Chapter 72: Merging Dunamancy and Chronos Spells
I was surprised. Having expected to eventually come into a Demon Seed candidate and stealing it from them, this gaining of one was a massive surprise. Not only that, but I would be getting a massive upgrade to 50,000 Status points over the next month. It sounded like a lot of time but since we were in a period where things were at peace it was unlikely anything too pressing would happen this month, especially with Rimuru taking over the running of the Government until he payed a visit to Dwargon.
'Rip-off, does the absorption of stats get added to my MP cap as well?'
I had the thought of versing some very powerful creatures and siphoning their stats, like the wyverns and lesser dragons. A rather evil thought crossed my mind for a fraction of a second but I immediately denied it. Yes, I had considered going to the Kingdom of Falmuth and slaughtering an entire city worth of people, siphoning their stats and reaping their souls. The act of doing such a thing would expedite my journey into a True Demon Lord but it would also haunt me for the rest of my eternal life. The thought still lingered in the darker recesses of my mind but I denied it every time it reared its ugly head.
'Let's continue, I need to focus on something else...'
I merged the rest of the Evocation spell list, most of them being minor spells or unique spells. Among them were some good ones though, such as: Prismatic Spray, Witch Bolt, Wrath of Nature, Crown of Stars and Divine Word. 'Let's hope this spell will be cool...'
|Daemos Arcana Spell Gained: 𝕾𝖙𝖆𝖗-𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖉 𝖂𝖔𝖗𝖉𝖘 𝖔𝖋 𝕮𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓|
|When caster casts this spell an opalescent crown of pure starlight and Radiant energy emerges. From this crown seven symbols from the origin of creation are summoned. No one can understand these words, not even the caster, yet when someone or something looks at said symbols, if they are weaker than the caster, they will have a chance of Instantly dying.
If the people who witness this spell do not instantly die then they will suffer from one of these three affects: Blindness, Paralysation, Fear.
MP cost per use of spell: 2,000,000 |
Okay, this spell was very powerful, the instant death effect in and of itself was frightening let alone the debuffs it could cause if it even fails to outright kill the target. The spell was awesome, but now came the next schools of magic that I was concerned with, Dunamancy and Chronomancy.
Chronomancy would allow me to stop Ainz from doing what he did before and not only that, it could allow me to redo mistakes or even manipulate my enemies into greater danger or damage. Dunamancy was an odd school, combining Gravity, Space, Chronomancy and Reality Altering... Thus I was not going to treat them differently, I was just going to merge them together, all into one spell.
Alavar's Spacetime Anomaly, Curse of Aging, Déjà Vu, Fast-Forward/Reverse, Expeditious Retreat, Halt, Haste, Hurry/Delay, Grist, Ephemeral Ward, Erase, Move Heavens, Novice, Prescience, Purge, Rewind, Slow, Sequester, Temporal Bubble, Time Capsule, Time Stop, Time Travel, Time's Arrow, Undo Harm, Dark Star, Fortune's Favor, Gift of Alacrity, Gravity Fissure, Gravity Sinkhole, Immovable Object, Magnify Gravity, Pulse Wave, Ravenous Void, Reality Break, Sapping Sting, Temporal Shunt, Tether Essence, Time Ravage and Wristpocket. These were the spell combined and just from their titles you could see how scary some of these spells are. many of them were still outside of my realm of power to use, Time Travel and Reality Break being the two main ones as the rest were within my capability.
|Detecting a massive accumulation of Chronological, Spatial and Dimensional energy...|
|Merging of Spells will begin shortly... Be prepared...|
'That's not fucking ominous or anything. Just because it says for me to prepare and leaves it off with an ellipsis.'
'Hey where is my warn-AHHHHHHHHHH!' I crumpled to the floor in writhing pain as my entire being felt like it was being shredded and eaten alive. I swear I could feel the blood sliding out of my body onto a cold snowy floor below me as the entire spectrum of sights before my draconic eyes faded into whites and blacks, a voice chiming in the distance.
"Again...!" My eyes flashed open as the pain radiated through my entire being, my soul not being spared as many parts of it felt lanced by the sheer heat of whatever had happened. The dull voice of my system spoke out but it was as inconsequential as the existence of Shuna hugging me. I vaguely felt Milim hugging me as well, but it was all cut out by the symbols spinning in my eyes and the tattoos that were now present below my wrists.
The symbol in my eyes was a hourglass but with a clock making up the glass segments of it, the entire thig dominating my vision before in a split instant my eyesight cleared, allowing me clear access to what things were in front of me. In conjunction with that change I felt the tattoos char themselves into my skin, almost like a confirmation of a transformation.
|Combine so many Temporal, Spatial and Reality-style Spells has mutated the process of merging into a unique Physique...|
|Congratulation to the new Bearer of the Epochal Timeweaver Physique!| I swear I could hear applause in the distance and the pleased murmurings of the woman on the throne that continued to berate me by saying 'again' over and over.
|The physique has changed much about you. You will have to discover the powers yourself however.| Rip-off came in at such a time and gave some handy advice, I didn't blame him for the change as it seemed he and the system were two separate entities. He was but the voice of the system whereas whatever ran things was something or someone else entirely.
Shuna's voice came to my ears as she lightly slapped my face. I was shocked by the sudden change in atmosphere, becoming somewhat annoyed by the slap. Milim in the meantime was looking at me with a predator's gaze, as if something had changed between our powers. I blinked a single time and saw Milim, but as a skeleton, her flesh and sinew gone, her only existence being death... Blinking once more she returned to her normal state. I could feel something poking along the edges of my body but it was impossible for me to find out what, it was just something. Everything was different and my body felt imbued with very high amounts of energy.
|Due to the binding of the Epochal Timeweaver Physique the status gains from the Demon Lord Seed shall be increased to 100,000. This is due to the current status points being equivalent to previous demon seed's goal, 50,000.|
The urge to blink in surprise overcame me once more and I saw Shuna now as a skeleton, discarded and thrown to the side as I stood next to her body, unchanging. I hurriedly blinked and returned back to the real world, my senses flickering between what is happening and what may happen should nothing change. I heard a small movement from the entrance of the demi plane and looked over, only to find no one there.
Not trusting what I had felt I turned back to Shuna.
"Sweetie, I am sorry... It just suddenly happened..."
"I know. I was just knocking you out of it." Her words made me simultaneously concerned for my own safety and shocked at the lack of emotion behind her words.
"W-why are you so un-emotional?"
"When your wife does crazy things and constantly gains new powers or experiments you kind of become numb to it, I suppose that is what I am towards it all now...?" I looked at her and felt some sort of sixth sense from my mind, she was lying, she was hurting very badly below that façade. I reached forwards and grabbed her, giving her a deep kiss and hugging her as her visage slowly broke down into an ugly cry. Yet again I had made her cry, but, this time I wouldn't let it effect her too much.
"I was in no danger of dying, you know this. If I could take a punch from Milim and survive, then I can survive some random powers!" Milim nodded deeply despite her serious face, she was oddly quiet and just staring at me, as If i had grown a second head.
"Milim? What is wrong?"
"I have a feeling... That you, could maybe put up a fight now... I don't think you have fully unlocked whatever it is you got, but whatever it is, it makes me weary to fight you..." My eyes widened and I felt my entire view change, literally. My sight extended beyond my eyes and wrapped the entire Demi-plane, I could see everything in intricate detail. Milim began to look everywhere and then zoned back onto me as my sight slowly retracted back into my body. This Epochal Timeweaver Physique is certainly domineering and dreadful, the images of Milim and Shuna being skeletons still coursing through my mind, I would never forget them and it was as much a blessing as a curse.
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