Worthy Core

Chapter 185: Dungeon Friends – Explicit


Got a FFFMM scene tonight, including some F/F action, some M/M, and even some F/M!

One minor plot point for skippers: 



"Welcome! To the VIP Suite! ...Or the Bunny Suite? Fuck it, I ain't had time to focus-test the branding yet. But check it out, what do you think?" As Xenia makes a little display of things, waving her hands in the air, her new guests check out the room the dungeon master has led them to.

Like most other 'rental' rooms, the primary attraction of the chamber is the bed, but in this case it demands their attention just a hair bit more than average. The mattress is enormous, perhaps ten feet wide at its peak, although it's not exactly uniform in size - the furniture's been shaped into the form of a heart. The sheets are red to match, as are the draping curtains and many of the other pieces of furniture and decorative items scattered around the room. Aside from the coloring, the theme of the room is indeed 'bunnies' - a towering headboard stretches above the bed in the form of two long rabbit ears, and rabbit ears and side-profile portraits can be found just about everywhere Xenia could think to put them. Off to the side, a door to a private bathroom appears to have a metal rabbit tail for a doorknob.

Of course there is more to the room than just the bed, which the others eventually manage to notice after a few moments. A hot springs pool sits in one corner of the space, much like in certain other rooms but noticeably larger here. Partially obscured by red curtains in another corner is a number of BDSM-themed pieces of gear - a pillory, a wall-mounted X-cross, and a display shelf full of various toys. In yet another corner of the room there's even a large comfy chair, for someone who perhaps prefers to watch the action.

All in all, it's enough to put even the well-traveled Dungeon Fuckers to silence - for a little while, anyhow. Eventually though Tolla does find her voice. "Well, I tip my fuckin' hat. I've seen bits and pieces of this sort of setup before, but never so elaborately put-together...and in a dungeon? Where the hells did you get the ideas for all of this, lass?"

Xenia taps her nose with a sly look. "Secrets of the trade, I'm afraid!"

With a shake of his head, Nallond speaks up next. "I've heard of how your floor is divided into various 'themes' based on the other floors, but I've never heard of this before. Is this the theme relating to Floor Seven, in some way? I've heard no one's seen one for that floor, yet."

"Nah, this one's a special case, me sorta flexing my...creative powers a lil bit. For VIPs, like I said, though I haven't decided yet exactly how folks earn that title. I daresay you've earned it though, a'least for the night." Xenia trails off for a moment before adding an addendum. "...Also this was the only one with a bed comfortably big enough for five people."

Renriel shakes his head in disbelief. "Well, I for one am beyond flattered. I knew our last visit was...'successful', but I had no idea we had made such a good impression on you. I guess one never forgets their first, eh?"

It takes a bit of effort for Xenia to hold in her laughter. "Oh, Renny, Renny, Renny...sorry, but you were way too late for that record, actually. That said, I did enjoy your visit. And besides, I owe you for getting Kahlia interested in dungeons, and that's been a huge boon for us here."

All of their heads snap to attention at that, and Tolla speaks for the group. "Wait, what was that bit? Kahlia's interested in us? I didn't even think we were religious! You two been prayin' behind my back?"

As the elves shake their heads, Xenia waves the question off. "Can explain that bit later - like you said before, clock's tickin'. How 'bout you Trish, ready for some fun?"

The Dragon Slayer, not usually one prone to being a blushing wallflower, is very much blushing tonight as she stands at the back of the crowd. "Oh, totally! I just...well, I always knew how friggin' horny you were sometimes Xen, but I never thought you'd pull me into an actual orgy."

Her friend snorts as she crosses the room and wraps an arm around the warrior. "Pfft, five people's like, barely a proper orgy." Nallond speaks up with a little more concern, however.

"I suppose that is debatable, but either way, I don't believe any of us would wish to overwhelm you. If you would prefer to watch and join in where you like...?"

Xenia nods along at that as she pats the warrior on the shoulder. "Sadly, I gotta report that Beatrice here is distressingly straight. But she does have a thing for watching, so maybe I can start on paying back Tolla while you boys give her a nice show?"

The elves share a smirk and nod, although Tolla's a little confused. "I ain't complaining about any of that, but what did you plan on paying me back for?"

"Well I did sit on your face without permission the last time you were here - how about this time I pay you back for the favor?"

Tolla's wide eyes answer for her, although her mouth affirms her response a second later. "Get eaten out by a dungeon!? Fuck yeah! Get on the bed, I can't wait to ride those freaky black lips of yours!" The dwarf is already pulling off her clothes as Xenia begins to make for the bed with a laugh, and the elves watch on with amused looks of their own.

"Ah, and to think Nallond, they say that romance is dead."

