Chapter 15: Shattered Ties
"I can't move, damn it! I'm all out." Grey's mind raced with desperation.
"Are we going to die here?" Zarek's thoughts mirrored Grey's, panic setting in.
The ogre's crushing grip tightened, threatening to snuff out their lives.
"At this rate, we'll die," Zarek thought, resignation creeping in.
Just as all hope seemed lost, the atmosphere shifted. Footsteps echoed through the cavern, growing louder with each passing moment. The air cooled, and the ground began to freeze, frost spreading like a dark stain.
A spear made of glittering ice pierced the ogre's skull, its blood splashing everywhere. The ogre's thunderous roar was abruptly silenced, its limbs stiffening in a helpless, frozen pose. The spear's icy tip protruded from the back of its skull, lodged halfway – a grim testament to the swift and merciless strike.The ogre's body began to freeze, encased in ice at an alarming rate. trapped in a tomb of crystal.
As the ice spread to the ogre's hand, it shattered, releasing Zarek and Grey from its deadly grasp. They collapsed to the ground, gravely injured and struggling to breathe.
With great effort, they lifted their heads, searching for their savior. A figure emerged from the shadows, his footsteps still echoing off the cavern walls.
Kai Lake, leader of the Terra Guild and one of the legendary Six Pillars, stood before them. His piercing gaze swept over Zarek and Grey, assessing their injuries.
"Looks like you both are suffering do you want me to end it" kai raised his hands as the frost started developing in his hand for unleashing an attack"
"Pathetic," Kai spat, his eyes gleaming with disdain. "Your suffering is almost... palpable. Shall I end your agony?"
Kai's hands rose, summoning frost that danced at his fingertips, eager to deliver the final blow.
Zarek's and Grey's eyes widened, helpless on the ground.
"Zarek-san, Grey-san!" Cynthia's voice cut through the tension, stumbling into view. Regaining footing, she sprinted towards them, her face darkened.
"A healer, huh?" Kai noticed the emblem on her shoulder, the symbol of Terra Guild, where a gleaming blade was embedded in a sturdy stone.
Cynthia rushed to their side, tears welling up in her eyes. "This looks bad."
Grey's soft, pained voice barely above a whisper, "Cynthia, what are you doing here? I was sure I made you leave with Spikes."
Cynthia grasped his hands firmly. "Please don't talk. I'll heal you right away."
As she chanted her skill, "Healer's Nest," a crown of glowing green veins formed on her head, framing her face. Her eyes illuminated with a soft yellow glow, highlighting the cross-shaped markings.
The nest-like structure of pulsing green veins enveloped Grey and Zarek, radiating healing energy.
Zarek's body healed at an incredible rate, surpassing Grey's. Cynthia's and Kai's eyes widened in surprise.
"He's healing fast," Cynthia whispered. "I've never seen anyone absorb healing magic like this."
Kai's mind raced, "Astonishing. I've never seen anyone heal at this rate, not even I can heal like this."
Within a minute, Zarek was fully healed. Cynthia and Kai exchanged surprised glances.
As Zarek opened his eyes, fatigue caught up to him, and he settled back onto the ground.
"Zarek-san," Cynthia whispered softly, "I'm alright."
Grey recovered fully within half an hour. "Thank you, Cynthia," he said, gratitude in his voice.
Zarek echoed, "No, I should be the one thanking you. Thank you for saving my life."
Cynthia smiled warmly, but suddenly lost balance. She quickly regained her footing, and Grey's and Zarek's eyes widened in concern.
"Are you okay?" Grey asked, worry etched in his voice.
"Yes, I'm fine," Cynthia reassured. "Using that skill on both of you took a toll, but I'll be alright. It's nothing compared to what you've gone through."
Cynthia turned to Kai. "Forgive me, Kai-sama, for paying no attention to you."
Kai interrupted, his cold demeanor chilling. "It's not a problem. Now, let's leave."
Cynthia's eyes widened. "What? But what about them? They're exhausted."
Kai's expression remained icy, his voice dripping with disdain. "They're expendable, Cynthia. Weaklings like them are dungeon fodder. You, however, possess a skill worthy of note. Your healing abilities could be... useful to me."
You have two options: join me and utilize your abilities to their fullest potential, or remain with these insignificant fools and suffer the same fate as them."
Grey's eyes blazed with anger as he struggled to his feet, his gaze burning with fury. "What did you just say, you moron?" he thundered. "Utter another word, and I'll make you regret you crossing path with us."
Cynthia's gaze locked onto Kai, her eyes flashing with defiance. "This guys saved my life. You can't ask me to leave them. I kindly decline your offer."
Grey's smile froze, shattered by Zarek's chilling words.
"You should go with him, Cynthia." Zarek's face was a frozen landscape.
The group fell silent, astonished by Zarek's sudden announcement.
Grey's voice intensified. "What are you saying, Zarek? Do you want Cynthia to go with this guy? Seriously?"
Zarek's tone remained flat. "No...but what choice do we have? We couldn't even save ourselves. How are we going to protect her?"
Grey's words faltered, his lip bitten in frustration.
Kai grinned, pleased that things were unfolding in his favor. "Now, let's leave, Cynthia."
"I'm sorry, everyone," Cynthia whispered, her voice barely audible, but it carried weight.
Kai's grin faltered, his eyes widening in surprise.
"I'm sorry, Kai-sama, but I cannot leave them behind," Cynthia continued, her gaze unwavering.
Zarek's voice cut through the tension. "Cynthia..."
She turned to him, her eyes blazing with intensity. "This is my decision, Zarek-san. I hope you respect it."
Kai's face turned glacial. "Do you understand what this means? Turning your back on me means turning your back on Terra Guild."
Cynthia's resolve remained unshaken. "I understand. And I'm sorry, but my decision is final."
Kai's chuckle was laced with frustration. "Cynthia, as of this moment, you have no ties to Terra Guild. You're dismissed."
With a quiet determination, Cynthia tore the Terra Guild emblem from her shoulder and handed it to Kai. "If this is what it takes, then here."
Kai's eyes flashed with anger. "You'll regret this."
Cynthia's voice remained steady. "Then I'll face the consequences."
With a sudden burst of speed, Kai launched himself into the air, vanishing into the distance. The ground trembled beneath their feet, and smoke billowed upward, shrouding the area in a thick haze.
Cynthia's eyes glazed, lost in thought. Lilia's words resonated within her: "Make decisions for yourself, Cynthia."
A gentle smile spread across Cynthia's face, memories of her fallen friend washing over her.
"Was that okay?" Zarek asked, uncertainty etched on his face.
Cynthia's gaze snapped back, her eyes shining. "Yeah, it's for the best."
Her smile illuminated the somber atmosphere, a beacon of hope. The group shared a poignant moment, their faces reflecting a mix of sorrow and resilience.