Chapter 4: Under the sun
Balmy rays from the morning sun seeped in through the uncurtained window and came to stroke her skin. When Arabella's eyes finally fluttered open, they required a minute in order to fully assimilate her surroundings, recalling the events that had taken place the day before.
She pushed the sheets off and picked her locket from the nightstand, clasping it around her neck in front of the large mirror attached to the vanity table.
A hand rose and instinctively traveled up to her face, hovering over the scrapes she'd sustained the night prior.
New tissue had already formed to seal the wounds shut, leaving but the dry scars in their wake. It was as though Arabella had endured them far longer in the past than she did in reality.
It was no odd occurrence, by any means. She was well acquainted with the effectiveness of vampire blood against human ailments and as Ada had expressed when handing her the remedy, the blood of older vampires worked better than that of younger ones. A fact which she'd been well aware of.
A distant sound became audible. That of heavy grinding and growling, faint at first but thundering louder as it drew nearer. She straightened her posture and pricked up her ears.
Although, before long, she realized it was the familiar sound of a wheel tray being pushed.
The roaring ceased at once right by the door to the room, then came a gentle knock on the wood.
"Tis me, Ada, Miss," Ada's muffled voice came through, "I've come bringing you breakfast,"
"Please, come in," Arabella rushed towards the door, but stood aside, allowing Ada to reel the tray inside.
"Good morning, miss," Ada began, a warm smile on her face, "You seem a lot better than yesterday already. Why haven't you ringed the bell to summon a maid?"
"I…," Arabella trailed off, mouth a little agape, watching as Ada picked the various dishes from the tray and placed them on the table.
She'd begun by unloading the assortments of pastries, before moving on to the cured meats then the cheeses and the pick of fresh fruits, among them; well-cut red apples, berries and fat, round, purple grapes. To add to the mouthwatering smell, a goblet of milk, recently squeezed juices and herbal teas.
A breakfast truly fit for royalty.
"Will someone else be joining me for breakfast?" Arabella asked very innocently.
"No, this is just for you," Ada placed the last cup on the table, "As Lady Persephone ordered, your meals are to be varied and carefully prepared. I hear you'll be serving Master Silas. It is perfectly understandable. Minding your health is a priority,"
"Right, of course," Arabella muttered, "Thank you,"
After many pleasantries were exchanged, Ada finally dragged the tray along with her as she exited the room.
Arabella stood motionless for a good moment, staring at the rich table in front of her.
"Feed the cattle to reap the milk," she whispered.
Not ungrateful she was, but the conditions under which she'd been permitted to stay were to her … Odd, to say the least.
Questions still swirled around her mind; What was this Master like? What was it going to be like being fed upon? Was it going to be painful?
Those thoughts alone caused chills to run down her spine. She shivered in place and rushed to pull the curtains around the window further open for sunlight to grace her with its abundant warmth. It was undeniably a blessing for daywalkers like herself.
While at it, her gaze wandered only to land on a marvelous sight. Arabella beheld the gardens that called for her without uttering words. It appeared her window gave towards the back side of the manor. There was so much to be seen and thus, she made a mental note to go by and take a walk through it after breakfast.
Taking her time, Arabella consumed what her stomach allowed her to and upon finishing, she made sure to gather all of the dirty dishes into one pile and arrange everything in a manner that would demand the least amount of work from the maid that would clean the table.
The Eleazars' manor truly was the gift that kept on giving, and pleasantly so. For even the gowns that had been put at her disposal offered comfort along with elegance. That morning, Arabella had decided that red suited her best and went with a simple and yet magnificent velvet, floor length gown. A thick, full circle, golden waistband adorned her waist around the middle, separating the bodice that hugged her bust from the skirt that flowed freely to the ground.
She peered left and right across the corridor upon exiting her room. Clear of any and all souls…
Since it was daytime, walking with the notion that all vampires were dormant instilled a sliver of relief in her.
Arabella ambled the mansion, eyes brushing every piece that stood along her path, whether it held a functional role or a merely decorative one.
She descended the stairs leading to the first floor and sought the kitchens, thinking the human maids there would be good company and perhaps she could even offer a hand if needed.
Following the chirping and the giggling of several young women, seemingly huddled together in one spot, Arabella assumed it had to be the right place.
She finally stopped by a wooden door that stood ajar. As her hand extended to push it further open in order to introduce herself, the next words that had come out of one of the women's mouths froze her completely.
"Arabella is her name, is it not?" the maid did not sound particularly ecstatic.
"Something that sounded like that, I believe," another answered, "Right, Ada?"
