A Second Chance : I Will not waste it

Chapter 521: He got away

"Well I believe that is my cue to leave, your husband isn't really someone I should bother myself dealing with." said Romanoff as he chuckled and Natasha looked at him.

"Oh what? Don't give me that look devochka (girl) he looks like he cannot even handle a beating. One punch from me and he will knock out. It's best I don't damage him for you." said Romanoff as he laughed and Natasha scoffed.

"Natasha!!! Natasha say something, where are you?!" came Dom's panicked voice again as he continued shouting.

"I do wish that we had more time to spend together, and also to talk, but alas our time here is over." said Romanoff.

"It's a pity that I can't leave you just like this." he said before punching Natasha in the side of her abdomen as she hissed out in pain, that really hurt and she had not expected it at all.

"Believe me, that hurt me more than it hurt you." he said as he stood up and helped her up as she frowned.

"I'll see you later Natasha, and I will keep in touch, always remember that I will be watching in the shadows, as usual." said Romanoff as he smiled and Natasha scoffed.

Natasha did not know why, but she could see that Romanoff wanted to give her a hug, although he did not allow himself to, instead he lightly grazed the side of her face before turning around and running away.

"Natasha!! Are you okay??!" asked Dom frantically as he finally found her and he rushed to her.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." she responded as Dom saw the retreating figure of Romanoff as he disappeared into the thick trees ahead.

"That was Romanoff right?" asked Dom as Natasha nodded.

"Did he hurt you? Are you okay?" asked Dom in worry as he looked at Natasha up and down and touched her arm that she was using to hold her abdomen causing her to hiss out in pain.

"You're hurt, did he hurt you?" asked Dom in worry.

"He punched me, but he didn't mean it." said Natasha as Dom looked at her as if she was crazy.

"Really?? Someone punched you, causing you pain and you say that he didn't mean it?" asked Dom as Natasha noded.

"Oh good Lord, that man is just crazy, he's a criminal, a crazy old criminal!" said Dom as he was not in anyway expecting this stupid crime scene to unfold right before his eyes.

"Hey, have respect, that's my uncle." said Natasha as she frowned.

"Your uncle??!! You're not even really related!" refuted Dom strongly.

"I don't expect someone like you to understand." said Natasha as she scoffed.

"He's my uncle, that's disrespectful, if you have nothing good to say about him then say nothing at all." said Natasha, even though she knew that Romanoff could be crazy, there was no doubt in her mind that he truly cared about her.

"Alright, alright I see, I get it." said Dom as he sighed, he could not believe this right now, he needed to calm down, here he was worried about Natasha and yet she did not seem to see the seriousness of the situation.

A convicted criminal had just faked his death and escaped his prison sentence, he was on the run and they were all suspects here.

"Now, what are we going to tell Agent Dians because I know for a fact that he's already on his way here!" said Dom as he was already panicking, he did not want to be convicted of being an accomplice to something like this while he knew nothing at all about what was going on.

"Can you just relax??! Gosh, stop panicking when there's no reason to panic yet." said Natasha as she shook her head, she seemed to have more of a backbone than he did.

"No, no I can't relax Natasha, we should start panicking, there is a reason to panic, I don't want to go to jail." he said, yes he knew that he sounded a bit overworked and worried, but he would rather show his concern and reasons now than later.

"Just tell Dians the truth, nothing but the truth." said Natasha as she sighed and shook her head.

"The truth??!" Dom asked in disbelief, he wondered if he had heard right. Did Natasha just say that they tell the truth?

"Mhmm the truth, tell him exactly what happened." said Natasha as she smiled.

"But don't you think that will incriminate you? Or the both of us?" he asked, wondering if Natasha was thinking right.

"Not at all, after all, we were here as guests and I was just paying my last respects to a man I was sure was dead, so now, stick to the plan, tell Dians the truth and everything else will take care of itself." said Natasha.

"All you have to do is say what you know and I'll do the same." she said.

