A New Life, Beyond Realms: Tensura x Overlord

Chapter 61: Rimuru's Return, Clayman

|⚀ You have rolled a 1, you will gain an Item|

|⚄ You have rolled a 5, you will gain a Greater Item|

|You have gained the Greater Item: Key of Gates|

The key was angular and coloured green, its essence covered even from my eyes as the very Magicules in the atmosphere avoided it like a plague. Like anyone normal in this situation I put it away between my breasts, a dress that I had made via wish after resurrecting yesterday shifting somewhat under the stretching of my arms.

I didn't want to operate something that was even repulsing the very magic that most of my power was based upon. In future I could study it and gain an understanding but as far as I was concerned it was kryptonite to me. The kettle in front of me began to boil loudly as the screaming of the kettle was building to an ear-piercing screech. 

Waving my hands over it quickly I deployed a spell that was used in DND a lot, the silence spell. It came out as a light lilac circle and son spanned the entire room, all noise disappearing from within, even to the point that I ,the person inside, couldn't hear the outside din of the bustling streets. The kettle was now silent and with that established I quickly and effortlessly created three cups of coffee, each was a replica of my own given that I didn't know how Milim and Shuna liked their coffees. 

Flexing my hand outwards the spell dropped and the noise of the environment returned, my ears popping lightly from the sudden shift. Normally someone would be ill or hurt from being in complete silence but luckily I wasn't normal and my elf physiology allowed for very unique phenomena to occur without much repercussions.

My cultivation from my meditation throughout the four hours was very successful, my body still circulating the vast changes that had happened the day before. Including the MP and HP that Milim had given me by accident my body was in the best possible shape. No wounds marked my skin and no scars were present from battles. My skin was a little lighter in shade, turning more into a human-like pigment but it was healthy as always and slightly glowing with my Magicules and Qi.

Speaking of Qi, it had grown exponentially with Milim's killing of me yesterday... Since it was tied to my life force the stimulation had completely launched my state of cultivation forwards. The only unfortunate thing was the lack of Cultivation Techniques or Martial Abilities, this is where I remembered the part of my system that allowed me to stop signing in daily for a week straight and gain skills.

'Rip-off, could I potentially stop the Check-ins and start saving for the Skill Check in?'

|Yes. Before you ask, yes you can get Cultivation techniques through the skill segment of the system|

My eyes opened wide and I felt elated. This world was much crazier and more dangerous than I ever thought, even watching the anime. Milim was at the level of absolutely destroying continents if she wished to. Guy was at the same level and Veldora, well he was only stopped because of Chloe... Cultivation was my ace in the hole, other than my Dream eyes and my Infinite Magical potential. I needed it.

In Chinese Cultivation Novels there was a constant theme of rising up from the 'trash' and growing to become a God-King that could destroy worlds with a mere gaze. It was sometimes utterly cringe and ridiculous, but, It seemed powerful. This whole world was crazy and ridiculous, so why don't I join in?

'Do it, stop the check-ins and save for the weekly skill check-in.'

|Affirmed, choice can not be revoked, started countdown|

|6 Days, 23 Hours, 59 Minutes, 59 Seconds|

'Okay, let's stop looking at it so i don't start regretting my choices.'

Following my thoughts I placed down the coffees at the dining table, my magic maintaining their heat as I began to cook some basic bacon and eggs. The process of cooking was always calming for me as it reminded me of times that I had to scrounge for food with my company in my past life, their complaints still faintly prickling my ears to this day.

'Heh, good days...' I flipped some of the bacon as in another frying pan a egg was also flipped by my prestidigitation spell. It was really, a very handy spell. In those few minutes my mind recalled the Demi-Plane I had created the other day and ideas began to flow into my mind on what to do with it. For others it may be good enough to just have it exist as a personal dimension. For me though? Nah, I wanted to make this shit a part of my house.

Why go to an outside training field when you can just go home and practice, then come back into the main area and chill, watching movies or shows. Yeah, in my past life I hadn't had much time to myself later in life, but this life? Yeah, i was about to go nuts.

'A rune, use a rune as a base for a formation or a magical effect... Then I can apply the demi-plane spell to the rune and have it make a door a few centimetres away from the rune.' Light bulbs were on and I had some awesome ideas, especially considering that I could base structures within the Demi-plane off of those I have seen. Which, I had a lot of. The food finished cooking as I hovered the plates over, the food also softly picking up into the air and plopping down onto the plates.

Drifting them over to the table I quickly hurried up to my bedroom, specifically to a wall that was completely bare. It was the same wall that the head of my bed was sitting against, on the other side of where I was now. From my hands I began to emit a dull light, dull white in colouration and creating a small sound that was similar to that of a zipper being unzipped and zipped again, except the noise of elongated outwards and deeper. With that noise came a bright white-silver rune that took the shape of a sun-symbol, extending from the palms of my hands and imprinting itself onto the wooden wall, almost burning into it.

