Wizard Lord of Westeros

Chapter 55: Development Continues

Bolton Lands

POV of Domeric Bolton

The bricks arrived. And the cement and steel arrived as well. His people have already started to create some houses based on the designs Domeric gave them.

Thanks to the book called 'Buildings and Construction', he had knowledge about all kinds of buildings, construction materials, and how to make them. Of course, he still had to find and collect raw materials, and if he wanted to make highly advanced buildings, he had to create the necessary technologies first.

So, he left those highly advanced and modern buildings to the future and chose less advanced ones. The houses would consist of simple apartments with internal plumbing and would be quite expensive to build.

Only the richest in his land would be able to live in these brick houses. But he was confident that with time, the price of brick and cement would come down and more and more people would be able to afford these houses.

But for now, he ordered his men to construct a large building with many rooms that would serve as the first School in this world. Aunt Barbrey thought that opening a school was a waste of his wealth and resources. However, he was confident that increasing the literacy of his people would only benefit him in the future.

And if all that fails, then he could simply turn the school into a pseudo-military academy where the future leaders of his army will be molded.

As for the news on other places, he heard that the giants have found a nice cave in the lands he gave them and have settled down in that area without any problem.

The training of the wargs he brought south with him was also coming along quite well.

A distinct use of legilimency to increase the health of their mental state has made a lot of improvement to their mental prowess.

The woman named Briar is able to control half a dozen birds already. And as for Varamyr Sixskins. He was able to control hundreds of rats at once without losing his mind and was able to scout any castle or fortress for weak points rather easily.

He already knew that all the wargs that he had trained in so far would be highly useful to him if a war ever broke out in his lands.

The news about the port being created at the mouth of the 'Weeping Water River', however, is not all that good.

The port is still rather small and is not able to hold the growing number of ships in his fleet. That problem became even more apparent when he told the shipwrights to start the construction of large ships that could hunt whales in The Shivering Sea.

After all, whales are a good source of meat and oil. He could also use a lot of its parts to make soap. He had already begun producing soap, but the amount didn't meet his expectations. To make them cheap and sell them to every smallfolk he had to increase the amount of production and lower the cost. So, whales were the perfect solution to his dilemma.

And there are plenty of whales in the sea. So why not hunt some of them to feed his people and bring new resources to sell in the market?

As for the port, he was thinking about having his people dig a large hole in the ground and fill it with water. After that, he would effectively create an artificial port.

He knew that such a project would require a large number of men and a large amount of time, but he was willing to sacrifice it if it would allow him to get a large enough port.

So far, the port couldn't even be able to handle the 30 or so ships in its fleet. If nothing else, he wanted the port to be large enough to take care of the needs of hundreds of ships. Such an undertaking would definitely take a lot of time and wealth. But he was willing to do it if it meant that he would be able to challenge the Redwynes, the Royal Fleet, and the Ironborns in the future with a naval fleet of his own.

Then there were also Clock Towers, public bathhouses, public toilets, public water faucets, and their plumbing and heating infrastructures.

The Clock Towers would be a copy of Big Ben Clock Tower in London. But larger and higher. Its height would be around 500 feet in length. And with the addition of an observation room at the top to be able to recognize fires in the city or town in advance.

It would be hard to make but he would use magic discreetly at night to build them if necessary.

On the other hand, public bathhouses, public toilets, and public water faucets would be easier to build but it was going to cost him a lot of money. Especially the building plumbing system across the city and town.

But it had to be done. Hygiene and public health were one of his primary concerns. In medieval times, a plague could wipe out kingdoms. Also with a healthy body, his people's lifespan and work efficiency would improve and increase. So, it was a necessary long-term investment in his land.

After all, one of the biggest empires in his past life, the Roman Empire, was famous for its public bathhouses. He didn't think this kind of Empire would unnecessarily build bathhouses all over their empire.

He also planned his bathhouses according to Roman Bathhouses with a little Ottoman touch. Of course, plumbing and heating systems were more advanced than those buildings.

Thanks to the knowledge he got from the book named 'Buildings and Construction', he already knew all kinds of buildings and their systems from his old world. Otherwise, he wouldn't even know where to start.

But enough with his land and its development. Today was a special day for Domeric because his tattoo, the second-level Symbol of Deathly Hallows, finally replenished its magic after a long time and it was ready for another sacrifice.


Author's Note: Thank you, Cameron (Diamond), Zamien (Platinum), Nathan (Platinum), X (Bronze), and Olympuszeus (Bronze) for becoming my Patrons and respected members of my page. This chapter is dedicated to your names.

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