Waitress in the day, Vampire at night

Chapter 13: I need a snack

Ellie's hope dropped when she heard the words that came out of his mouth. Everything that was happening was confusing to her, and to make matters worse, no one was giving her answers.

But none of those things mattered at that moment as much as Nicholas's welfare. She could think about her situation later, but for now, she needed to ensure Nick will be alright. She had to try at least. So despite the intense fear in her bones, she pushed further.

"It's not a demand. Just a request. I don't want him to die." She persisted, looking into those dangerously dark gray eyes of his which portrayed no emotion. 

Does he even have the ability to feel? Does whatever she was saying make any sense to him? He was emitting such intense coldness that she truly believed she was wasting her time trying to plead or request anything from him.

"What makes you think I would grant such a request?" He spoke to Ellie's surprise, his finger still under her jaw, holding her head up.

"Because it's the right thing to do." Ellie gave the obvious answer, which, in fact, was the first thing that came to her mind. But his face twisted like she had just spit poison at him.

"Do I look like someone who gives a fuck about doing the right thing?" He questioned, his face looking as if he was extremely repulsed by what she said.

"No!" Ellie answered truthfully. "I'm sorry. I made a mistake. Saving my brother is not the right thing. It is the wrong thing. In fact, I can assure you it is the wrongest thing to do." She made a quick U-turn. 

If he doesn't care about doing the right thing, perhaps the wrong thing could strike his fancy, and he might consider it.

The painter's brows flew up in surprise for just a second, but the expression disappeared before anyone could make sense of it. Right after, he withdrew his finger from underneath her jaw, and his next order jumped out of his mouth.

"Take her away." He turned around and began walking back to his painting.

Ellie's heart dropped and her panic heightened when she was once again pulled up as if she weighed nothing.

"What? You don't care about doing the wrong thing too? What then do you care about?" Ellie screamed right before she was dragged out of the door of the surprisingly long hall.

At her question, the painter's feet came to a halt and he turned his head toward the door just as they dragged her out. His brows drew together ever so slightly as her last words resonated in his mind.

A moment later, he resumed walking toward the painting. He sat down on his stool and continued with his painting.

"Fascinating, isn't she?" A voice echoed around the hall before a man in a black robe stepped into the light, coming to stand right behind him.

The man looked to be in his late thirties, and slightly older than the painter. His eyes were obsidian black, a stark contrast to his silvery white, shoulder-length hair, which was tied into a low ponytail.

His eyes settled on Ellie's image and followed every stroke of the brush as the painter began to work on her eyes.

"You say that all the time, Elfin. And my answer has always been the same." The painter answered, his voice, nonchalant, and his expression unchanged.

"But I bet it's not the same for this one and I know you agree with me this time. You are taking your time to paint her perfectly. You don't do that for others." Elfin spoke again, his eyes still fixed on the image.

But his words made the painter pause. He narrowed his eyes ever so slightly and turned around on the stool to face Elfin.

"What do you want?"

Elfin finally shifted his gaze from the image, fixing it on the painter.

"What do I want?" Elfin's lips curved up. "To visit, of course. I couldn't help but notice your subtle reactions to the lady and her words. I just came to ensure your heart is in the right state."

"As you do every time a woman is captured," Storm responded, his voice void of any emotion.

"And I won't stop until we have achieved our goal. I can't let you get distracted. Not now, at least." 

"Your constant pestering will not stop me from getting distracted if I want to. So stop it. If you want to visit, let me know. You know how much I value my privacy. Don't intrude." Storm's voice came out with a warning, as he engaged in an intense staring competition with Elfin.

It took a while, but Elfin finally broke eye contact, crossed his hands behind his back, and turned the opposite way, backing Storm.

"I know how much you value your privacy, and I wouldn't intrude if you don't give me a reason to. But these days, you are giving me reasons to. You seem to be forgetting a lot of things and I can't sit by and watch that happen." Elfin spoke while taking slow steps away from Storm. On the fifth step, he halted. "Let the girl go. You have enough women already, and you have enough test monkeys. You don't need her."

For the first time, Storm's brows significantly pulled together.

"No!" Came his firm answer. "She is the only willing participant I have. I'm not letting her go simply because you think she is a threat. If you want us to achieve our goal, then you have to let me do what I have to do. Stop letting your insecurities get in my way."

"What makes you think she is a willing participant?"

"Who goes about impersonating a vampire and threatening people as one if they didn't want to become one?"

"She has a dependant. A minor. Or didn't you believe her story?" 

"I know she is telling the truth, and I don't care." 

At Storm's answer, Elfin's lips curved up once more in satisfaction. He looked like he finally got what he had been seeking for a long time.

"That's more like it." Elfin nodded. "What will you do about the minor?" He questioned.

Storm said nothing for a few seconds before he shifted his gaze to another dark corner of the hall.

"Bring the kid to me, Seth." He ordered, then turned again to face the painting.

Confusion registered on the faces of both Elfin and Seth, who just stepped out of the dark corner.

Seth moved to carry out the order without saying a word. Elfin, however, kept staring at Storm's back with a befuddled expression.

"Why do you need the kid?" He queried.

"I need a snack. So… Why not?" Storm answered, a sinister smirk coming to settle on his face.

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