Chapter 114: Golden Cobra's Facility (5)
"Ohhh... how magnificent! It looks like my number one test subject has somehow managed to heal back to health!" A silver haired man wearing a lab coat with scars all over his face said in a fanatic manner while being surrounded by his 20 silver armored guards all equipped with large high-tech transparent shields and various of different melee weapons and high-tech guns.
"..." Lin Minyi didn't say anything back to the lunatic man, who was actually The Golden Cobra, but stared at the armored guards behind the silver haired man with shock and extreme anger in her eyes.
And it wasn't because she was worried about the strength of the guards.
No, not at all.
It was just that she was quite familiar with those armor.
"Kekekeke, ooooooo how scary! Those eyes send shivers down my spine! Very frightening indeed!" The Golden Cobra's unnatural and unhinged laugh made everyone including all of his guards who were on standby feel very uncomfortable.
"Do tell me though, how did you manage to recover back to full health?" Since The Golden Cobra excelled in everything biology and biochemical related, he truly wanted to know how Lin Minyi recovered.
Ever since he has gotten his hands on Lin Minyi 5 years ago, he had been extremely facinated about the disease that Lin Minyi had.
Unlike all of the other diseases and viruses out there that can only be considered beneficial or harmful to the human body, the virus that Lin Minyi had was quite unique.
While the virus in her body was definitely extremely harmful as it decomposes the entire body slowly over time, there was something that it did to the body that was definitely very benefical as well.
It removed all of the bad substances, bacterias, cells, really anything that could be even remotely be considered detrimental to her body, and kept her alive to the best its ability while slowly decomposing everything in the body.
In a nutshell, she was completely immune to any and everything that could've potentially harm her body, including death itself until it was finished fully decomposing her body.
Every disease, viruses, toxins, chemicals, and deadly microorganisms he's ever injected into Lin Minyi's body immediately dies off and gets consumed the moment it gets into contact with whatever it was in her body.
And that was exactly why The Golden Cobra was very interested in Lin Minyi's newfound disease.
If he could just potentially extract the beneficial part of the disease and leave the harmful part behind, then the possibilites are completely endless... like immortality.
Just thinking about all of the possibilities he could do if he had this profound power made his body all tingly.
Seeing The Golden Cobra's body shiver abruptly and abnormally, Lin Minyi couldn't help but take a slight step back out of disgust.
"It's okay if you don't want to tell me, I'll just force it out of you anyways." The Golden Cobra announced wickedly before snapping his fingers.
And the moment The Golden Cobra had snapped his fingers, the 20 silver armored guards standing by his side suddenly started to quickly move towards Lin Minyi in order to surround her.
Lin Minyi tried to quickly step back so that she didn't end getting completely surrounded however...
"You should be paying attention to me instead." The Golden Cobra immediately appeared right infront of Lin Minyi and threw a left hook towards her head.
Luckily, Lin Minyi easily dodged The Golden Cobra's punch and quickly prepared her counterattack.
But just as Lin Minyi could do anything major however, one of the guards who was to the right side of her tried to slam his shield at her, prompting Lin Minyi to kick the shield of the guard instead.
Although she had just lightly kicked at the shield of the guard, since she was in the the 9th level of the Innate Realm, the sound of her kick errupted the entire facility building.
However, to her surprise, she only slightly pushed the guard away from her and only made a slight crack to his shield.
The Golden Cobra, after seeing that his guards had formed a big and wide circle around both him and Lin Minyi, raised his right hand in order to signal the guards to all raise their shields.
"Kekekeke what do you think about these high-tech equipments? I had to pay a good chunk of money just to get my hands on them." The Golden Cobra laughed hysterically and boasted proudly.
"Tch." Looking at all of the 20 guards who had surrounded both her and The Golden Cobra, she couldn't help but click her tongue.
Luckily she has managed to free all of the test subjects here before she had encountered The Golden Cobra and his guards, so she could afford to be a little more serious.
So she condensed her Qi, and immediately afterwards, a floating white sword appeared right infront of her, in which she quickly grabbed before she ended up losing complete control of it.
"Wow! A glowing sword? That's so cool! I should also start getting serious as well then." The Golden Cobra then ripped off the lab coat he was wearing, which revealed his slightly skinny but extremely toned body.
Then he pulled out what seemed to be a syringe with purple liquid inside of it, and injected it into his neck.
Immediately afterwards, a bunch of veins could be seen popping out throughout his entire body.
"Do you like the new compound I've recently developed? I call it serum X. This wouldn't have been made possible without the collaborative efforts of all my lovely test subjects... and it's used to deal with cultivators like you!" The Golden Cobra raised his arms up in the air and announced.
Hearing what The Golden Cobra had mentioned in the latter half of his sentence, Lin Minyi couldn't help but tightly clench the grip of her sword.
Just thinking about all of the harm and terror that this bastard had caused to innocent people made her extremely infuriated.
And not only that, but she was also fully aware that the bastard's been keeping her contained in this facility in order to fully control her younger sister.
After all, she was also present when her younger sister had made the deal with The Golden Cobra about doing his abidings as long as he fully cures Lin Minyi back to health.
So in under no circumstances should she allow this bastard to live at all.
After staring at each other both in the eyes for a brief second, The Golden Cobra made the first move by lunging his entire body towards Lin Minyi.
Upon seeing The Golden Cobra take action, Lin Minyi knew that he took the bait and immediately threw the light white sword directly towards The Golden Cobra's heart.
Shocked to see how fast the qi sword was headed towards him coupled with the fact that he had got completely caught off guard, he knew that it was completely impossible to dodge the sword, so he quickly tilted his body to the side, causing the sword to still completely pierce right through his chest.
