Worthy Core

Chapter 172: Physical Attraction – Explicit

An F/F scene for you tonight! No major plot points for skippers.


Zappy walks on through the portal making up the entrance to her Floor Five apartment, spinning so that she can give Tinsel a smile when the mousekin follows in after her. "Ta-da! My first ever house! Wasn't too big on the idea of being cramped up someplace before, but now that I'm part-earth elemental, it does feel a little...cozier to have a place of my own, I guess. What do you think?"

Tinsel pauses to look around the space - smaller than the apartments on Floor Two, but slightly larger than the average 'rental' room, with spaces marked off for both sleeping and recreation areas. It's rather hard to classify it as a normal living space, however. The place does have a bed - untouched, by the look of it - and a couch, and a table with chairs, but for the most part the room seems to be filled with metal. Large plates of it have been bolted onto the stone walls, fragments and small metal items seem to be shoved into every corner of the floor, and there's a number of chests and shelves which appear to be stuffed full of yet more metal. Simple torches dot the walls, providing enough light to see by although still keeping the room rather dim.

"It's uh, interesting! Got a unique taste in décor, suppose I'll say that."

Before answering, Zappy sweeps clean the floor in front of them - not by leaning over and picking things up, but by connecting with the various pieces of metal trash using arcs of electricity and then levitating them into the air magnetically, letting them orbit around her hand. "I'm still trying to figure out what décor is! Xenia's given me all sorts of metal to experiment with, you know, to use for making my body with or just to see what I can do with it."

"Wait, you're still adjusting your body? I know you said it was brand new or whatever, but you can keep changing it?"

The elemental taps her metallic chest. It's bare now, her work uniform having been long since discarded, although it could be debated whether her partially-sculpted breasts and nipples would qualify more as obscenity or artwork. "Only permanent part of me is my core, which Xen and Sincere say makes the 'magnetic fields' that hold the rest of my body together. Not really sure how fields work into it, I'm pretty sure I'm not growing any magnets! But I can turn that off and on to detach stuff. Wanna see? Pull my finger!" After flinging her collected trash into a nearby chest, Zappy turns towards Tinsel once again and holds out her right index finger.

The mousekin eyes it for a moment, but eventually decides this probably isn't a lead-up to some sort of prank, and grabs hold of the appendage. With a bit of a pull, there's a brief sound of an electric crackle before the finger suddenly pops off in her hand. It holds together, the smaller joints of the finger having been hinged together rather than held on by force of will like most of Zappy's larger pieces, but it immediately goes limp as soon as it's detached. "Huh. No pain, no feelin', no nothin'?"

"Not if I do it on purpose. If you managed to pull it off me without me letting go, I'd feel all, I dunno...stretched out and sore, maybe it'd hurt if we did it a whole lot, but we haven't really played around with it that much." As Tinsel holds the finger back towards Zappy, the elemental simply waves her arm in its general direction, and a second later it's flown back onto her hand, fitting neatly back into place. "Cool, huh?"

"Wish normal bodies were that easy to fix." Tinsel stops to wave at some of the metal bolted to the wall. They're almost placed like large pieces of artwork, but as plain metal they seem rather ugly if that's all they're intended to be. "What's the deal with all that? Supposed to be practical for something?"

"Ah, those? Been practicing how long I can magnetize something - might use em for storage or 'décor' or something if I can make em permanent. See?" As a demonstration, Zappy levitates what appears to be an iron spoon into the air before flinging it at the nearest plate. With a clinking sound and a bit of mental focus from Zappy it seems to hold in place where it lands, causing the elemental to smile in victory, the numerous metal pieces making up her face shifting to match her emotional state. "Woo! I can make it stick almost instantly now, but it can only hold for like...ten minutes without me thinking about it? Then it falls off. But I'm still new at it!"

"Naw, that's pretty impressive, I think." Tinsel trails off in thought, as a hand itches towards one of her bottomless bags. For a moment she considers searching for another of her limited supply of Sobering Potions, but eventually decides against it. Ehhh...if I'm actually gonna do this, maybe it'd be better if I can tell folks tomorrow I was just drunk. That'll fly, right?

Looking up at the taller woman, Tinsel attempts to put her thoughts into words. "So. Zappy. I don't mean to make this awkward or nothin', but I ain't exactly, y'know, experienced with elementals, and I get the impression you ain't experienced with much'a anything. So, just to make sure there aren't any misunderstandings, when you invited me back to your room, your reason for that was 'cause...?"

Zappy looks down at her shorter companion. "Well, a room is where we can have sex, right? Apparently Xenia told the rabbit-people, no 'hanky-panky' in the public area! And then Taly told me that hanky-panky means sex."

Tinsel's not entirely sure if she's relieved or not. "Ah, right! Good. You...know what sex is, right? I didn't even know elementals were into that sort of stuff."

"Well, we're not, and I don't think we feel good the same way you fleshies do, though there's been a few things that have been kind of interesting in this new form of mine...but giving people orgasms sounds like a lot of fun, and I'd really like to orgasm you, I think!"

