A New Life, Beyond Realms: Tensura x Overlord

Chapter 58: Extracting Phobio and Meeting Carrion

Soon after we convened and the military's tasks were issued we went to the crash site of Charybdis, the body still undulating with movement as croaks of discontent and pain sung from its form. Peering inside the malformed husk of what was formerly a mighty creature the body of Phobio was clear to see for me and Milim. 

Milim didn't really care all that much for the man and in fact had several reasons to leave him in that state. I was not one to touch that patch of briars though, my generosity and logic guiding me forwards until I was within an arm's length of the central eye of the creature. Its eye was fleshy and moist, a reflective sheen making the sight of it grotesque and revolting. Grimacing I reached my hand forwards, my fingers twitching slightly as the iris of the eye flung in my direction.

Various grunts of displeasure rang in accordance to my movements but I ignored them as my hand froze on the exterior sclera of the eye. It shuddered and tried to kick up a stink but a single flare of Milim's aura quenched its fire. Closing my eyes I reached my Magic into the depths of Charybdis, towards Phobio. The sensations were just as disgusting as touching the eye was, but this was necessary.

Getting on good terms with Carrion could easily allow for trade and various other diplomatic situations to occur. Phobio was a annoying but needed at this stage, gain Carrion's support or at least not earn his ire and the next phase of defeating the cringey vampire guy can begin. Nazerick would always be a threat and with Carrion slowly coming to our side it would make life all that much easier. With those goals clear in my mind I wove my Avatar skill into my Solar Blight and carved out a tunnel to Phobio through the eye stalk of Charybdis. Unfortunately this killed Charybdis but at the physical state that it was in any blow would have killed it.

Some Hob Goblins moved the flesh out of the way as I took a few steps back, focussing on an idea I had just coalesced within my mind. My eyes sharpened and the power of the Dragons Eyes spilled into the magical aura around me, mixing with the spell I was going to cast.

"Wish!" I snapped my fingers and focussed clearly on the idea of exchanging the entire corpse and half of the scales to the spell. A flower that was akin to a sunflower sprouted into the images in my mind, except, in place of the yellow flower segment were several scales that sprung out. The entire plant was rather large and I started to implement some basic limitations that other plants would have. Soon after the image solidified in my mindscape my Magicules began to drain at an exorbitant rate, until finally, after 10,000 Magicules were drained, I now held three stalks of said plant in my hand. 

With these I could literally make a farm for the materials that Charybdis produced and not only that, we could also enhance our trade with exotic exports of this very unique material. Looking at my status sheet I was soon amazed by the changes, every stat looking much more impressive.


|Silviana Solaris|

|Species- Dark Elf|

|Titles: Magicule Artisan \ Friend of Rimuru Tempest \ Friend of Ciel \ Devouring Chaos Cultivator \ Protector Queen \ Milim Nava's Bestie \ Wife of a Kami \ Slayer of Charybdis \ Bearer of Dreams\ |

HP: 107,290

MP: 109,530 

STR- 8974

CON- 8989

DEX- 8980

CHA- 8936

INT- 8953

WIS- 8934


Cultivation Techniques:

Level of QI Cultivation: Qi Liquification Stage

Chaos Dantian \ Devouring Form Cultivation \ 

Unique Skills:

█▓▒▒░░░Hecate, Lady of Arcana░░░▒▒▓█ 

Eidetic Total Memory \ Semblance: Umbral Assault \ Reincarnation's Blessing \ Growth \ Magicule Infinatatum Potentia \ Superb Agility \ Avatar \ Immortality \ Paragon of Cultivation \ Dragon Eyes of Dreams (0.01%) \

Magic Skills/Spells:

 Magic Skills: Wind Control (Eminent) \ Lightning Control (Normal) \ Water Control (Normal) \ TV Broadcasting \ Fire Manipulation (Basic) \ Earth Manipulation (Basic) \ 

Normal Skills: Dancing \ Sexual Intercourse \ Leadership \ Administration \ Paper Work \ Dagger Experience \ Hakuro's Sword Skills (32%) \ Stealth Skills (5%) \ Cooking Skills (98.9%) \ 

Spells: Fireball \ \ Repairo \ Banishment \ Cure Wounds \ Locate Creature \ Detect Life \ Phantom Steed \ Nature's Embrace\ Haste \ Mirror Image \ Engorgio Skullus \ Diffindo \ Maxima Ultima Bombarda (2/5) \ Crystal Lance \ Holy Ray \ Polar Claw \ Blackhole \ Kinetic Shield \ Teleportation \ Burn Undead \ Anti-Magic Area \ Prismatic Wall \ Instant Upload \ Solar Blight (2/5 \ Demi-plane \ Phoenix's Resurrection

Elementalis Spells: Tempestuous Dragon Thunder \ Cyclone's Embrace \

Cantrips: Eldritch Blast \ Mending \ Sacred Flame \ Light \ Mage Hand \ Ray of Frost \ Prestidigitation \ Thaumaturgy \ Minor Illusion


Shuna Solaris- Kami Kijin


Souei- Shadow Kijin


After I had inspected my sheet for a while I soon noticed the deformed body of Phobio slumped before me, the Goblin workers huffing off to the side. Feeling bad for making them most of the work I craned my index finger towards Gobta and whispered to him that he should give them better housing near to the Government buildings. 

