
Chapter 68: New experiences…

Melody stood up after speaking and then gestured for me to follow as she headed toward the staircase. Once we were upstairs, we headed straight down the hallway and into the bathroom where I realized… I need to pee. Once we both stood in front of the sinks, looking at ourselves, me naked and Melody still clothed, I spoke. “Uhm… I… need to pee…”

Melody tilted her head, then looked away from my reflection and down towards the toilet on our right, smiling. “Go ahead.”

“But…” I pouted. I can’t do it with you watching! That’s way too embarrassing… ugh. Why is it so embarrassing?! I’m literally about to take a shower with her… her fingers have been inside of me… it’s so stupid to be nervous about this. I just… can’t. I don’t know! It sounds kinky as fuck and I totally want to pee in front of Melody… but I don’t know if I’m capable of it. 

“But?” Melody asked, pulling me out of my mind.

My hands began playing with each other trying to find something to grab as I explained. “It’s… embarrassing…”

“Would you rather hold it in?” Melody chuckled, turning away from the toilet and staring at me. “Might make our shower a little more fun.”

“No!” I–I… god that’s so… if she marks me cum and I start peeing… no matter what I do it’s going to be embarrassing. Going right now with her watching is much better… but still. I… don’t want to, but I don’t want to tell her ‘no.’ It’d probably ruin whatever happens next… it might mess up her mood. Gah! Why is being submissive so hard!? 

Abruptly, Melody reached out and patted my head. “I can leave kitty, relax.”

But as I stared at her gentle smile and enticing blue eyes… I don’t know… I looked down at the floor, trying to think of something… I don’t know what. Just something to say, something to… make Melody happy… make me happy…

“Or…” Melody began, drawing my attention back up to her as she continued petting me. “I could strip and give you a show while you do it.”

“Yes,” I replied immediately, blushing and looking back down at my feet. My want to see Melody strip far outweighed my current embarrassment. Melody chuckled and moved her hands down to my shoulders, pushing me back and towards the toilet. I sat down and stared at her with my hands on my legs.

Melody chuckled and reached down, slowly pulling her hoodie upwards, revealing… her skin? “You haven’t been wearing a shirt?”

“Nope.” Melody grinned, tugging it the rest of the way up and off over her head, revealing her entire squishy belly, black bra, and armpits, until her arms came back down, tossing the hoodie to the side. “I get a little horny too, sometimes.”

I giggled, even though it wasn’t that funny… it just kinda… happened… not wearing a shirt under a sweater isn’t even that weird. Melody joined my giggles a second later, before leaning down, placing her hands on her hips and giving me a close look at her boobs, until she spoke and drew my attention up to her face just a foot away. “Now you should get started.”

I stared down at my legs… and spread them a little, hoping for the stream to… uh… start. Which it didn’t… unsurprisingly. I’ve never peed in front of someone before, okay! It’s not that easy… I had to go, but it wasn’t like I would die. I could survive a little longer, it would just become progressively more distracting. The only reason I’m going is because… I don't know if I can control it during… you know… sex and stuff.

Melody’s head reentered my vision with her looking up at me, having leaned down even further, as she asked, “Need help?”

“No…” How would you even help? You can’t help someone pee… unless you make them cum so hard they lose control of their bladder… which… I might want… but… I don’t know! I kept trying to force the muscles around my lower body to move and do whatever the fuck they do when peeing, but it wasn’t working. I tried to squeeze, tried to push… I couldn’t.

And then Melody extended a hand, and I watched as she gently placed it against my belly, and then stared up as she spoke with an unexpected nervousness. “I… uh… let me know if anything hurts at all.”

“...okay.” And then Melody pushed. Lightly at first, but she steadily increased the pressure… and I did start feeling like I had to pee more. She continued adding pressure to the point where it didn’t hurt per se, but it wasn’t comfortable. And possibly the oddest thing was that it actually worked. As I stared down at my body, where Melody’s hand was digging into my belly, I started peeing… and… I felt so… helpless.

Melody’s hand left my stomach and as my pee continued I looked up at her. She was smiling happily, not looking at anything other than my face, and her hands reached around her back. Then her bra fell and her large boobs made a little bounce. Her hands moved down to her skirt next, where she fiddled around with a zipper, and then let it fall to the ground, revealing her black panties underneath. She’s always wearing black.

As Melody’s hands began sliding her panties down, revealing her perfect slit, my peeing stopped and my mind shifted back to myself as I blushed. I just peed in front of Melody. Eek! I feel so weird! I’m happy but also… I want to die. I can’t believe I actually did that. Sure I’ve fantasized about stuff like that… and it honestly wasn’t much… but I actually did it. She watched me pee. Melody watched me pee.

