Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A Wrong Turn (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

A/N: A Wrong Turn was originally written in two parts back in February-March of 2019. Posting it up now as a one-shot for people to enjoy!

Summary: Buffy and Dawn take a wrong turn, but that's alright. The quaint village they find out in the middle of the dense woods they get lost in seems quite nice.

Themes: Inhuman Sex, Rough Sex, Breeding


"We're lost, Buffy."

Gritting her teeth and gripping the steering wheel a bit tighter, Buffy is forced to acknowledge her little sister's point. Not that Dawn is all that little anymore. They're both adults now, but Dawn will always be the baby of the family, and especially with mom gone, it falls to Buffy to look after her, to keep her safe. Which is really why it's so irritating that Dawn is completely and utterly right.

"… Yeah. We are."

Dawn lets out a brief snort at that, an exclamation of surprise that turns sarcastic immediately.

"Really? The great Buffy Summers is finally willing to admit she took a wrong turn? My, oh my, what is the world coming to?"

Buffy growls and directs a withering glare in Dawn's direction, which causes her sister to let out a sigh and roll her eyes.

"Sorry. Guess I'm just tired. And hungry. But mostly tired."

That draws a grimace across Buffy's face, and of course, it's in that moment that her stomach decides to growl, as if in agreement with her sister.

"… I am too. Look, this road has to go somewhere, right? And we're only at half a tank. It's not the end of the world yet, I'm sure we'll run into some sort of civilization sooner or later."

Dawn just nods in response, returning to looking out the window. Not that there's much to look at, given how fast they're driving and how heavily dense the forest is in these parts. While the road itself is paved and looks to be in a relatively good state, there's no denying that there somewhere that has DEEP forests. Last Buffy knew for sure, they were in Scandinavia. She figured they had to still be IN the country, or they would have hit a border crossing or something, but WHERE in the country they were, she couldn't have said.

The narrow, windy road that they were driving down seemed to be the only evidence of human exploration and life around them, and while Buffy was tempted to turn around… well, they weren't quite at only half a tank. Luckily, the car was built in such a way that Dawn would have had to crane her neck to see the actual state of their gas reserves, something the younger woman wasn't inclined to do. In truth, they only had a quarter of a tank left… and Buffy wasn't liking the look of those clouds overhead.

Best to push forward, because she already knew what was a quarter of a tank's worth of gas backwards. Forest and more forest. Letting out a low sigh, the blonde Vampire Slayer presses her lips together in a thin line and focuses on the road ahead. Soon, maybe. Soon… hopefully.


As luck would have it, they DID find civilization before their gas ran out. A small village showed up at the end of the road they'd been traveling, and in fact seemed to be the only reason the road existed in the first place, because there was no other road on the other side heading outwards. It was a one way trip, but Buffy didn't mind that, because the village had some gas they could use to fuel up and go back the way they came, easily enough.

And on top of that, there's a quaint little tavern for them to stay at as well, with a jolly old innkeeper. It's like something right out of a fantasy world, a strange mixture of modern and medieval that Buffy can tell Dawn appreciates. Though, she finds the time to appreciate it a lot more once they get a meal and a bedroom.

As Buffy had thought, there WAS a storm coming in. By the time they were done eating, the rains were pouring down and the thunder was near-constant as the weather event hammered the area. It'd simply been common sense to stay the evening, and despite being quite rustic and quaint, the tavern was built to code, because it held back the worst of the storm without suffering too much damage.

By the time morning came, both Buffy and Dawn were well-rested and feeling pretty good about themselves, ready to turn right back around and chalk this up to a learning experience. That is, until the innkeeper drops a small bombshell on them.

"The sheriff wanted me to pass along a message to you two. Well, it was really meant for any travelers we might have staying with us at the moment, but given that's only the two of you… anyways, a rather large tree fell out on the road a few miles out of town, and the whole thing is blocked off right now. Unfortunately, it'll take a bit to get it removed, so you two won't be able to leave today. Maybe not even tomorrow."

Buffy and Dawn had both shared a look of dismay at that, but the innkeeper wasn't done yet.

"As a consolation, the village council has declared a willingness to cover your meals and an extra night stay while they work to clear the road! Doesn't that sound nice?"

It's hard to be upset when the big, round, jolly innkeeper is… well, so personable. Letting out a sigh, Buffy looks to Dawn.


Dawn just shakes her head, but she's smiling slightly as she looks over at the innkeeper.