"Wow." Rubbing her face with one hand, the mousekin mutters to herself. "Why is this turning me on?" Shaking her head, Tinsel eventually looks back up at Zappy with one further concern. "There's one other thing, too...aside from never being with an elemental before, I ain't ever been with a girl before either. Normally I'm just into men, you know?"

"Oh? Ah, no problem then, I can fix that! One minute!" Zappy hurries behind one of the shelves dividing up the apartment's spaces, and with the sounds of clattering metal that follow afterwards Tinsel is a little too nervous to take a peak at what she's doing. After a minute or so Zappy steps back out, a smile on her face. "So? What do you think!?"

The Alchemist's eyes grow wide. "Zappy! That thing's almost as big as I am! How do you think meat people work!?"

Zappy looks down at herself, sure that Tinsel is exaggerating. The phallus stuck to her pelvis is only a foot or so long, clearly nowhere near Tinsel's full height...but then, after remembering how many organs flesh-people are supposed to have, she supposes Tinsel might have a point. "Ah, fine - Xenia and Taly helped make me a full set, just hold on."

She heads back into her 'changing room', and after another minute of clanging and clattering noises she steps back out once again, this time looking much different. Not only is the metal cock protruding from her groin a much more modest five inches, but the elemental also swapped out her entire chest plate, replacing her sculpted breasts with a muscular, masculine form. "How's this?"

"That's...yeah, that'll do." For all of the enthusiasm that her words might lack, the way her eyes lock on to certain parts of Zappy's anatomy tells the elemental she's done much better this time.

"Great! Now, how should I orgasm you?"

"Gods. Well, first I prolly oughtta get naked, but...I'll take care of that, if y'don't mind. Lotta breakable shit in these pockets." The Alchemist occasionally gets a bit touchy about other people touching her things in even the best of cases, and given that Zappy is both new to her body and full of electrical energy...yes, best to handle that part of things herself, she thinks. After setting aside her bags and vest the mousekin then moves on to her more core items of clothing, and while she somewhat attempts to make her strip sexy, with a few glances and slow wiggles...this has been one area where the woman has never really been at her most confident. Her shirt comes off first, revealing white fur-covered breasts small even for her size, not even a handful to be honest. Her pants come off next, revealing rather short, stubby legs, and that's not even to mention her actually stubbed tail, still bearing the marks of her injury in the dungeon months previously. While it's true that most Valleylanders don't even account for tails in their judging of attractiveness, to say the mousekin has a few body confidence issues would be understating the matter.

Whatever flaws she might have seem to be invisible to the magnetic elemental, though, who watches attentively and appreciatively as her guest strips down. "Your fur is so smooth! A lot nicer-looking than those gnolls, and to be honest I think fur looks nicer than plain ol' skin, too."

"Heh, thanks, and agreed. Ain't a lotta beastkin on this continent, so folks get some strange ideas here. Assholes keep trying to pet me, can you believe it!?" Tinsel growls briefly, before pulling it back. "Though uh, this sort of thing's a, y'know, special occasion. If you wanted to touch me, or whatever."

"Oooh, ooh, yes please!" Zappy quickly steps on over before gently running a hand down Tinsel's arm - leaving a trail of raised fur wherever she goes. "Hehe, static electricity is fun, right?"

"Ha, that does tingle a little. Wonder how that'd feel in other places...though, one thing at a time. Hey, lean down a little more, would ya?" Zappy does so, and Tinsel leans in before quietly muttering to herself again. "...Fuck it, let's see how this goes." Leaning in a little more, the mousekin locks her lips with the sculpted metal making up Zappy's mouth. She holds it for a moment, shivering as literal energy runs through her body, before eventually pulling back.

"Well...guess you ain't got a tongue, so that's different. Stiff lips, too. That...do anything for you, though?"

Zappy nods. "It was neat! When you stuck that wet bit in there, it was like the energy fields in my head started running through it! It's nice having you close to me like that, too."

"Suppose that's something." Still leaned in close, Tinsel reaches out a hand and begins to stroke Zappy's new phallus. "...How about this? Can you feel it?"

"The friction as you move back and forth does feel neat. Could you make that wet, too?"

Tinsel pauses, until she eventually chuckles. "...Well, ain't the worst thing I've stuck in my mouth." Pulling Zappy's waist towards her as she leans in, Tinsel opens wide and takes Zappy's metal cock several inches into her mouth. Although she's smaller than most, her slightly snout-like face does give her a bit more tongue to work with than the average woman of her size, and she puts it to work licking her way around Zappy's shaft. Tingles of electricity run through her all the while, yet it's Zappy who ends up shivering the most from the interaction.

"Ah! Whoa! I've - wow! I've never felt something like that before! I like it!"

Tinsel pops off to give a bit of a smirk. "Well, I do got a bit of a talent, I suppose. Hey, why don't you lie down, and we try something a little different?" Zappy nods along and does as requested, after which Tinsel mounts the elemental so that her hindquarters are resting on Zappy's chest. "Wanna try using your fingers on me while I suck you off? Start gentle, though, ain't sure how this is gonna feel either, exactly."

