Chapter 64: Discussion of The Reincarnators
Both Yuna and Rimuru looked at me in complete seriousness, waiting to ask me several questions. Shuna and Milim were just stunned that there were three reincarnators in the same room, it was a very rare occurrence in this world.
"Yuuki is a very sick person that uses people like game pieces and doesn't consider them anything but flesh puppets. He is what some could consider, 'the bad guy' of the 'anime'. His powers are on the level of Milim, even greater in fact, and he also has several powerful people around him that do his dirty work, so he retains a clean identity."
Rimuru looked uncertain and was probably looking back on his interaction with him. Yuna was also thinking back to her memories of the man from the season she was up to. Milim was looking at me with glowing eyes, as if asking me if she could go fight him. Shuna, was just sitting out of this particular discussion, she didn't know who this Yuuki was.
"Rimuru, you gave him some manga, yes?" He nodded as I extended my hand, using the memory of a spell from DND to fully manifest the precise moment he did that. Rimuru was in a different outfit than he had been in this timeline but that doesn't matter. The only reason I showed this was because the event had already happened, if I showed future events that hadn't happened I had no idea if they would become true or not.
It was like those old prophesy stories where the more you tried to avoid a future outcome the closer you got to it. I knew the happenings of the anime and the different factions that existed, but, I couldn't share it otherwise things would become to chaotic and dangerous.
"So... He is the one behind the Orc Lord?" Rimuru stunned me with his deduction but I nodded and quickly responded to his question.
"Technically, he is the mastermind. The ones who actually instigated it was a 'Demon Lord' called Clayman and a group of Deathmen called the Harlequin Alliance. As i said, he would never be seen doing the dirty work himself unless the situation was dire."
Yuna at this time slapped her hand on the table and was about to say something, probably about her future knowledge. I glared at her and made her calm down a little.
"We will not speak of what we know and we will not act upon it Yuna. This world is different and with the addition of Overlord, we cannot assume anything."
"WAIT! Hold up, Nazerick is here!?" Rimuru looked at her and sighed as he soon began speaking so i didn't have to.
"Yes, they are... I only read the light novels but I know they are super powerful. Unfortunately I wasn't able to fully understand their powers or abilities due to the limited size of their LNs at that stage."
I stepped in here and spoke to Rimuru.
"I can copy the anime down into manga form for you if you want, it'll make versing them easier, possibly." He showed a huge smile and nodded, his excitement for reading manga igniting. Yuna at this time was looking between us and trying to interject.
"Yuna, please go ahead." I noticed her moves to step in and just gave her the opportunity to speak her mind.
"How the fuck are we intending to beat Nazerick, Yuuki and also fight to become a part of the demon lords?" I facepalmed inside of my head as my eyes focussed on Rimuru, who was no doubt questioning why we would ever want to become Demon Lords.
'Fuck sakes...'
"Why would we want to be Demon Lords?"
I sighed openly, shot a glare at Yuna before returning my gaze back to Rimuru.
"Demon Lords aren't as evil as you think they are. Simply put, Demon Lords are the natural evolution of Monsters once we reach a certain point. Now, there is a difference in level between Demon Lord and True Demon Lord. You can become a regular Demon Lord if you can survive one, becoming recognized as a Demon Lord. A True Demon Lord is an evolutionary stage, meaning that if we were wanting to become a Demon Lords as Yuna had declared she wants to, then we would need to get to a certain level of strength to form a demon lord seed. After that... We need to gather 10,000 souls at minimum."
Rimuru was listening in rapt attention as he cringed at the last element of evolving. He no doubt didn't like that last stage of becoming a True Demon Lord. Shuna was shaking at the thought of that many people being snuffed out like that, just so one being could push themselves up the chain of evolution. At this stage the city hadn't been attacked by the human church or kingdom yet so these were rather disgusting ideas. Yuna was even looking at me like I was strange.
"The reason I am teaching you this is that Ainz will most likely achieve True Demon Lord status in the near future." Rimuru grimaced at the thought as Yuna slammed the desk in front of herself, feeling the need to express her anger at the notion of him becoming higher powered so soon.
"Won't it take him a while? The Demon Lord Seed...?"
"Not as long as you may think. He has already started to operate under this world's rules and now he is very close to the actual power of a Demon Lord candidate. Soon he will have the seed, then he will slaughter people for it, if he isn't already, just by engaging in the ways of Nazerick."
Yuna who spoke was utterly pissed, her posture had changed into one of sheer determination and will. An aura of protectiveness spread from her and hit me and Rimuru, the power slowly sinking into us and vanishing. I had no clue what it was or why it was but I knew it wouldn't harm us, my eyes telling me it was harmless.
