A Second Chance : I Will not waste it

Chapter 526: I was right

"That must feel so nice, to know that you can feel closer to someone you've lost doing that thing." said Lulu as she smiled.

"Yeah..." said Benjamin as he smiled.

"I'm so sorry about your uncle." said Lulu.

"It's fine... it's been a while now since he's been gone, you would think that it would be easier." said Benjamin with a sigh.

"It can never get easier, losing someone can never get easier to cope with." said Lulu.

"They are always there... in your heart, in your memories, and sometimes you just have these very lucid memory dreams where you see them again and you wake up crying remembering that they are no longer here." said Lulu sadly.

"Yes... have you ever lost someone before?" asked Benjamin carefully as he was surprised that Lulu's explanation was so vivid.

"Yes, I have..." she replied as she nodded.

"Who?" he asked.

"My Grandmother... I loved her so much and I was really young when I lost her, I was ten and at the time I didn't understand why, I don't know why she had to go and leave us so early." said Lulu.

"She was the best, she made always made us cookies, but that's not why I miss her so much. She was such a sweet lovely soul, she was the honey that sweetened our tea, she was no doubt my favourite person in the who wide world. I have to tell you that I was closer to her than my own mother." said Lulu.

"Losing someone you love, especially someone that you are so close too... never gets easier." said Benjamin.

"I know right... but it really hurt me to know that I would never see her again, every now and then I still think of her and ask why she couldn't hold on for a few more years to see how far we've gone, how much we have accomplished, I have no doubt in my mind that she would be definitely proud of us all." said Lulu.

"She is certainly proud of you." said Benjamin as he smiled and Lulu looked at him and smiled.

"Thank you." she said.

"I also know for a fact that if she was still alive, my Grandfather's temper would be so much better, after all she was the only one who could tame that man." said Lulu as she laughed and Benjamin laughed.

"Your Grandfather can be such an intimidating man." said Benjamin.

"Oh you don't know the half of it, in his prime, he just had to look at you and you would be scared out of your wits, but he's definitely softer now since with his age he needs to take things easy." said Lulu as she laughed.

"I guess that's a relief." said Benjamin.

"A serious one, but don't be fooled, he's still as harsh as ever." said Lulu as she laughed and Benjamin laughed with her.


Natasha yawned as she got into bed. Today had been a very interesting day, but at least she had a smile on her face knowing that Igor was in prison and Romanoff has escaped, even though what Romanoff did was considered a bigger crime than what he was charged of.

Natasha shook her head feeling extremely tired, going out for dinner was Dom's idea and she had agreed. Joy was already out cold and Natasha felt like doing the same, but then she remembered something that she had to do.

Natasha picked up her phone and dialed a number as her call was answered almost immediately.

"Hi Jean, I hope that I'm not calling you at a wrong time." she said as she smiled.

"No Natasha, not at all, it's a perfect time." replied Jean with a smile.

"Are you sure? It's really late and I was just about to go to bed." said Natasha.

"I don't mind at all, I have free time right now, so what's up?" asked Jean as she smiled.

"I was about to go to bed then I remembered that I said I would call you later." said Natasha.

"Yes, yes, so what happened?" asked Jean happily.

"Well I was right Jean, you won't believe what happened at the funeral today, or might I said fake funeral." said Natasha with a scoff as Jean gasped.

"I knew it! I knew it, so my dad isn't actually dead right?" she asked.

"Far from it, your father is alive and well, that man really likes to be dramatic for no reason." said Natasha as Jean laughed.

"That's my dad for you, dramatic and analogical." said Jean as she laughed.

"I just have one question, how was he able to escape, because I surely doubt that he was left unguarded." said Jean.

"Well he truly wasn't, but he managed to hire some masked bikers and they rode into the cemetery and created a total uproar and they created a lot of chaos and even injured one of the poor police officers." said Natasha.

"What a shame, that poor man, is he okay?" asked Jean.

"Well I hope he will be, he got injured badly when he didn't need to be, he was only doing his job." said Natasha as she sighed.

"I agree with you." said Jean as she sighed, as much as she loved her father and wanted him to be free, she certainly did not want him to cause more pandemonium and problems for innocent people.

"But I am sure that he will recover quickly." said Natasha.

"I hope so too." said Jean.

"Yes, so the masked men tipped over the casket and carried his body with them as they left, and it was then that I followed after them." said Natasha.

"That's when I found him and he explained his reasons, being that he was bait for Igor." said Natasha.

"Let me guess, he gave you a long analogy just to explain that?" asked Jean as she giggled.

"I tell you, I was wondering where he was going with his analogy." said Natasha as she laughed.

"And then I had to restrain him for some time in order for the police to arrive, but he ended up escaping." said Natasha.

"Oh my goodness, that sounds so unbelievable, I wish that I could have been there to see everything happen." said Jean as she laughed.

"I wish so too, but your father didn't want you there for a reason, he didn't want to implicate you, he wanted to make sure to protect you." said Natasha.

"I know, I know, but sometimes I wish that he didn't have to think of ways to protect me from the consequences of his wrong actions." said Jean.

"I've already gotten used to the fact that I don't have a normal dad who's on the right side of the law like everyone else, and that's why when I found him I made sure to accept him the way he was, but it gets hard to know that he'll never truly be free, he'll always be on the run, especially now that he faked his death to break out of prison." said Jean with a sigh.

"I know how you feel Jean... Romanoff can be very unreasonable at times, especially with his actions but... know that he does these things and protects you because he loves you. I'm sure he will find some way to contact you soon." said Natasha.

"I'm not even worried about that, I've been waiting for him to show up my whole life, so I don't think that waiting a little bit more would be any harder." said Jean.

"At least you still have someone to call dad Jean, as long as he's still alive, he's still your dad." said Natasha.

"Don't get me wrong Natasha, I really do love my dad, and you're right, as long as he's still alive, what would I say if he was truly gone? So I guess that being on the run is better than being dead, although, he could have at least stayed in prison and served his sentence." said Jean as Natasha laughed.

"What can I say? You can take the agent out of the organization, but you can never take the agent out of the person. If you ask me, I don't think this is the first time he's broken out of prison." said Natasha as she and Jean laughed.

"That is the truth, nothing but the plain truth, can you imagine that back when he still lived with me, he used to check every room for bugs? I told him that he was overreacting, no one could get into my house just like that, but he insisted that you could never know who was watching." said Jean as she laughed.

"That man is really something else, his life is nothing short of something you would think was fictional." said Natasha as she and Jean laughed.

"True, but you know what, I'm grateful that I know him, and I'm grateful that I got to know you too." said Jean as she smiled.

"I feel the same way too Jean." said Natasha as she smiled.

"I have to go now, I'm exhausted and I'm sure that you are too, so goodnight Natasha." said Jean as she smiled.

"Goodnight Jean." said Natasha as she smiled and ended the call.

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