Transmigrated into a Noble’s beaten son

Chapter 73

Instead of immediately returning to EDSD, in that moment Naell instincts decided to head elsewhere.

It was a swift and reasonable decision upon seeing the crowds of people that blocked their path to the school.

In addition, they already knew of an inn near TRM that they were certain would be worth a visit. Thanks to that, Owly HOOTed with no complaints as he patiently thought of the food that awaited.

After a while, upon approaching the outermost part of the inner circle, it became apparent to both of them that only locals or adventurers frequented this location.

• We are here, HOOT! •

Said Owly as a happy look formed on his face, with Naell being no different.

Like its neighbouring establishments, the inn looked simple, yet it was far more appealing for its design; a furbished two-storey house decorated with handmade ornaments.

It was constructed with a steep, brown and overlapping pitched roof. Its gables were front-facing and the walls were made of dark wooden timber frames.

The structure itself was unique, resembling a traditional middle class home with hints of dwarven and elven styles.

As they looked around the whole building and appreciated its aesthetic, they couldn't help but suddenly cringe from reading the name of the inn.

"Let's just go inside..."

• Agreed, HOOT... •

It had been weeks since the establishment was built, yet it was their first time going in as customers.

Upon nearing the door, loud cheers of glee were already heard from within. This brought a smile to both Naell and Owly as they knew the inn was booming with customers.

Yet as soon as they set foot inside, the atmosphere changed as what welcomed them were gazes of pure shock.

"The young master of Beryldot..." Murmured some.

Judging from his appearance alone, from the unique white hair to its complimenting pair of cold eyes, the commoners were well aware of who he was.

Not to mention, it was a widely known fact that a fat owl would often accompany Naell, with this owl in particular regularly seen atop his head.

The commoners immediately adjusted their posture. Others even halted from eating as they felt conscious of their manners.


The entire scene had quickly made Naell and Owly uneasy. It was their first time experiencing that many collective gazes.

Luckily for them, it didn't last long as the little lady who came running with a smile dispersed the awkward silence.

"Brother! Owly!" She exclaimed, earning her a HOOTing hug from the large bird that she happily accepted.

"Hello, little one." Replied Naell who patted the giggling Anna.

The commoners then bowed down with their heads welcoming his presence. In return Naell gestured his hand to ease them and proceeded to add on,

"Please, there's no need..."

Sighs of relief then emitted from the people.

Not long after, the grandfather of Anna welcomed them. He then added on as he guided them towards a vacant table.

"Young master, little owl sorry for the late greeting, I was upstairs preparing a room for some guests."

Naell then shook the old man's hand as he replied,

"It's fine, Elder."

The grandfather smiled warmly. He couldn't thank the young master of Beryldot enough.

Not only did he save them, he also made sure they were provided a livelihood by giving him and Anna the opportunity to open an inn.

Going back, as Naell glanced at the vacant table, he and Owly knew it was different from the others.

Besides having a fluffy chair for the demanding fat bird, it also had a longer table that could easily accommodate books which they knew Naell loved.

"This seat is always reserved for you, young master and Owly alone." The grandfather said as he noticed how the two were smiling wryly.

While Owly puffed in pride, Naell shyly replied,

"Thanks Elder."

The grandfather gave a light chuckle before he went on to say,

"We should be the ones thanking you, young master." All the while he turned to the guests behind him; to the humble men and women who were all residents of the outer circle.

They turned to Naell with admiration. It was then when one of the men stood up from his seat and raised a mug to the air.

"We thank the young master and Owly!"


The man was then followed by the rest of the inn, as they repeated his cheerful words.

For them, it was an absurd idea for a noble to go out of their way to the outer circle of Taglagas, also known as the place of commoners.

Likewise, nobles often didn't make it a point to ever have to go there. Which was why other than in the establishment of TRM, most nobles and renowned scholars wouldn't even know the ins and outs of the outer circle

It had always been the truth that TRM was a place for the inner people, unlike the inn that catered to the hearts of the commoners alone.

Hence the awkward reception Naell initially received. Afterall not one guest there was accustomed to seeing a noble mingling with them.

Nonetheless, after he and Anna's grandfather had started conversing, they immediately remembered what kind of person the young master truly was.

'A noble who saved those two without asking for fame.'

