World of Alvarra: Rise of the Vampire Lord

Chapter 92 Relaxing with Runes

Van still felt sore from that bout with Luna. never before would he have thought that she would be able to so quickly and so easily catch up to him. But he supposed that was just another unfair factor of this world he was going to have to deal with. In all honesty, he had resigned himself to it. Though, that didn’t mean that he wasn’t going to train and give up, no, he still was going to do his part in exercising and learning self-defense. But as he realized before, his strength will now be a more supporting role for the group.

Was it a stereotype? Sure. but if he had to be honest with himself, it was the only way to not only be relevant, but genuinely helpful. Before, when he was growing up he always thought of himself as someone like his father or Lorenzo. Someone who can with a slice of a blade cut off a monster's head or with a single chant blow up a wide area.

But that wasn’t going to be him. Or at least not anytime soon. No, what he was going to do is lead his troop, and his women, to victory by leading them well and buffing them up to absurd proportions. Taking on the role of party leader and supporter. And the best way to start was to go through all the memories of runecraft he got from Rudrick as well as learn a few more with Lorenzo. He couldn’t help but think about how he could make enchanted weapons and armor for his girls. Not to mention he had a few ideas he wanted to test out using the alchemy summoning to see if he couldn’t augment them even further.

Coupled that with some knowledge about making golems, shades, skeletons, and more, and nothing could stop him, given enough time and money. He smiled to himself just thinking about it. If he can't beat them individually, then he would just bring an army! An army of fully enchanted and augmented warriors with summons and more!

He schooled his expression the best he could, then winced as one of the wounds Luna gave him acted up, making him realize that although he may be clean, he was still bruised. So with a quick spell, he fixed himself up.

Doing so made him think back to their fight and think that perhaps he should have stayed, busy as he was, he still felt like he should have taken advantage of the opportunity to catch up with his wife. Not to mention the goblins now under him, it dawned on him that he should have perhaps taken some more time to get to know them and that he probably should thank Kella when she comes by later for taking care of things.

Shaking his head to dispel his worries, he was forced to come to the realization that a lot of things have changed and that he will now more than ever have to work double if not triple of what he had done before if he wanted to keep up to everyone else. But this wasn’t the first time he thought about that, and thinking about it over and over again was making him realize how much it actually worried him.

So he charged forward, wanting to get to Lorenzo’s study as soon as possible to distract himself from such thoughts and fears of inadequacy. Looking forward to talking shop with Lore and learning new things.

Entering the study now, he found Lore sitting at his desk, engrossed in whatever was in front of him as usual. Something that was a soothing sight to see, for no matter how much time has passed, Lore’s passion for magic seemed endless and unflinching. As if no matter what happens in life, like a compass that must always point north, Lore will always try to change a situation, good or bad, into one where he can study and fascinate himself with the wonders of magic.

It was that same passion and Van’s own desire to learn magic that so endeared Lore to him. Making him want to share in that pursuit of knowledge and wonder.

Turning slowly, Lore heard the click of the door closing and turned to give a gentle smile to his favorite pupil, who he knew must have entered. “Ah, there you are, I was beginning the fear you would never show.”

Van smiled back amused. “Did you really think that?”

The two shared a moment and Lore motioned for him to come over. “Come on, come on, get over here, I have all the things you asked for and then some. All the tools you need to learn proper runecraft and potions.” then with an excited smile, “I even was able to get my hands on Sophia's higher coding of runecraft! The advance volume!” beaming with joy at getting to share such a find.

Van couldn’t help but share in Lore’s joy, he knew that Lore had been waiting on that book for a while and that it would be very helpful for the two of them in increasing their own understanding of runecraft.

After that the two began discussing the many different theories of runecraft and its functions, going so far as getting into the nitty-gritty of the stuff. Talking about its origins, why it works the way it does, and how to make it efficient and versatile as well as the many applications it could be used towards. The two spending hours together in deep discussions, somewhat forgetting that they were supposed to be studying instead of debating with each other.

Finally though, they got back to why they were there in the first place and started by reading the book together and going over the examples, and recreating them themselves. It then dawned on Van that he knew most of what was being said, only being surprised by a few things.

Lore seemed to sense something was off because his student wasn’t as into it as he should be and pried the truth out of Van.

“Well… you see…” Van then told Lorenzo what happened in the focal point. How in truth he had merged with an echo and had some of its memories became his. Mostly his knowledge of runes and then potions.

At first, Lore was terrified and worried beyond belief for Van’s safety, but after he was slowly calmed down by Van who assured him that there were no lasting effects other than the knowledge gained.

“I… can’t believe it…” Lorenzo said, in some disbelief. “This is both amazing, and terrifying.” then looking at Van worriedly, “have you told your parents yet?”

Van hesitated, “n-no…” he confessed. “But that’s not because I don’t want to! I just… I don't know how to tell them…” now feeling a little silly, after all, if he could trust Lorenzo with this, he could trust his parents and knew that he could for that matter. He was even planning to tell Luna. but he was worried that they would have the same reaction that Lore just did, and told Lore as much as well.

“Hmm… well I can hardly fault you for that, I did overreact a bit. But you still should tell them soon,” he said confidently, bringing a hand down on Van’s shoulder. “And I’ll be there to help you,” he said assuredly.

This did much to help ease Van’s worry, and he thanked Lore for it, who only nodded as if it was a matter of course and no big deal.

“Now…” Lore began, with a twinkle in his eyes. “You said something about ancient knowledge about runes from a mad scientist?” his excitement getting the better of him.

