Wizard Lord of Westeros

Chapter 30: Civil War or a Mad King

***Sixth Bonus Chapter of the Week***

King's Landing

POV of Domeric Bolton

The man jolted awoke at once and looked around frantically before his eyes set on him.

"Who are you? How did you get in here?" the man shouted, probably hoping to alert the guards who stood outside his bedroom. At the same time, he put his hands below his pillow, took out a dagger, and pointed it at him.

Unfortunately, his voice would never carry outside his room and the guards would never even know that he was attacked in his own bedroom.

Petyr Baelish looked a little worried when none of the guards outside came in but regained his confidence when he looked at Domeric's body structure.

"You're a boy. A mere boy. Who sent you? Was it Varys? And where are my guards? GUARDS!" He shouted but none came.

Thankfully, the man was too cautious to attack him which was a good thing for him. He really didn't want to brawl with the man. He had more important things to do.

"Is that a Valyrian steel dagger?" He commented as he noticed the ripples in the knife that Littlefinger was pointing at him. "Good. It's always good to have more Valyrian steel. Who knows, I might collect enough of these small daggers and trinkets to create another Valyrian Steel sword." He mused to himself.

Then he pointed at the dagger and said "Accio", and the blade flew from Petyr's hands into his. Then did the same thing for the dagger's sheath.

He sheathed the dagger and put it into his bottomless pouch then gazed back at Petyr who was suddenly looking very worried at his blatant use of magic.

"W… who are you?" he stammered out in fear.

But he was not here to listen to Littlefinger's ramblings.

"Imperio." He said and the man's expression suddenly went slack, and his eyes developed a slight haze.

"Good. Now, give me the names of all the girls you have that are excellent at spying."

"Lana, Tera, Mer…"

"Wait… stop. Write down the names on a parchment."

Petyr followed his command, did as he was told, and handed him a list filled with a dozen names.

"Good." He commented "Now give me the name of someone who could run a spy network for me. Someone who would be able to become a Master of Whisperers with enough funding and resources."

"Chataya." Petyr said without waiting for a second.

"Very well." He pointed his wand, and the name was written on the parchment. "Now tell me how you run your network of spies. And tell me everything. As well as any suggestions you might have of your own. Especially the thing you will do if you have more resources."

"Yes." Petyr said and went ahead to explain to him how his whole Spy System worked in detail.

By morning, the most important girls working in Petyr's brothel were missing as well as his Valyrian steel dagger and the 300,000 gold dragons he had managed to steal away from the crown over the past year.


Red Keep

POV of Domeric Bolton

Next Day

"Petrificus Totalus" Domeric incantate and petrified the Queen of the realm, Cersei Lannister.

After dealing with Petyr Baelish yesterday he decided to get some information from the small council members to learn more about the realm and find out some dirty secrets. He gained lots of things from the two visits he made to Littlefinger. So, he went to Red Keep secretly and used legilimency on the small council members.

The last person he read his mind was Jon Arryn, the King's Hand. After a deep search in Jon's mind, he found a piece of shocking information about Queen Cersei Lannister and Kingsguard Jaime Lannister, the Kingslayer and brother of the Queen.

Jon didn't have concrete evidence yet but was investigating the subject and was pretty sure he was right.

And for Domeric this was enough reason to investigate the situation himself. After all, if Jon is right then it means this realm was fucked up. Like really. Most likely, a civil war was inevitable.

So, that was the reason why Domeric was in the Queen's Chamber and why he petrified her. He wanted to learn the truth from the main source.

"Legilimens". After a deep mind reading, he left her mind. But he didn't like what he saw there.

'What a selfish, manipulative bitch. I should stay away from her as much as I can. This kind of people brings nothing but trouble and destruction to people around them.

Aside from the Queen's selfish, manipulative, and incestuous behaviors, he also saw her concern about her son, Prince Joffrey. According to what he saw, Joffrey was on his way to becoming the next mad king. Or maybe "sadist king" would be more suitable for him.

'Looks like I need to visit Prince as well and confirm the situation about him. But, really, what kind of real is this? If the taboo between Quenn and her brother becomes public knowledge, then a civil war will break out. And if their secret stays hidden, the realm will be ruled by a mad king. Yeah, this realm totally fucked up.'

He looked at the Queen with disgust before raising his wand again. "Obliviate" "Stupefy" "Finite"

He left the Queen's chamber after wiping her memory, putting her to sleep, and lifting the petrifying charm. He arrived at the prince's chamber after a while and repeated the process.

And he became sure that if Joffrey sat on the Iron Throne the realm would be ruled by a sadist and mad king.

If it were up to him, he'd prefer the civil war over the Joffrey rule. After all, with war, there would be opportunities that he could take advantage of.

But with a king like Joffrey, everything would be problematic and unsatisfactory.

Well, he didn't have any intention to meddle with the royal family's problems. Civil war or mad king, as long as he prepared for both situations he can sit back and watch the show, as well as take some advantage if the opportunities arise.


Author's Note: Thank you, Ben, for becoming my Patron and a PLATINUM Member of my page. This chapter is dedicated to your name.

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