… that gives me a lot of leeway to do this."
The dark-haired man tosses a hand in Chel's direction, and golden power flows from it, striking her in the chest. The tanned young woman cries out for a second, though it doesn't HURT per say. It just feels… odd. It's over almost as soon as it's begun, and all she can do is stare down at herself in confusion, wondering what's happened. She feels… not different, exactly, but strange. Rejuvenated? Energized perhaps?
"Oh? You must like this one, brother. So, we're keeping her, then?"
"Aye, we're keeping her."
Chel looks between them questioningly, and upon seeing the expression of utter bafflement on her face, Miguel leans forward and explains with the wide shit-eating grin she's seen on the blond a dozen times before… though it's never felt more real, more defined. An aspect of his godly existence, of course.
"My brother has just made you functionally immortal, my dear. So long as you remain at our sides and in service to us… you will not age. You can still die though, so do try to be careful."
Chel's mouth opens as her eyes widen at this revelation. Whatever she might have said though… there are no words. She opens and closes her mouth like a goldfish a few times before giving it up and just falling to her knees, prostrating herself before them both and speaking the words she knows she needs to say.
"What do my lords require of me?"
"Well, there was that thing you did with your tongue…"
Chel's head immediately shoots up as she looks to Tulio betrayed. But in the moments where she's flattened herself in prostration, both he and Miguel have reached down and begin to unbuckle their belts and open the ties on their pants. Their cocks come out, and Chel's blush becomes truly incandescent as she finds herself looking at their phalluses, glancing between them, privately comparing them.
There's no real comparing to be done though, they're both absolutely perfect to her eyes. Even Tulio's, which she's seen before, is enhanced by his godly essence. Reminded of what she did to truly convince him of her feelings for him, reminded of what she would have done to continue the ruse if the high priest hadn't erupted them mid-blowjob… Chel can only blush and begin crawling forward.
If this was what her gods wanted of her, if this is all she had to give in exchange for immortality… then that wouldn't be so bad, now would it? Sidling up between Miguel's legs rather than Tulio's, Chel doesn't look in the other god's direction, even as he lets out a disgruntled sigh while Miguel chuckles and lays a hand atop her head.
Perhaps she's being petty and perhaps she'll be punished for it… but it's not like she can be in two places at once, right? Taking the blond man's cock in her hands, Chel strokes it up and down a few times, staring at the tip cross-eyed as it leaks a bit of fluids. Then, she descends upon it, opening her full lips wide and taking the godly cock before her in her mouth.
Her tongue instinctively swirls in the same technique that Tulio had just praised moments before, and Miguel groans as his hand on her head grips tighter, his fingers lacing through her silken locks.
"Oh, I see what you mean now, brother. That thing she does with her tongue is absolutely phenomenal!"
Chel looks up to see Miguel grinning down at her, even as she bobs up and down on his cock. Tulio though, is having none of it.
"Whatever, just get that fine ass up here…"
Her mouth never leaves the blond's member, but over the next several seconds, Chel finds herself pulled from the floor to the couch, where she's summarily bent over, kneeling on the side of Miguel's body and still sucking his cock, while behind her, Tulio's hands come down on her ass, giving it a good squeeze that provokes a muffled moan from the young woman.
"Oh yeah… been waiting a while to have some fun with this one. If that fucker hadn't interrupted us the first time… heh, you have no idea how tempted I was to reveal myself right then and there just to get him out of the way so I could fuck you."
Chel can't help but blush a little at that. As odd as it might have seemed, that was probably the most romantic thing anyone had ever said to her. After all, she was no one special. She didn't come from a good family, nor did she have much in the way of prospects. Fuck, the first time she'd even met these two, it had been because she was running from the guards after stealing from the palace.
Needless to say, being desired isn't necessarily a NEW thing for Chel, but being desired by gods… she could get used to that. Even as Miguel takes her further down his member, forcing her to remove one of her hands as her lips stretch wide, Tulio flips up her skirt and drags down her undergarments, pulling them off her shapely, tanned bubble butt.
Then, he gives her a smack across her ass that causes Chel's lidded eyes to go wide and a stifled squeal to erupt from her stuffed mouth. She squirms a little, but he turns the smack into a grope a moment later, gripping and squeezing one of her ass cheeks with his hand. His other palm comes down on the opposite cheek a second after the first, and he repeats the maneuver, now groping every last inch of her bubble butt with his big, strong, masculine hands as Chel trembles in his grip.
"You're distracting her brother. For shame. Sweetheart, you need to focus more…"
Miguel's voice is chastising though, as he reaches out and grabs her by the wrist, guiding her free hand under his cock, to his balls. She begins to massage and knead his nut sack, even as her eyes start to water from just how deep she's taking his cock, just how deep the blond god is MAKING her take his cock.
"Hulghk… Hulghk… Hulghk…"
As she chokes and gurgles on his thick, meaty member, Miguel just chuckles and slides his other hand along her back.
"That's better. That's a good girl."
