Being a Villain is My True Calling

Chapter 82 - Black Night (7)

“That concludes my disclosure. Shall we proceed to the next turn?”


The hall remained enshrouded in silence.

“This can’t be the conclusion…! We can’t simply end it here!!”

As I smiled wryly, feigning bewilderment, some villains began pressing me.

“Elaborate further!”
“Who is this ‘Worst Hero’ you speak of?”
“Care to divulge more~?”

Admittedly, my revelation had been excessively abridged.
I had omitted all context, presenting only the conclusion.


“Unfortunately, I have fulfilled my obligation to provide information.”

That was precisely my intent.
I’m no charitable volunteer indiscriminately divulging intelligence like a fool, after all.

Moreover, the individuals surrounding me represented Korea’s prominent villain organizations.
With some boasting international branches spanning multiple regions, they had ample stakes to lose – and substantial benefits to extract from me.

“Oh, come now, can’t you show a little camaraderie, hmm? Just this once?”
“Hmm…I find myself somewhat disinclined to extend such courtesies, given the palpable animosity directed towards me by certain individuals present. Considering their discourteous conduct…hmm.”

“As expected, this insolent whelp vexes me! He should swiftly self-terminate…!!”
“…Hey! First things first, shut that brat’s trap!!”

Precisely the reaction I had anticipated, an enraged villain’s outburst.
Inwardly thanking him for playing into my scheme, I feigned dismissiveness with a condescending smile, bowing my head slightly.


The other villains regarded me with exasperated expressions.

“Here we have a prime example of how to infuriate people! Step one: abruptly cease speaking…”
“Is he malfunctioning or something? Or did this nutjob ingest some hallucinogenic crap?”
“Hmm, doubtful~? As you’re aware, that’s an ‘artifact’, is it not~? While complete obliteration or degradation of its abilities is possible, outright malfunctions are unheard of~”
“And even if he were hallucinating, the counter has never decreased like that before. Ordinarily, only the required disclosure rounds fluctuate.”
“Normalization, normalization is required…”
“Fucking hell.”

One particularly vexed villain ran his fingers through his hair in agitated exasperation.
Yet regardless of their frustration, they could hardly dismiss my words outright.

‘Vague information inevitably breeds such reactions.’

The informational voids would undoubtedly become glaringly apparent.
And in their attempts to fill those gaps through speculation, their imaginations would inevitably run rampant.

However, the revelation I had provided left an expansive chasm to speculate upon.
I had merely stated that ‘The Worst Hero’ intended to scorch Korea – devoid of any substantiating context.

The information I had imparted existed as a mere conclusion lacking any preceding narrative.
Consequently, their imaginations would have ample leeway to run unchecked.

Furthermore, with their very organizations and lives potentially at stake, their speculations would only escalate in an attempt to alleviate the unsettling uncertainties.

‘Who exactly is this ‘Worst Hero’? Does ‘scorch’ imply literal arson, or is it a metaphorical expression, and so forth.’

Unable to grasp the crux, their imaginations would inevitably spiral outwards.
And the more expansive their conjectures, the more profound their apprehensions would become.

Having glimpsed a partial truth, they would now crave the complete revelation to sate their disquiet – denying them that would only intensify their agitation.

“So, are you pitying us or not?”

Of course, some individuals remained utterly oblivious to such concerns.

“Handsome, any chance you could share that intel exclusively with me?”

At that moment, Rinring sidled up closer, whispering suggestively into my ear.

“I’d be willing to provide proper…compensation, if you catch my drift?”

Just as she attempted to set a sultry mood…

“Virgin! I told you, stop feigning experience!”
“…You again?!”

The horned girl’s intrusion once more dispelled the charged atmosphere.

“Why are you so ashamed of being a virgin?”
“Ugh…! I’m not a virgin, I said!”
“Just own it proudly! Say ‘I’m a virgin!’ Out loud!”
“Don’t make me say it out loud!!”

Rinring’s flushed face contrasted with the girl’s bemused expression.
Having briefly observed their antics, another individual’s gruff voice reverberated through the hall.

“So, what exactly do you desire?”

Despite his seemingly subdued tone, the entire venue fell silent at his utterance.

“What price would compel you to divulge that information?”
“Did I not already state that my allotted disclosure time has concluded?”

Adopting a nonchalant demeanor, I smiled faintly while meeting his gaze.
The man nodded in acknowledgment of my words.

“True, you speak correctly. According to the ’s assessment, that cursory information alone was sufficient to fulfill your quota.”

In other words, even that vague revelation had been immensely valuable to everyone present.
Hence, his expression betrayed a determination to extract any additional insights I might offer.

“However, there are no stipulated rules prohibiting villains from trading information amongst themselves here, are there?”