"At least I always have you here to act as a role model." With that statement made Renriel pulls his partner close and locks lips for an intense kiss - one designed to excite more than just its recipient. His hands run their way along Nallond's slender body, lingering on his ass before eventually working their way up to stroke his chin, but all the while the the Mage keeps his partner and himself oriented towards an audience of one. When the kiss finally ends, he turns towards that audience to see how well their performance is being received so far.

"Is that the sort of show you were hoping for, Lady Beatrice?"

The woman nods eagerly, unable to quite find the words to answer with, but Nallond has a rather mocking response of his own. "Ah, to think we've been stereotyped again. Everyone always calling for the 'hot elf boys' to make out. We're more than just fetish material, you know?"

From the bed, Xenia interrupts her hasty strip routine to defend her friend. "Hey! Beatrice is not a racist! She likes watching all hot boys make out, regardless of species!"

"Oh! Well, in that case." This time Nallond is the one to initiate the kiss, and as the heavily-embarrassed warrior watches on, this time their hands begin to do a whole lot more than some simple stroking and ass-grabbing. With extremely practiced ease the two remove each other's shirts while maintaining their lip-lock, although they stop once they're bare-chested. At that point Nallond turns Renriel around, making it easier for him to peck at the man's neck, but also making it far easier for Beatrice to see the action. While his mouth remains busy his left hand explores Renriel's chest, and his right eventually makes its way down to the man's pants, fishing out his cock.

He strokes his partner for a bit, but he eventually slows down before asking a question. "I can see you're enjoying the view. But what do you say - feeling comfortable enough to dive in?"

"Was always planning on it - was just waiting for the right moment, is all!" With that said Beatrice steps forward to give Renriel a kiss of her own, before sliding down to her knees and taking the elf in hand. She takes over the stroking of it for a while, but just as she begins to lick her tongue along the bottom of the smooth shaft, a comment from the bed nearly ruins the moment.

"Man, if I had a gold coin for every time a dude talked Trish into sucking another dude's dick - "

"Shut up!"

Tolla laughs at the exchange. "No worries, Vanguard, I can shut her up for you!" To emphasize the point the dwarf finishes crawling her way up Xenia's torso, before planting her nude crotch firmly over the loudmouthed dungeon's lips. It'd be wrong to call the woman bare, of course, given the impressive amount of hair the woman has between her legs, even in its relatively well-trimmed state, but it certainly doesn't stop Xenia from getting to work. "Oh gods, she's doin' it! I've got a dungeons - ah! A dungeon's tongue lappin' at me!"

For his part, Renriel answers with a groan. "Ah...I'm happy for you, Tolla, but I have to say...even mortals can be quite impressive with their skills. Speaking of, Nallond...I believe there's room down there for another."

"Well, I suppose I can share my toys with others, at least once in a while..." With that said the Hunter slides around towards Renriel's front and gets down onto his own knees next to Beatrice. She gets the idea quickly enough and pulls back, making room for the elf to join in on licking the other side of Renriel's fairly impressive cock. It's not particularly girthy, but it is notably long, and there's more than enough to go around as long as the two fellators don't mind the occasional lip contact - which they clearly don't. After getting the man good and slick they then switch up their approach for a bit, with Beatrice sucking the man's tip into her mouth while Nallond sees to his partner's balls.

Beatrice puts an intense focus into her work, as she does with most physical activities she finds herself engaged in, but she's surprised when Nallond suddenly pushes her back. "Eh? You wanna take over?"

"Not exactly. The fellow's getting close, is all, and it's more fun to delay the moment."

Renriel groans for more reason than one. "Agh, you torture me! But I suppose I can spread the love around, if that's what you want." The other elf nods and the two swap their positions, with Renriel going down to his knees and Nallond standing up, releasing the cock that's been threatening to burst its way out of his pants. Beatrice is slightly surprised by the tag-team maneuver, but can't find much reason to complain, and so a moment later she's sharing cock-sucking duties alongside Renriel, just as she had with his partner a moment before.

After a few minutes - broken only by the yells from Tolla as Xenia licks her to her first orgasm of the evening - the elves once again come to a halt as Nallond comes close to his own climax. Instead of swapping though, Renriel simply climbs to his feet, leaving both throbbing elfhoods pointing in Beatrice's direction. Looking down at her with a smirk, Nallond asks for another favor. "Seems we're both close now - mind helping us across the finish line?"

For a moment part of the woman feels as if she's being used in some way...but as she stares at the two throbbing, smoothly-shorn sets of genitalia dangling in front of her face...the rest of her decides she might be okay with that. "Don't judge me, but I think I've literally dreamed about this once. Sure - let me give you a hand...or two." She does indeed take one of the men in hand then, but she handles the other with her mouth instead. This time she's the one switching things up however, and after a few moments she swaps to sucking off Nallond while stroking Renriel.

