
Chapter 67: Rewards…

Right as the vibrations began, my legs clamped shut as I attempted to… literally do anything to distract myself. I was at a glass dinner table on top of a glass floor surrounded by four friends that knew nothing about our kinky stuff… well, three knew nothing. Silvia probably knew a lot already.

But anyway, while I shoveled through my ravioli, the vibrations continued on their low setting, not changing, just being there and making me lose focus every three seconds. At some point, a conversation started. Kinda couldn’t make out much. I don’t think it was anything important though, just school stuff… I was a little more concerned with all the juices sliding down and staining my skirt and all the sweat that began building up all over me.

The vibrations never let up. Melody was eating, completely ignoring me, Silvia wasn’t even looking my way despite her clearly catching my yelp from earlier, and everyone else didn’t have a clue what was happening! It reminded me of the zoo… everyone unaware, or at least acting unaware… and yet if anyone took a peek for even a split second, they’d see it all. My naked, sweaty, leaking body and a vibration bullet shoved inside of me… and then Melody would turn it up, eliciting a long moan as the pleasure over…

Unfortunately, Melody didn’t do anything. The entire rest of our dinner was with the vibrator on the same exact damn setting, keeping me horny, unable to think, and not enough to make me cum… which I guess is good since I don’t want more punishment… but ugh! So freakin frustrating!

Eventually, dessert came. Most of us had ice cream, me, Melody, Fara, and Amane, while Elle and Silvia both had cheesecakes. Thankful for more to distract myself with, I ate the ice cream at an absurd pace which resulted in Fara commenting on it while staring at me. “Dang, I should’ve had that ice cream.”

And that led everyone to turn toward my little section of the table, staring at my empty bowl and spoon still halfway in my mouth. As I was taking the spoon out of my mouth, nervously chuckling, Melody spoke, grinning. “I know tons of places ice cream tastes great from. We can try them out sometime.”

Her oddly worded sentence went ignored by everyone as the chuckled along, but my cheeks grew rosy as I comprehended the true meaning of sentence and I suddenly felt much smaller and the vibrator made a sudden reemergence from the depths of my mind where I’d tried to drown out the sensations. Trembling, I set the spoon down and shoved both hands into my lap while staring at the fascinating glass floor and watching cars drive by underneath. Despite feeling like ten minutes, the conversation shifted back to random small talk in seconds and I was completely forgotten again… but the vibrations felt more intense and my sweating picked up… my glass of lemonade was empty… my bowl of ice cream was empty… I was sweating and leaking so much. I began sipping my water, so much so that a waiter stopped by to refill it twice, until finally, we wrapped up dinner. Melody paid, unsurprisingly, and then it was time to go back to the dorms.

The first step to heading back was getting to the elevators and we all stood up… and now I also had a vibrator in me that I had to keep inside… which meant a slower pace… and everyone decided the most efficient route to the elevator involved walking above as much glass as possible. Lovely.

Once we started walking, Melody noticed me staring at the floor the entire time… and then she grabbed my hand. I glanced up at her, momentarily distracted, and she smiled at me. Then I remembered what the fuck we were doing and I pouted staring back at the floor. The group’s pace was slow, not surprising when you’re traveling with six people, but it meant a long show for all who dared to look up… not like they’d see much of course. It’s way too high up, but who knows if there’s a pervert with a camera, you know? It’s a possibility.

The walk to the elevators was less embarrassing than I thought it would be, maybe because I was distracted trying to keep the still active vibrator inside of me or I was just getting used to it… and we soon arrived at the elevator, heading down. Once we were down on the ground floor, our group split up. Silvia would obviously take Melody and I home, Fara and Elle would head home together, and despite us all offering to give Amane a ride, she insisted on taking public transit back. Apparently there’s buses shuttling into campus until eleven from a nearby metro station and obviously the city’s public transit is running pretty much all day. I think it’s just a severely reduced capacity after midnight.

Amane wouldn’t have trouble getting home if she really wanted to go alone. It’s just… should she really be going alone? I guess she’s A tier so it’s not like she can’t fight back… but… still… I’m worrying too much. She’ll be safe. It’s not that late, we were in the restaurant for less than two hours, and this city isn’t really crime-filled, a side effect of having the royal family, military bases, and an elite academy within it.

