You Call This the Black Man Behind the Scenes?

Chapter 160

Chapter 156: Divine Revelation

Mellen’s dream continues.

And he was horrified to find that with the tightening of the snake in the dream, the speed of the life force in his body began to flow faster and faster!

At the same time, his slow thinking is also blurred, and his body is getting weaker and weaker.

It seems that he has accidentally slipped into a terrifying abyss, and the violent sense of suspension is accompanied by a stronger sense of crisis.

But because the surroundings were shrouded in darkness, he had no idea when he would fall to the ground with a slap and then be torn apart!

This may just be an illusion, just like a person dreaming of ghosts or being hunted down, can clearly feel that his personal safety is threatened, but in fact there is no such thing at all.

But even if it is an illusion, it is a lifelike illusion.

Because of this, Meren was shivering and trembling. He desperately wanted to escape from all this, but he couldn’t do it at all.

So inexplicable grief and anger emerged from the bottom of his heart, which made him feel annoyed and humiliated, and made him try his best to resist, but he couldn’t resist because he had nowhere to do it.

Emotions continued to accumulate, and the suffocation became more and more serious.

In a trance, it seemed that someone was saying something to him, but the voice seemed extremely weak.

It seems to be asking what he wants to say?

say what?

say what…


“I specified that it’s not going to work!”

The black-haired boy suddenly sat up from the bed, his face terrified and his heart beating fast.

But when he saw the brightly lit bedroom around him, he quickly sighed.

“It turned out to be just a dream…”

While muttering like this, he suddenly saw at the end of the bed, a pit viper with beautiful black scales coiling lazily at his feet, with an elegant posture and closed eyes.

It seems that after being full, it is digesting nutrients by sleeping.

On the other hand, Melon himself could vaguely feel a sense of exhaustion, and he was quickly making up for it because of the intrusion of mysterious substances from the outside world…

He froze all over.

At the same time, from the old and dilapidated to the elegant and magnificent white church.

Under the nervous gaze of a large number of people in black, a “metal” typewriter made of wood stalks and buds was completely born, and began to type slowly and firmly.

Unfortunately, because of the long distance, they couldn’t see what the word was at all, and could only hear a faint typing sound.

The only one who could see clearly was the grey-robed old man at the head.

Kneeling in front of this mysterious typewriter, he stared at the typewriter and slowly spit out a note, his whole body even trembling with excitement.

However, when he saw the line clearly, the expression on his face was stunned.

Because he couldn’t understand at all, what exactly was this line of square-like lines expressing!

This is an astonishing thing.

He lived more than one hundred and eighty years old, and he was able to use at least thirty languages proficiently, and even more that he was unfamiliar with but had seen before.

From some ancient scripts that have long been lost in history, down to some tongue-in-cheek languages that are not commonly used in some remote island kingdoms.

Even the rare symbols used by some intelligent and magical animals to communicate…

It can be said that in terms of language, there is basically nothing in this world that he cannot recognize!

But right now…

After the typewriter finished running, the old man in gray robe gently pulled out the note.

After memorizing the words above, I carefully put it away, and then sat there on my knees, falling into contemplation.

Behind him, there are many people in black robes waiting patiently.

Because they generally wear masks, they can’t see their expressions clearly, but judging from the excited and trembling figures, they obviously have great expectations for this.

However, although time continued to pass, the old man in gray robe did not speak.

He just sat there on his knees, bowed his head and remained silent, not knowing what he was thinking.

“Bishop Luca.”

Finally, a man in black couldn’t help but speak.

“In the end, Child of Destiny… what did it reveal?”

“A big secret.”

The thin old man answered in a low voice.

“Where are you pointing?” Another man in black asked excitedly.

“I’m still thinking.”

The old man shook his head and said, “His words are recorded in an unknown language that I have never seen before. Although it is very brief, I am not sure that I can decipher it.”

These words made the people in black in the cathedral look at each other in dismay, and each one seemed a little helpless.

“Can we still have a chance to listen to His revelation?” Someone in black asked nervously.


The old man answered without hesitation.

“Since he has responded to us, his arrival is an indisputable fact. It’s just that, to contact him again, we need a higher level sacrifice than this time.”

“Do you have a goal?”

“The **** of cold and death in the Land of Eternal Night is on the brink of recovery.”

The old man said, “Find it, wake it up, imprison it, and offer it to our Destiny Child as a sacrifice.”

“But it’s the church’s territory, and we may not be able to infiltrate it in a short time…”

“Grannie Caesar, Deputy Crusader, Hand of God of the Church, exhausted and dying.”

The old man responded, “He was looking forward to a miracle to save his life.”

“The Child of Destiny is a miracle.”

“So, go get in touch with him, go and spread the light of truth to him. If he doesn’t want to he’ll be one of us.”

“But whether he can win the favor of Destiny Child depends on his luck…”

Saying so, he found that the originally bright and magnificent white church around him had begun to fade, turning towards the old and rotten appearance.

This made the old man sigh, but he also knew that some gifts could not be forced.

After bowing reverently at the typewriter, which was also “degenerated” into a stake, he turned to his feet and walked outside the church.

The people in black gathered here followed one by one, looking excited, not feeling bored at all because they couldn’t understand the announcement of the Son of Destiny.

Because what is preached is actually not the most important thing.

The most important thing is that through this ceremony, they have completely confirmed the existence of Destiny Child.

He has come to this world!

Now that we know this, do other questions still matter?

Totally unimportant!

“Those lay people who say we are crazy and stupid should know now who is the real stupid.”

Some black-clothed people were excited to talk about it, as if they couldn’t wait to see the faces of outsiders at this time.

However, when they walked out of the church, this excitement disappeared instantly, and each and everyone’s eyes became vigilant and sharp.

Because at this moment, there are a large number of wizards surrounding the church square and even in the air.

The crowd was densely packed, like a group of sharks that smelled blood and rushed there greedily!

------off topic-----

If there is no surprise, there is another chapter tonight~

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