Chapter 116: Hospital Coincidences
'I probably should've killed her off instead...' While Ronald was currently sitting on the hospital chairs waiting for the doctors to finish their surgery on Iris's body, Ronald couldn't help but think to himself about the fight that had occured last night.
To be honest, when Ronald had saw the intense hatred that was displayed in Lin Minyi's eyes, Ronald immediately thought about killing Lin Minyi out of natural instinct.
That was why he had summoned out 100 qi swords and decided that he was just going to murder her in cold blood and forget that he had ever interacted with her.
But just as Ronald was about to kill Lin Minyi with one of the qi swords he had shot at her however, he suddenly realized that he couldn't kill Lin Minyi, otherwise the younger sister would've undoubtedly go on a frenzy and seek revenge on Ronald.
Now that itself wasn't a problem since he could easily kill the younger sister as well, and that was what he had been planning to do anyways after murdering Lin Minyi.
However, the problem was that if he did kill Lin Minyi's younger sister, then why would he even bother making a deal with her in the first place?
The whole point of curing Lin Minyi and "changing their fate" was so that he could get Luna's subordinates off of his back without having to deal with them himself.
Luckily, Ronald had managed to change his qi sword's projectory just in time and only left a scratch on Lin Minyi's face.
But now that he's had a proper time to actually think about it, maybe it would've been a better idea to finish off Lin Minyi back at the facility.
Just as Ronald was having a debate in his head whether or not what he had done was a good choice...
"What's up Ronald, what are you doing here? I don't remember texting you the hospital that I was at." As Grant was walking over to the receptionist desk with three of his highly trained elite soldiers in order to get discharged from the hospital, he couldn't help but notice Ronald sitting all alone in the hospital's waiting room and decided to greet him.
"Oh hey Grant, what a coincidence, I wasn't actually waiting for you, I just had to drop off my maid here in this private hospital so that she can undergo a surgery." Ronald replied back.
"Undergo a surgery? Damn what'd you do to her?" Grant sat besides Ronald and jokingly asked.
"I didn't do anything to her, it's just that her entire body is pretty much covered in bullet holes." Ronald casually stated.
"Covered in bullet holes? You mean like she got shot multiple times with a gun?" Seeing how casually Ronald had said it, Grant couldn't help but ask in order to confirm that he heard it right.
"Pretty much."
"Really? Did the doctors ever tell you if she was going to survive?" Grant questioned.
"Yep, they said that she had a 0% chance of surviving, but I insisted for them to perform surgery on her anyways." Ronald said.
"If you want, I can easily and cleanly dispose her body without anyone noticing, I have a few cleanup crews over in this city that can effortlessly do so without being caught. I'll also make sure that no traces ends up leading back to you." Assuming that Ronald was worried about being caught for the murder of an innocent life, Grant glanced at the camera at the waiting room, leaned in closely to Ronald's ear, and whispered to him.
"I appreciate the offer Grant, but it's not what you really think it is, so don't worry about it. Anyways, how's your head doing?" Even though Ronald was grateful that Grant was willing to help out, since he didn't want Grant to do anything to Iris, he decided to change the subject.
"It's fine, just got a mild concussion, that's all." Grant replied.
"Wow, even after breaking a wall and falling two stories down to the ground, you only came out with a mild concussion?" Ronald pretended to not know about Grant's strength and asked in a surprised tone.
"Haha yeah, you may not believe me but I'm actually one of the four go-" Before Grant could finish whispering to Ronald about his true identity...
"Sorry to interrupt your guys' conversation, but may I have a word with you, Young Master Kuangge?" A nurse came over to the waiting room and suddenly interrupted.
"Sure, what's up?" Ronald spoke.
"It's about Miss Iris, she keeps on causing a ruckus in the operating room and keeps murmuring out that she wants to see your face. We tried doing everything within our power to put her to sleep, but it seems like nothing's working at all, so we currently have her strapped to the operating table, but it seems like she's about to break out of it, can you come and help us out?" The nurse stated.
"Of course. I'll talk to you later Grant." Ronald then stood up from his seat and got prepared to follow the nurse.
But just as Ronald could leave however...
"You mind if I come along with you as well?" Hearing the word Iris come out of the nurse's mouth, Grant wanted to make sure that the Iris the nurse was talking about wasn't the same Iris he knew back over at the Western World, so he asked if he could come along.
"Sure, why not." Ronald didn't think much of it and agreed.
Then everyone started to make their way towards Iris's room.
"Holy shit..." After telling his men to wait outside and then walked into the operating room with Ronald, Grant couldn't help but curse out when he saw the state that Iris was in.
The state that Iris was in was so terrible that even Grant, who was completely used to seeing people die in the battlefield, couldn't help but feel uncomfortable.
Iris didn't just get shot by a few bullets like he had misunderstood before, she had gotten completely shredded with bullets.
It was no wonder why the doctors had told Ronald that she had a 0% chance to live.
Even a blind person could easily tell that Iris wasn't going to survive given the current state she was in.
However, that wasn't the most important thing right now.
The most important thing was that it was indeed the Iris that Grant knew very well back over at the Western World.
Ronald, who had quickly ran to Iris's side and held her hand while patting her head in order to reassure her that everything was going to be fine, was also extremely shocked the moment he saw the state that Iris was in.