"Alright Natasha...if you say so, that's what we will do." Dom said as a breath of worry fled his lips, he really hoped that Natasha was right.


"He got away." said Dians with an exasperated sigh.

"Are you sure?" asked Dom as many officers had arrived at the scene collecting evidence and getting statements from the knocked out officers that had received treatment while the one that had been seriously injured had been carried by an ambulance Dom called before he had gone running after Natasha.

"I'm sure, my men are still searching as we speak and there's still no sign of Romanoff and his biker men." Dians said, the frustration evident in his tone.

"How could this have happened?!" he asked in a mix of disbelief, anger and sorrow.

"I don't know what to tell you Dians... all I can say was that I definitely did not see this coming." said Dom as he sighed and Dians eyes landed on Natasha who had been silent since he had arrived here.

"Tell me what happened, tell me what you saw, start from the time you arrived here till the time the incident took place." said Dians as he brought out a small notepad, he needed clues, anything that would help him catch Romanoff.

"We arrived here at around nine thirty. Natasha initially did not want to come, but then she thought is through and I thought that it was best she come and see him for the last time, but who knew we were all being fooled?" asked Dom as he shook his head.

"Well we arrived around that time, then it took us a while to get here, we saw the officers and while I was paying my respects to his soul, suddenly I heard the loud sound of motorcycles and that's when the injured officer shouted that we all get down and he pulled out his gun and all hell broke loose." said Dom as Dians scribbled.

"I just kept on hoping that we would be safe, I didn't see what was going on, I only heard all the chaos happening, it wasn't until the sound of the motorcycles came closer to where I was with Natasha that I looked up to see the casket deliberately pushed over as the men finally left into the forest and then Natasha got up and followed after them while I stayed here to call an ambulance and alert the police." said Dom.

"I stayed here with the injured officer until the ambulance came and then I rushed to find Natasha, when I finally found her, I saw Romanoff running away." said Dom, he had told the truth, nothing but the truth.

"I see... and you couldn't run after him?" asked Dians.

"He was already far gone, and I didn't feel like it would be safe to leave Natasha alone and follow after him." replied Dom as Dians looked at him.

"Hmm...I see..." said Dians as his eyes moved to Natasha.

"Don't look at me like that." she responded.

"I told you that I didn't believe he was dead, and now look at what happened?" she asked as Dians groaned and palmed his face.

"I know, I know, you did say so. I should have know better, I knew that something was fishy with all the demands found in the letter, but I thought that four officers would be more than enough to handle whatever was going to happen, but I was wrong and now an innocent man may or may not walk again." said Dians as he hissed, he just felt so terrible right now, he should have gotten more officers, or better yet, been here himself.

"It's not your fault, we shouldn't hope for the worst, I am sure that the officer will be fine." said Natasha as she frowned, she too felt sorry for the poor man who had just been doing his job.

"Yeah, yeah... anyway, give me your statement." said Dians.

"Well everything Dom told you is accurate, the only thing that differs is when we split up. Yes I saw two of the masked men tip over the casket and they took his body with them, that was when I started to suspect that something else was going on. Why would they come here just to take his body? Unless he wasn't dead, so I followed them." said Natasha as Dians scribbled.

"I couldn't follow them fast enough through the forest, and I had a tussle with one of the men who led me to him." said Natasha.

"Did he tell you how he managed to fake his death?" asked Dians.

"No, no he didn't, he kept on avoiding the question, but what he did tell me was some analogy of how to catch snakes with rats. Evidently through his words I was able to understand that Igor was the snake and he was the rat." said Natasha.

"So you mean he stayed in prison all this time and faked his death now just to draw out Igor?" asked Dians as Natasha nodded.

"And to prove that he is still very much able to get himself out of situations like these, meanwhile Igor is now in custody and facing trial." said Natasha as Dians sighed.

"Of course, why didn't I see this before?!" he exclaimed out loud strongly.

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