"Ooooh, that looks wet, too...nice." Using two fingers of her right hand, Zappy traces her way along Tinsel's furred slit, rubbing along her labia before eventually finding her entrance and slightly pushing inside. "Is that right?"

Tinsel shudders slightly before nodding. "Oooh, that's a good tingle...yeah, that's right. Can go a lil deeper, or rub the outside...ah, yeah." Once Zappy seems to have gotten the basics down, Tinsel again swallows as much of Zappy's cock as she can take...moments before her mind goes blank. As if an energy circuit suddenly connected between their bodies, a jolt of energy passes through her tongue, down her throat, through the rest of her body and exiting out of her clit to re-enter Zappy's fingers. Noticing Tinsel's sudden uncontrolled twitching, Zappy pulls back a little.

"Tinsel!? You okay!?"

Sucking in a deep breath, the mousekin eventually response. "...Fuck. I think I just...fuck, that was the craziest orgasm I ever had in my life. From like five seconds of touching me! Fuck. I'd like to try that again, but...y'think you can tone your energy level down a little? Too much'a that shit might literally give me a heart attack or some shit."

"Ah, sure, I think I can do that? Ready for more, then?" Tinsel nods, and once the elemental resumes her fingering, she again takes Zappy into her mouth. The circuit forms between them once again, but at a much more manageable level, keeping the mousekin trembling but without overwhelming her nervous system. Over the next five minutes Tinsel orgasms three more times, a new record for the woman, and certainly an impressive display for the virgin elemental. In the process Tinsel turns Zappy's upper chest and face into a bit of a mess, but if anything Zappy seems to enjoy the effects it has on her electrical fields, and occasionally stops to rub more of the woman's fluids across her magnetic chassis.

Eventually though Tinsel pulls back. "Okay, okay, I could probably do that all night and lose my mind in the process, gods damn. But I don't wanna miss the main attraction - y'up for some real fuckin'?"

Zappy lights up, almost literally. "Hells yeah! How should we do it?"

"Well...bein' small, I ain't too fond of being on the bottom. Other'n that, whatever you're good with."

"Hrmm, hrmm...oooh, I got a good idea. Hold still!" Gently setting aside her partner before standing up, Zappy moves to summon a number of metal bars from a nearby chest. Before the Alchemist knows what's happened, they've been smoothly manipulated into wrapping around her at numerous points - her wrists, legs, and several around her torso.

"Whoa, what? What's the plan here, Zaps?"

"You'll see!" With a bit more effort, Zappy again lifts the metal into the air, this time bringing Zappy along with it. With a bit of careful manipulation, Tinsel soon finds herself bound to nothing, restrained in midair - and lined up perfectly with Zappy's cock. "This work for you alright?"

Tinsel bites her lip before responding. "...Yeah, this could be a thing. Easy though, yeah? Don't wanna get overwhelmed again..."

Zappy nods, and after grabbing hold of Tinsel's waist with her physical hands she begins to pull the mousekin onto her still-slick cock. It's a literal hair-raising experience for the tiny woman, the fur around her hips standing on end as the phallus sinks deeper into her, but the moan that comes from her lips is entirely one of pleasure. "Oh, gods...that's right deep in there, that's...fuck. Where's cock like this been all my life?"

"Happy to be here for you now!" With that said Zappy finally gets to properly thrusting, partially using her hips, partially by magnetically controlling Tinsel's restraints to move her back and forth. Put together they add up to one very-stuffed mousekin, and the energy circuit that links her cunt to the hands on her waist has the woman practically gushing her juices onto the elemental's dick. Zappy may not produce any natural lubricant of her own, but it's hardly needed, despite the tightness of Tinsel's tiny pussy there's hardly any friction once the movement gets going.

Tinsel's first orgasm - in this position, at least - doesn't take long to arrive, but the elemental seems to be a quick learner and there only turns out to be one more to come. After figuring out where the mousekin's sensitive bits are, and what level of electrical energy seems to cause the most pleasure, the next time Tinsel hits her climax Zappy begins to alternate her movements and currents to keep Tinsel's nervous system riding that same high. Trembling, twitching, and moaning, the Alchemist spends a solid two minutes unable to form coherent words before finally making out a cry for mercy. "Ah! Alright - alright, pull back, pull back, any more of that and you'll probably break me!"

Zappy hurriedly does so, leaning over towards Tinsel's face with an expression of concern. "Are you okay? That didn't hurt, did it?"

The woman forces out a laugh. "Hurt? Zaps, that was the best thing I've ever felt in my life. But...fuck, I don't know how much of that in one go I can take. That cock is unreal."

"Ah, well, you're welcome, I think! Have I orgasmed you enough for one night, then?"

After taking a few more deep breaths, Tinsel eventually shakes her head. "You - you fuckin' kiddin'? Lemme catch my breath, get myself a drink, and then we're right back on. I'm gonna ride you and that magic dick all fuckin' night."


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