TOP SECRET: Adventures in the Dark Continent

Chapter 104: A tiring and hellish training

"Watch out for the body parts of these slimes !!! You can suffer damage if it touches you !!" Liu Yang shouted at the women and the beasts. He was watching while they fought.

The group was fighting a group of colored slimes, but not all of them, some were just looking. The fighters were Callie, Alwine, and June, as they were some of the members who have the ability to cause damage to slimes. Syra and Snow were in the next round of fights.

"Yes, young master"

"Roar !!!"

The group understood what Liu Yang meant.

"Attack!!!!" Callie ordered her flaming golem.

Pang !!! Pang !!!!

The flaming golem punched the slime twice. Its fists entered the slime's body as if it had hit a bowl of water. The only thing that happened was that several parts were splashed around like water being hit by something.

The slime pieces scattered on the floor began to melt the surrounding areas. A rotten smell of something being melted could be felt.

The power of burn and the power of corrosion was trying to defeat each other inside the body of the slime. The flaming golem's fists want to burn the slime's body, while the slime tries to use corrosion and burn the golem's stone body. The slime was red.

glupp !!! glupp !!!

The slime was irritated because it was being burned from the inside, but it cannot corrode or burn the flaming golem.

Zzzzzz ... Zzzzzzz

Red smoke started to come out of the body of the slime, it was squirming in every possible way, but it couldn't do anything. It wants to escape the flaming golem, but it is impossible. 

This was happening because the burning power of the flaming golem was burning the body of the slime and reducing it to nothing. It seemed to be evaporating.

Every moment, the body seemed to be getting smaller. As a creature with a liquid body, heat and cold were its worst enemies. Because it can be evaporated or frozen.

"Callie, don't let the slime get away. Try to find the core and destroy it "Liu Yang commented, he is helping the group by giving some useful advice during training.

"Yes, young master. Don't let it get away." Callie ordered. She asked the flaming golem to continue pressing its fists on the slime's body to prevent it from escaping.

The quickest and most practical way to defeat a slime is to find its core and destroy it. That was their weak point. The problem was to find the core, as it can move around on all sides of the slime body.

glupp !!! glupp !!! glupp !!!

The slime attacked by Callie began to decrease in size as its body evaporated. It didn't take long to have just the core left and a rotten, burning smell, all the goo on the slime's body evaporated.

The core of the slime was a sphere the size of a football, but its color was slightly lighter than the body of the slime. This made it a little difficult to locate the core.

"Break it" Callie pointed to the core of the slime.

Pang !!!

Crack !!!! Crack !!!!

The core was broken into thousands of pieces when the flaming golem's powerful punch hit.

The slime was defeated.

Callie didn't have a lot of trouble defeating the slime because of the golem, but if the slime gets close to her, she will have great problems.

"Callie, you did a good job." Liu Yang praised.

"Thank you, young master"

Liu Yang looked at the others and continued to give tips to them.

"Alwine, try not to get too much of the slime. They can stick to your body and start attacking you" Liu Yang commented.

Alwine was a melee attacker, she needed to get close to attack. But against slimes, it was too risky.

Fortunately, she had the Powerful Impact ability. Alwine can use this ability and blow up the body of the slime.

Her opponent was a blue slime that burns the body's energy, which made her situation a little more complicated.

"Yes, young master. These things don't die !!! It's hard to find the core of this thing" Alwine was complaining. She used a long sword, but her cuts did not affect slimes.

The slime was cut, but at the same time, its body was mixed again as if nothing had happened.

"Alwine, you need to get used to this. The training in this forest is for you to learn how to deal with these slimes, this is in case someday, you will encounter this type of creature again "Liu Yang commented. He saw that she was irritated by not being able to hurt the slime with the sword.

"Young master, this is very annoying. These creatures are my natural enemies "

"Alwine, you can use other ways to defeat these creatures. There is not just one method. You need to keep the curse under control and think for a while "Liu Yang spoke calmly.

He was right. There was not just one method to defeat slimes. Alwine who was a little out of control and can't think straight.

"..." Alwine did not comment on Liu Yang's words. She just focused on fighting slime.

"June, you keep using your skills to deal with these slimes" Liu Yang looked to the side and saw that June was managing to deal with the slimes, she had her magic skills to attack.

"Auu" June howled. Her body was shining as lightning streaked under the slime's gooey body.

The power of the rays was slowly destroying the body of the slimes.

While the trio struggled, the others were watching in an attempt to learn something.

Liu Yang's daily life was like that.

The group was undergoing heavy and hellish training during the day and night. Women and beasts only had a few hours of sleep during the morning. The rest of the day was fighting until the morning of the other day.

As the group was inside a forest full of colored slimes, the nocturnal creatures were the slimes, but their colors were black. The powers of slimes have become much stronger than normal.

Besides, the corrosion capabilities of their gooey bodies were of another level. Steel weapons and armor were all corroded as a result.

The person with the most difficulties was Alwine, as she was using her fists and feet to attack. She only learned to fight properly after a week.

This hellish training made the group stronger each day, they were not leveling out, but their fighting instincts were being improved by the day. This is the result that Liu Yang expected.

Rosella and Neal did not comment on the delay in the trip, they let Liu Yang continue at his pace.

The tiring and heavy training lasted about a month. That was also how long the group took to cross the forest.

The trip was done in a few days, but the group took a month to do this.

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