“Hey!” Melody shouted, giggling, drawing my attention back to her. “Am I really that boring?”

“Nooo,” I giggled with her. Yeah. I shouldn’t be worried about myself at all. If this doesn’t turn Melody off, then what is there to worry about? She helped me for fucks sake. I shouldn’t be this shy about everything. She’ll love anything I do the same way I love everything she does.

“Here,” Melody said, placing a foot which still had a sock onto my leg. “Prove it.” 

“Absolutely.” I grinned, reaching up to grab the sock’s band which was way up by her thigh. Then I tugged it down quickly. Taking socks off goes pretty fast when you don’t use your mouth, although I think mouths are pretty fun. I threw the sock to the floor after glancing around and noticing all of her clothes were scattered about with no order whatsoever.

“Good.” Melody smirked, taking her foot back down, then gesturing upwards with her hands while smiling. “Now off, I need to piss too.”

I got off of the toilet and we swapped places. I immediately covered myself up a little with my hands, bringing my left across my breasts and my right down to my pussy somehow embarrassed, probably because of what I just did, despite the fact that I’ve been naked around her for a week… and then I looked at Melody. She smiled, and began peeing… and I took my hands away from my body slowly… she’s seen it all… and she’s even doing what I couldn’t, easily.

As Melody continued, she kept watching me, seeing what I would do and her smile widened when my hands left my body and I locked eyes with her, nervously smiling. She never flushed the toilet after I peed, and now she was peeing in the same water. Our pee was mixing… and it felt… cute? Something ordinarily so… separate was mixing. Something so private, mixing, and Melody was smiling up at me as it happened, like it didn’t matter at all to her. She didn’t mind me being there at all. I was just… a part of her life… and she’s just a part of mine.

God I’m so weird.

Melody stood up and spun around, flushing the toilet and giving me a nice look at her butt that I totally wasn’t tempted to spank at all, and then she spun back around to face me, smiling yet again. “How about we get to that shower?”

“Yeah.” Melody walked past me and into the shower, starting up the water and adjusting it until she had a comfortable temperature, then she waved me inside and I entered.

There was only one shower head, but it could be pulled off and cycled through a bunch of different settings so it wasn't usually a problem but it meant only one of us could be actively in the water while the other froze to death, but it’s fine. I stood at the back, unsure of what exactly to do, while Melody stood under the water. 

“Come over here,” Melody urged, gesturing for me to approach. So, I did… stopping a foot away from her, my feet and legs now getting splashed with water but mostly keeping me dry. It wasn’t close enough for Melody though. She grabbed my arms and tugged me into the warm water with her then wrapping her arms around me while I froze in confusion. “You won't get clean standing back there all by yourself.”

“I… could go after,” I mumbled, to which she lightly smacked my back.

“No,” Melody said, then squeezed me tighter with the hand that was still wrapped around me, squishing our breasts against each other. Then Melody’s other hand returned and poured a handful of body wash onto our breasts, which quickly seeped between them and she began rubbing up and down against me, much to my chagrin.

“I can… wash… myself,” I whined as her rubbing breasts began teasing mine and making me more than a little horny after all that’s happened today. 

“No, no.” Melody shook her head, taking a step back, exiting the water stream, and scooping whatever soap she could off of her body. “It’s an owner’s job to take care of their pets.”

Finished with her statement, Melody reached out and grabbed my armpits, eliciting a laugh as I quickly tried to step back, almost slipping, when Melody grabbed me again, this time with a much stronger grip, and around my upper arms instead of my armpits with an apologetic expression. “Shit, sorry…”

I chuckled as she stabilized me and then reached out with my left arm and… pinched her right breast.

“Hey!” Melody shouted out in anger, despite letting go of me carefully and ensuring I had my balance. “That’s not how you repay your savior.”

I giggled as Melody continued glaring at me. She's too freaking cute! I can’t! Her eyes are so sexy and adorable and everything perfect in the world all at the same time in the exact same spot and I...

Melody groaned, then commanded, “Get on your knees.”

Obeying, I slowly dropped to my knees and attempted to end my giggles, which was only a little successful. While I was still staring down at the ground, adjusting myself, Melody’s hand’s roughly entered my hair and I closed my eyes as she began scrubbing around twisting and pulling and working shampoo all around from my scalp to the ends of my hair, which hung pretty low, low enough that Melody had to squat down to reach them. I gave myself to her and let her continue her work while I kept my eyes closed. Not having to wash myself… is a little appealing.