Turning an impassive gaze towards the staff member, he awaited confirmation.
Upon receiving an affirmative nod, he continued.

“Therefore, I wish to purchase that information. Let us relocate for some privacy. Disregard those riffraff over there.”

“”What did you say?!””

Outraged protests erupted from the other villains.
Coupled with my provocative demeanor, their animosity only intensified as they attempted to outbid me.

“Hey! Don’t deal with that pompous prick, trade with me instead! I can offer shares in our organization’s fight club operation!”
“Hah, some measly fight club? Maker, we’ll grant you a stake in one of our subsidiary organizations instead. No management required, and we’ll even cover the tribute fees!”
“Hmmdid you ingrates forget about this child’s organization? We possess ample might Kid, I’ve been cultivating a potent narcotic lately, care to collaborate on its distribution? Highly addictive and euphoric – it would undoubtedly attract a sizable clientele…”

The villains proffered a diverse array of enticements.

“Handsome, wouldn’t a powerful ally like the Black Dragon Society prove useful?”
“Know anyone suffering from organ failure or poor eyesight? We can replace them, no problems!”
“We have a vast selection of premium virgins and untouched merchandise frequently sought by the wealthy elite! Yours, if desired!”


Even accounting for their apparent foolishness, these were still villains through and through.
Their casual mentions of various illegalities were mildly disconcerting.

Allowing a momentary pause amidst their fixated gazes, I responded.

“Very well. I shall divulge that information to all present.”

Beaming cordially at the assembled villains.
Nice checkmate!!

“To begin, I must amend the premise upon which your offers were extended.”
“Amend it?”
“The conditions you proposed in trade carry vastly differing values, you see.”

It would hardly be equitable for those proposing superior offers to receive identical information as those with inferior ones, would it?
My words prompted nods of acquiescence from the villains.

‘That was merely a superficial justification. In truth, I aimed to simultaneously secure viable conditions while precluding potential reprisals after today.’

What use did I have for subsidiary underlings from other organizations?
Managing a fight club operation seemed excessively tedious, and while some acquaintances did suffer from ailments, organ transplants hardly constituted cures.

Ultimately, their proposals held no practical utility for me.
By reframing the terms, I could minimize my apparent gains while avoiding outright refusal and potential retaliation.

“How about granting me ‘wish vouchers’ instead?”
“Wish vouchers?”
“A one-time privilege allowing me to request your assistance in fulfilling a desire from each of you.”

Naturally, within reasonable bounds that did not jeopardize their villain organizations.
And my intended ‘wishes’ would undoubtedly fall well within their individual capacities.

“How does that sound?”
“…Works for us!”

From their perspectives, I would likely appear a gullible fool.
No formal contracts, merely verbal agreements – coupled with ‘wishes’ they could easily dismiss or downplay once stated.

‘But that only applies if I eventually become an expendable entity, does it not?’

So long as I could consistently provide quality intelligence moving forward, none would dare attempt to renege or undermine me.

In fact, outright refusal could prompt overzealous acquiescence, lest they risk being denied future revelations.

‘As I gradually unveil further insights, they will become increasingly docile towards my words – obedient little pets, essentially.’

For I would mold them as such.
Suppressing an inward smile at that envisioned future, I cleared my throat in preparation.

“Let me begin by elucidating this ‘Worst Hero’…”

Taking a sip from the beverage provided by the staff, I proceeded.

“Surely none of you are unfamiliar with the hero ‘Alpha’.”


The villains reacted with visible shock at the mention.
An understandable reaction, to be sure.

Hero Alpha.
Formerly South Korea’s preeminent S-rank hero, active within the nation.

“…The strongest hero.”

As that murmured response indicated, he had indeed been the world’s mightiest hero.

“But I heard he perished? Is he the ‘Worst Hero’ you refer to?”
“While reported deceased, he is, in fact, alive.”

The purported strongest hero ultimately descended into insanity, his rampage only ended by his closest heroic comrade – or so the world was informed.

However, that was a fabricated narrative.
Alpha did not perish in that final confrontation but was instead incarcerated in the world’s sole and most formidable maximum-security prison.

“Alpha remains alive, languishing in the deepest recesses of that very penitentiary.”

Assuredly whetting the blade of his vengeance.
Allowing my smile to dissipate, I surveyed the assembled villains intently.

“And from my personal investigations, it appears an individual is attempting to extract Alpha from that prison. Their identity remains undetermined for now.”

“Just what kind of deranged lunatic would…”

Ah, and incidentally.
I had no intentions of revealing the orchestrator behind Alpha’s potential liberation.

“Indeed, a pertinent question.”

Engrossed in their ponderings, the villains remained oblivious to the subject’s presence right before their eyes.
Inwardly stifling an amused chuckle, I observed their bemused expressions.

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