Upon Returning Home As A Military Major General, I Was Told To Attend School, Even Though It’s Quite Late Now

chapter 69 - Beautiful Sky

“Today’s sky is amazing, Yuu-sama! You’re so lucky!”

“What’s so great about it!”
Due to the roaring wind during descent, we can’t talk in normal voices, so we communicate through helmet-mounted transceiver mics from the start. There’s no need to shout, but my voice involuntarily grows louder with the anxiety of skydiving, a task I’m not fond of.
Right after starting the descent, the feeling of being “whooosh!” inside subsides, and once our relative speeds match, we finally have the leisure to converse.

“Descent time is just over a minute. If they catch on, we’ll be toast with anti-aircraft fire.”
“So, it’s her turn as an observer?”
“Hey there~ Enjoying the dive?”

As Lieutenant Matoi comes forward from ahead, he grabs Hayami-san’s hand and perfectly matches our descent speed.
I hear it’s quite difficult to land where you’ve aimed during descent, but as expected, the parachuting team’s airborne training is part of their daily routine. They’re quite skilled.
“Being able to skydive while holding Yuu-sama like a baby… it’s like a dream…”

“I would’ve paid anything to avoid this punishment…”
“Such contrasting opinions~”
Lieutenant Matoi laughs as he takes out folding spotter optics from his diving jumper’s pocket and peers through his goggles.

“Target fleet spotted. Hm… There’s an advanced ship ahead. The Unknown-type vessel that was discussed in the pre-brief.”
“Excellent work. Io was Sniper Aptitude S during officer school.”
“I’ve sent the observation data your way. I’m counting on you, Madoka.”

Hayami-san and Lieutenant Matoi exchange brief words.
“Alright then, let’s do this.”
“Hey, are we seriously doing this?”

“Speed is crucial for this mission. We’re going!”
“So, the time for mental preparation is… Ahhhh!”
Hayami-san transitions from a prone position to a head-first freefall toward the ground.
This is what they call a head-down posture, and with the descent speed suddenly skyrocketing, I find myself screaming for the second time today.

“Hey! Don’t teleport sporadically, Hayami-san!”
During the descent, Hayami-san repeatedly teleports short distances erratically to dodge anti-aircraft fire from the enemy ship.
Every time, the sudden change in scenery makes it twice as terrifying.

“To prevent the enemy’s gunners from targeting me. Please bear with it, Major General Kamiya.”
[Yes. If Major General Kamiya and Lieutenant Hayami-san fail to sink the ship or get hit by anti-aircraft fire, I’ll just become a target for the enemy’s anti-aircraft fire, or I’ll have to commit suicide. Please]
“That’s quite a weighty statement!”

But if Hayami-san and I were shot down here, Lieutenant Matoi would descend helplessly over the sea with just a parachute, leading to a tragic end.
“Damn it! If you’re going to do this, hurry up and finish it! Commence weapon deployment!”
[This is a more haphazard deployment than usual, Master. The target is… Oh my, this is…]

“What the heck is that?! A real ship?”
Seeing the bizarre form in visual range, I inadvertently forget my fear of descent and blurt out in amazement.
“Could this be why our neighboring country has taken such an aggressive stance this time?”

Hayami-san, too, becomes engrossed unintentionally.
The appearance of a colossal whale-like floating battleship hovering about 100 meters above the sea is bizarre enough even just seen from above.
However, reaching this height in the visual range means the density of enemy anti-aircraft fire is about to increase, making it impossible for Hayami-san to avoid it with spatial teleportation alone.

[Target, large floating battleship ahead. Commencing attack!]
[Weapon deployment initiated]
Ships are fragile.

From experiences sinking multiple fleets of the same country three years ago, I had been optimistic about naval battles.
For an island nation like Japan, maritime supremacy is a matter of national survival.
Therefore, we aggressively reduced the naval forces of neighboring countries.

“They’re deflecting cannon fire from above! The floating battleship appears undamaged!”
Hayami-san reports the damage from the observation.
[Huh? Kon usually doesn’t misjudge enemy strength]

I silently speak to Kon in my mind.
Even the cannon fire has stopped.
We don’t usually conduct attacks for reconnaissance purposes.

