Chapter 10: A miracle
A different sight greeted Arabella the next day. The canopy that usually met her gaze first thing every morning since her arrival at the Eleazar manor had been replaced by the warm smile on a familiar face.
"Morning, Miss. It is time to rise," Ada chirped as she leaned over Arabella.
Eyes still only half open, Arabella let out a little moan before muttering in the tiniest of voices, "What is happening?"
"I came by your room to bring you breakfast, but you weren't there. Oh! Please, Miss. Don't rise too quickly,"
Ada immediately took Arabella's arm in order to provide support when the young woman seemed to struggle getting up.
The world had begun to whirl in Arabella's eyes when attempting to push her weight off the lounge chair she'd been sleeping on which forced her to shut them and halt all movement in a brisk manner.
She held her pulsating head in one hand while the other supported the weight of her upper body into a sitting position.
"I couldn't wait in order to escort you back to your room yesterday. I assumed one of the nightwalker servants would handle the task, but when I came to bring your breakfast, you weren't in your room and then Master Silas came by and told me you'd fallen asleep in his chambers," Ada spoke as slowly and softly as she appeared to afford.
At those words, Arabella finally compelled her heavy eyelids open, leisurely glancing from left to right.
A foreign and yet familiar picture surrounded her as the many sculptures and carved pieces that occupied almost every flat surface in the room, besides the floor, sure were recognizable. The cushy lounge chair beneath her was no stranger to the touch and most notable was the large canvas that stood by the desk in the corner.
So, what was so dissimilar about it? She wondered.
Although the answer came straight away as the warm rays of the sun grazed her face the moment she had shifted her weight to correct her posture.
Arabella had never been to Silas' room during the day and sunlight made all the difference. It was truly wonderful how lighting was a key element in building a certain atmosphere. While the candles bred the illusion of cozy mystery and intimacy, daylight, on the other hand, gave a sense of magnitude as though the room had expanded in size overnight. The only thing that remained unchanged was the overall coziness.
Had she not known it, Arabella would have never in a million years been able to guess it was a vampire's room.
"Please, drink this, Miss," Ada had picked a water pitcher that had been placed on a small table near the chair and poured a glass before handing it to Arabella, "Master Silas left it for you,"
"What is it?" Arabella took the glass from the maid.
"I believe it is water that contains some of his…," Ada trailed off.
"His blood?"
"I believe so," Ada nodded along to her own words, "Please, drink it. It'll fix you right up," she smiled.
With a shaky hand, Arabella brought the cup to her lips, took her first sip and gulped it down with some strain before pausing, "This did not happen the first time I was bitten. Would you happen to know why I am feeling this way?" she asked, still struggling to keep her eyes open.
"It has nothing to do with being bitten, Miss," the smile on Ada dimmed down a tad, "However, it seems Master Silas took a little more of your blood than he should have," by then her smile resembled a grimace more than anything else.
Arabella appeared to mull her words over, very hesitant to utter them. Though eventually, she did manage to get them out, "Does… This happen very often? Did this happen before me, I mean?"
"Not that I know of," Ada's eyes traveled towards the water pitcher as she spoke, seemingly pensive, "His previous blood provider always returned to her room once she'd served her purpose,"
As she listened to the maid, Arabella took more sips of water while fighting the urge to lie back down.
"Please, drink more of it, Miss," Ada begged.
After a few more slurps, Arabella paused, "I don't remember much from what happened after you left me… I…,"
Right in the middle of her sentence, her voice cut off, leaving her mouth agape, just breathing in and out as the dullness in her eyes began to fade.
Gradually, the fog that had been clouding her mind dispersed, clearing the way for images that came in fragments.
A memory of her standing by the door then his figure towering over her by the chair, his demand to see her eyes and then…
Little tingles lured her free hand towards her wrist, the same one Silas had bitten into.
"Oh my…!" Ada gasped.
