World of Alvarra: Rise of the Vampire Lord

Chapter 103 Fort on Fire (nsfw)

The group ran through the narrow tunnel as fast as they could, sometimes forced to slow down in some places, causing near-misses with the stone-kin following close behind. But almost as if a second wind took them, they made their way out of the small opening and into the open air in record time. They did not stop to celebrate though, instead, they continued their mad dash towards the fort, leaving the yells and battle cries of their pursuers behind.

Oddly enough, the troglodytes and troll stopped at the entrance of the tunnel for a few minutes. It was hours before nightfall, and a stone-kin’s eyes were sensitive to the light unless they got used to it first. Due to that fact, Kella and the group were able to safely build up the distance between them and their enemies as they ran towards the fort.

They safely made it through the front gates, warning everyone and yelling to get ready for war, putting the entire encampment on alert.

It took the goblins a while, but once they realized that this was the real deal, they started to rush about, getting supplies and weapons and manning the walls as the harpies, the few they had, took flight and started to scout around for danger.

Gwen and Isa rushed towards the group with fear in their eyes at how badly injured they were and how Van was being princess carried by Kella with half his clothes torn off.

“What happened!” Gwen yelled out in worry, rushing the group and trying to check up on Van.

“What’s going on!?” Isa also yelled in a slight panic, rushing towards Kella and looking for guidance as to what to do next.

“Not now!” Kella snapped at the both of them as she moved past them towards Van’s tent to put him down. She then turned to Isa and gave orders to find medicine then turned towards Gwen and asked if there was anything she could do.

“I don’t know,” Gwen said, panicking a little as she crouched down to take a better look at Van’s condition, putting her hand on his forehead and paling at how hot it was. “I don’t know a lot of healing spells. I never got around to properly learning them!”

Luna then went down on the other side of Van and also felt his forehead with worry, only to bring back in shock as something spoke into her mind for a split second. Nervous, she put her hand back as something felt familiar about the voice, though she couldn't put her finger on it. More importantly, she was willing to take any risk if it meant she could figure something out that could help her husband.

(“don’t pull away!”) a voice shouted in her mind, making her flinch, but doing her best not to remove her hand.

During this time everyone was still panicking and rushing about, trying to figure out what to do. Medicine was gathered and administered but with no effects, nor was Gwen’s minor healing of any effect.

(“Listen, you can’t reply so don’t bother. Just nod your head yes or no if you understand. understand?”) the voice said.

Hesitantly she looked around to see if anyone else was able to hear the voice or if she was just going crazy. With some trepidation, she nodded.

(“Good! Listen, I have an idea of what we can do to help Van. he took a massive amount of undiluted Eros powder. Right now all his energy, aura, mana, life, just everything! Is being turned and converted into sperm and pure energy. There's no way we can stop it from sucking up his life and killing him until it’s run its course. But there is a way to save him anyway, though it will be complicated, dangerous, and possibly kill both him and you. Because only you have the ability to save him. Are you listening? Only you! If you are ready for what’s next, nod your head.”) the voice said.

Luna paused, she wondered for a moment if she should trust the voice, but it was only for a moment. She would do anything if it meant saving Van, so she nodded resolutely.

(“Good! Now what I’m about to recommend is extremely dangerous. But it could be the only thing that saves him. If everything works out well, not only will the both of you live, but you might become even stronger than you were before. In fact, it is necessary that you both rank up and awaken if you want to survive. I’ll explain later, first drag Van towards the magic circle he made near the center of the fort. Place him in the middle, I think I can gain access to it if I try. Also, tell that harpy chick to help out. And bring all the mana cores you can! Now go!”) the voice shouted with urgency.

Luna did just that, saying she has an idea of how they could save Van. They looked at her incredulously, but with no better idea, they decided to go with any chance that could save his life.

They did as she said and carried Van out and into the magic circle outside, bringing the huge bowl of mana cores along with Gwen taking a position near the edge of the circle to help, though she did not know with what.

With Van now in the center of the magic circle, Luna placed her hand on his forehead once more for further instructions.

(“Alright, good, now listen closely to what I’m about to say.”) the voice began, somehow taking on a more serious tone. (“we are going to rank up Van’s dhampir/vampire race from lesser to average. Normally that would take a lot of essence or mana, but a little-known trick is to also use high energy concentrated blood. Another thing we are going to do is try and awaken his incubi race and your succubi race. Normally even with all these mana cores it still wouldn’t be enough, but If we do the trick I’m thinking about correctly, we can hit three birds, no, four birds with one stone. Getting Van ranked up, both of you awakening your race’s and both of you living and alive, stronger than ever. It will take a long time to do, which is perfect because we need to let the powder run its course, what’s really important is that we are not interrupted, do you understand?”)

Luna nodded.

(“good, now listen closely...”) and the voice began to tell her what she had to do. Her eyes widened at the sheer insanity of what it was suggesting. What it was saying could scar her for life and constantly will put her life at risk the whole way through the ritual.

But she didn’t have a choice. She agreed to everything. Resolved to die trying if it meant saving Van.

Turning to the group, she gave no explanation, only told them in order for this to work, she could not be interrupted for any reason and that they had to act now before it was too late.

The group surrounding her hesitated. Kella looked unsure, but it was Anna who agreed without hesitation, if it was to save Van, she would do anything. And with that, Luna told Anna to join around the circle and to be ready for her orders.

But just then an alarm was raised, warnings of about a hundred stone-kin, half of them of a lesser variety, marching towards the fort, led by three imposing figures.

Luna looked towards Kella, she didn't need to say anything for the message to get across.

Kella nodded. “I’ll take care of it,” then turned to Isa. “Isa, you're with me.” then moved forward ordering the troops about and getting ready for a siege. Isa followed Kella to the front but took quick glances of worry behind her as she went.

Luna watched them leave for a moment before turning back to what was important. Mentally preparing herself, she took a deep breath and exhaled it, doing her best to get rid of any nerves she might have that could get in the way of what she was going to do next.

With her mind made up, she moved forward with the plan.

--- sex scene---


---end of sex scene---

Luna’s eyes turned red. She remembered that troll. Or at least she thought so, she looked familiar at least. But one thing she did know for a fact, was that she hated that troll.

With great anger and annoyance, she parted from her husband. It was seriously annoying, really! Really!! ANNOYING!!!

Luna gave a hissing roar of anger at the offender that dared interrupt her and her beloved's time together.

The troll took a step back in fear and confusion. It hadn’t been that long since Luna had left the cave. How could there be such a sudden change?

Luna formed a bow made out of pure shadow and drew it, aiming right for the troll. She fired it and an arrow of shadow flew from it at such speed even Kella, with all her experience, doubted anyone she knew could dodge it, if she were there to see it.

The arrow hit the troll on the leg.

“Eh?” slowly she looked down, her eyes widening in disbelief as she yelled. Her left leg was missing. It had simply been vaporized. As if the arrow of shadow was a black hole that ate it up as it passed through, leaving nothing behind.

The troll screamed in pain as the damage finally registered. She fell to the ground unable to keep her balance when she tried to take a step back. She looked towards where Luna was last, but she was gone. Looking every which way, she saw Luna now floating lazily in the air, another arrow knocked.

Luna wanted the troll to lock eyes with her, if only for a moment. So that the troll could see who had killed it so that Luna would be the last person the troll saw.

The arrow flew. And the troll died. Luna looked around. There still was a lot of annoying things left to clean up.

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