After we all split up, and our group was half the size, our walking speed increased, reaching the point where I struggled keeping pace as we rounded the street corner to the parking garage. I did not want this vibrator to fall out and while I could probably speed up a little…it’s too risky! Unfortunately, that meant Melody and Silvia noticed. They did slow down… but both of them chuckled, staring at each other… that was all they did... they slowed down and chuckled until we entered the parking garage, then the car, and then Silvia began driving away as my vibrator buzzed inside of me.

Silvia dropped Melody and I back at our dorm, we entered, I stripped of course, and then Melody grabbed both of my shoulders from behind and the vibrator suddenly stopped vibrating, giving me a lack of sensation I didn't expect having already grown a little used to it over the last couple hours. It’s like when the AC suddenly turns off and everything just goes silent… back to normal. Your brain just tuned out the noise and then got all confused the moment it had nothing left to do. As I turned my head to stare back at her, she grinned, and a hand slid off my shoulder, down my arm, and onto my thigh. As she reached my pussy, I trembled a little and stifled a quiet moan while she spoke, pulling the vibrator out. And I never got to cum... meanie. “You’ll get plenty more fun with these some other time…”


Quest Updated

Punishment time…

All tasks completed!

Submission increased by 3!

Hot steamy sex coming soon :)

No failures have been issued… yet…


After the quest completed, Melody chucked the small pink bullet vibrator into our spatial storage right in front of me. Seems she wanted to make sure I could have fun anytime, anywhere. With her in control of course… Then, she guided me over to the couch where we both sat down, and then she spoke, moving away from the kinky stuff… well not really I guess, considering who BDSysteM is. “Before your reward for today, we should probably go over your system reward.”

I nodded along as she continued. “BDSysteM made these options quite different… and I don’t understand them at all, so unfortunately you’ll have to decide all by yourself, kitty.”


Status Share from Melody

Please select one unlock for your pet.

Secondary Ability: Frontend (Level 1)

When working on the frontend code for any project, any places needing some delicate touches to bring it to the next level will automatically have a system popup suggesting one possible idea based on your thoughts in the given moment.

Note: “Places” include anything seen as a potential troubling spot that could push a client away before they’re fully hooked in like a bad color palette or lacking selections in a menu. For those already hooked in, “places” include anything that could be seen as an immersion-breaking drawback such as unresponsive loading screens, places lacking sensory details and user feedback, or even places where things just don’t fit.

Secondary Ability: Backend (Level 1)

When working on the backend code for any project, any potential holes will automatically be highlighted and have one possible solution generated on a system popup.

Note: “Holes” include anything seen as a potential vulnerability, such as vulnerable injection spots from user input, logic gaps that need to be filled to prevent breaking, boundary issues that could cause some overflows unless properly clamped, or even simple off-by-one errors to ensure the wrong places aren’t entered.


What the… so horny… shitty system. Ugh. Anyway, it’s basically an AI assistant for either frontend or backend code. Which one?

Frontend code is definitely more obvious, being able to kinda just envision a UI and make it instantly sounds pretty broken. But that also draws attention… not that I have to use the ability, but I mean… this is a system-focused school. No one cares if I cheat a little, right?

Regardless, backend makes a little more sense. That’s where more vulnerabilities are anyway… I think… If I can just have an instant way to protect all user data… no risk of anyone exploiting anything unless they gain physical access to my servers… I could start a monopoly. Melody might actually have a use for that ability. I’m sure her family has important data they need secured.

I wonder if it really catches everything though. If it does… would I be slaving away at a computer for ten years trying to create the perfect secure data storage or something? Not that that matters, since I’m X tier… I can do whatever the fuck I want. Yeah. Except disobey Melody. Then I’m fucked. Like, fucked really hard. In hopefully all of my holes.

I guess backend is fine. I honestly don’t see much of a difference either way. “Backend.”

“Okay,” Melody nodded happily, and then the submission level up screen appeared.


Submission Level Up!

Having reached submission score 35, you have unlocked the following ability.

You are currently 83% of the way to level 7.

Secondary Ability: Backend (Level 1)

When working on the backend code for any project, any potential holes will automatically be highlighted and have one possible solution generated on a system popup.

Note: “Holes” include anything seen as a potential vulnerability, such as vulnerable injection spots from user input, logic gaps that need to be filled to prevent breaking, boundary issues that could cause some overflows unless properly clamped, or even simple off-by-one errors to ensure the wrong places aren’t entered.


“With that out of the way,” Melody began, then a smirk grew on her face. “Let’s head to the shower, it’s time for your steamy reward.”

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