"We must get to that level... If we allow Ainz to get to that level then we will be hard pressed to defend ourselves against him. Especially if we aren't Demon Lords." Yuna's words rang heavy in the air as her aura shifted to a more casual stance, her eyes retaining the hardness from previously however.
"I do not want to kill 10,000 people..." Rimuru's words were quite plain and spoken moderately as he looked at me and Yuna in particular. I knew it would be like that so I just nodded and considered to let the whole Kingdom war thing go ahead. If we let it happen then he would become a Demon Lord and also get his ten thousand souls. Only thing that sucks is the fact that people would have to die on our side and an anti-magic area would be secured around our city.
'This shit is so fucking difficult to manoeuvre around.'
|Alternate possibility, what if you focussed on Cayman's forces and eradicated them to serve as fuel for the Demon Lord ascension?|
'Mmm, could work, but then it could be considered an affront to the Demon Lords as we are attacking them without provocation.'
|Point made. Instead, why don't you target the Empire in the east? Slay ten thousand or more of their forces and interrupt their movements, then ascend...|
'Would work but at the same time we would be poking a bee hive without any defensive equipment on, it would weaken them for a small time but their population is such that the death of ten thousand men or women would be like plucking a single hair out of a bear.'
|Indeed, it is a difficult matter. But, i fear that if you do not take some of the risks then you all will perish.|
'That makes sense...'
'What if we prepared for the anti-magic zone and created a rune layer within a radius outside of the anti-magic zone... I could set it up to contain the souls of the dead within the city and then use it also as a hammer to break the anti-magic zone and any other formation they may set up. The whole entire idea of this would be to ensure the resurrection of the people when we piss off the Kingdom of Falmuth in a greater capacity than happened in the anime.'
|Interesting... Are you planning to draw a greater force than 20,000?|
'Yes, if we are to fully ensure all three of us become Demon Lords then we must slay a greater amount.'
|How are you intending to keep Rimuru pre-occupied?|
'I will send him on a diplomatic mission to Dwargon and make sure that Gazel whips him into shape. It will be a good excuse to have him gone for a while. Then I will ensure that those three miscreants get into the city and start causing problems. I will step in an banish them from the city, they will blame the monsters and claim we hurt Humans in the city. This news will head back to Falmuth and i guarantee that due to my presence they will send a greater force of people. Hinata will also most likely come here under some misapprehension due to the eastern traders and the fact that her master was found cavorting with a 'monster', Rimuru. She will come to confront Rimuru and from there things get particularly spicy.'
|Go on...|
'Due to her stature she will recognise the threat that the Tempest federation poses and send some forces of the Western Church as well, under the influence of Falmuth she will be inclined to agree with their stance and will request a larger force to slay us.'
|Won't that also drag the Western Nation into this?|
'No, they will not enter it due to the fact that they love peace and also the fact that it would be uneconomical for them to support a certain side with the adventurers. They would sit back and in fact aid us indirectly by causing some chaos in the ranks of Flamuth's army no doubt. Think about it, the people who control adventurers and profit from them losing one of the only sources of monster parts? Inconceivable.'
|That's very Machiavellian|
'Indeed, but, the danger comes in how to defeat all of the armies and also send Hinata away peacefully. I think I will have to send a message to Shizu at the right time and get her to come over and help us. Then, they can both meet one another and Shizu can anime character this bullshit and draw her away.'
|That could possibly work... What if Hinata doesn't accept it?|
'Then I am there, Shizu is there and Yuna is here. If three people verses one can't work than we shouldn't even be Demon Lords.'
|What about the dead people in the city, if you are planning to send those people away quickly and subsequently not let their whole 'attack' work, then why are you so worried about souls and such?|
'If Hinata comes here and she slips out of our grasp then it can be used to maintain the souls of those that die and Rimuru can resurrect them once he undergoes Demon Lordification.'
|Why would he want to in the first place?|
'Because his nation is being prosecuted for being who they are and also under the their threat of killing all of our people... If he doesn't do it under those circumstances, than I do not think he would make a great leader.'
|You better get back to the conversation our talk has gone on for a a few seconds now.|
'Yes, i better.'
"Then, you don't have to. We will do as we have been doing and enhancing our nation to the best of our abilities. I am sure in future we may find a more harmonious way of advancing." Rimuru nodded and seemed satisfied by that whilst Yuna was looking at me deeply. I couldn't tell what she was thinking but whatever it was, it was certainly had something to do with me.
"Anyway... I just wanted to get everything out into the air so we all knew. Yuuki is a threat and the waters around us are murky, we need to keep our heads above the waterline and focus on self improvement." At this they both nodded, Milim also nodding as Shuna sensed the slight tension in the air surrounding this topic.
"Ahum, do you all want coffee?"
"Bleugh, no..." This was said by Milim who made a disgusted face and ate another scoop of honey. She was too damn cute sometimes...
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