A Second Chance : I Will not waste it

Chapter 527: Go shopping

"Oh my goodness Natasha, that sounds crazy!!" said Lulu in shock as Natasha laughed.

"I know right??" asked Natasha as she laughed while Lulu kept on having this disbelieving look on her face.

"That sounds unbelievable, it sounds like something straight out of a book." said Lulu as she shook her head.

"I completely agree with you Lulu, I really do." said Natasha as she shook her head and sipped her tea.

"Your uncle is crazy, cool, but still crazy." said Lulu as she shook her head and Natasha laughed.

"So yesterday while I was here at home doing boring things, you were over there having an adventure so cool like that?!" asked Lulu in disbelief.

"Trust me Lulu, the story is cooler to tell than the real experience itself. Being in such a chaotic situation is scary. I would have been scared if I wasn't sure that this whole was a farce." said Natasha as she scoffed.

"I know, but I would still love to have been there and experience it for myself, let me guess, Dom was so scared out of his wits." said Lulu.

"He was literally shaking and praying the entire time. I could feel it since he was holding me." said Natasha as she burst into laughter and so did Lulu.

"Your brother is such a scaredy cat, he has no backbone, he's so easily frightened he can't even live life on the edge." said Natasha as she laughed and shook her head.

"I can believe that." said Lulu as she laughed.

"Dom has always been the responsible, play by the rules, never get into trouble kind of guy." said Lulu as she shook her head.

"He's never been in a fight with anyone, even in High school when he was challenged to a fight after school he just left school early and waited for everything to die down the next day." said Lulu as she laughed.

"He's such a coward." said Lulu as she and Natasha laughed.

"I know right, but he's a good coward, as in he won't let himself, or anyone he loves get into dangerous situations, and I admire that about him, he loves protecting people, but it can certainly get annoying sometimes." said Natasha.

"Can you imagine that he already started panicking and saying that he didn't want to be implicated?" asked Natasha with a scoff.

"Oh that silly, big coward, big brother of mine, I can imagine that very well, in fact, I can picture it now, his stressed out face and everything." said Lulu as she laughed.

"But I tell you, your uncle is one tough man... I would have certainly not had enough guts to carry out faking my own death if I was him." said Lulu in surprise.

"That man is really made out of something else." said Natasha as she sighed.

"That he is, so how is your bruise doing?" asked Lulu in concern.

"Oh it's fine Lulu." replied Natasha.

"Are you sure?" asked Lulu as she did not sound too convinced.

"Very sure." she replied.

"Right..." said Lulu in disbelief as she leaned over and raised up Natasha's shirt as she saw the bruise.

"I thought you said that it was fine?" she asked with a shake of her head.

"That's because it is fine Lulu." Natasha replied as she put down her shirt.

"That doesn't look fine to me Natasha, can't you see it's all purple?" asked Lulu in worry.

"If it looks like that it means that it's healing." replied Natasha as she sipped her tea.

"But what if it's not? Why aren't you as concerned about this as I am?" asked Lulu in concern.

"That's because it's no big deal Lulu, I have sensitive skin, I bruise easily, especially when I'm not careful, It's nothing serious, it will fade away soon." said Natasha as she smiled.

"Well okay then, if you say so, but if it doesn't look better in a week I'm going to force you to go see the doctor." said Lulu as Natasha laughed.

"Alright, fine." said Natasha as she smiled.

"But gosh, that uncle of yours is harsh, why did he have to hurt you so bad if he didn't mean too?" asked Lulu as she frowned and Natasha laughed.

"This isn't even a real wound, if Romanoff really wanted to hurt me, he would have broken some ribs." Natasha laughed.

"That's so not funny Natasha, why did he have to hurt you anyway?" asked Lulu as her frown deepened.

"It was either this or I end up going to jail for questioning. This bruise saved me a trip to the police station and I'm grateful for that, who was believe that I truly had nothing to do with his plans if I returning scot-free?" asked Natasha.

"Well okay, you're right in that sense, I'm just glad that he's gone now and hopefully Agent Dians will close this case and stop searching for him." said Lulu.

"I doubt that he would Lulu, that man is very, very tenacious, I'm sure he won't stop until he gets Romanoff back where he's supposed to be." said Natasha as she sipped her tea.

"Then poor Romanoff, what if after all this planning and effort he ends up being caught again?" asked Lulu sadly.

"I doubt that. Dians might be tenacious, but Romanoff is experienced and he has patience, I'm sure he'll find a way to lay low and stay out of prison for the rest of his life, it's just a shame though that he will never truly be a free man." said Natasha.

"True, anyway, enough about depressing, sad things, I have some good news to share." said Lulu happily.

"Okay, what is it?" asked Natasha as she smiled.

"Everything is set for the party, the decorations I ordered arrived yesterday and we will finally get this party over and done with." said Lulu excitedly.

"That sounds so nice Lulu, finally, you've put in so much work into planning this party." said Natasha as she smiled.

"Thanks Natasha, but don't say that yet, wait until you see how the hall will be decorated." said Lulu with a giggle.

"I can't wait." she replied.

"So now you need to go shopping for a suitable dress, you know that the theme is a coral reef under the see, so the colour code is all coral reef colours." said Lulu as she smiled.

"Alright Lulu, but I don't really feel like going shopping." said Natasha as she sipped her tea, she wasn't really the like shopping kind of person.

"Oh but you have to, remember that the party is in less than two weeks, and there are going to be several guests in attendance, it's better you get a dress now so you don't have to scramble for a dress later." said Lulu as Natasha nodded seeing her reason.

"Do you already have a dress?" asked Natasha.

"That I do." replied Lulu proudly.

"I already placed an order for my dress, I got is specially made for this event, and it will be delivered next week." said Lulu smugly.

"Oooh nice, I cannot wait to see it." said Natasha with a smile.

"You'll love it when you do." said Lulu as she and Natasha giggled.

"So do you have any colour in mind that I should choose?" asked Natasha as she seriously did not want to have several questions of what dress she wanted on her mind.

"I don't really know, you look good in any colour." said Lulu sweetly as Natasha found her heart melting.

"Aww how sweet of you Lulu." said Natasha as she smiled and Lulu giggled.

"You're welcome, but yellow suits you a lot, and I know that you love yellow, but you kind of do wear that colour all the time." said Lulu as Natasha agreed.

"But another colour that suits you is red, red it literally your colour, but you rarely wear it." said Lulu.

"So you think that I should wear red?" asked Natasha as Lulu nodded.

"Well yes if you want to, but you can choose another colour if you want." said Lulu as she smiled.

"Thank you Lulu, at least I have an idea of what colour I want, red it is." said Natasha as she smiled.

"You're welcome my lovely sister in law." said Lulu as she beamed with joy and Natasha laughed.

"So are you free today? Would you like to go shopping with me?" asked Natasha.

"Aww I would love to Natasha, but I just can't. I have to go to the hall and get everything ready and the people that are going to decorate need to be supervised, I'm going to be busy doing that for the rest of the week." said Lulu apologetically.

"It's fine Lulu, I understand, it's okay, I will just go on my own, meanwhile, you go have fun and good luck with supervising everything, I am sure that you will do a great job." said Natasha encouragingly.

"Aww thank you Natasha." said Lulu as she gave her a big tight hug.

"You're welcome Lulu." replied Natasha with a smile.

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