Springing from the symbol moments later, in reaction to my magic being present, a decently sized door emerged. Silver was the theme of the doorway and the rune behind it but inside was pure white, the whitest white you've ever seen. This was a thing of sheer potential and it was all for me to meddle with and toy with.

Unfortunately for me my partners had awoken and I could hear them groaning out in pain as the front door was knocked rather heavily.

'It better be the end of the fucking world or I'll kill whoever just interrupted me and the sleep of my women...' I emerged downstairs in an instant, the shadows raising me out of themselves as Milim groggily opened the front door.

"What the fuck is it...?" I had never heard her swear but the sight was really adorable for me. Much to my pain and also my happiness I saw a figure I hadn't seen in a while, a week or two now, at least that is what it felt like. 

"Sup! I came t check in on Tempest! Me and Shizu have saved the kids thanks to the help of a fairy called Ramiris." Milim wasn't pleased, her bestie was back but he was speaking of this shit about two to four hours into their sleep. She closed the door roughly and walked back to the couch, slumping into Shuna's embrace and the both of them going back to sleep. 

I would feel bad for Rimuru but he became the energetic morning person, no one wants to be that. Opening the door once again I saw the crestfallen face of Rimuru, his expression somewhat hurt-looking. Sighing as I opened the door and I stepped forwards and gave him a hug.

"We still remember you and care for you, you silly little slime... Its just 4-5 in the morning and you up and left without much notice." His face was blushing heavily but after my words he became worried and serious, his eyes showing determination. Within my mind I smiled, this was the Rimuru that was awesome, the one that was extremely concentrated and out to aid people.

"Now, come in, I'll make you some breakfast and we'll wake up Shuna and Milim after an hour or so. I'm going to catch you up on the state of Tempest."



Somewhere within a creepy castle...

"Clayman-kun, you mustn't underestimate the Elf... She has beaten Charybdis single handily and that is not even mentioning the Slime that supposedly took out the Orc Lord." A rather raspy and playful voice resounded inside the decadent room, reds and gold mixing to become purely opulent. 

Behind a desk a man that looked like a mix between a renaissance noble and a Vampire Lord from Twilight sat, his fingers steepled and his crimson eyes gleaming in the moonlight that spilled delicately into the room from the opposing balcony.

"I am not Laplace-kun, In fact, every move I have made is with that threat in mind. They will not know what hit them!" The man started to laugh evilly as the clown-dressed man, Laplace, stayed perfectly quiet, his body unmoving. Seriousness was oozing from Laplace but Clayman was not paying attention, too caught up in his own fantasies and visions was he to notice.

Laplace finally gave up, his posture falling back into his seat and his eyes turning slightly languid beneath his mask. He had tried to convince his friend, his ally, his companion, to act with care and delicacy. His part was integral to some of the Harlequins Alliance's plans.

"If you are this confident I don't think we have much to worry about... Just please do be careful brother." These words of his finally snapped him from his day dreams and Clayman nodded.

"I always will do, and I hope that I can help you all out this time!" His words were said with conviction. The room was secure and this form of meeting very rare, thus he was speaking this way, Laplace knew the pressure Clayman felt and that this was perhaps one of the only times he has had to fully speak to someone about his issues.

"What about Milim?" Laplace changed the topic, erring on the side of productive conversation than emotive blithering. Clayman switched posture and his face became ghastly in his anger.

"The Bitch hasn't turned up anywhere! We have already had to accelerate our plans because of the stupid fucking SLIME... Now, we can't even find Milim..." He chewed at his nails slightly as his eyes gleamed a darker red, a servant at the side of the room stepping forwards and slicing their wrist to pour their own lifeblood into a goblet for his consumption.

"Need ma help?" Laplace was intrigued that someone could escape the extensive spy network of Clayman, his own gut telling him that something was up and that it was most likely better to know now than later.

Clayman didn't take his words well however as he went pale and outright refused. "No! This is my charge, i will complete it... Thank you for worrying Laplace but I have everything, under control." He took a deep slurp of the fresh blood, the liquid slowly spilling down his cheek before being caught by a handkerchief. His face grew disgusted and he spilled the blood onto the ground, the servant watching in revulsion and deep seeded hatred.

"Disgusting... Jump off the Balcony." His eyes glowed and his powers manifested in the mind of the helpless servant, the woman gladly stepping out towards the balcony before stepping up onto the guard rails and falling forwards. Laplace wasn't phased, they were just pawns in the game and they were ultimately expendable.

"Fucking servant and their need to eat garbage. Don't I give them proper food!?" The doors opened and several maids and butlers stepped in, cleaning the mess before offering themselves as food, an offer Clayman gladly accepted. 

And like this the room was filled with the scent of blood and the evil atmosphere of a force suicide.


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