Chapter 57: Qi Liquification Stage
My brain became hazy as the sheer spread of Magicules throughout my bloodstream invaded every aspect of my being. I was not only undergoing a physical change, but a spiritual one as well. Every movement of my body felt as if it was past the speed of sound, the very perception of time slowing down to a grinding halt. Standing as I was it was a very disconcerting feeling.
Charybdis screamed out in pain as my capacity to leech it's stats increased to a much higher threshold. My Qi now absorbing everything from the monstrosity, in fact, I even felt the emergence of Draconic Magicules. These Magicules were very obviously dragon tainted as they all gave off the dark purple and black electric aura of Veldora. Unfortunately for these Magicules my newly acquired Qi was ravenous, the very essence of my Qi corroding and consuming every Magicule that I allowed to touch it. My blood pressure increased as my Qi spilt into my body further, the effect only being increased by my newly gained Unique Skill.
I opened my eyes and watched as my skin became a glossy light purple, my nails becoming picturesquely healthy. My hair felt like smooth silk and flowed like water against my neck as it billowed out from the sheer pressure of my Magicules hanging in the air. Magicules and Qi mixed inside of me like a divine tempest and I could see through Charybdis, finding Phobio locked in the middle of the creature. His tortured face was extended and connected to the fleshy sinew of the innards of Charybdis, his own eyes popped out of his skull due to the malformation of his physical form.
Stepping forwards in the air my steps naturally met air and launched me forwards onto another platform. Charybdis was still getting drained of all of its stats as my Qi absorbed the nutrients and Magicules, expanding my own stored of Magicules. At the same time I could feel the amulet on my neck twitching and slowly moving upwards. Looking down at the amulet I was amazed to find the amulet instantly striking my right eye.
|Dragon eye Amulet has found you worthy, Gaining the eyes of a Ancient Dragon|
|Type of Dragon Eyes will be based upon the affinity you have|
My skull split in pain as my eyes burned and popped, the sclera becoming pure Qi and Magicules as my irises were frozen in place. I halted immediately and clutched my face, the pain rocking my entire body so much that I yelled in pain. A wave of emotion from Shuna transmitted to my mind but the pain was way too much, i couldn't concentrate.
Then, as if it was all a dream, my eyes were fully back. My vision was the same as before but higher quality. It was as if I went from 720P to 4080P, I could see everything in fine detail, down to even the smallest atomic structure. Charybdis raged out as its form began to fall from the sky, its entire physicality being drained dry by the changes I was undergoing. My Eyes themselves siphoned hundreds of points of stats and my skills had taken advantage as well.
Now I had basically drained all of Charybdis just by myself, giving some to Shuna. My feat wasn't necessarily OP because Rimuru could have easily eaten Charybdis with his Predation but my stat gain was indeed insane. Not to mention the upgrade of all of my abilities and skills, I was now able to match with Rimuru in combat ability if not completely supersede his current strength.
'Don't get too arrogant... There are still enemies that could kill you instantly.' My mind went back to the time stop, my teeth ground against each other in frustration. Time Magic Resistance was the next step in my training.
Unfortunately my Anti Magic Area started to collapse as the effect ended, my limit having been reached. Charybdis was now a hollow skeleton of what it once was, it had collapsed into the forest below, its form constantly regenerating and then being damaged again by the lack of strength it had. It was now constantly spewing out scales, the very essence of its regeneration centring around them.
'An infinite scale farm!? Nice!'
"Milim? How are you?" I didn't even need to look to understand that she was behind me. I had no clue how I knew but I did. Shuna was below me, about one hundred metres away and looking after the people that woman had been protecting, along with the woman herself. Turning around I saw Milim grinning wildly as her eyes glowed a bright blue.
"You're more powerful now! Hehehe, this makes me want to fight!" Barely resisting the facepalm that was brewing beneath the surface of my mind I sighed.
"Not now Milim... We need to get the main force to stand down and then we can gather a bunch of those materials. Phobio is inside Charybdis and we will need to get him out, for Carrion." She instantly began to pout her visage going back to her usual child-like pout. Her eyes went back to a dull colour as her hair whipped a little in the wind, its pink colour giving me the impression of cherry blossoms.
