Chapter 69: Watching the Avengers and a Serious Find?
The meeting ended as abruptly as it started, Benimaru, Shion and Yuna staying long enough to have their drinks and say a small hello to Milim and Shuna. Sending them out of the door I noticed that the day had passed quite quickly as it was already late afternoon. Snow lightly spiralled down from the sky as the few birds that were up and about rested on the guttering of houses nearby. My mana was spent for the day and there was very little for me to do other than train my sword techniques and hone my dagger skills.
And that is what I did. Entering back into my demi-plane I went to an adjacent training field to both of my partners and activated the automated dolls that worked using the Magicules that my Rune behind the door gathered. They were simple constructs made moveable by the flickering states of the magicules being injected into them. There was no sentience but they could be used to test the lethality of spells or physical blows.
Taking a blunted katana from the side of the training grounds I soon got into a ready position, the Katana held in the centre of my vision as my legs pivoted into a steady and balanced position, leveraging my own centre of gravity and the weight of the blade in my hands. With my strength I could no doubt utterly abandon the weight of the sword and it would not effect my combat much, but, at my level every little amount mattered and skill was also an indication of power. Someone can be tall and muscular but a well positioned strike to the solar plexus or the windpipe could wipe him or her out in a single blow.
I shifted my stance downwards, bending my knees until they were almost at the same angle as the floor beneath me. Taking a deep breath my hand slid forwards, drawing the Katana from its sheathe, the cold steel crisply shining under the constant luminous white light that made the 'sun' in the demi-plane. My Magicules, the little that were present, began to flutter in my stomach, not being used, but letting me know that they could be. The blade was a quarter of the way out as my muscles tensed like springs, the compression of their 'coils' becoming strenuous as my eyes focused on the moving doll in front of me. The doll being around 5 foot tall and having a small sword attached via tape, it wasn't that impressive.
Within the moments between seconds my hand right hand slid the Katana from its sheathe completely, the sheer force and speed being above Mach 4 and reach upwards to Mach 5. In this single second the sword had already slid through the air and projected a sharp edge of pressurised air, the katana following through and stopping its passage through the air at the end of the second, its form hung at behind me as I had swooped lower and deeper as I lunged for the blow.
Standing up from my position and sheathing my blade I watched as the doll was diced from head to toe, every inch of it absolutely demolished, even faster than Hakuro could manage. Looking at the time it took though, I wasn't happy. Milim had emerged within a fraction of a second, the fraction being unclear even to me, It wasn't enough and I needed more practice. Thus my training continued, until both Milim and Shuna were standing outside of the training area, watching me. I wasn't even tired yet but the two of them wanted to watch TV and relax for the rest of the day. It was rare that I got a day off so they wanted to at least spend our free time together watching movies.
To be honest, I was happy that they wanted to spend so much time with me. Very rarely in my past life had anyone wanted to come near me, and if they did it was for only one thing. Blinking my eyes to snap myself out of those thoughts I nodded and walked over to them, my happiness evident on my face no doubt, as they too smiled.
"Sure. Let's go watch some Marvel, shall we?" They both nodded as I stepped up behind them as they turned, my hands wrapping around their waists.
From there we moved downstairs and watched the first Avengers Movie. Milim was excited beyond belief as Shuna was also raring to watch it. I shook my head in the mild hilarity i found from their expressions and also began paying attention.
The movie started out like it had in my past life, a blue cube being tested and used by scientists on Earth without any explanation of what it was or any understanding of its actual purpose. All they knew was that it could be used for weaponry, much like Hydra had used it for. Milim at this stage was watching with intrigue, as if she could sense something about it. The idea would have seemed impossible to me before but now... Yeah, it was possible she was seeing something with her powers. Shuna was oblivious to anything that could be occurring and simply watched as Fury, The Archer and a Researcher was speaking.
It was at this moment that the artefact began to spark and 'misbehave', as the scientist had said before. Within dramatic moments a blue spatial portal opened at the opposite side of the room and a man in dark, ripped clothing knelt down, the artefact slowly calming as a massive pulse of blue energy rippled in the ceiling above the portal. Milim grabbed my left thigh quite tightly and hunched forwards, gazing at the portal intently in every frame it came up in. I was slightly concerned now but I decided to just watch on.
Loki, the main antagonist of the movie stood up, his clothing becoming slightly more green as his slick wet black hair flopped down to his shoulders, his green eyes lightly sparking as he saw all of the humans around him. In his hands was a staff of immense power, one which he soon used to convert the members of the organisation that Fury ran, Shield. With a single tap of his staff he could turn loyal men and women to his side, the staff itself being a relic of immense power beyond what even Loki himself knew.
Milim was now staring directly at the staff, her eyes becoming draconic more than ever before, as if she had noticed something that neither I or Shuna could see.
"Honey... Are you sure these are just entertainment from your past world?" My eyes widened and I remembered the 'paradox' I had created several hours ago.