After a little, her hands were replaced with a stream of water, pushing the soap out of my hair and down onto my face and body. And then it swapped again, replaced with Melody’s hands combing through my hair with more soapy stuff, probably conditioner or something. And then the water was back a final time as Melody pulled me up to my feet with the shower head in its holder, but pointed towards me.

“Actually…” Melody began, then her hands found my shoulders again and shoved me back down. “Clean my feet.”

Once I was back down on the ground, she dangled a foot in front of my face and poured some soap onto it, which I greedily grabbed and rubbed all around, spending extra time sliding in between her toes, and then slowly along the bottom of her foot, and then I took a glance up, hoping to see if Melody was happy with my work… she was holding in laughter. She’s ticklish just like me.

I bent my fingers a little, and then scraped them along the bottom of her foot, watching her face as it turned bright red and she pulled her foot out of my grasp. Then, she pointed toward the far corner of the shower, taking a few deep breaths, before saying. “To the corner. You’re in timeout.”

I  began to stand up when a hand landed on my shoulder, lightly pushing back down. “Crawl.”

Staring at the ground and blushing, I placed my hands in front of me and began crawling over  to the corner, reminding me of the time Melody blindfolded me and made me run around like this… on all fours… for ages, chasing her down.

After reaching the corner, I sat on my knees and turned around, watching as the water flowed down Melody’s back while she scrubbed around. Then she bent down, exposing her butt to me as she ran her hands down her pretty legs, then up, sliding a finger through her lips, before standing back up. While she continued washing herself, I started getting really cold from the water droplets covering my entire body. My nipples grew harder than they already were and seeing Melody washing herself… watching her hands slide all over her body, into every little crack and crevice, smearing soap around… made me really horny. She’s beautiful. I could watch her shower all day… if I wasn’t freezing cold right now.

I began rubbing my arms together in an attempt to warm up a little bit, but never moved my eyes off of Melody, until she turned around and glared at me with a tilted head. “Did you learn your lesson?”

I nodded up and down at an unimaginable pace then leapt up to my feet when Melody gestured for me to join her under the shower. I quickly stole all of the water and warmed myself up as Melody chuckled behind me. Her hands slid down my back with soap, then skipped over my butt, and slid down my legs. And then she was in front of me and I watched as she lowered herself, making herself much shorter than me which felt a little weird, and she cleaned my belly, then my thighs, and the front of my legs, and then she lightly brushed my feet. After that, she stood back up and locked eyes with me as water ran down my back. 

Holding my gaze, I felt two of her fingers enter me and I released a slow moan as she slid them up and down along my slit… and then she slid a little higher, circling my clit, before taking her hands off, resulting in a little pout from me.

Ignoring my plea, she left my sight and went behind me, then roughly grabbed each of my buttcheeks with a hand, and squeezed them around. She wasn’t even cleaning them. Just playing with them… and it felt so uncomfortable but also so wonderful at the same time. Melody’s so weird. I’m so weird. We’re all weird. A weird kinky couple.

“Okay,” Melody said, standing back up and turning off the shower. Then, she quickly left the shower and grabbed a towel before returning and walking over to me, placing it on top of my head, and begging to dry me off. As she worked her way down my body I noticed that she was still dripping wet. She must be freezing… why did she dry me first? I’m her pet. I should be waiting patiently… right?

Melody soon finished, then left me with the towel while she went to grab one of her own. She didn’t return to the shower however, so I got a little curious and poked my head around the fogged up glass, only to see her staring at a cat ear headband and a long black tail she placed on the counter. Noticing me peeking out, she smirked, grabbing the items and walking over to me.

Once she was in front of me, Melody first put the cat ears onto my head, petting me a few times causing me to unconsciously nuzzle into her until she pulled back and spoke. “Hands on the wall.”

I turned ninety degrees toward the wall and placed my hands against it, one inside and one outside of the shower. Melody brought the tail plug to my butt and quickly pushed it in. It might have been the smallest size based on how easy it went in… or I’m just already used to our last size. After I took my hands off of the wall, Melody pulled me against her and turned us toward the mirror, which she probably wiped the fog off of earlier. Her breasts were pushing against my back and her head was tilted over my shoulder while her hands held my arms in place.

“You did a lot of naughty things in that shower,” Melody began. And she wasn’t exactly wrong… pinching her… tickling her… and I guess… trying to wash myself… Melody continued after a brief pause. “I’m tempted to deny you for the rest of today… but I’ll give you one more chance.”

My eyes dropped down before lighting up at the opportunity… and then Melody explained what I had to do…

“Compliment yourself.”

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