"Mmmmm... But I wanted to fight...!" She made the movement of kicking dirt as she was flying, her clothes lightly billowing in the slight wind I generated. Her get-up was the usual combat bra with a few flowy cape bits and some primitive looking jewellery.
"Maybe after we settle this event down, okay?" She looked at me as if she was analysing whether or not I was being truthful, her frown and pouting turning into happy cheerfulness as she flew around the air in jubilance.
"Yay!" I shook my head and removed the platform beneath my feet, dropping at the speed of gravity towards the group that Shuna was with. It was also at this stage that the main forces of our nation appeared, their weapons gleaming and their armour looking badass. Souei emerged from the shadows near to Shuna as Benimaru and Shion all led the forces there too.
My feet touched the ground as Benimaru and Hakuro reached Shuna, the woman from before standing in front of the group of kids and creating that same shield around herself from before.
"Thanks for the help... Annoying thing stopped us from getting to the capital..." Her voice was rather smooth but had a deeper quality to it. You could definitely call her voice sensual. Her height was roughly 7 foot and her hair, now that I could see it up close was actually not white but a light shade of blue, like ice. She was still protectively guarding the children behind her but also wasn't being hostile, it seemed she was level headed.
"There is no need for thanks, it is our duty to wipe out any threats within our borders; those that can't be tamed." I looked at Milim for the last part and then continued to speak.
"Plus, if you were coming to the capital city then we are glad to be of help." The woman squinted her eyes lightly, her gaze scouring my face and body for any signs of threat. She would find none no doubt.
'She's very protective isn't she...?'
|Indeed. She is also a Reincarnator|
'TF!? Why do you just casually drop factoids like that!?'
|Why do you call me rip-off?|
Finishing the small convo in my head I soon looked to Benimaru, Shion and Hakuro. Shion was still angry about what I did to her the other night but that was gradually calming down as she saw Shuna running up towards me, very happy.
Speaking of Shuna, she had changed massively. During the siphoning of stats she had gained roughly 5000 Stats in each category, a grand total of 30,000. I too had also gotten that amount. Her physique was now completely feminine, her horns now a bright glowing white with small speckles of gold throughout. Her face was much more defined and looked ten times as beautiful than before, which made it hard for me not to get distracted. Her body looked much more toned, her muscles slightly peaking out from underneath her kimono; not in a grotesque body-builder type way.
Her species had also changed as she was now considered a Kami Kijin... I believed that Kami meant spirit in this case not the actual god-like figures of Shintoism. Her assets had also plumped somewhat since I last saw them and with every step in her run I could see them bouncing.
"Silvi! Thank you so much!" She crashed into me and folded me slightly as I was now taller than previously. Before I had been a rather modest 6 feet tall, now, I was at 6'4" or maybe even 6'5". Unlike on previous occasions she didn't push me over and I managed to stay upright, catching her fully in a hug.
The new woman was laughing at the display as her shield dropped and the children all poked their heads out from behind her.
"Why was I even worried, you guys are way too nice and lovey to hurt some children and little old me." She waved her hand at us as if to shoo us away and turned to speak with the kids. Benimaru was smirking through the entire moment as Shion was looking at the ground like a scolded and abandoned puppy. I felt bad for Shion but she would have to come to terms with my and Shuna's relationship.
|You have reached the Qi Liquification Stage |
|You have gained 30,000 Status Points, these have been distributed throughout the six status sections|
|Dragon Eye type has been confirmed, You have gained the Dragon eyes of Dreams|
|Dragon Eyes of Dreams- You can enter and manipulate dreams that people are having. At greater levels of proficiency and Evolution it may be possible to dream items, concepts, powers or entities into reality... Permanently.
Current Proficiency is equal to: ZERO|
I blinked my eyes several times and felt the colour of my eyes change. My vision wasn't effected in any way but I could tell the colour had changed entirely. I asked for a sword from Benimaru as he stared at me with awe, most people around me were, even Milim and Shuna were. Looking down into the sword pure golden irises looked back, swirls of celestial yellow and icy cold blue dancing amongst the thickened pillars of gold within them.
'I'm too used to this shit by now than to react.'
|...Bout time|
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