"That sounds wonderful. Thank you for your hospitality, and thank them for us if you can, please?"

The innkeeper just smiles back and nods, before leaving the two young women to their breakfast. Dawn looks over at Buffy, and Buffy ducks her head, now thoroughly embarrassed at this point. After all, she'd gotten them into this mess. It was all her fault, really.

"Seriously Dawn, I'm sorr-."

"It's alright, Buffy. Just, in the future, maybe we can use a map?"

Buffy just nods her head, not really having a comeback to that succinct bit of wisdom. In the end, the two girls eat their breakfast in silence, but it's not as awkward or uncomfortable as it could be. In the end, they're still sisters, after all. They're all either of them really has left, and they'll always forgive. Regardless, once breakfast is finished, there comes a point where they have to decide what to do with the rest of their day.

Neither Buffy nor Dawn are the type to remain cooped up inside all day, when they could be out being active instead. So, without any hesitation, both girls leave their car behind at the tavern and head out on the town to explore. Giving themselves a tour of the old, rustic place is actually quite fun, and they learn a lot about the village. As it turns out, the modern bits are so odd and out of place because it's only been a few decades since the place was rediscovered by the larger government in the area. Hell, until a few years ago, the road that they'd traveled down hadn't even been paved, it'd been a dirt road.

That really put things into perspective, and brought new enjoyment to the strange juxtaposition between 'olden times' and modern values. Dawn was having the time of her life, Buffy could tell, and that made the blonde happy… but at the same time, there was something niggling in the back of Buffy's head. It was like they were being watched, but every time she looked around, she didn't SEE anyone staring at them.

And everyone they came across in the village was super friendly too. No one was standoffish, or angry that they were there. Buffy would have expected to meet at least one person who just had a bad attitude or a stony disposition, but it was all sunshine and raindrops and smiles, all around. She wasn't sure what to think of it.

Still, she didn't want to ruin things for Dawn just because she was feeling paranoid. In all honestly, they probably WERE being watched, given the curious villagers who they kept interacting with, people just didn't want to get caught staring. Though, that didn't explain why it felt like there was a gaze burning through her damn shoulder blades every time she found her back to the forest that surrounded the village.

And it only got worse when Dawn wanted to go INTO the forest, though they were warned to be cautious and stay within view of the tree line at all times, because there were wolves and such that roamed the woods. In the end, they hadn't gone too far in, but that didn't stop Buffy from feeling like she was being hunted. That was what it was. Finally being able to put a name to it… it felt good.

Only, about the same time she came to that realization, the sensation of being watch came to an abrupt end. Buffy couldn't explain it, but rather, just tried to shake it off and enjoy the rest of her day with Dawn. And to be fair, there was a lot to enjoy. They went back to the tavern for lunch, and then again for dinner, and both meals were just as fantastic as the dinner and then breakfast they'd enjoyed before.

The food was delicious, and the company was spot-on. By the time Buffy went to sleep, she'd completely put the earlier feelings of being watched out of her head. As it turns out… that was a mistake.


When she wakes up, she's not in the comfortable albeit unfamiliar bed that she fell asleep in. No, far from it in fact, because Buffy finds herself waking up chained to a stone slab out in the woods, completely naked. The only thing that makes sense, given how groggy she is even now, is that their food was drugged. THEIR food… Buffy's eyes go wide and she strains against the chains as she looks around wildly.


But she doesn't see her sister, at least not immediately. And on top of that, she doesn't manage to break free of the chains holding her down, not even with her enhanced Slayer strength. That's the next sign that something is really, REALLY wrong here. The sign after that is what she DOES see, as well as what she hears as she looks around frantically for her sister.

Dawn is nowhere in sight, but there are several women surrounding the altar that Buffy finds herself chained to. Chanting, the women are all naked, save for what can only be body paint or blood decorating their curvaceous forms. On top of that, they do wear one thing, cowls made from wolf skins, the head atop their head, with the rest of the skin down their back.

Buffy's struggling seems to have started something though, because even as they continue chanting, they also move forward as one, holding up bowls and painting implements, and moving to slide the strange sticky substance within those bowls across Buffy's body. She tries to squirm away, but there are too many of them, and they're VERY persistent.

On top of that, the places that they paint with whatever the hell they're putting on her body start to heat up in a not-unpleasurable way, leaving Buffy wetter and wetter, even as she groans and moans. By the time they pull back, she's not writhing and squirming around to try to get AWAY from them anymore, she's writhing and squirming around, as well as straining against her chains because all in all, Buffy wants… no, she NEEDS to touch herself.

