Chapter 68: A Paradoxical visit
Standing up from my previous position I continued looking at the adamantium within my hand, it was but the size of my pinkie finger's nail. So small was it that it was almost translucent to my sight, the magicules funkily phasing into the material in great amounts before being expelled like a living and breathing plant. The crazy thing was that this small piece of Adamantium was not only expelling the phased magicules but expelling a small amount of magicules, as if it was a generator for them.
My eyes widened and I intensified my sight, the smallest of detail entering into my mind for processing. Unfortunately there was very little to see, so small was the interaction or so subatomic that I couldn't see anything more other than the depth of colours within the magicules. Sighing in defeat I shook my head and rested my eyes. Coming out from the concentration I had achieved I instantly felt the weight of my limbs and the sheer effort it took to stay standing. My chest was heaving as oxygen pumped through my lungs as fast as possible. I would most likely be like this for a full day.
'That's gonna fuck up Milim's and Shuna's plans... I'll have to weather their anger...' I stopped myself from groaning as I slowly turned and leaned against the wall nearby, using it as a crutch to get back to the elevator. My vision swam for a few seconds until a bright blue light from my status screen emerged in front of me, my sight of it unimpeded.
|You have created a minor paradox... Wish spell has now been updated to include a slight regen buff. Any items that the user is wearing that regens mana now allows for slow regen of mana used during wish. For instance, Dress that regens 1000 MP per ten Minutes now regens 200 MP per minute for Wish MP usage.|
'Nice... That helps me a lot.' Exhaling in relief at not having to explain my problem to Shuna or Milim my gaze soon noticed my status and I felt a shiver run up my spine.
|Silviana Solaris|
|Species- Dark Elf|
|Titles: Magicule Artisan \ Friend of Rimuru Tempest \ Friend of Ciel \ Devouring Chaos Cultivator \ Protector Queen \ Milim Nava's Bestie \ Wife of a Kami \ Slayer of Charybdis \ Bearer of Dreams\ Paradox Summoner|
HP: 2,108,490
MP: 2,110,730
STR- 9094
CON- 9109
DEX- 9100
CHA- 9056
INT- 9073
WIS- 9054
Cultivation Techniques:
Level of QI Cultivation: Qi Liquification Stage
Chaos Dantian \ Devouring Form Cultivation \
Unique Skills:
█▓▒▒░░░Hecate, Lady of Arcana░░░▒▒▓█
Eidetic Total Memory \ Semblance: Umbral Assault \ Reincarnation's Blessing \ Growth \ Magicule Infinatatum Potentia \ Superb Agility \ Avatar \ Immortality \ Paragon of Cultivation \ Dragon Eyes of Dreams (0.06%) \
Magic Skills/Spells:
Magic Skills: Wind Control (Eminent) \ Lightning Control (Normal) \ Water Control (Normal) \ TV Broadcasting \ Fire Manipulation (Basic) \ Earth Manipulation (Basic) \
Normal Skills: Dancing \ Sexual Intercourse \ Leadership \ Administration \ Paper Work \ Dagger Experience \ Hakuro's Sword Skills (32%) \ Stealth Skills (5%) \ Cooking Skills (98.9%) \
Spells: Fireball \ \ Repairo \ Banishment \ Cure Wounds \ Locate Creature \ Detect Life \ Phantom Steed \ Nature's Embrace\ Haste \ Mirror Image \ Engorgio Skullus \ Diffindo \ Maxima Ultima Bombarda (2/5) \ Crystal Lance \ Holy Ray \ Polar Claw \ Blackhole \ Kinetic Shield \ Teleportation \ Burn Undead \ Anti-Magic Area \ Prismatic Wall \ Instant Upload \ Solar Blight (2/5 \ Demi-plane \ Phoenix's Resurrection \ Silence~Deafness \
Elementalis Spells: Tempestuous Dragon Thunder \ Cyclone's Embrace \
Cantrips: Eldritch Blast \ Mending \ Sacred Flame \ Light \ Mage Hand \ Ray of Frost \ Prestidigitation \ Thaumaturgy \ Minor Illusion
Wives- Shuna Solaris- Kami Kijin
Girlfriends- Milim Nava- Dragonoid (Human/True Dragon)
Souei- Shadow Kijin
'The fuck you mean I summon paradoxes!?' That was when I heard some noises from outside my demi-plane, the knocking of our front door. I facepalmed and shifted myself down the tower using my power over the space naturally and the shadow powers I had.