"Yes," came Ada's familiar voice
"Well, in any case, I don't see what is so special about her!" the first one added.
"I hear she's from a noble lineage," a third voice blared.
"And? I do not understand why that matters under this roof! She came yesterday and she's already to be treated like royalty," she grumbled, "She's no better than any of us here. She has to earn her keep just like the rest of us!"
Her protests went on and on until Ada chimed in, "Lady Persephone has decided that the girl shall earn her keep by directly serving the master,"
"That is simply unfair!"
"I am sorry, but all has been said and done already. You might want to get well with it before it blows in your face, now," Ada suggested.
Much like her arms that had fallen to her sides, the smile on Arabella's face crumbled a little. She swiftly turned away without announcing herself and left. It seemed like her plans to make new friends would have to wait. She simply had no will to ease their concerns right then and there.
She walked wherever her feet dragged her, replaying their words over and over in her head. It was true, after all, her noble blood mattered very little in Umbraria, especially in her circumstances.
Nevertheless, the disparity in treatment between herself and the rest of the shelter seekers remained something she'd have to mind from then on. Lest it'd birth bigger issues.
The muscles in her legs locked in place, halting her movements as an entrancing fragrance hooked her mind. The sublime scent of blossoms tugged on the invisible strings that ensnared Arabella, leaving her no other alternative but to pursue it.
Through large doors she went, only stopping when her gaze had landed upon the heavens that were those gardens.
The groomed emerald green of the lawns glistened in sunlight. They spread as far as her eyes could see. Those colorful flower beds only accentuated her desire to step closer and so she descended the steps leading down one of the winding, stone pathways that were aligned perfectly with the trimmed hedges.
Arabella rushed towards the roses. Those seemed to have a stronger pull. A new smile drew itself across her face as she admired the artistry of nature.
"Roses sure are beautiful," said a deep but sweet voice behind her.
Arabella spun around to meet the eyes of a charming young man. His soft, black hair was long enough for him to tie it up behind his head. Pruning shears in hand, he smiled heartily at her.
"Oh… I am sorry if I am not supposed to be here, I just…," she stuttered a few times.
To her relief, the man spared her the embarrassment and immediately reassured her, "No, please do not worry, my Lady. You are welcome here," his smile had somehow gotten brighter.
"I am no Lady under this roof," her eyes fell to the ground.
"Are you not? Well, forgive me. You do look like one," he tilted his head.
"Thank you. You are very kind," she paused before thinking of more words to utter, "Are you the keeper of these gardens?"
"Oh! Pardon my poor manners, please. I am Edgar and yes, I am, indeed, the keeper of the gardens," he bowed lightly.
"I am Arabella," she held the sides of her gown, slightly lifting it as she bent her knees to lower her body in a respectful bow, "You must have magic in your hands. This is simply put, paradise on earth,"
"Thank you, Miss Arabella. Your kind words are much appreciated," his eyebrows furrowed a tad, "Forgive my impertinence but your beautiful face is not one I am used to,"
Her cheeks flushed pink as she stared at the ground, "I've only arrived yesterday. Have you worked under Lady Persephone for long?"
"For a few years, now, yes," he nodded, "Gardening is a task best taken care of under the sun,"
"True," she started to twiddle her fingers, thoughts racing across her mind, Arabella mulled her words over many times before freeing them, "Edgar, if I may ask, how would you say life has been here? Has it been treating you well?" she asked sheepishly.
"It has," he smiled, "Lady Persephone is quite kind. Perhaps the kindest I've seen throughout my short human life,"
"I see," she hesitated for a moment, "What about the Master?" she muttered.
Upon looking at Edgar once more, she noticed his features had suddenly gone static. He no longer smiled, merely stared somewhere behind her, well above her head.
She hadn't even sensed the breeze that had blown past her until the cold came with a deep voice that caused rumbling across her chest, "You seem to have many questions. Perhaps it is best you address the source,"
She inhaled quietly but sharply when his breath feathered her hair.
Very slowly, she turned around to face the owner of the voice and felt the need to take a step back due to how close he stood to her.
She still had to lift her gaze from his chest in order to meet his diamond eyes. The way he glared down at her only made her feel smaller than she actually was.
"I…," she stuttered again without ever managing to find her words.
He offered her no smile of courtesy and made no effort to ease the tension in the muscles that barely held her figure.
Under the sun, Silas' hair glistened and paled and… Under the sun? Silas was walking under the sun? A vampire walking under the sun?
"Come to my chambers at nightfall," the ice in his tone froze the blood in her veins to the last drop.