Seeing such a reaction did more to help relax Van than anything Lore could have said. So in a good mood, Van did his best to divulge as much as he could to Lore about what he had learned. Not everything, Van wanted to keep some aces up his sleeve, but more than enough to satisfy Lore’s gluttony for knowledge. At least for now.

Van and Lore then studied together about new runes and how to use them. Van was always surprised by the versatility of runes, how they could be practically used for anything if one had the proper know-how and the mana to power it.

Studying the new book and comparing Van’s new knowledge about runes with modern theories was a real joy. Finding new applications and better methods to old problems made it worthwhile to study. Having fun testing it all was a plus.

They worked on how to make armor sturdier, how to make a weapon sharper, and maintain that sharpness. Van even got to play around with making a rune-based light switch, connected to a mana core. When the proper phrase was said, it would activate the core which would run down the runes and turn on the rune for light, which in turn would create a ball of light floating above the rune circle, its size and shape, changing depending on the other connected runes.

Not for the first time did Van think runecraft was some sort of computer code. Computer code that had a bit of will of its own. Since the rune for fire didn’t always have to be used for fire. Depending on what the mage had in mind when he made the rune, it could become something completely different. Almost as if one’s perception of the rune also affected how it worked. Which was a well-known issue known by expert rune crafters.

After going through most of their cores testing out new theories, Van and Lore switched to alchemy. Lore then began teaching Van about well-known and common recipes for health and stamina potions. So that Van could always find some ingredients that would help make them no matter where he went.

After testing a potion that had sylph weed and a mixture of other ingredients and drinking it. The two floated around for a minute or two goofing off.

After that, they went back to the applications of runecraft they had learned.

“Hmm…” Lore said as he watched Van mark his hand with the special ink that some rune crafters used for their work. “And you say this will help the flow of magic in the body?”

Van nodded, finishing his work and showing it to Lore. “supposedly it helps with efficiency and control. Not that I notice much difference, though that probably could be because I'm a born sorcerer.”

“Let me try,” Lorenzo said, and the two began putting the runes on his hand. When done, it looked somewhat tribal-like, with runes that flowed and with connection lines doing the same to create an almost tattoo-like image. Activating the rune, Lore felt a tinge of surprise with how he was now able to manipulate the mana in the air easier, the tattoo acting like some sort of medium.

“While I don’t know much about the efficiency part, I certainly have some more control… though it is a strange experience…” he said, moving his hand back and forth and turning it to take a good look at the design. “This is also not anything new either, people have been using runes as a form of tattoos to help bolster their strength for a long time. It’s just not very efficient since it draws from the natural mana pool of the user. Imagine having fifty units of mana, this rune that allows you some more control takes up about five to ten, which can be ten to twenty percent of that mage's mana pool.”

“What about non-mages?” Van asked. “If you never use your mana pool, would it be more useful?”

Lore thought about it for a second and nodded. “Yes, it would be more useful. Actually… I know for a fact that some hobgoblins in our army use these types of rune tattoos to help augment their strength. Either by giving it a passive buff that cuts into their natural mana pool or by making it an active one where once it’s turned on it will start consuming their mana pool.”

“Oh, wow, I had no idea it was that common!” Van said in surprise.

Lore gave Van a look. “Weren't you just with a goblin troop before coming here?” he asked as if expecting Van knowing this kind of stuff should be expected of someone who would be leading a group of goblins. “Did you not bother to ask?”

Van got a flashback to when he was talking to Isa, how he noticed the tattoo on her thigh and began wondering if that was not actually a rune of some sort that he wasn’t aware of. Now Feeling a little embarrassed for not paying attention he realized that Lore had a point and admitted as much. “Sorry… I was in a bit of a rush…” he said sheepishly.

Lore sighed, “Well when tomorrow comes, I suggest you take the time to properly learn about those who you will be leading.”

“Right, I will,” Van said

Lorenzo then looked up at the clock and seemed surprised to find out the time. “My, it’s quite late. But we may just have enough time for you to explain what happened to everyone before bed.”

For a second Van was confused until he realized Lore probably meant about what happened to him in the focal point. “Do we have to?” Van complained a little, nervous about what his parents and Luna’s reaction would be.

“Don’t worry about it,” Lorenzo said calmly. “You have a very understanding family. Not to mention it matters more that you are alright than anything else, and that’s all they would care about. I suggest you tell them now because if they find out later, they would worry more. Besides, I will be there to assure them that it is no big deal, if anything, It's a great boon.”

“Thanks, Lore,” Van said appreciatively.

Lore gave a small nod and gently ushered Van out of the room and called his parents and Luna to tell them what had happened and to keep it a secret.

And just like Van feared, they all overreacted and started fussing over him, asking if he was okay, a worried look in their eyes about who might be rooting around in his brain. But after Lore’s constant assurances and Van’s telling them he was fine and explaining himself further that the memories did not come with any personalities they finally seemed to calm down a little.

After that though was a little anger at him for trying to hide such a thing and a general agreement that Lore should get to work on a soul restraint for Van so as to prevent things like this from happening again.

After that, Van and Luna went to bed, and of course, so did the Annas with him. He later found out the mostly unused bedroom next to him had been turned into somewhat of a barracks for his goblin troop. Which felt a little weird, and kinda presented an opportunity to ask some more questions, but he supposed he would save them for later.

It didn’t hurt that Kella and Isa came by to give their daily report, though it did feel weird to be given it when he was on his bed, piled on top of by his girls. After that, they left and everything was beginning to wind down. Slowly, everyone fell asleep one by one and Van mentally prepared himself for the future to come and what he would have to do next.

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