Stepping up out of the shadows near the entrance of the building I noticed Milim and Shuna unleashing spell after spell at several targets, working together on some and completely solo other moving targets. Yeah, they were having fun, I could tell as much from the wicked smiles on their faces.
Intending not to interrupt them I shifted through the shadows again and emerged right near the exit of my demi-plane, exiting mere moments after exiting the shadows. Not response was given by Milim or Shuna as they were continuing to use the demi-plane. Luckily it didn't need my constant concentration to keep it open so it would be fine for them to stay whilst I was outside. Another rap at the front door was heard as some pissed off words from a feminine voice resounded behind it. I was already down stairs when this occurred.
"Jeeze she sure is lazy to be having a sleep at this time of the day..." It was Yuna, the woman talking to a few figures behind her. Using my eyes I could tell one was Benimaru and the other was Shion. But, the third figure eluded my understanding, I had never met them or seen them. She was about to 'knock' again as I opened the door, her fist passing through the now open door, past my head.
"Yes...?" I wasn't pleased and they could tell that I wasn't happy. Shion was smiling a little at that fact but I just continued my deadpan stare. Benimaru swallowed somewhat as Yuna just whistled, her head turned and looking upwards.
"Stop wasting my time. It is about this man here isn't it?" Benimaru nodded heavily as he attempted to put his hands behind the man to push him forwards. This didn't work like he thought it would though as the man just teleported forwards unabated and without error. Even i felt my own eyes narrow a little, my eyes and senses confirming that the movement this man had just made wasn't any form of shadow-slinking or super speed, he had outright bent space to make it so his previous coordinates were his current ones.
'Rip-off, based off of what I saw could i replicate it?'
|I don't know, could you?|
'Not helpful, please answer.'
|I can't always hold your hand... Figure it out yourself.|
Rip-off went completely silent as a green gas vented from this scientist man's gasmask. My instant reaction was to isolate him in a bubble of prismatic energy but it didn't work, he simply 'stepped' out. Space was a hell of a power and he seemed to have complete mastery over the basics.
"I am not here to attack you. In fact, you are the reason I have come here." I cocked my head and looked at Benimaru, implying my question through my expression. He shook his noggin though so i simply shrugged and moved out of the front door's space, ushering them in.
"Come in then. Yuna, stop pretending to be thin air and get in... Unless you don't want a coffee."
"Ah! I want a coffee, don't leave me out here like this!" She rushed in like a mix between a rushed adult and a desperate child. In some ways she reminded me of Milim but Milim acted much like a child in most of her actions, except when it came to fighting, relationships and food. Yuna was just energetic, hectic and chaotic but ultimately she was mature in almost everything she did. The reason i knew this? Well, Souei was a person I had named and he was in charge of the spy department or as he and I had come up with, the Ghost Corps.
"Cosy home you have here." The man's robotic voice echoed within the house, the volume of it being too loud to my liking as I was concerned about him alerting and interrupting my partners.
"Thank you, please sit down here, I'll have drinks prepared in a few moments. Oh, what do you take?"
"Green Tea if possible?"
"Sure, coming right up."
I walked to the kitchen and began to make the refreshments, the talk in the other room being extremely limited, Benimaru monitoring everything the man did, especially when a exhale of green gas would emit from his gas mask every so often. Minutes passed in this awkward silence until I stepped into the room and set down everyone's beverages.