They were hard workers and took the initiative to aid in this situation, allowing me to take a moment to relax. Rewards were earned and they earned theirs. Milim excitedly ran over to me as she noted the plants, my Demi-plane being summoned soon after she came over. I grinned at her and tossed the plants into my dimension where time passed much slower than in reality. What would usually take several hours to go off here would need ten times longer in there, at least in the way it was now.

Milim started to pout but I quickly ended it as I threw her a honey jar, one of the ones I had on hand just in case she became a little much for me to handle. I know it made her sound like a pet but honestly she was just that damn attracted to Honey.

"Umm, are we able to go now?" The random woman's voice spoke out as the children that were behind her were talking to some of the Ogres and Kijin, Benimaru taking a slight shine to some of the kids and offering them places within the Military Academy he was planning on making. Yeah, that's right, they had begun to make their own decisions and were directing their own positions for the most part. In the anime they didn't feel comfortable to do so until Rimuru gained some proficiency in ruling, luckily I was here and was much more strict with rules and knowledgeable in being in charge. Not to dunk on Rimuru but he was a touch scatterbrain when it came to etiquette and political manoeuvres. It was only when he learned from Gazef and truly began to delve into his position that he began to notice.

"If you could wait for me, I need to speak with someone shortly and then I will want to speak to you about why you are coming to our nation... You are the first person to come to the nation from exterior ones whilst knowing we exist." The face of the woman tightened and her face pinched, it looked like she was confused as to why I was speaking and not someone else.

'She was hoping to meet Rimuru... Meaning she knows about Reincarnated as a Slime, not only that, she understands how powerful this world is and was going to seek protection whilst she grew her own power.'

|Possible, unlikely given her protection of children... Most likely she acknowledged the safety of Tempest and decided to help the children reach it. At the same time her goals were most likely focussed around helping or aiding Rimuru in his journey.|

'That's very detailed for so little time spent with her.'

|Believe what you want|

'Come on... I didn't even have a shot at you, I was just saying that we haven't spent enough time around her to understand her fully.'


'Fine, be pissy.'

Rip-off was quiet as I watched the woman walk closer to me. The Military personnel around me stepped forwards a little as if to stop her but I just held my arm up and stopped them.

"Hahaha, well sure. My name is Yuna, yours?"

"Ah, Silviana Solaris, Current Ruler of Tempest in Rimuru's absence."

The woman blinked several times before sighing aloud, extending her hand out for mine. I took it and felt a slight pinch as her strength continued to increase. Frowning I added my own strength and matched hers. She held the pressure for a few moments until her smile widened massively and her shiny white teeth showed.

"Hahaha nice to meet yah!" I looked up at her a little as her sword clinked on her back, the handle showing plainly over her right shoulder. My smile widened as well, Shuna at the side looking kinda pissed that i was 'flirting' with another woman. She soon came over and grabbed my arm, dragging me away whilst giving Yuna a glare, Yuna just laughing uproariously at the movement.

"She's way too cute! If you ain't careful Silviana I'll take her!" I glared at her and my eyes became deadly violent for several moments, conveying what I would do to her if that just so happened. Her smile widened and her power flared for a few seconds before tempering down.

"Oh my... So Yandere!" I shook my head and followed Shuna, my eyes picking up a large clump of Magicules arriving with alacrity. Milim turned her head in that direction and smiled a little, her face showing a lack of battle intent. Apparently she already knew the outcome of a fight between her and Carrion. Yuna was still there, her eyes watching me and Milim with intrigue as she looked towards the direction our gazes went.

Stepping out from the forest was Carrion, the Demon Lord of Eurazania. He was yellow haired and looked like a lion walking amongst his domain. His eyes were slitted like a cat's and his countenance was that of a predator on the hunt. Funnily enough now my own eyes also had the vertical predatory features of a dragon and he could also see my eyes. Milim herself drew some attention from him but then also my own presence, he was on alert, high alert.

Phobio before me was still close to death, his eyes and body fucked up beyond belief. I grimaced at the bloody view before charging up a Cure Wounds and directly healing him. The process wasn't long as he soon got to a 'not close to death' state. Carrion was now just ahead of us, his followers billowing out behind him as they looked like scolded children.

"There he is... The ungrateful man-child." He stepped forwards and ignored me and Milim. We too ignored his actions and just watched as he picked up Phobio and gave him a liver punch, knocking him out once again and causing some slivers of blood to drop down his face. Resisting the chuckle that almost burbled out of my mouth I smiled. Milim too, was smiling as she watched the idiot fall 'asleep' again.

"Thank you for dealing with this ungrateful idiot... I heard that someone had defeated the Orc Lord but I didn't expect that the slime was such a tall beautiful woman. His eyes slid over me silently before returning back to Milim, his eyes matching her stare.

"I am not Rimuru, I am the ruler in his absence. Silviana Solaris. Also, I am married." He laughed at the last part of my sentence as his grip on Phobio increased a little, blood trickling down his face and onto the Demon Lord's coat.

"Hahaha, Very Well. Silviana-dono and Milim, I will deal with this sack of shit properly. For now let's consider our two nations at peace with one another, a non-aggression pact of sorts." I nodded and reached my hand out. Noticing the intention he too extended his and we shook on the non-aggression pact. With that out of the way he left as quickly as he arrived, his subordinates definitely looking hurt and beaten to shit.

'A nation full of brawling demi-humans would definitely be a pain...'

"Silvi! Are we done yet? I'm getting hungry and we need to get to work!" I groaned as Milim also looked deflated, realising that she wouldn't be able to verse me as soon as I got home. 'Fuck my life...!'


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