However, since Lin Minyi used her mind to control the qi sword from moving any further, the sword ended up being lodged in his body.
But despite that however, The Golden Cobra didn't even flinch a bit and continued dashing forward towards Lin Minyi at a frightening pace while leaving afterimages behind.
Then after appearing right in front of Lin Minyi once again, knowing that he can actually hurt Lin Minyi this time, he swung his fist directly towards Lin Minyi's abdomen.
Lin Minyi didn't bother taking the qi sword out of The Golden Cobra's body, but also quickly threw her fist towards The Golden Cobra's fist in order to negate his punches.
As The Golden Cobra kept throwing in powerful punches in order to land a clean hit on Lin Minyi, Lin Minyi continued to negate his punches by colliding her fist with his.
However, the sonic booms created by the collisions of Lin Minyi and The Golden Cobra's fist were so devistating that the entire facility had started to form cracks on the wall and rumble heavily despite the fact that it could probably be considered one of the largest and sturdiest facilities in the entirety of China.
Even some of the 20 or so guards who were equipped with high-tech armor that were meant to negate damages from fights like these couldn't help but collapse to the ground just because of the shockwaves.
"What the hell!" The Golden Cobra couldn't help but shout out in fury but confused tone while still exchanging blows with Lin Minyi.
Even without the serum X he's injected into himself in order to temporarily gain a massive power boost, his normal body was as strong and sturdy enough to gain him a place on the assassin's divine's list!
So why wasn't he able to even cause any harm to this woman at all even after injecting himself with the serum X!
If he keeps this up, then sooner or later the effects of the serum X will dissipate and he'll die for sure!
So The Golden Cobra gave up all of his efforts on trying to capture Lin Minyi alive and immediately focused on trying to kill her before he ends up getting killed instead.
"I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU BITCH!" The Golden Cobra screamed out and signaled all of the remaining 10 guards who were still conscious to entrap her while he quickly got out of the circle that his guards had formed around them.
But before he could fully get out of the circle however, Lin Minyi managed to get ahold of the hilt of the sword and took it out of his chest, leaving a big hole on his chest.
Immediately after The Golden Cobra had managed to get out of the enclosed circle, all of the remaining 10 guards all quickly pulled out their melee weapons and tried to close in on her.
However, Lin Minyi immediately lunged forward towards the guard in front of her, then after she elegantly dodged the guard's sword and blocked the incoming sword coming behind her by putting her sword behind her back, she quickly changed the way she was holding her sword into an icepick grip and slashed the necks of the 3 guards closest to her before any other guards could strike again.
Seeing that their formation was in shambles, the 7 remaining guards tried to quickly rearrange their circular formation again, causing them to leave an opening for Lin Minyi to counterattack.
So Lin Minyi used her legs to accelerate upwards off of the ground and quickly did a backflip right behind 3 unexpecting guards, resulting in all three of their bodies being severed in half.
The 4 remaining guards, who knew that they stood no chance in a sword fight against Lin Minyi, all quickly dropped their swords and pulled out their high-tech guns, which were all loaded with what seemed to be silver bullets, and started blasting.
As each of the guards were each shooting bullets out at probably about 5,000 rounds per minute, Lin Minyi couldn't help but notice the speed in which these bullets were accelerating from.
Not only did these silver bullets seem to travel 4 or 5 times faster than a normal bullet, but she could see that they were also extremely devastating.
If these bullets were to hit even a cultivator from the Qi Transformation Realm, who were usually resilient to bullets, then even it could undoubtedly cause some harm to them.
However, these bullets won't be any problem for her.
So Lin Minyi dashed towards the 4 guards while blocking any incoming bullet with her qi sword and quickly murdered them in cold blood.
After getting rid of all of the guards however...
"Kekekeke, you might've gotten the best of me, however, THIS IS WHERE YOU'LL DIE!" The Golden Cobra stated with a wicked smile on his face while holding out what seemed to be a red button.
The moment The Golden Cobra chooses to press this red button, an extremely deadly toxin that he had actually prepared throughout all of his facilities beforehand as a safety measure will start to spread throughout the entire facility.
And it wasn't just any ordinary deadly toxin however, as it had the capacity to kill literally any living creatures in the world.
In fact, he used this exact deadly toxin to kill the person who used to be ranked 7 on the Divine list and took his place.
However, since he had created an antidote for this deadly toxin, he wasn't worried about getting poisoned at all.
So after staring at Lin Minyi one more time and letting out a psychotic laugh...
Then both The Golden Cobra and Lin Minyi waited for the deadly toxins to come out.
1 second...
2 second...
3 second...
4 second...
5 second...
"WHY THE HELL ISN'T THE DEADLY TO-" Before The Golden Cobra could say anything else however...
The Golden Cobra's head got cleanly sliced off of his body, resulting in his immediate death.
"..." Lin Minyi then stared at The Golden Cobra's decapitated body with an expressionless looks on her eyes.
Even though Lin Minyi had been held captive and kept in a room without ever once stepping foot outside anywhere else after The Golden Cobra had captured her, since The Golden Cobra had always walked around with that red button inside of his pockets all the time, and even once dropped it on the floor accidentally while he had been conducting a test experiment on her, she had a strong feeling that the red button might've been a safety precaution for The Golden Cobra.
So during the time that she had been exchanging blows with the Golden Cobra, she had secretly used some of her qi in order to internally break the button.
But anyways, even if she has managed to finally defeat The Golden Cobra, she still couldn't drop her guard down, and on the contrary, she had to raise her vigilant even further.
Because the real threat to her was still lurking in the shadows, watching her every move.
"Stop hiding, I know that you've been watching me..."