Because of Iris's recovery rate.
That's right, even though Iris was still currently in a terrible state, Iris seemed much better now than compared to when he had brought her over here to the hospital about a few hours ago.
But why was her body recovering at such an alarming rate?
Ronald was absolutely certain that he didn't do anything to Iris's body that would allow her to recover this quickly, nor can he sense anything in Iris's body that allows her to heal faster.
After thinking about it for awhile however, there was only one reason that had came to his mind as to why Iris had managed to recover in an extremely fast pace.
However, Ronald didn't want to make any bold assumptions yet and decided to keep observing for awhile.
On the bright side of things, at least Ronald doesn't have to give Iris the full recovery pill that he had prepared for her as well back when he was refining a pill in order to cure Lin Minyi and could use the pill for a later date.
Just as Ronald was continuing to pat Iris's head however...
"Are you perhaps friends with Ye Fan by any chance?" Seeing that Iris and Ronald seemed to have a good bond with each other, Grant couldn't help but ask.
"Of course not, I hate that bastard to the core. He keeps interfering with my life!" Ronald pretended to sound extremely angry when he heard the name Ye Fan come out of Grant's mouth.
"Then uhh... do you know who that is?" Grant pointed to Iris.
Just before Ronald could say anything however...
"Young Master! Don't listen to him!" Despite the terrible condition that Iris was still in, she shouted loudly.
Since Iris knew that Grant knew her past self very well, she didn't want Grant to expose her past to Ronald.
After all, if Ronald does ever come to find out that Iris had used to be Ye Fan's right hand woman, knowing that Ronald absolutely hated Ye Fan, she was afraid that Ronald would abandon her.
And she definitely couldn't afford to let Ronald abandon her.
Leaving out the fact that Iris was absolutely crazy for Ronald and couldn't even stay away from Ronald for an entire day, if Ronald decides to abandon her now, then Ronald's life would be much higher at stake.
Sure, although Ronald didn't actually die until he had decided to commit suicide in his last life about 7 years from now, considering that so many things has changed in this life, Iris couldn't afford to put her guard down.
As clearly displayed last night, if Iris didn't decide to go with Ronald to the masquerade party but instead decided to stay back home under the mindset that Ronald won't die until 7 years from now, then she would've lost Ronald again.
So that's why Iris couldn't afford to be abandoned by Ronald, no matter what.
However, it seems like her worst nightmare has came into play, since...
"Then I think it's better if you know... Iris is Ye Fan's right hand woman." Grant stated in a cold tone.
Iris tried to scream on the top of her lungs in order to block out Grant's words, but it was all in vain since she could noticeably see Ronald stay completely silent.
"Y-YOUNG M-MASTER! I-I USED TO WORK FOR Y-YE FAN BEFORE, B-BUT I-I PROMISE T-THAT I-I'LL STAY C-COMPLETELY L-LOYAL TO YOU! S-SO P-PLEASE D-DON'T A-ABANDON ME!" Since Iris couldn't move her body at all, she shouted on the top of her lungs and looked at Ronald with pleading eyes.
Although Iris has thought about keeping it a secret from Ronald about her previous relationship with Ye Fan, since Grant had told him about Iris's past relationships with Ye Fan, she knew that even if she manages to convince Ronald that she wasn't working with Ye Fan anymore, he'll still have doubts in his mind.
So Iris decided to just confess it all here, and got prepared for the worst.
But even if Ronald decides to abandon her, which Iris was almost positive he will, she'll still make sure that he'll never get in harms way.
Just as Iris was prepared for the worst case scenario however...
"Well, you heard her. She said that she'll stay absolutely loyal to me, so just don't worry about it, alright?" Ronald looked at Grant and announced.
"Whatever, if you say so." Even though Grant was still very wary about Iris, and even had a sense of hated against her since she was, and could still be Ye Fan's right hand woman, he decided to not pursue the matter for now.
Seeing that Grant didn't decide to pursue the matter any further, Ronald nodded in his heart.
Since Ronald was a villain and Grant was also a villain that wasn't completely insane, like some of the others in this world, he easily convinced Grant from doing anything to Iris.
Otherwise if Ronald wasn't there to intervene for Iris, knowing Grant, he undoubtedly would've brought his team of skilled mecenaries and hitmen in order to hunt Iris down the moment he's managed to locate where Iris was.
Anyways, enough being said.
"Iris, it's important for you to not cause a disturbance for the surgeon and undergo your surgery, okay?" Ronald turned to Iris and talked like a parent disciplining their child.
"Mhm." Iris, who was beyond grateful that Ronald didn't abandon her even after knowing about her past, nodded her head.
"Good, I'll be waiting over at the waiting room then, good luck Iris." Ronald then walked out of the operation room with Grant following behind.
Then after walking out of the operation room with Grant, just as Ronald was about to head back to the waiting room again, all three of Grant's men suddenly pulled out their guns and pointed to the left side of Ronald, where the hospital hallway was.
So Ronald subconciously turned his head to the left as well, and saw the two people he honestly didn't want to meet during one of his days off away from the plot.
'I know I have the villain's fate and aura and all...'
'But come on.'