Being a Villain is My True Calling

Chapter 83 - The Conclusion of Black Night

The former strongest hero, Alpha.

Now regarded as semi-legendary, yet an indisputably real figure within the modern annals of this world’s history.

‘Well, not terribly ancient history, but history nonetheless.’

40 years.

The span since he ceased his heroic activities and was incarcerated – the duration it took for all traces of his existence to vanish, reduced to mere ink blots within historical records.

‘The Hero Association’s efforts are rather formidable, it would seem.’

Alpha, driven to insanity by some unspecified incident.

Once South Korea’s celebrated pride, only to ultimately become a national disgrace – the association labored diligently to erase those lingering stains.

Thanks to their endeavors, while Alpha’s name and deeds remained known to all, they had successfully transformed him into a figure people were loath to mention.

‘Reminiscent of that unspeakable cosmic entity from that one novel series.’

At any rate, over those 40 intervening years, he became a historical footnote unconnected to the recently born.

And those elderly individuals predating that interim avoided uttering Alpha’s name entirely.

Not that their numbers were particularly substantial to begin with, having dwindled significantly due to villainous terrorism.

“Wow! We get to witness a living historical figure from our textbooks?”

“Haah…nothing to celebrate, you dimwit. How do we handle this imbecile…”

“Considering the historical accounts~ this could prove rather troublesome~”

And courtesy of the association’s efforts, all potentially targeted were left floundering.

“Sheesh, what a vexation. It’s only been 40 years, are there truly no video records? How do we prepare countermeasures!”

“Normalization!! Even the nefarious association has bestowed the blessing of normalization! All traces of him have been normalized awaaaaay!!”

“For fuck’s sake, someone sedate or expel that nutjob promptly!”

“Regardless of his villainy, utterly purging all existing information seems suspect. The association is undoubtedly conspiring.”

As mentioned, the association had thoroughly erased all audiovisual records of Alpha long ago.

Even the currently active villains, apprehensive about countering a figure once deemed the strongest, found themselves floundering.

“Just what deranged lunatic would perpetrate such an act…”

“We have our hands full merely developing our own organization!”


Unsurprisingly, none suspected the informant’s involvement.

Not that I would have admitted it – otherwise, I might have already indulged in some urban remodeling with Alpha, treating cities like sculptable clay.

“But how did you acquire such information in the first place?”

“Exactly! We were utterly oblivious to this?”

Of course, some did question the source of my intel.

A reasonable inquiry, given the abrupt revelation.

“I shall simply say that I have access to reliable informants. The specifics are trade secrets, I’m afraid.”

Regardless, my words had been officially authenticated as factual by our esteemed


In such cases, the source held little substantive value beyond potential cross-verification.

Such queries could be safely disregarded.

‘It’s not as if evading them would implicate me as the culprit.’

“Well…while you may not be fully trustworthy yet, the

has validated the information itself, so we ought to believe it, should we not?”

At Rinring’s pragmatic assessment, most villains grudgingly nodded in agreement.

Whereupon Rinring sidled up to me once more.

“By the way, handsome~ you really don’t know anything else? Hmm?”

“Such as?”

“Well~ even for Eclipse, possessing insider information on Alpha seems rather farfetched…”

I’m quite familiar with his particulars, you see.

While through different means, he had made an appearance in the original narrative as well.

‘Knowing his full attack patterns might be unrealistic, but I have a general grasp of his offensive capabilities.’

I had witnessed his raging retrospective reminiscences firsthand.

Among the living, apart from Alpha himself, his closest friend, and one other individual currently regarding me with suspicion from above, I likely possessed the most comprehensive knowledge of him.

If so inclined, I could expound for hours on the subject.

But that would yield me no tangible benefits.

“You don’t have any information on the individual attempting to liberate Alpha either?”

Despite her smiling visage, Rinring’s eyes betrayed utmost solemnity.

Contemplating how best to respond, I opted for evasiveness.

“Unfortunately, I have nothing substantive to disclose on that matter.”

“Not even their name, identifying characteristics, or when they intend to extract Alpha, truly nothing?”

I was privy to all those details, but divulging them could prove catastrophic.

“It seems this individual is acting with utmost discretion.”

I couldn’t allow them to ponder Maker’s true identity or my role in Alpha’s potential release.

Once this incident unfolded, investigations would be unavoidable.

