Chapter 522: You tell me
"Don't blame yourself, we all didn't see something like this coming, and even if we had, who would have believed it?" asked Natasha as she shook her head.
"But I should have seen it coming, I should have questioned Igor's presence while there was still fire on the mountain. It was all because he wanted to see Romanoff suffer." said Dians.
"I was too blind to realize, I thought that I already had Romanoff and there was nothing else to worry about, but I was sorely mistaken." said Dians as he sighed and shook his head.
At the end of the day he had no one else to blame but himself for the casualties and the escape of a foreign prisoner. He had no excuse to fall back on, he was the one at fault.
"Did he say anything else? Like where he was going, his plans?" asked Dians as if he was going to get to tangible information to use, it would be from Natasha, after all, she seemed to be Romanoff's soft spot, why else would he tell her the reasons for his plans.
"No, no he didn't, he only told me why he escaped, he refused to tell me how he managed to fake his death, and he didn't tell me where he was going next. He just told me that this would be the last time I would see him." she said in her most honest tone, and she was really being honest.
"Are you sure about that?" asked Dians, his intuition as a detective kicking in. Something didn't feel right about her explanation, he had a feeling that she was lying to him, he just knew it.
"Very." said Natasha.
"Are you really sure Natasha?" he asked again carefully as he narrowed his eyes at her.
"Of course I am, are you trying to say that I'm lying or what?!" asked Natasha as she scoffed as she and Dians were caught in a heated stare down, meanwhile Dom was already starting to sweat, he wondered if Natasha would be able to get out of this.
"I don't know Natasha, you tell me, because I find it hard to believe that he would take time to explain his reasons to you and instead not tell you anything else." said Dians as he narrowed his eyes at her.
"Well for your information, I don't know what to say about that, but of course after he told me everything there was no way that I could let him escape, so I tried to fight him and in the process got this." said Natasha as she raised up her t-shirt revealing the coloured, bright bruise on her lower abdomen.
"If he really cared about me and trusted me like you think, why would be hurt me like this instead of just admitting defeat and not escaping?" she asked as Dians and Dom looked at the bruise.
"I thought you said that you were fine?" asked Dom in worry as the bruise looked really serious, far from fine.
"I am fine, it's nothing serious, just a bruise." Natasha replied covering her bruise as she hissed in a hushed tone, it still hurt nevertheless.
"That's not just a bruise Natasha, that looks really serious and I can tell that it hurts." said Dom worriedly.
"Don't start now, I don't have the time to deal with your nonsense." she replied as Dom sighed.
"I see... I'm sorry for accusing you, I didn't know that Romanoff was mad enough to hurt you like that." said Dians with a shake of his head, at this point he did not even know what to think at this point.
"I guess that he was just very desperate to escape." she said.
"I see that... let's just hope that we will find him soon as we search. Meanwhile you need to get that bruise checked." said Dians.
"I'm fine, it will heal soon." said Natasha, she wasn't really worried about her bruise, she had really fair skin that bruised easily, and she had gotten hurt more than enough times to know that it looked worse than it actually was. Her bruises usually healed within a week or two.
"That maybe so, but I still recommend getting it checked." said Dians as he sighed.
"I have to get back to work now, thank you, both of you for being here, or else I wouldn't have had witnesses to explain to me what exactly happened." said Dians.
"It's not a problem Dians." said Dom as he smiled softly.
"Good luck, I hope that you find Romanoff soon." said Natasha sincerely, she honestly meant all the words she had said.
"I hope so too." said Dians as he walked away.
"Take care." he said as he proceeded to talk to one of the officers on sight.
"Come on, let's go pick up Joy from school." said Natasha as she turned around. This whole situation had taken over two hours to solve and it was almost time for Joy to come back home, so they might as well pick her up on their way.
"Are you sure?" asked Dom as he followed after Natasha.
"Yes, of course we should, she will be very happy to see us together." said Natasha as she smiled.
"Alright then." said Dom as he was still a little bit worried. He was just hoping that Natasha would be fine, and that Romanoff would be caught soon...or not, for their own sakes, it was best that he went very, very far away, or else Dians would start suspecting them again.
Joy was waiting outside for Nine to come pick her up when she suddenly saw her father's car parking and her eyes went wide when she saw her mommy and daddy get out of the car.
"Mommy!!! Daddy!!!" said Joy excitedly as she looked at Jennifer who smiled and nodded, allowing her to go as she ran into her father's arms.
"Hi princess." said Dom as he smiled and picked her up.
"Hello my darling." said Natasha as she smiled and Natasha gave her a kiss on the cheek.
"Hi Jenny." said Natasha as she waved at Jennifer.
"Hi Natasha." said Jennifer as she smiled.
"Mr. White." said Jennifer as she smiled.
"Miss Honey." said Dom as he smiled.
"I didn't know that you were coming to pick Joy up today, usually Nine picks her up." said Jennifer as she smiled.
"Yes I know, but we happened to be in the area so we decided to pick her up." said Natasha as she smiled.
"I see, that's really nice, you really surprised Joy, and me as well." said Jennifer as she laughed and they all laughed.
"It was nice seeing the two of you, really. Bye Joy." said Jennifer as she smiled and waved at Joy.
"Bye Miss Honey." said Joy as she smiled and waved at Jennifer.
"Mommy, Daddy, you really surprised me, I didn't know that you were coming to pick me up." said Joy as they walked to the car.
"That's the point my darling, we wanted to give you a huge surprise." said Natasha as she smiled.
"And you came to pick me up together?" asked Joy as she giggled in happiness.
"Yes we did my love." replied Natasha as Dom buckled her into her car seat as Natasha got into the passenger's seat.
"But why are the two of you together?" asked Joy as Dom got into the car.
"Well we happened to go somewhere together and your mommy decided that we should pick you up together." said Dom as he started the car.
"Where did you go mommy?" asked Joy.
"Well my uncle wanted to see me for one last time before he goes away." said Natasha.
"Your Russian uncle mommy?" asked Joy as Natasha nodded.
"Yes my love." said Natasha as she smiled.
"But where is he going?" asked Joy.
"I don't know, but it's somewhere far away, and I had to say goodbye for the last time." said Natasha.
"Awww, but I wanted to see him again before he leaves." said Joy as Dom instantly gazed at Natasha, his emotions saying "I don't think that's a good idea."
"I know my love, but he's already gone." said Natasha.
"Will you see him again?" asked Joy.
"I don't think so." said Natasha.
"Does that make you sad mommy?" asked Joy.
"Well yes... a little bit... he's like the only family I have left." said Natasha as she looked out the window and Dom looked at her.
He would be lying if he said that he was not aware of Natasha's longing to have a family the way he had his parents and his grandfather, and he felt bad that the only family member Natasha had, happened to be a hardened criminal. He was not heartless, he knew that she wanted to have her own family as well.
"Awww but mommy, you have us, you have me and daddy and Aunt Lulu, and Uncle Charlie, and Uncle Nine, and Uncle Michael and grandma and grandpa and grandpappy." said Joy as she giggled and Natasha looked at her and smiled.
"You're right my love, I do have all of you, and I am very happy about that, believe me, I am." said Natasha as she smiled.