Chapter 110: Golden Cobra's Facility (2)
When Ronald had first entered the room that Lin Minyi was being held captive in, despite the fact that he was well aware of the disease that she had, he still had expected her to look at least somewhat... normal?
But her appearance right now was quite... unsettling to say the least, even for Ronald.
Now don't get him wrong, Lin Minyi definitely still definitely has her beauty intact and could even rival a heroine in terms of appearances and charm.
It was just... well...
Her skin tone was quite greenish, half of her body seemed completely decayed both inside and out, multiple tubes, presumbly feeding tubes and urinary catheters, had been inserted into her, and Ronald could tell that one of her eyes had gone completely missing despite wearing an eyepatch in order to hide the fact that she was missing an eyeball.
In a nutshell, she pretty much looked like a zombie, but just less deformed…
But anyways, Ronald wasn't here to judge Lin Minyi's appearance.
And with that being said...
"Yo Lin Minyi, you with me here?" Since Lin Minyi was sitting on a wheelchair, Ronald squatted down in order to look at Lin Minyi straight in the eyes.
"..." Since Lin Minyi's vocal cords had been broken for awhile now, she couldn't say anything back to Ronald.
However, she couldn't help but stare at him with anger in her eyes.
Even though she had never met Ronald in her entire life, the vibe that she had felt from Ronald was quite similar to the vibes that she had felt from The Golden Cobra, just less evil and malicious.
Nevertheless, it was a feeling that she absolutely loathed.
"Woah there, don't give me those kinds of eyes, it makes it seem as if I've done something bad to you." Sensing the pure hatred coming out of her, Ronald couldn't help but poke fun at her.
Hearing the ridicule that was coming from Ronald's mouth, she stared at him with even more hatred than before.
"Alright, I'm done playing around. Let's get onto the actual business. The reason why I'm here is because your younger sister has decided to make a deal with me in order to save your life. Now before you start throwing all your anger towards me again, do let me clarify, the price your sister has paid is not as significant as you might like to think." Ronald then paused for a brief moment before continuing on.
"The deal I made with her was that as long as she gets rid of the people following me around and protecting me 24/7, then I will save your life. Simple as that. Don't worry, the people following me around are no stronger than Grandmaster Martial Artists, so your sister can easily take care of them, it's just that I can't personally handle them myself due to some circumstances." Ronald made sure to thoroughly explain the deal he had made so that Lin Minyi doesn't misunderstand his intentions for saving her.
"So with that being said, I'll give you two options..." Ronald then stuck out two fingers.
"First option, I cure you and your disease entirely..."
"Or second option, I'll put you out of your misery right now." Ronald stated in quite a blood-curdling manner while glaring at Lin Minyi dead in the eyes.
"..." Seeing the hostile glare in Ronald's eyes, Lin Minyi knew that Ronald wasn't joking around when he had offered to put her out of her misery.
And to be honest, she was extremely tempted to take the offer.
After all, even right now, she was in so much agony due to the current state of her rotten body that there probably isn't even a word in the dictionary that could accurately describe how much pain and suffering she was currently going through.
It was honestly a miracle that she was even somehow alive and didn't just naturally die off yet.
And besides, even though Ronald had stated that he could cure her, it wasn't like it was going to be able to fix the detriment state she was currently in.
At most, he'll probably just remove the disease entirely, however the pain and agony from her already decayed body would still stay with her.
So with that in mind, she signaled to Ronald that she wanted option two by using the only remaining thing she could move in her body, her eyelids.
Upon noticing that Lin Minyi had decided to choose option 2, Ronald couldn't help but blankly stare at her for a couple of seconds.
To be honest, Ronald didn't actually expect her to actually choose the second option.
Sure, although Ronald was aware about how much pain she was going through right now just by being alive, didn't he offer to cure her?
Plus, shouldn't she at least try and stay alive in order to make her younger sister happy?
Or did Ronald perhaps misinterpreted the bond between the two sisters actually had for each other?
After thinking about it for a little while longer however, he knew exactly why Lin Minyi had chosen the second option.
So Ronald grabbed a pill out of his pocket.
Assuming that the pill that Ronald had just pulled out of his pocket was something that'll end her life, Lin Minyi closed her eyes and couldn't help but start thinking about her younger sister while she waited to succumb to her death.
Even though she had promised her younger sister that she'll always stay by her side till the end of time, she just couldn't bare it any longer.
'Ah... only if I could've just died in your arms instead...'
'That would've been so wonderful.'
Shortly after leaving a departing message in her head, one of the sharpest pain she has ever felt in her entire life suddenly errupted throughout her entire mouth and jaw.
And then just like that...
She couldn't feel anything anymore.
No more pain.
No more suffering.
No more hell.
No more... anything.
Just only the dark abyss that currently surrounds her was left.
After 5 years later…
She has once and for all… succumbed to her death.
"Uhh, what are you doing?"