Well, it’s fine since the enemy’s anti-aircraft fire has also ceased.
[…I apologize, Master. I saw something unpleasant]

[That floating battleship… its levitation and defensive barriers are powered by countless souls and Soul Armor operators aboard the ship. The souls are severely degraded, and the compatible operators are already unconscious, resembling dolls]
[…I see]
Once again, I gaze at the massive floating battleship shaped like a fortress-like whale.

Technology to fly such a huge heavy object isn’t achievable with modern conventional science.
Thus, by process of elimination, what’s happening before my eyes right now is an unscientific phenomenon manifested by the new technology of soul equipment.
[Human ingenuity is admirable, but sometimes it seems downright devilish. To think they use souls and their operators as fuel…]

[Yes, Master]
[We’ll thoroughly demonstrate that such actions are futile]

[You seem a bit more fired up than usual, Master. Remember that your mental state affects me as well. So, what kind of armament do you desire?]
[Use the railgun]
I calmly issue instructions to Kon, or at least I try to appear calm.

[The first time using it since the Euro Capital III Capture Operation]
[Back then, it was just a single shot to intimidate, but this time, there’s no limit to the number of shots]
[It’s a bit excessive in power. Increasing the number of cannon ports as usual could crush the enemy’s defenses]

[That would unnecessarily prolong the situation and torment the operator. If we’re doing this, let’s do it quickly]
[Understood. Frankly, I felt physiologically repulsed by that thing, so I’m eager to fire]
[Then, commence attack]

Multiple beams of light rain down on the whale-shaped floating battleship.
Probably, it resisted with its protective barrier until about the fifth or sixth shot.

However, against the sheer volume of my saturation bombing, there’s no defense.
Even if the enemy employs a quantity strategy sacrificing many Soul Armor operators, it’s a simple truth that they’ll collapse under a greater volume of firepower.
Finally, the protective barrier breaks and the flying whale becomes riddled with gaping holes, emitting black smoke as it returns to the sea.

“Target silenced. No movement from other fleet vessels. Parachutes deployed.”
After Hayami-san reports the situation as an observer, parachutes open, and a jolt lifts the body, enveloping it in a pleasant sensation of floating.
“Even in this state, other vessels aren’t providing support, just watching…” This maritime area is near the disputed territorial waters claimed by Japan, where only the whale-type floating ship violated the territorial line.

“What was the enemy’s goal with this invasion?”
Adjusting the landing direction of his parachute skillfully, Hayami-san voiced his doubts.
“Probably the primary goal was to test the new battleship. They moved the fleet, but if that floating ship could pass through, they might have been planning an invasion. Despite us initiating the attack, the other ships stayed anchored, showing no signs of concern.”

“That whale-type floating ship… likely…”
“Indeed. We’ll leave further investigation to the follow-up teams…”
(Zugaaaaan!!) A thunderous explosion erupts from the whale-type floating battleship.

Caught in the blast, the parachute flutters wildly, but thanks to Hayami-san’s skillful maneuvering, it manages to stabilize without spiraling.
“Self-destructing… intending to punch holes in the hull and sink to the seabed.”

“Even as enemies, this is just… unbearable…”
[Master, the scan of the whale-type floating battleship from earlier during the battle is complete. If you wish, I can…]
[For now, I want to pay respects to those sinking souls, Kon.]

[Understood, Master. Until next time.] I offer a prayer in mid-air.
Did they truly embark on the ship of their own free will? Surely not… Even defining them as human seems dubious at this point.
The sight of air bursting out sporadically from various parts of the sinking whale-type floating battleship resembles the spouting of a whale.

“It seems the fleet is returning to their homeland.”
Having witnessed the safe self-destruction of the whale-type floating battleship, the enemy fleet, which had been anchored, seems relieved and begins to redirect towards their own territory.
“How naive… Even a decade ago, this country would have…”

“If we sink a fleet outside our territorial waters, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will make a fuss, Major General Kamiya.”
While Hayami-san reprimands me, I have no intention of ending this battle in this gut-wrenching state.
From a safe distance, I’ll teach those who have been watching this battlefield like observing experimental animals in an aquarium the horrors of war.

“Basically, just fire the cannon and railgun without drawing attention. I have a plan. Use spatial teleportation to send me to the bridge of the enemy flagship.”
“Understood. It’s better than landing in the sea, anyway.”
Saying so, Hayami-san teleports me to the roof section of the flagship aircraft carrier as per my instructions.