"If you had asked that of me before today, I would say yes, of course I am sure. Now though? No, I am not sure... Especially given the fact that I had summoned an element that should not exist in this world but does in another multiverse." Milim instantly turned to me and the show paused, Shuna blinking her eyes in confusion.
"Why did we stop the movie? That Loki guy was just fleeing the building..." Her words died out soon after she uttered them as she noticed how serious Milim was acting. I too was a little worried about how seriously she was treating this.
"Honey. Those things, those objects within the 'screen', they can kill me... Fully. I have a feeling that If i versed beings with the power to hold those items I would be but a frog at the bottom of a well." She was in her adult form now, her draconic side now fully shown as her eyes glowed powerfully, her pink aura radiating somewhat into the rest of the room, charring some of the wood with its mere presence.
"Calm down... They cannot affect us now. Unless we go there, they cannot hurt us. So, let us enjoy the 'movies' okay?" Her eyes slowly dimmed as she gazed at me seriously, until her entire being settled and she was now just adult Milim, not all-powerful Milim.
"Humph, fine... But some day we are going there so I can fight!" I facepalmed instantly and felt a migraine coming over me, my entire consciousness flashing various comics worth of information through my mind. Yeah, Marvel was way more fucked up than Tensura... I was good.
"Not any time soon." She pouted and looked at me in mock anger but I just ignored her juvenile behaviour and continued the movie. From there the movie played out as it usually did. Shield gathered the main superheroes, Hulk, Iron Man/Tony Stark, Captain America, Thor, and Black Widow. They started to track down the location of the artefact that Loki had managed to obtain from the start of the movie using the expertise of Bruce Banner. Before they could get the answers to the location of said artefact they found Loki attending a gala that had certain material needed for Loki's plans.
Loki continued his plan with the aid of a turned Hawkeye, extracting eyes from the man who owned the materials he needed and using said eyes to allow Hawkeye into the vault to procure the material. At this time Loki decided to gloat and act as a tyrant, attempting to scare the humans into submission. It worked, sort of, with a single man stepping up in the crowd, decrying his tyranny.
Milim and Shuna were moved by the scene and were routing for the old man that had stood up to the 'bully'. When Loki said to look to your elders the two looked utterly deadly, their auras somewhat extending outwards. Then, from the sky a man in a star-spangled suit interrupted the energy beam Loki shot out and stood up, the 'American-ism' dripping off of him in droves. Milim and Shuna celebrated and jumped up, declaring how badly they would kill this guy. The funny thing was that Loki was actually one of the best characters in the entire Multiverse and as of the last thing I had watched he had sacrificed his personal gain to save the Multiverse.
Anyway, going back to the movie. The events continued much like they did in the actual movie. Loki being captured, then 'interrogated', slowly turning the Heroes on each other, killing Coulson and then taking off of the Flying Carrier with the aid of Hawkeye. Milim was itching for combat half a dozen times throughout these scenes as Shuna was also heavily invested, her own emotions being tied heavily to Black Widow who had had one of the worst days ever. I smiled at her liking Black Widow, I had liked her too but I didn't like what the idiots did to her character after End Game.
"Oh, i so want to punch Loki right now! He seems so much like Clayman!" Milim was excited and angry. She was so energetic in fact that she was shadow boxing in the air talking about how she would beat up Clayman and this Loki guy for their idiocy. I couldn't resist chuckling and soon found myself pausing the movie for a minute so I could piss myself laughing. Luckily we used it as a time to take a break and grab some food and drinks.
Once the foods had been gotten we began watching once more. To be honest there wasn't much left of the movie complexity wise and the good guys soon found a common banner to fly under. Stark had an obvious lightbulb lighting up moment as they realised Loki was in New York, Stark Tower, his tower. From there the fighting began with Loki using the artefact to create a massive spatial portal that would be big enough for an invasion of Earth. Aliens poured from the skies and innumerable people were swept up into the resulting warfare. The heroes, or as they called themselves, The Avengers, leapt into battle and began to combat the alien force, saving humans and lessening the damage to Earth as much as possible.
Thor versed Loki in one on one combat, taking a wound to himself as Loki basically fled onto Marvel's equivalent of speeder bikes from Star Wars. The plot from there was basically the Government deciding to use nukes, Iron Man stopping it by directing it into the portal and the Hulk beating the ever living shit out of Loki. They had won and Loki was taken to Asgard as a prisoner. Happy ever after, SIKE... Thanos appeared and said he'd do it himself.
We were now finished, and lets just say, they were both raring to go for another movie. I vetoed that decision though and decided to calm things down by watching some Master Chef. Too much at once was bad and honestly it was kind of painful to know that the characters I was seeing being badass were all going to turn into shit because of shitty plot changes by idiots.
"Let's lay down and relax, okay?" They grumbled for a bit but soon calmed down and enjoyed themselves as they hugged into me, the blankets wrapping around all three of us. And like that we fell asleep, well they did, I entered meditation.
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