A New Life, Beyond Realms: Tensura x Overlord

Chapter 73: Getting Used to the Physique

Technically I had been going for so long now that I had eaten up some work time. This was made even more evident when the entrance to my Demi-plane was breached by Rimuru who was looking a little panicked at the amount of work he was having to suffer through.

"Help... I need, help Silviana!" His voice was haggard as he was carrying some papers in his hand. He even ignored the fact that this was an extra-dimensional space. Behind him came Shion, his professed bodyguard and technical secretary, her concern evident on her face as she watched Rimuru step into the weird space. 

Flickering my eyes slightly I noticed that the form of Rimuru didn't change, something about his future being eternal or something that distorted it for me. Blinking seemed to be the main method of turning on and off my time 'powers?' 'Curses?' I didn't know what to call them but, it was fast becoming an issue. Blinking once more to switch to a normal view I received the help of Shuna and Milim in getting up, my body slowly rising without their help anyway. Everything was weird and new, but also old and sane. It was an odd sensation, as if you had already seen everything whilst understanding nothing about any of it. 

"Hmm, sure... Just give me a minute." As i said that the entire demi-plane became faster in time as a minute would now equal one second outside. This wasn't due to my physique and was simply a part of the demi-plane spell. From this point I simply spoke with Shuna and Milim, calming them both down and ensuring they were okay. 

Shuna was okay after a little bit of contact with Milim becoming very excited at the prospect of possibly fighting me in the near future. Rimuru had finally snapped out of his desperation, looking around and noticing the massive tower and the training fields. Shion too was gobsmacked by what she was seeing, as me and my partners were talking through some of the things we each had to do today. Milim was super excited about helping but I knew she would be hopeless with regards to paperwork or decision making. 

"Milim! You will make sure no one comes into the city! Kay!?" She stood at attention like the soldiers she had seen before and saluted by raising her hand to her forehead. Her expression was half way between comical and serious as Shuna struggled not to laugh at the side, the whispers of tears fading from her cheeks as her mood improved. No matter how much Milim acted serious it just made the whole entire act that much cuter, she was in her child form for now as she ran off super energetically. Rimuru was a little surprised at the speed she travelled and the quickness with which she ran off to the task I asked of her but he refocused his attention onto me.

"What is this place Silviana?"

"My home away from home. Now, shoo, I'll be out in a minute. And, if I find you in my bedroom still when I get out, hehehehe, you don't wanna know what I'll do..." He straight up turned into a slime and bounced out of the demi-plane, Shion slightly scowling at me before running after him. Yeah, we didn't like each other too much. I mean it was her problem mainly but I didn't feel like bridging the gap, I had no wanting to do so.

"Silvi, she means well..." I turned to Shuna with a smile, wrapping one of my hands around her as my other cupped her chin.

"Don't worry sweetie, I have no grudge with her. Once she becomes mature enough to come to me we will mend whatever gap has been made." Shuna didn't look too certain about my statement but took the opportunity to switch the topic to something more interesting.

"Okay... Mmmm, a-about tonight...?" I grinned widely as I leaned down until my mouth was close to her right ear. Her cherry-blossom scent entering into my nose and spreading throughout my entire sense of smell and taste. The hairs on her neck stood on end as my breath delicately caressed it, the heat no doubt causing some rather interesting sensations for her.

"Yes, sweetie... Tonight we most certainly can..." She shivered and pushed me back somewhat, her face utterly red and her body language showing her embarrassment.

"M-mhm, I-i'll be ready... M-milim will she?" I frowned a little as I looked up, pondering the question. We had been close for a few days now but it wasn't long enough for me to fully go all the way with her. 

"I don't think so. Perhaps we can have a party tonight at our place and she can get wasted on alcohol... After that we'll have our time. If that doesn't work, she has earned it I guess... Haha" Shuna chuckled a little as well before starting to slowly build up stress about the party.

"W-what about the food, drinks, booze? We don't have a lot of that!" I lightly tapped her head in a comforting gesture. 

"Don't worry, I'll handle it. I just want you to relax tonight." She blushed again before turning me around forcefully and pushing me.

"Stop being such a flirt and get to work." I rolled my eyes and began walking in the direction she had given me, my head turning back to her.

"You have to come to, you know?" She sighed and caught up, both of us stepping out of the Demi-plane, the entire pocket dimension collapsing in on itself as we took the first step out. My senses were still wacky and weird so I could see the individual specks of Magicules that caused the collapse of space. I couldn't put an element to them but they were hazy white and black, switching between both colours.


Stepping out of the house after I had quickly gotten us both changed using magic, I found Rimuru tapping his boot on the ground. Despite his rather small stature in relation to me his aura still had power in it, not enough to phase me anymore but still a modicum of power.

"Can we start our work now?" He wasn't pleased, i could sense it and see it. He was definitely pissed that I'd gotten him to leave like I had, he was most likely also taking frustrations out on everything. Ruling wasn't simple and every little inconvenience can build very quickly.