Since I dislike heights, I crouch down on one knee without looking down.
“Now then… What should I choose… Oh, since they’re from the neighboring country, I might as well use weapons of our own model. It would be easier for them to understand.”
Muttering to myself, I hold out my hand over the roof section of the bridge.

[Kon. Prepare Automata Continent-Made Series Torture Type.]
[Master, the Torture Type is, as the name suggests, a violation of international treaties.]
[Their own country has refused to ratify the treaty and continues to use it, so there shouldn’t be a problem if we use it too.]

[What are the targets and scope?]
[Targets are all fleet vessels. The scale should render the proud and robust hearts of the marines utterly useless.]
[Understood. Materializing Saturated Ritual Automata Torture.]

In front of me, just one meter away, a menacing combat quadruped automaton, equipped with sinister torture devices, materializes.
I can’t help but grimace at the sight, even though I created it myself.
The Torture Series automata were always blown away as soon as they entered my field of view in previous battles, so this is the first time I’m seeing one up close like this.

Ignoring my own discomfort, the automaton is generated as if on a factory production line, swiftly racing across the bridge and decks of the ship, filling every corner in moments.
Many misunderstand my Soul Armor ability.
They define my Soul Armor ability [Saturate] as something that overwhelms the opponent’s defenses with sheer numbers of cannon rounds and gun ports. But that explanation only scores half of the possible points.

Well, that’s exactly the misunderstanding I aim for…
“Those subjected to the Torture Series automata know full well the horrors they bring. Will they hold up much longer?”
I mutter towards the command center on the bridge, though no one could possibly hear.

[Saturate] is about imposing the utmost limit on an opponent.
It isn’t just about the number of gunports or rounds.
It’s about placing an unbearable mental burden that easily breaks a person.

Soldiers in this World War have seen death up close.
Therefore, many soldiers aren’t particularly afraid of death itself.
But they do hope to at least choose how they die.

Dying to protect comrades, or achieving significant results in battle before dying.
At least, they want to find meaning in their final moments, even if it’s self-satisfaction.
In that sense, the Torture Series combat automata I’ve just summoned, which are flooding the ship and attempting to dominate its enemies, are something that tramples upon human dignity.

They are the kind of thing that could make battle-hardened soldiers cry out and beg for mercy, overcome by despair and regret, unable to console themselves as they die.
“I’m back.”
“Oh, Hayami-san. You managed to retrieve Lieutenant Matoi safely.”

Hayami-san returns with Lieutenant Matoi in his arms, having used spatial teleportation.
“You’ve successfully destroyed the enemy’s large floating ship, Major General Kamiya. What’s next?”
Lieutenant Matoi swiftly removes her parachute on the bridge and asks for my next orders.

“Both of you, cover your ears. It’s about time.”
Seeing Hayami-san and Lieutenant Matoi cover their ears as instructed, I do the same.
(Boom! Boom!)

Along with the thunderous sound, a signal flare shoots up from the flagship.
“It’s a surrender signal in accordance with international law.”
“All fleet vessels have ceased their engines.”

Using weapons that violate international treaties while strictly adhering to international standards regarding matters that affect one’s own life—it’s a bit ironic.
It seems I’ve succeeded in saturating them with fear of a horrific death, causing them to abandon their military pride and duty.
[Kon. Temporarily suspend the Materialization Saturate Ritual Automata. Automata remains in idle mode.]

[Understood, Master.]
After instructing Kon to suspend the automata, I issue commands in the real world.
“Transmit the following message over open channels: ‘I commend the wise decision of your fleet commander. As you know, using what you have before your eyes inside the ship is a big hassle. We hope your surrender process goes smoothly. – Major General Kamiya Yuusuke, attached to the Joint Staff Headquarters of the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force.'”

As Hayami-san types the message I dictated on a foldable keyboard from her pocket, Lieutenant Matoi busily coordinates with the airborne squadron leader via communication devices.
Shortly thereafter, transport aircraft from the airborne unit arrive overhead, deploying squadron members from the rear hatch.
The sight of parachutes blooming one after another in the sky as they descend is truly spectacular.

“Come to think of it, it’s been a while since I watched fireworks this year…”
I murmur to myself, gazing at the slightly cooler evening sky as the sun sets.

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