"I do not know how you drink but please help yourself..." The man grasped the cup in his hands, both of them folding around the exterior of the tea cup as if to soak in the warmth of the boiled water. Then, after doing that for a few seconds he clicked a button on the side of his mask and opened a small straw that then extended from his mouth piece down into the tea cup. Dulled slurping noises ensued as he apparently enjoyed his drink.
Benimaru and Shion were concerned and weirded out by the mask but me and Yuna just looked on in understanding. I could tell Yuna understood as she widened her eyes and continuously glanced between me and the new guy. Feeling the urge to facepalm I began to focus on my own thoughts.
'Not from my time period, plus it seems his technology is different...' I noticed Magicules being absorbed and then projected back out from his mask, much like the piece of Adamantium I had gotten. Within mere seconds I had marked him as dangerous and began to move through all of the possibilities at my disposal, including using Yuna, Benimaru and Shion to leverage a situation where he has to at least retreat. This was a habit I had picked up with years on the battlefield.
'All the exits are within a reasonable distance, Milim is upstairs and could be called for in a moment or two. Yuna could possibly protect us for a second or two... With my mana being this low for a day I can't rely on my spells, perhaps my skills and my swordsmanship? Possibly, not a high chance of gaining time but could work...'
"I apologise for the sudden visit and interruption to your nation's workings. My name is Paradox, now, I know what you all must think. 'No one is named Paradox'... Well, it is because I have been around so long I forgot my name. Moving past that... I am here to inquire into the nature of the paradox you summoned, utilised or created."
His pace was exceedingly confusing but somehow I kept up and narrowed my eyes at him.
"Why must I tell you?"
"Oh. You don't. I was just curious... It has been hundreds of years since the last paradox and that was when Veldora was ransacking that village and the hero didn't turn up... Luckily I had fixed the timeline then or we would have had several problems. In other words, i have been bored."
My eyes widened and I instantly recalled saving Shizu and the chain reaction that could have caused with Chloe and Hinata. Then confusion slipped over my face as I gazed at the man. 'How did he save the paradox from consuming everything?'
"Now I know you may be wondering how I saved everyone from that paradox... But I won't tell you, to tell you would be to erase the entirety of my work back then." This statement left me with a fowl feeling in my stomach, as if something bad would happen to Shizu, Chloe or Hinata in the near future, all in the name of restoring the timeline to a non-apocalyptic ending.
"Okay. You have given a lot of information in the last minute... I feel like I at least owe it to you to tell you that I was indeed, probably, the one that summoned the paradox." I couldn't see his face but his entire posture switched to an excited and energetic stance as the gasses coming from his mask increased in volume somewhat.
"What did it look like? How did it manifest? Did you use magic or was there a scientific method used? Was the result organic, non-organic, inert or active? Oohhh, I have so many questions and so little relations with you to get full answers..." The questions were rapid paced and had very little boundaries in timing between one another. In the end his last statement was the most clear and it was obvious he understood his position currently. I saw this as an opportunity, he wasn't to be trusted fully but, where interests align we could use his experience and expertise, which seemed to be in Paradoxes and some form of science.
"How about this, Paradox, why don't we establish a friendly work relationship where I ask you to do something or inform me about something and in return I'll show you parts of what the paradox was..." The gasses from his mask accelerated yet again as he was practically bouncing slowly up and down in happiness.
"Yes! Yes... Let's do this. Inform me via your magic when you have your first question ready, I will wait with baited breath!" he vanished instantly leaving a puff of green gas that soon dissipated and became an envelope filled with magical signature, allowing me to lock onto it if I needed to send messages.
'He was so fucking weird...'
|Heh... Like you can speak...|
'Shut up you! You can't even be as useful as The Great Sage, let along Ciel!'
Silence followed my words for what felt like minutes until rip-off responded.
|That went a little too deep...|
'Ah... Sorry, I didn't mean to cut that deeply...'
|Okay. Please know that I am doing what I can, but I have rules that I must work by.|
'All good. Take it easy, you are right, I need to do some things by myself.'
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