"I apologise, I had just received a Demon Lord Seed and needed to understand what it required." Rimuru widened his eyes and took a step forwards, a sense of someone or something trying to analyse me without my permission sweeping over me. At this time I decided to rebuff it, as I didn't like the idea of The Great Sage trying to see what I had or was. In moments Rimuru turned from intrigued to utterly shocked as he locked eyes with mine, noticing the distinct hourglass irises within my eyes.

"It seems you have gone through some very distinct changes..."

"Just like you did when you consumed Geld. Mr long hair and black trench coat." He laughed rather evilly before rotating and walking off towards the centre of town, for work.

"Come on then, let's get out day finished." I followed behind him, Shuna beside me as we went.


After work, which was utterly boring, I was meeting up with Kaijin. He had supposedly been working on the ideas I had communicated to him and was able to put together a connecting conduit between his lightning generator and the part I was speaking on.

The entire contraption was a mix of magi-steel donated by Rimuru and the talents of the the enchanter. The body was a small disc that sat atop a magi-steel stand of very basic construction. Extending from the disc were intricate 'arms' of gold that arched upwards from eight different locations along the circumference of the disk. Lightning zipped between each arm and rippled down said arms until it hit a rune in the middle of the disk and turned into a stream of complex energy that slowly fizzled into a cable that slipped through the stand and out into an empty socket-like device.

Yeah, it was basic but it seemed like this construct was making pure electrical energy. All signs of heat was gone and the energy current was perfectly uniform. My eyes sparked as I blinked again, a massive war between angelic beings and our civilisation in the future, all based upon this machine. My vision slipped back to reality and returned to normal for good now as I felt my eyes drain of power. Strangely enough though, the process of depowering my eyes was saddening, as if i had lost something for a time.

"So, what do ye think?" I became quizzical at the shortening of 'you' to 'ye', the image of Iralia giving a thumbs up came to mind.

"It is vastly better than what I could have ever thought... You have isolated the electrical current from lightning and channelled the fire into a small teleportation rune which itself is powered by the heat energy of the lightning. Tell me, did you get assistance from Rimuru?" He became oddly silent at my question. I had my answer though.

"Don't worry, it is perfectly valid to ask for assistance in this matter. This method is much better than my design, but this would only be affordable for the military's use and the Government's. I believe if we are to fully grant power to the people we will need to carry out my project." He scratched the back of his head and nodded as he spoke up.

"Yeah, I was considering that... This beauty cost an arm and a leg worth of the Gold just for the construction. If it didn't need the enchanter it would have been much cheaper." Nodding I unloaded the materials on a table adjacent to the one the device was placed upon. We were in a foundry room, the forges aglow as metals slowly melted to their temperature limits. Several windows were open within the third story room with the general din of the city below entering into the space, flavouring the sizzles and pops of the metals. There was currently no one else in the room due to the nature of our meeting but that would soon change as the shifts changed. 

"That is an issue for later. First, I will take this device and protect it... We will use it for a larger power grid I have plans for. For now, I want to make Electromagnetic Generators, they can be used as a replacement in case of a massive grid failure for whatever reason."

"Ah, so ye intend for these to be a house-to-house backup in case of emergency?"

"Yes. But also, I want the industries we have created to be able to run independently to the man grid whilst still being able to connect to it. I won't give you all of my thoughts but I am sure you can figure the reasons out."

Nodding at my words he looked to be in deep thought, my hands grasping the magi-steel base of the device and flashing it away to my demi-plane; its existence secured so long as I or my magic existed. The materials I had created before were all sitting on a table nearby and gleaming as the metal table itself strained under the weight. Kaijin, being a Master Blacksmith, naturally moved over there despite his thought and looked over them, humming at some and grunting at others. All together the materials were just needing smelting into coils and shafts so that we could set up a small steam-powered generator. Yes, Electromagnetic Generators needed something to spin the turbines and this usually included the boiling of water to generate steam, creating pressure... etc... 

"These materials, some of them are poor to work with. I can already tell it. Many of them I have worked with in Gazel's service, but this one... I have never worked with this..." He picked up the Cobalt and continued to examine it even though he was showing me which one he didn't understand.

I didn't know why he had never worked with it, back on Earth it was the 32nd most abundant metal in the world and was used in batteries and other such technologies all the time. 'Wait. What if its super rare here?'

"Kaijin, that is Cobalt... Its a material that can be used in conjunction with other technologies and metals to do amazing things... Have you never come across it?"

"This, is Cobalt? The Cobalt!? Wow, this is crazy, I hadn't expected to ever see it." This confirmed my worries. Cobalt was rare, maybe due to mining techniques a lack of understanding on Cobalt or even the geological misunderstandings. It still didn't bode well for some material trades in the future. Unless we could source some in Tempest then our only source would be me.

'Shit... All well, luckily there are other materials and I can possibly use those.'

"Well, you would have to give me time to understand how to forge Cobalt and I would need an amount ten times this singular tonne you have given me... Unless you know how to forge it...?" I grinned as I felt my brain pull several documentaries on Metallurgy from my last life, some which would blow this Dwarf's mind.

"I have something for you to watch..."


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