abyss of secrets

Chapter 12: Chapter 12: Step 3

"Okay, you have a point." Katherine sighed

"I'll stop smiling at everyone I come across"

Ian brows became a little relaxed .

"Even that receptionist girl?" Ian asked with a stern voice.

Katherine opened her mouth in an 'o' shape but she later nodded.

"Yes, even Valerie "

"You even know her name"

"Isn't that normal?"

"No!. I'm sure you came few minutes back but you already know the receptionists name"

"If you find someone nice, can't you ask for his or her name?"

"I don't find anybody nice"

Katherine who was a good debater didn't have anything to say.

" Okay. this conversation ends know. I need to fill my form. Please take me home".

Ian was silent for a moment before he said okay"


"It's all your fault. You made me forget it. what if I couldn't find it huh!?" Katherine shouted at Ian

"It wasn't my fault. YOU left it there. YOU forgot it not me" Ian frowned and defended himself.

"you...sigh" Katherine knew he was right and didn't want to argue as she could never win in an argument with him.

"Let's just go" Ian said walking out with Katherine tailing behind.

The people at the company were shocked

That woman was seeking death but boss isn't killing her.

The women were envious and the men were jealous.




Few minutes back.

Katherine was searching through her purse but she couldn't find what she was looking for.

She searched her pockets of both the suit jacket and it trousers but she still couldn't find it.

Ian had been watching her for some time now when he saw her pale face he asked

"What's wrong?"

"I can't find my form"

"Your form?"

"Yes. The one I would apply for the job"


Ian wasn't bothered

"What do you mean by ' okay' ?, take us back to the company"


Ian did a beautiful turn like in the movies almost hitting the other cars but at the same time, he was at a safe distance.

Ian looked at Katherine who was anxious but couldn't find any fear on her face.

Any normal person will be scared of the stunt he just pulled but she wasn't.

His eyes deepened but he didn't say anything.

Katherine didn't notice Ian looking at her as her mind was on the form.

The car was already at 60mph but when Katherine spoke, it increased to 80mph

"Drive faster"

Ian still looking at her but no fear.

They were already far away from Fergus international and the ride was supposed to be half an hour ride but it became a 10 minute ride as Ian didn't stop at any traffic light.

He drove the car like a sports car. Manuvering His way through the cars.

Katherine got out of the car and rushed into the building her heels making a sound.

She walked straight to Valerie desk.

"You're back. I wanted to call you but I didn't have your number, you..." Valerie spoke immediately she saw Katherine but Katherine cut her off.

"I..." Katherine couldn't speak as she stopped her.

"You forgot your form. I noticed it when you left."

"Thank you"

"Here you go"

Valerie bent her head and took out the form

"Thank you so much"



Ian dropped Katherine home but he didn't leave immediately.

Then he looked at the huge duplex and muttered

He took out his phone and typed a message.

"What are you hiding"


Inside the house

Katherine dropped her purse an plopped her self on the chair.

She smiled and said

She opened her phone and opened a strange app which has the name " Ian Fergus" then a GPS map showed.

" Step 3 complete"

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