With that, only shouts of thanks and gratitude filled the place. On the other hand, Naell and Owly's faces were beet-red as they heard the name of the inn once more,

"Long live Snow Prince's Abode!"




"Brother, I actually saw your battle yesterday, you were so cool!" Anna said while eating the dessert prepared by their cook.

At that moment, the three of them were around the table, talking and eating banana cake with a glass of cold milk.

The grandfather had to excuse himself as he was busy managing the inn. Although Anna wanted to help, she was reassured by the staff that they would take care of everything, and that her duty at that time was to have fun with the young master.

• That was so-so Anna, I'm better, HOOT! •

Replied Owly with a puff of pride. Yet the reaction he got was a giggle from Anna and Naell. No one could, afterall take him seriously upon looking at his face coated with crumbs and milk.

When Anna first learned that Owly could talk, she was immediately happy to know and hear his voice. Yet since she herself couldn't use telepathy, she could only reply aloud.

"I'm sure Owly, since you are fluffy and majestic!" With more giggles she said.

Owly wanted to refute the first description yet since he was busy with munching away food, he barely minded it at all.

"By the way big brother, you don't have a fight today?"


Naell almost choked from his drink. In truth, not one part of him wanted to remember his undoing.

"It's... my vacation today so let's eat some more!"

"Hmm?" Anna tilted her head, slightly confused with his reaction. It was her first time seeing Naell act so suspiciously.

As she gazed for an answer, the young owl simply feigned ignorance, all the while Naell brought forth sighs of despair.

Just that morning, the schedule for the fixed bracket matches were posted.

- Andrew Sunheart vs Gregory Stronghold -

"Noice save.." He thought to himself.

In the beginning he truly was very glad as the fear of receiving a beating had left him, yet had he known his fate, he would not have celebrated so early.

- Rizaul Kekoy vs ...

- Viola Lumiheal vs Aive Noeida -

At that point he was even grinning as he had escaped the need to fight with both masters of speed.

- Rinca Arigare vs Namiku Asuna -

"I want to cry, thank you."

Yet this particular reveal had managed to soothe both his brain and melt his heart.

In that moment of bliss, Naell concluded, his dream of winning one match might turn out to be far from being a dream afterall...

- Naell Beryldot vs...

Alas, he was mistaken.

Upon seeing his name and his would-be opponent on the board, all of his energy was depleted.

"Are you okay brother?" Asked Anna who noticed the blank stare that Naell had unwittingly showed.

• Let him be, Anna, he is readying himself to be beaten, HOOT. •

"Ehhh? But Brother Naell is very strong."

• His opponent is stronk as well, HOOT. •

Owly's words made Anna worry, and so in an attempt to comfort Naell, she tucked his cold hands into her palms, all while saying,

"Truly, you will win brother!"

Naell could only smile wryly at her encouragement. He never was dead set on winning.

His objective afterall was already accomplished from his one intriguing victory. Not to mention he had already planned out his days of fruitful lazing throughout the festival.

A beating would hinder his ability to enjoy those days to its fullest.


Once more Naell sighed in grief, somehow still managing to utter,

"Hey Owly, do you think I'll lose?"

Upon saying that, Owly looked at him in dismay. He then lightly chopped him with his feathered wing before finally replying,

• I said a beating, not a loss, HOOT. •

Naell's eyes widened when he heard Owly, while Anna was happily nodding and cheering him up.

For a brief moment he smiled at their encouragement, yet soon grew downcasted once more as he said,

"I don't want to get beaten though."

Owly scowled at his response as he raised a wing to Naell's face,

• ...Hopeless, HOOT! • Yet just before the feathered slap could even make any contact, Owly stopped himself to finally add on,

• Have more confidence noob, if worse comes to worst, use those rings, HOOT. •

Naell's eyes widened. He didn't think Owly had figured out his intentions with that purchase. The bird noticed his surprise and continued to explain,

• I don't actually know--- but I'm guessing it's something useful, HOOT. •

In an instant Naell laughed at Owly, causing the previously withheld slap to come at full force. Meanwhile, Anna sat by their side, still confused on what it was they were talking about.

Immediately the young owl continued with his feast, while Naell simply tried to console his racing thoughts. Sooner or later, he would have to fight the fearsome battle that was to come.

- Naell Beryldot vs Lesjon Star -

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