Charles Ravencroft, a man who has lost his past, works as a detective to make a living while searching for traces of his own identity. One day, while investigating a case in a village, he discovers a mysterious paper written in a strange language he has never seen before, yet mysteriously finds himself able to read it. This paper leads him to dream of a raging sea amid a storm - a vision too real to be mere fantasy. His investigation into the truth behind this dream will lead him away from the world of ordinary humans, into a hidden realm filled with supernatural mysteries, where every legendary belief manifests before his eyes. It's a society where every risk brings power, along with severe consequences... sometimes making death seem like the better choice.
"To obtain what one desires, something must be exchanged. Knowledge is traded for time, money for physical labor, and skill for effort. But what must one trade to obtain great power... The answer is one's very self."
The Darkness Weaver novel is a popular light novel covering Fantasy genres. Written by the Author LazyWinterWind . Read The Darkness Weaver novel online for free.