However, before she can do anything else, there's something suddenly on top of her. It comes out of nowhere, or so it seems in her dazed, drugged stupor. One moment, she's staring up at the night sky and the gorgeous full moon shining through the trees, and the next, she's staring into a massive wolf's maw, two large red eyes staring back at her as giant clawed paws press into the altar on either side of her head.

And then she feels it. Buffy's breath hitches as she looks down the length of her painted body, to between her legs. The wolf, this massive canine beast, is unsheathing his cock. Its growing at an impressive rate, and he doesn't even have to move it for the tip to press into her folds, his erection thickening right into her cunt.

Of course, that doesn't mean he just stays still. Buffy barely has a moment to process what's happening before the big, fat cock thrusts into her, filling her all the way to her womb and then some. Buffy cries out, while the women unchain her and step back to continue chanting. But even freed, she doesn't try to fight it. She's already too lost in the arousal, too lost in the pleasure.

He's so thick and big inside of her. She can already feel his knot pressing against her entrance, even as the tapered end of his canine cock pushes right past her cervix and directly into her poor womb, filling her up so thoroughly. Buffy climaxes around the massive beast's cock time and time again, her eyes rolling all over the place as she moans expressively.

Some small part of her hopes Dawn is okay… but that's about it. The rest of her wants nothing more than to get FUCKED by this beautiful, magnificent, ALPHA. And to her distinct pleasure, that's exactly what happens. The wolf takes Buffy over and over again, and she loves every last moment of it, unable to get enough. This… she could live the rest of her life, doing this.


"Oh, those two! Yes, they came through here!"

"Really?! What can you tell me about their time here? Are they still here?"

"Oh no sir, sorry to say they're long gone by now. They stayed a night due to the storm, but then left the next day with a tank full of gas! Can't imagine which way they went next but back, that road is the only one in and out of these woods, after all!"

"Ah… right… guess this is dead end then…"

"Heh, quite literally, son! Best of luck to ya though, both seemed like very nice girls!"

As Xander Harris hangs his head and waves goodbye to the jolly innkeeper he'd been questioning, the young man heads back to his car, dejected. Meanwhile, unseen by Xander, a young blonde woman, naked save for body paint and a wolf's head cowl, watches him leave from the forest's edge. As soon as his car is gone, back down the road from whence it came, a smile graces her face and she caresses her pregnant belly before turning around and moving away into the forest.

Eventually, she meets up with another young woman dressed in the exact same manner, and equally as pregnant. The two of them exchange smiles and lock arms together as they continue on their way, deeper into the forest that has become their home.


It would be a lie if she said she wasn't scared. But at the same time, that fear was tempered by confidence. Oh, not confidence in herself, nothing so ridiculous… but Buffy would save her. Dawn could always count on her sister to save the day. Even if her big sister could be obstinate to the point of fault sometimes, that stubbornness was honestly part of what made it so that Buffy always came through, in the end.

She should have known better, though. They both should have known better. There was no such thing as an innocent mistake when it came to them. No such thing as a friendly town at the end of a road to nowhere either. Mistakes were always the work of fate demons, and friendly towns in the middle of bum-fuck nowhere were always secret havens of evil, just waiting to pounce.

Dawn had let her guard down, and that had resulted in her getting captured. Buffy might have been taken too, but if she had, Dawn hadn't seen her yet. Though to be fair, it'd only been about half an hour since the young woman had woken up naked in this cage, out in the middle of the woods, surrounded by massive, tall trees. There was a campfire at least, she could see that much. Just like she could see some of the… people sitting around it. None of them were actually dressed like normal people though, and in the fire light Dawn could make out wolf skin shawls and the like. This was fucking weird, there was no denying that.

But what else was she to do but sit and wait? It was times like these that made Dawn wish she wasn't so powerless. Times like these made her wish she'd chosen to keep the powers that came with being a Key, rather than giving them up to become a 'normal girl'. Hell, Dawn would even have taken the curse placed on her by her ex Kenneth right now, if it got her out of this shit. And all things considered, being able to transform into a giantess or a centaur at the drop of a hat very well might have let her bust free of her cage and find Buffy.

That wasn't going to happen though. Dawn was 'just a normal girl', and while she was also just a normal girl with a kickass Slayer of a sister, until that sister showed up, Dawn was helpless and trapped. There was nothing she could do here but wait for something to happen. And lo and behold, as if summoned by her thoughts, something did.

