Chapter 60: A Lovely Night at Home
A lighter chapter to get away from the drama and relationship stuff, sorta...
Hope you enjoy.
After the happenings of the day I decided to send a message to Yuna using a nearby soldier. I wasn't wanting to speak to her today so I just gave her some instructions to go speak with Benimaru and get some accommodation for her and the kids. Milim and Shuna had separated from me and were now discussing what shows they wanted to watch.
Shuna loved Master Chef and was vehemently pushing in that direction for our nightly TV watching. Milim, well she only really knew master chef. She was however arguing that we should find something else to watch. Cooking wasn't really her thing.
Despite the weirdness of what had occurred, the mysterious figure that may have brought me back and the power gain I had just achieved thanks to Charybdis and Milim, I was rather calm. Everything was fucking crazy so why freak out about it?
"Silviana, what do you think?" Milim and Shuna looked at me as I internally panicked. I knew they were talking on what shows we were going to watch but I lost track soon after that. Being silent in thought I quickly came up with a way to save myself.
"Both points have merits... Why don't we do both? Just one after another?"
They looked at each other and nodded before beginning to speak to me, conveying their decision.
"Good, then we'll watch Master Chef and then you have to show us some cool Fights!" Milim exclaimed loudly as we entered into the house. I was a little stunned at the volume but grinned widely as I considered the cool shows that were available to watch. Marvel, up until End Game, was awesome and would surely make Milim excited with the scale and powers. DC cartoons were sometimes good and also had some compelling story telling. Lucifer the TV show was awesome and funny. HXH was very much Milim's speed with a range of powerful characters and interesting abilities.
I considered each of the shows merits and peculiarities, grinning as we entered. Me and Shuna made food in the kitchen soon after, making a rather hardy steak meal with meat from Charybdis and seasonings from the Dwarven Kingdom, those that had been procured by Iralia. Milim was overly excited to start watching as we brought the dishes in, her teeth slightly protruding out as her form slinked back into a child-like state. Apparently the form was the most comfortable for the Demon Lord turned partner.
"Come on, come on!" She was jumping up and down with energy as Shuna and I sat down, my projection starting seconds later as a massive menu suddenly appeared. Every show was listed with cover art and the details my mind had remembered. It didn't have a specific platform's look but seemed to be an amalgam of all of them but streamlined to the point that I could simply think of a show and it would appear.
'Bring up Master Chef Season 2 Episode 1.'
The projection suddenly blinked in and out as the episode started, our dinners being eaten beside one another. Milim was kicking her feet back and forth as we watched, every little error from the kids earning a snicker from the woman. It was when Joe appeared that she got somewhat angry, she didn't like him...
"He's such an old fart!" I almost spat my food out of my mouth as she emphasised her emotions with her fork in her hand. A piece of meat was still clinging to the fork as she shook it for a few more seconds, bringing it back to her mouth and aggressively chewing down on it. Shuna fortunately didn't have food in her mouth at the time and was now laughing loudly as she watched Gordon give some snippy reply to the finely dressed judge. Yeah, the episode was good and Shuna still loved it. Finally after half an hour passed we were all finished with our food, my magic drifting the plates and cutlery back to the sink passively as the show finished.
"Mmm... I want to watch another..." Shuna looked and sounded displeased that we couldn't watch more but Milim looked utterly cute as she held her hand beneath her chin and attempted to resemble a sad puppy. I awkwardly chuckled and looked at Shuna.
"Hey, how about we have turns throughout the week? Milim gets the first three days of the week, you get the next three and I get the last day of the week for a show I'd like to watch." She had sparkles in her eyes when she heard that and took my hands, nodding deeply.
"Let's do that Silvi!" Milim was now starting to pout as we entered our own small little world. It was getting to such a stage that I had to be a proper partner and pay attention to her as well.
"Milim! What do you want to watch?" I tried to amp up my voice to make it more excited but she saw through it, her head cocking to the side as she considered my question. She had ignored the discrepancy in my emotion. Then, as if she had had a great idea she clasped my hands and stared into my eyes.
"I want Action! Could you choose something Silvi?" Shuna stared at the now small Milim and had a little bit of shock in her face as a thoughtful stare soon followed. I didn't know what she was thinking about but it was terrifying me for some reason. When Shuna got mad at me or got weird ideas in her head it became near on impossible to move her away from the idea unless it was harming in some way. I nervously laughed as my eyes trailed Shuna's expression, eventually turning back to the projector.
'Dave... I hope your method really works.'
The faint outline of Dave's stupid face appeared in my vision, his posture giving me a thumbs up. It was as if he was cheering me on and simultaneously laughing his ass off.
I blinked a couple times and focussed on the list of shows, anime and programs I had in my mind. It was an extensive list but I eventually found what i was looking for. Naturally due to the power Milim had and the 'action' she had requested my mind continued to draw closer to the more esoteric and powerful stories but in direct opposition to those thoughts I decided to put on the first Iron Man film. The film started out as usual with the motorcade of military vehicles in the desert.
We had to pause several times in the move so that I could explain the technology and what a car was, or as Shuna called it: An Iron Carriage. Missiles were an interesting thing to explain to them as they could put the car off to a deep know-how in magic. First I had to explain that most humans in the world the show was based in were powerless and didn't have magic. Magic itself was rare, esoteric and convoluted to use. They were shocked, being instantly drawn into this fantasy land.
The movie continued and I had to explain that the bad guys were rebels and were trying to exploit Stark for his technology and Intelligence. Milim had some rather interesting opinions on the antagonists, stating that it is only logical to do that to Tony considering the lack of protection he had and the relations between the U-S-A and this Desert Nation. I almost burst out in laughter when she said USA like it was a mythological creature from Japanese or Korean pantheons.
Rapidly the movie passed, Shuna being intrigued by the ideas and technologies, her head even moving to the music. She enjoyed the cheeseburger eating scene as she apparently experienced something similar with her father who used to train all the time. The imagery was completely foreign to both of them but that seemed to be the draw for them. Foreign worlds, diverse problems and issues, Powers that can't be based upon this world's logic and ultimately the visual bombastic nature of it.
When the movie finally finished it even had Shuna wanting to watch the next one, hoping that there was a next one. Looking at them I could clearly see that Marvel was truly a universal movie series that could even intrigue people unfamiliar with the world it was set in.
"There are more but it seems that we are getting close to our sleeping time..." Shuna looked at me as if I was crazy, her eyes staring daggers at me. Milim was also the same as her eyes were lighting up in a bright blue.
"Okay, okay, we'll put on the next one!" They smiled instantly and high-fived each other. I was flabbergasted by the team work but still put the movie on. Responsibility layed with them if they didn't wake up properly tomorrow. 'Time to watch Captain America I guess.'
The next morning I awoke to find Milim and Shuna wrapped around me, fast asleep and dead tired. Snores even emerged from Milim every now and then as the projection was halted half way. Yeah, they didn't survive an all-nighter.
'I told them... But NoOoOo, Silviana doesn't know what she is speaking about...' I sighed and slinked into the shadows, going to prepare coffee and some breakfast for the two women who had suddenly and explosively entered into my life.
|Rolle will commence in a few seconds|
|...W- Never mind, it is no problem|
'Hold on, what were you going to say?'
I squinted my eyes at the cat on my panel, his face looking slightly startled as the right paw hung in the air, as if midway through a scratching motion.
|Rolling is beginning|
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