Arabella's eyes snapped towards Ada before following the maid's gaze towards her own wrist which caused Arabella's breath to hitch in her throat.
"I've only ever heard of it… Of the rumors, but never have I seen it with my own eyes," Ada's tone hushed, her misty eyes locked onto the two, perfectly round, minuscule gaps on Arabella's wrist.
The two women were entranced by the way the flesh around the edges of those wounds seemed to stretch out and grow, shrinking them bit by bit before joining at a center point, right up until the scars completely vanished, leaving nothing but the sight of healthy, immaculate skin.
"Dear Lord…," Arabella whispered, "I have never witnessed such a miracle with my own eyes either," she massaged the place where the bite marks had been seconds prior.
"I suppose there is a reason the Lady and the Master have kept it a secret. Mere tales are told about it. They never tried to disprove them, but never proved them either. If word of this got out I can only imagine the ripples it'd cause," Ada clutched her hands together, eyes still wide open, "I've only ever seen what the blood of younger vampires can do throughout my days here. When taken at generous amounts, it can regenerate and close gaping wounds in the span of two days," she gave an awkward little chuckle, "Well, more or less,"
"Well, then make sure this stays between us," Arabella offered a pleading look at Ada, "I don't want to be the cause of any trouble. Certainly not to the people that offered me a safe haven,"
"Of course, Miss. I'd never wish any harm upon Master Silas nor Lady Persephone for that matter. She's been far too good to me for that. I fear I'll never be able to repay her," Ada's hand flew to her chest as though ready to swear on her life.
"You and I both then," Arabella smiled.
"How are you feeling?"
Arabella took a good look all around herself before glancing back at Ada, "The world around me no longer swirls," she brought a hand up to her head, "My head no longer throbs and…," placing both hands on her knees, the young woman continued, "I think my legs won't falter," she nodded, a smile on her face.
"Well, then come now. You must eat," Ada extended her hands towards Arabella, "Miracle or not, food can only do you good,"
"Let me try on my own first," hands still on both knees, Arabella pressed against them in order to push her weight off the chair.
"That is good!" The grin on Ada broadened, "Let us go now,"
But as Ada turned around to exit the room, Arabella did not follow. Standing in place, she stared at the water pitcher containing Silas' blood.
"Shouldn't we take it along?" she muttered.
"Worry not, Miss," Ada shook her head, "Not a soul dares come inside Master Silas' room without his permission…," she trailed off, going quieter around the end of her sentence. Eyebrows a little furrowed, shed added, "Let alone when he isn't inside,"
"What's the matter?"
"Nothing, Miss!" As though breaking out of a daze, Ada moved her head from left to right very quickly, "We should leave before he comes back, that is all. We wouldn't want to overstay our welcome,"
Arabella tailed Ada back to her own room where a table stood packed with delicious foods and ready for her to eat to her heart's content.
She sat down, glancing from one plate to the next, not knowing which to begin with before her empty stomach cried louder for more than her own ears to hear.
Right as Arabella was about to take her first sip of orange juice, Ada's words came to interrupt, "How are you feeling?" she rubbed her hands together in a suspicious manner while forgetting to blink for a little too long in Arabella's opinion.
"I am… Quite alright. I believe…," Ada's posture sowed doubt in Arabella. The young woman couldn't even be sure if her words were true.
"I meant to say… Are you feeling… different?" the maid stuttered a few times.
"In… what way?" lips still frozen close to the cup, Arabella stared at Ada, puzzlement written all over her features.
"No! No! Nevermind me! Please, I am just being silly. See you at lunch!" Ada practically ran towards the door, but right before disappearing behind it, she stopped, "Oh dear! It had completely escaped my mind, Lady Persephone has left a request to see you at nightfall,"
"Do you happen to know why?" asked Arabella.
"No explanations of that sort are ever shared with me, I am afraid. Only what is necessary for me to know," the maid smiled kindly before shutting the door behind herself.