A New Life, Beyond Realms: Tensura x Overlord

Chapter 63: A Day of Work

Rimuru's speech went down exactly like it did in the second season of the anime, except with a lot more explanation of his own actions. He added some information about our next official moves and that very soon the schools and universities would be operational. That last thing was something I told him to say as it made it seem like even though he was away he still thought of the nation.

To be honest it wasn't that far from the truth as most of his speech was surrounding the idea of enhancing the diplomatic relations with other nations and boosting the prosperity of the nation. Very similar to what the anime Rimuru had wanted to achieve. Luckily Benimaru and the others were already starting to do their jobs passively, making decision making for me and Rimuru much lesser but at the same time integral.

After the speech was finished there were many exclamations from the citizens calling Rimuru cool or awesome. I smiled at this as it reminded me of the times I used to watch the anime. Gabiru was even in the audience this time, his fanboy group calling him 'so cool' as he cried at Rimuru's speech.

'So much fucking drama over a speech...' I noticed some of the crowd also tearing up, their fingers and hands wiping the water from their cheeks. 

'Maybe I need to do some fucking speeches!' I huffed at the difference in response and moved over towards the Temporary Office. Yeah I was mad, wouldn't you be if all of a sudden a slacker does one speech and then he gets teary eyed sympathy for all of the work you've done? Gazel better straighten him out or I was going to show how much power I had with the wish spell. Lightning crackled between my fingers for several seconds before evaporating into the atmosphere.

I felt some eyes look at me as I slammed the door to the office building, huffily moving to my office and starting my work day. No matter what you did for someone, if you don't present yourself openly as the one who did it, then you'll get no appreciation, that is what this whole thing taught me. A minute after I sat down Shuna and Milim entered, both of them looking at me in sympathy.

"Silvi, I am sure they care about your work as well..."

"M-Mmmm, yeah! You did so much for the city! Of course they know all you have done!"

Their words were meant to comfort me but they showed just how little people recognised what I did. All they knew was that Rimuru was away and that I was working under his orders. I was a glorified fucking secretary as far as they were concerned. At least, that is how I took it.

"Mn." I went back to working through paper work, slipping into work to escape the inequality in treatment. Apparently Rimuru was out there trying to communicate the work I had put in but it was almost impossible for him to separate the work I had done from what they perceived as his orders. Yeah, i was over this day already.

Shuna and Milim awkwardly sat down near to me, Milim eating honey whilst looking at me from out of the corner of her eyes. Shuna was less stealthy as she openly stared at me until it was becoming difficult to do work.

"What is it Shuna?"

"Why are you sulking?"

I turned my head in her direction and stared her straight in the eyes, my true feelings from my past life and the current situation mixing within them. She flinched slightly before regaining her calm, her countenance changing to that of a caring wife and a supportive partner.

"I am not sulking. Since my youth in my past life I have been ignored, forgotten and cast out. Now, in my new one, with a much better life, my deeds are getting ignored again. It is not sulking, it is merely me reacting to the treatment I am receiving." I could feel the coldness in my mind and heart as I spoke those words. Living on the streets and getting picked up by kidnappers, then sold to a pervert who was then killed a year after buying me. Then I was taken by the people who killed him and trained as an assassin, I was 16 by the time i finished my training. From there the whole world went to shit...

A kiss on my lips shook me from my memories as Milim was kissing me deeply. Shuna was hugging me from the side as her warmth spread to my limbs. It was comfortable and soothing to me but i still felt that pit of cold. Some would say that I am bad with people, I would agree with them. The only time I had dealt with people was when they were abusing me, I was slitting their throats or sniping them from a long range.

"Silvi... We appreciate you. I know I always will and from the actions of Milim it seems she will too! Let us sooth your soul, okay?" I tightened my grip around Shuna as she spoke, my emotions subsiding into a sense of calm moments later as my heart returned to normal and my brain snapped out of whatever state I had entered. I broke off the kiss and hugged Milim, Shuna joining in too.

"I don't need anyone other than you two. As long as you are with me I can fight anything, even my past." We spent several minutes like that, Milim climbing up onto my leg in her adult form and Shuna leaning from behind my chair. 

After that small intervention from my wives I went back to work, now communicating with the two and having some banter. Eventually an hour went by and Rimuru entered the room, his face tired and haggard as many different mementos dangled from his neck and wrists. Presents from the people of the city. This time I ignored the spectacle and just continued to work, making Rimuru feel even more awkward.