"Bring the girl to the altar."

The newcomer to the campfire comes out of nowhere, and Dawn only even notices them when they speak. It's a woman, that much Dawn can tell, but other than that, she can't make out much in the way of features or anything like that. Regardless, 'the girl' in this case is obvious to her, even before those around the fire move to her cage and pick it up, carrying her along with it.

Dawn growls and tries to shake things up a bit, pushing back and forth. Not like they can really do anything to her while she's still inside, right?

"Fuckers, you better let me go, right now. You aren't going to like what happens if you don't."

But even as she tries to bluster, there's no denying that the woman's words have set the sparks of fear already in Dawn's breast aflame. Altar. She'd said to 'bring the girl to the altar'. Dawn had bad experiences with altars. Hell, she'd never had a good one, that was for sure. Everyone was always trying to sacrifice her on altars. Was that what they were going to do to her now? Had her and Buffy stumbled across some sort of town cult that sacrificed nubile virgins on the night of the full moon or something?

Well… there was something. She wasn't a virgin, and neither was Buffy. So, they were shit out of luck there. Not that Dawn was going to say that. She was smart enough and experienced enough with crazies like these to know that telling them she'd ruined their plan just by living her life and going to a few parties would only end in them getting rid of her faster, not letting her go with a sheepish apology.

Better to let it all play out, and worst-case scenario, she'd die knowing that her sacrifice was tainted, and they sacrificed a non-virgin to whatever sadistic thing they were worshipping. Still, all of this inner ferocity and confidence does take a bit of a hit, when they finally make it to the ritual clearing. And oh yes, it's most definitely a ritual clearing.

For one, the majority of the people who'd been around the campfire, while they'd been wearing wolf-skin shawls, had been male. They'd also been clothed. Now though, as her cage is set down and said men begin to shuffle back into the woods, Dawn finds herself staring at a whole lot of women in wolf-skin shawls… and nothing else, save for body paint.

On top of that, she can clearly see the altar that had been previously mentioned in the middle of the clearing, surrounded by numerous stones and what not. Yeah, this was a ritual circle or a druid's circle or something like that if she'd ever seen one. And much as it pained her to admit it, Dawn had probably seen too many such things in her life.

The cage is opened, and numerous hands reach in to grab her. Dawn doesn't go easily, of course. Snarling and growling and biting and struggling, the young woman does her best to break free. But if anything, the painted women in the wolf-skin shawls are stronger than they should be as they drag her with iron grips over to the altar, chaining her down to it and spreading her limbs to each of its four corners.

Dawn whimpers, and pulls a little, but none of the chains have any real give to them, none feel especially weak. In the end, as dumb as she feels saying it, all Dawn has left are her words.

"M-My sister is going to stop this, you know? Just… just you watch. Buffy will beat you all black and blue for this."

Of course, the answer she receives is not one she's expecting, and nearly stops her heart.

"Oh Dawnie… why would I do that?"

Dawn's head snaps up, and she cranes her neck to watch as someone approaches from the shadows. This one is not wearing a wolf-skin shawl, allowing Dawn to see her blonde hair, even as she draws closer. However, she is naked, and covered in the same body paint that the others are. SHE is also Buffy. Dawn just gapes for a moment, staring at her smiling sister.


Moving in closer, almost languidly, looking utterly relaxed despite the circumstances, Buffy reaches for Dawn and slides her hands into her younger sister's hair, before pressing their foreheads together.

"It's alright, Dawn. Everything is going to be just fine."

For a moment, Dawn assumes that this is Buffy tricking these crazy cultists, and that she's reassuring Dawn that she's going to get her out of here. But then… then Buffy pulls back and snaps her fingers, speaking in an authoritative tone.

"The paint. Bring me the paint."

Bowls are presented to Buffy, and the blonde dips her fingers into them, coming away with the same sort of substance that covers her body. Dawn's eyes widen as she stares at it.

"Buffy… what are you doing?"

"You'll see, Dawn. Don't worry, everything will make so much more sense for you, soon enough."

Dawn whimpers and tries to flinch away when her sister's fingers descend upon her naked, bared flesh. But the chains keep her in place, even as Buffy begins to paint. And yet, the stuff that she's using on Dawn's skin… it's not cold, like she would expect. It's the middle of the night, so Dawn was honestly already pretty chilly. It would have made sense for her not to notice a new source of cold given the circumstances.