She manages the trick for another minute or two, but she's not as familiar with the pair as they are with each other, and so slightly misjudges just how far she can edge them. The next time she wraps her lips around Renriel's cock the man explodes down her throat, and the sight of her surprised look seems to be enough to finish off Nallond as well. She only manages to swallow one or two of the elf's sticky jets before she has to pull back, leading to her face getting painted with the results of both men's pleasure. Her hands keep moving on autopilot though and the woman continues jerking them off until they're both entirely spent, and then some, with Renriel finally needing to call for a halt.

"Ah, ah, that...that was excellent service, my lady. You've done that before?"

It takes Beatrice a moment to answer, as she wipes part of her face clear. "Uh, well, not exactly that, but - "

"Hahaha, oh my god, Trish, look at you!" Beatrice finds herself rudely interrupted by a jeer from the bed, but when she looks over she has to snort.

"Look at me? Hey, look at yourself! You look like you dunked your face in a beer barrel!"

Renriel has to laugh at the description of Xenia's expression, which is currently covered in its own share of mess. "Knowing how much Tolla drinks, that might even be almost accurate! Hmmm...we certainly owe you some payback of your own, Lady Beatrice, perhaps you'd like to join your friend on the bed so we can...help you out?"

Looking down at the elves' still-erect cocks as she gets to her feet, the woman has to raise an eyebrow. "Ready to go again already?" Tolla answers before the men can, however.

"The boys've taken so many stamina supplements over the years they're practically always up for a couple rounds these days! Not that I've ever complained!"

Xenia does have a complaint of her own to make. "Hey, if you're coming over here, share some with me! You can't hog all the dick for the night! Or at least wait til my timer runs out, then they'll be all yours."

"Oh gods, no way I'll be able to keep up on my own. Guess I better let you have some, then."

Nallond grins as he moves over towards the dungeon master. "No complaints here, certainly." With a sigh Beatrice lies back on the bed, not far from where Xenia's still spread out. Tolla maintains her position on Xenia's face as the men come over, but turns herself around so that she's facing Xenia's legs instead of the headboard, and shares a grin with her party member as he approaches. When the elf begins to line himself up with the monochrome woman, Tolla waves him off for just a second.

"Hold on, hold on - allow me." Reaching out with one hand she begins to rub at Xenia's clit, before testing with one finger to see how 'prepared' her seat is. Apparently satisfied with what she finds, she moves on to grab hold of Nallond's cock and insert it into the dungeon master herself - after making sure to rub it against her for a little while, just to keep the woman groaning.

Beatrice meanwhile is far more direct, and guides Renriel into her waiting slit herself. She takes a moment to bask in the feeling as he begins to stretch her out, before looking up at him with a cum-covered smile. "I might not count for your 'record' of fucking a dungeon boss, if that's the sort of thing you're about, but I hope I'm not a bad consolation prize."

The elf answers her with an easy, if less sticky, smile of his own. "Don't misjudge us. We do enjoy setting our little records, certainly, but that's far from all we're about. Any partner, from the least to the greatest, is worthy of our full attentions." As he finally sinks himself in to the hilt, he lets go of a groan. "...And you are far from the least."

The group settles into a bit of rhythm then, as the two men begin to properly thrust away at their partners. Tolla reaches her second climax first, thanks to Xenia's continued efforts, after which the dwarven woman crawls away to recover on one of the bed's bright red pillows - quite the trek considering the relative sizes of the bed and the woman, and the shaky state of her legs. From there she simply watches the show and shouts out encouragement, cheering when Xenia has her own first orgasm of the night a minute later.

Beatrice is the last to have her first, and when she finally comes back to her senses, she's a little shocked to find that at some point the fingers of her right hand became interlaced with Xenia's left, with her friend watching on. "Ah...this is...is this awkward?"

The smirk on Xenia's face says it all. "Trish, Trish - c'mon, we are way past that. Even ignoring all the times I've watched you with your boy-toys up here, you didn't exactly always 'put me away' very well back in the old days, either. Remember that hunter, when you were going after that griffin?"

"That - it was a tent! What was I going to do, throw you out into the woods!? And I certainly don't remember you complaining at the time!"

"Haha, of course not, that was the highlight of my year! All I'm saying is, if you're gonna be gettin' fucked by my side again, I'm just glad at this time I'm gettin' some too." If the Challengers are at all confused by the direction of this conversation, they simply file it away with the other oddities they'll have to ask about later. For now though they focus on continuing their work, while Tolla spreads her legs and starts rubbing her way towards her third climax of the evening.

"...I'm still gonna say that this is all a little weird, still. But fuck it, I'm not complaining either. Thanks for dragging me along, Xen."

"Hey - what are friends for?"

And even when a few minutes later the elves unleash their second loads of the night, triggering another round of squirming and groaning, the two locked hands stay firmly clasped.

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