Then, his fingers are undoing the tie she has holding her top together in the back, and Chel finds herself losing said top as he pulls the cloth wrap off of her. His hand falls to her breasts the next thing she knows, and even as he continues to use his grip on her hair to guide her up and down his length, the tip of which continues to slide deeper and deeper into her esophagus, he also gropes and squeezes her tanned titflesh, one breast after another.
"You're so greedy, brother. You need to learn to share our toys better."
She'd almost forgotten about Tulio, with the way that Miguel had so captured her attention. Oh sure, the former's hands had still been on her ass, but they'd fallen into the background as nothing more than another pleasurable sensation while Miguel's actions had firmly redirected her focus. But now… out of nowhere, completely unprepared for it, Chel has her virginity sacrificed to a god. More specifically, the first hint she gets of what Tulio is about to do is when the tip of his cock presses against her slit, half a second before the rest of his magnificent, godly member slams home into her dripping wet, but wholly unexpecting cunt.
Chel's eyes go wide again, and she squeals all the louder around Miguel's cock as Tulio immediately sets to a rather brutal and rough pace. He fucks her without consideration for herself, but then, there is no pain to begin with. Chel would have thought there'd be pain, she'd heard enough from other women to know that sex, at least the first time and possibly more times after depending on your partner, was supposed to be painful.
This was not like the stories she'd heard. But then, to be fair, none of the women Chel had ever spoken to had ever been with a god, now had they? Let alone two gods… the young moan moans around Miguel's cock even as her inner walls clench along Tulio's pistoning member. The dark-haired god fucks her from behind, laying a fresh slap across her bouncing, jiggling buttocks every once in a while, while the blond god forces her further and further down his equally god-like shaft, until she can't even keep her hand on the base of his member anymore.
"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"
There's no mercy in it, as her free hand presses into the couch for support and her lips finally reach the base of Miguel's cock, his entire length buried in her tight, convulsing throat. Her pouty lips press into her other hand, which is still massaging his ball sack at this point, and she slobbers all over both her fingers and his nuts, even as her eyes threaten to roll back in her head.
And yet, despite their rough treatment of her, the pleasure is overwhelming. There's no discomfort, no pain. Chel is beginning to get the sense, even as she finally crests her peak and hits her first orgasm, that the power Tulio had put inside of her not only made her unaging, it also made her more… capable of handling their godly might.
The way they were fucking her with such wild abandon, Chel couldn't imagine herself surviving such a thing, even as she cries out around Miguel's cock, her eyes going crossed for a moment from the pleasure that washes over her. Her inner walls tighten and squeeze rhythmically around Tulio's length, and he groans but keeps fucking her all the same, his entire length burying itself in her cunt with each and every thrust at this point.
"Oh yeah, baby. You like that, sweetheart?"
"I can tell you for a fact that she does. The reverberations from her moans… I've decided I agree with you, Tulio. We're keeping this one for a long time to come. She's too fun not to have around."
Chel redoubles her efforts at hearing that, while Tulio just chuckles and gives her reddened bubble butt another hefty smack.
"What'd I say? She's a good girl, once she knows what she's dealing with. After all… her only wish is to serve the gods, right?"
Even having her own words thrown in her face doesn't really bother Chel at this point. She might have originally regretted those words, but that was then, this was now. As their eternal servant, she would never want for nothing. She would never age, so long as she continued to please them, so long as she made them happy. She would be by their side, and she would be subject to this amazing pleasure for as long as she liked.
Chel's eyes roll up in her head entirely on her next climax. She moans around Miguel's cock, her tongue slathering along his length. With a grunt, the blond god suddenly tightens her grip on her hair for a moment, and then he begins to cum. She's not really ready for it, and with his cock buried in her throat, she makes quite a mess as his seed comes back up and explodes out of her nostrils and the sides of her mouth. As Miguel releases her however, letting her slowly pull her throat off of his cock, another hand grips tight and drags her up quite a bit faster.
The tanned young woman is left moaning profusely into the open air, her eyes glazed over with pleasure and her ruined face covered in cum as Tulio drags her head up and forces her back to arch. Her tits bounce and jiggle in Miguel's face as a result, and the blond god gets a front row seat to her fucked silly expression as she cums again and again on Tulio's cock, until finally, her insides milk the godly being of his own release, his seed filling her womb.
As he slides out of her, he lets go of her hair, and Chel falls forward, her cheek pressing into the soft fabric of the couch she's currently knelt upon. Her ass remains stuck up in the air, even as Tulio's seed begins to flow out of her. However, even as she's thinking that a nap sounded really nice in that moment… golden power flows out of her.
Chel blinks as her stamina is rejuvenated, and when she sits up, its to find that the cum on her and in her is abruptly gone. Meanwhile, the gods she serve are both looking at her expectantly, their cocks hard and ready to go. Chel, blushing, knows what she it to do, and slowly turns around on the couch, before leaning over to take Tulio's cock in her mouth this time, while she juts her ass out in Miguel's direction so the blond can have his way with her.
This is her new life now. This is her penance for her idiocy. This… was her service to the gods.
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Looking for something Original from me to read? Check out The Soul Engine!