Shuna guided him over and put a chair next to me, his posture becoming slightly hunched as it seemed he was trying to come up with words to comfort me. Despite his effort I just turned to him and passed him a piece of paper.

"Here, this is a document with the magic I used still imprinted on it, copy it like you did with Ifrit's magic. This'll make it easier for you to do the paperwork. Now that you are doing that let us discuss the monetary system..." He groaned loudly as I handed him a 25 page document outlining the system I had planned, incorporating the currencies of Dwargon, Eurazania and some of the lesser kingdoms around us. He flipped through a couple pages, understanding very little.

"I can't understand this..."

"Wait until the spell is done being copied, then you can use it to gain access to the knowledge and information in a way you can understand."

There was a knock at the door before he could respond as a familiar buff 7 foot tall woman entered into the office. Her sword was still swung off her back but she was now dressed in a casual cloth shirt and shorts.

"Yo! Heard you needed to speak to me about something?"

"Mhm, please sit." I pointed to a chair on the other side of me, Rimuru looking on in interest as he hadn't seen this woman ever before.

"Sure! Oh, your wifey is here. Sup miss!" Shuna nodded at her cordially but didn't maintain any abnormal eye contact or perusal. I liked that so I was much happier coming into the conversation.

"I wish to ask what year you reincarnated from." In an instant her aura shifted to a very defensive and aggressive posture, its presence only overshadowed by the instant shift of Milim's power that subsumed her power. Sighing loudly I pet Milim's head, her position still being on my lap.

"It's okay Milim, she was just worried that I was possibly dangerous to her." Milim shrugged and continued to eat honey as she moved side to side on my lap. This scene caused Rimuru to raise his eyes and Yuna to openly gape her mouth.

"Yes, i know you are a Reincarnator, I am too and so is Rimuru." Yuna was surprised that I was a Reincarnator but wasn't as surprised by Rimuru being reincarnated, although it became difficult to comprehend whether she was just as stunned with Rimuru as with me.

|She is definitely not stunned about Rimuru|

'She knows about Rimuru, meaning that she has watched the anime, thus, she is from the modern world.'

|Good deduction|

'Furthermore, she wasn't scared of Charybdis and pretty much immediately accepted that she was safe with our forces, meaning she had at least watched until the Charybdis fight.'

"H-how are there so many reincarnators!? Aren't they supposed to be rare?"

"Some things we can't find out yet. For now let us focus on my question. What year did you come from?"

She paused for several moments before sighing.


Rimuru blinked and tilted his head, finding that she was from the future for him.

"I was reincarnated around 2016" Rimuru's words resonated with Yuna and she grinned.

"I remember that year, that would have been when I was 13, oh boy was I a chaotic mess."

They both turned to me in that moment, waiting for me to respond. Personally I was stunned by when they had reincarnated. For me, I was reincarnated at the age of 38 in the year 2109. Boy were they from ancient times, they didn't even know about the world war that would happen a hundred years from when they were around.

"2109" They both looked at me in wonder as they weren't expecting me to be from their future. Rimuru had a gleam in his eyes as if he was intrigued by what had happened to humanity after he left. Yuna also looked at me in interest as her own views were rather jaded, Covid being a large part of the times back then.

"You do not want to know. Now, moving on. Since you come from 2021, you would know that this world was originally an anime, yes?" Rimuru looked shocked and absolutely bamboozled. Shuna and Milim also looked at me in wonder and worry, concerns over their existence in entertainment on a different world. Their entire lives summarised in entertainment.

"Y-yeah... I was up to the latest season when I got killed in a helicopter crash."

I nodded in understanding and looked to Rimuru, Shuna and Milim. They were all looking extremely concerned and off kilter. 

"Do not worry, think of our world's entertainment as a portal of information leading from this world to ours. Your lives aren't just for entertainment or for nothing, they have deep meaning and obviously have such a power that it broke dimensional barriers." They instantly looked much better, Shuna taking a deep breath in and out as Rimuru stayed completely silent, speaking with his Great Sage. I was glad he was using it more often, in the anime he only used it for piddle ass shit.

"Well... Since we have that cleared up, I have some information about a man named Yuuki." Rimuru immediately tensed and gazed at me, as if I had brought up someone completely out of his consideration.

"Yuuki is a psychopath."


"For reals?"


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