But this stuff, this body paint, it's not just not cold… it's WARM. Dawn watches as Buffy draws on her flesh, painting this way and that, seeming almost compelled or possessed in her efforts, but the shiver that crawls down Dawn's spine has nothing to do with body temperature. This isn't… this isn't Buffy. Something is controlling her. Something has a hold of her sister.

"Buffy. Buffy, please. You have to listen to me. You have to snap out of it. They've done something to you. They're m-making you do things you DON'T want to do!"

For a second, Buffy pauses and Dawn wonders if she got through to her. But then her big sister just looks at her with the same curious smile.

"But Dawn, I most definitely do want to do this. Let me share this experience with you."

Dawn just whines, even as the body paint starts to accumulate, even as the warmth grows into heat, and the heat… the heat starts to feel really, REALLY good. She writhes atop the altar, mewling in growing arousal, but Buffy never stops painting her flesh, not until she decides she's finished. By the time Buffy IS done, Dawn is practically incoherent, her eyes rolling around, her vision swimming, and her body filled with a NEED that she can't express in words.

That's when it comes. The big, bad wolf. Dawn giggles senselessly at her own joke, even as the chains holding her down are pulled away. But even as she's released, she finds herself not caring even remotely. Flipping over onto her front, Dawn gets on her hands and knees on the altar, before leaning forward onto one elbow so she can slide her other hand down between her legs, rubbing against her clit before spreading her pussy lips wide.

"Please… pleeeease, I need it."

The young woman doesn't even really understand what she's asking for, at least at first. She continues to not understand, until finally the massive wolf plants his paws on either side of her, and mounts both her and the altar in one fell swoop. Then, his tapered canine tip slaps up against her undercarriage, and Dawn knows EXACTLY what she's asking for. And as that cock rubs against her spread slip, as the tip finds purchase in her folds, Dawn hisses her approval.

"Yesss… just like that. Give it to me, you big beast. Give it to me, oh mighty Fenrir!"

Probably not it's name, fuck if she knows, but hey, it's the name of a wolf from mythology, so why not? And the wolf itself certainly doesn't complain, as it growls into her ear lustfully, before slamming it's entire length right into her cunt. Dawn may not have been a virgin by this point… but no amount of sex with college boys could ever have prepared her for this. This great big monstrosity of a wolf nearly splits her in twain with his massive cock, and there's nothing Dawn can do but take it. There's nothing she WANTS to do but take it.

Howling and clawing at the stone altar beneath her, Dawn arches her back, her head brushing against the wolf's furred neck as it immediately begins to fuck her. It's massive head comes down to rest on her shoulder in turn, it's slathering, slobbering maw next to her face. But Dawn feels absolutely no fear at being presented with such long fangs. Instead, she giggles to herself again, before moaning to the wolf.

"My… what big TEETH you have."

For a second, she thinks the humor is really just for her. But then, out of nowhere, her sister is there. Buffy stands before Dawn, cradling her face in her hands, and the two stare at one another for a long moment.

"All the better to eat you with, my dear."

Buffy's answering amusement is enough for Dawn to know that her sister is still there. Just like she's still there, really. All that's happened to them is… a simple rearrangement in priorities. She gets now why Buffy would go along with this, though she imagines that just like her, the Slayer fought and failed. Still, she was glad that it could be Buffy that painted her. That remade her anew in the wolf's image. She was glad that she could have her sister here for this.

A particularly jarring thrust from the wolf pushes Dawn forward, and her lips smash against Buffy's. Taking advantage, she slips her tongue right into her big sister's mouth, and Buffy responds by kissing her right back. The two moan as their tongues intertwine, all while Dawn continues to get filled with dick meat by the massive, mighty wolf currently mounted atop her.

All good things come to an end though. This almost seems like it doesn't, almost feels like it lasts for an eternity, but ultimately, there comes a point after many, many orgasms that Dawn finally feels it happening, the massive wolf filling her with his seed, his knot too large to fit inside of her cunt without actually hurting her. He pulls out once he's done, and Buffy pulls her off of the altar.

She finds herself soon on her hands and knees again though, right beside her sister as they both move beneath the wolf, to take his cock in their hands and worship it with their mouths and their tongues. Dawn proves just as enthusiastic and eager to do so as Buffy, even as the wolf's seed flows out of her drooling, dripping quim… just as it does with Buffy.

She's finally where she belongs. THEY'RE finally were they belong. And Dawn knows, right then and there, that neither have any intention of ever leaving this place.


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