Hence, diverting their focus by establishing an entirely separate antagonist persona had become imperative.

‘Fabricating a phantom adversary like Akaoni would facilitate concealing or deflecting my culpability.’

Granted, the preparations remained imperfect at present.

While crafting a semblance of tangible existence for Akaoni through falsified historical records, an entity devoid of substance would inevitably raise suspicions once scrutinized.

Aside from the amusement park incident, he currently lacked an established provenance – prematurely exploiting an incomplete fabrication would be unwise.

‘For now, it would be prudent to merely lay the groundwork without overt revelations.’

“For the moment, let us shelve this matter. Were we not still in the midst of the Information Exchange?”


So engrossed had we become that they had temporarily forgotten the unfinished proceedings.

Some participants had yet to disclose their initial pieces of information.

“Let us conclude the exchange first, then we can resume this discussion. I shall endeavor to answer forthrightly to the best of my knowledge at that juncture.”

Finally recalling the original purpose, the villains gradually restored order and continued divulging their remaining intelligence through the


‘Hmm, not bad, not bad!’

Having already expended my quota, I naturally assumed a passive role as a recipient.

Contently absorbing the influx of information, I committed the more valuable insights to memory.

“…With that, we shall conclude this year’s Information Exchange.”

Before long, the proceedings reached their conclusion.

“Handsome! Regarding the hero Alpha…”

“When you said Korea would ‘scorch’, did you mean literal arson? Or was it merely a metaphor?”

“Are there no potential safe havens to consider?”

The subsequent barrage of questions prompted me to offer further elucidation, occupying my time until Black Night’s imminent conclusion.

“Bye bye, Gay Maker! Thanks for the info! Seems like supply chains and sales won’t be an issue if war breaks out!”

“Huff…I suppose we’ll have to temporarily shutter the fight club then, prioritizing force reinforcements next…ah, thanks for the premium intel?”

“Looks like the year-end will be rather eventful~ Let me know if you need any narcotics next time, I have plenty of non-addictive product lines as well~”

Exchanging brief expressions of gratitude, the villains began departing with their assigned guides, returning to their respective lairs.

‘At least they exhibit some semblance of normalcy in that regard.’

While their personalities were undoubtedly eccentric, their mental faculties seemed grounded enough to attend such social gatherings appropriately.

“Next time, you have to let me know if you’re a virgin or not! That way I can decide if I want to befriend you!”

“Nor,normalizzzz…zation, don’t speak informally!!!!, Ah, no this is normal…”


Of course, some participants defied comprehension entirely.

“Handsome! Thanks for the info! It should help minimize losses for the Black Dragon Society…by the way, do you have OurChat? I’d like to exchange messenger details…”

“Your contribution has afforded us preparation time, at least. If you require assistance, do not hesitate to ask – even without invoking those wish vouchers, I shall aid you once.”

After receiving appreciative smiles from Rinring and an offer to install the ‘OurChat’ Chinese app from the solemn elder who had initially inquired about potential recompense, the venue was finally vacated.


Aside from myself, all villains had dispersed from the premises.

‘…So, I’ve disseminated sufficient information.’

Was it time for the host to confront me, I wondered?

“Maker niiim!!”

At that moment, a woman materialized brazenly within the now vacant space.

“We meet again, Clock Rabbit.”

“Aaah! Maker niiim~ I’ve been waiting for youuu!”

Discarding her coat, Clock Rabbit appeared in her usual bunny girl attire, practically bouncing towards me like an actual rabbit.

With each energetic hop, her pendulous…timepieces jiggled provocatively.


Unable to avert my gaze discreetly, I materialized a simple coat using my abilities and draped it over her shoulders.

“Where did you misplace your coat?”

“I removed it in an attempt to seduce you!”

She stated it so brazenly…

Bewildered by her candor, I instinctively took a step back as I continued.

“Enough jests. Could you explain why I have not been dismissed yet?”

“I wasn’t jesting…!”

Though she seemed mildly aggrieved, I dismissed her protest breezily.

Cutting to the chase, if you would.

“…Huff, fine. The reason you were the last to remain is because a request has been made of you.”

Seemingly comprehending my intent, Clock Rabbit promptly addressed the crux of the matter.

Taking a steadying breath, her demeanor shifted to uncharacteristic solemnity.

“Our Queen wishes to see you.”

Clock Rabbit’s subsequent words signaled the culmination I had awaited.

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