The Wealthy Eldest Sister Rules Supreme

Chapter 65 - 065: Carrying a Kitchen Knife

Chapter 65: Chapter 065: Carrying a Kitchen Knife

Translator: 549690339

“Auntie said this is a bean sprout that just sprouted today, so she gave it to us to make a sour and spicy bean sprout dish. I guess it’s too late to cook it for lunch, so I’ll save it for dinner tonight.”

Zhuang Qingsui said, putting the bean sprouts and the plate together into the basket. She gently covered it with a cloche to prevent cats or other animals from digging around.

Then she put some firewood into the stove, and boiled the water again.

Zhuang Qingning started cooking the dumplings in the pot while preparing a dipping sauce with vinegar and chopped green onion.

As soon as the dumplings, as white as little swans, were ready, they sat in the courtyard. While enjoying the warm sunlight, they feasted on the fragrant dumplings.

They had used plenty of pork and Zhuang Qingning had added water when kneading the filling. As a result, the dumplings were extra juicy—juices even trickled down the corners of their mouths.

Oh, dear.

The sight made Mrs. Song’s heart ache.

These two lowly bitches were now able to afford dumplings filled with pork! She thought bitterly of the black noodle steamed buns she had at home. Fury rose within Mrs. Song.

Finally, she could no longer stand it and stormed into the courtyard.

“You ungrateful girls! So you lock the door when you feast? You should give the good food to your elders first!”

Mrs. Song tried to snatch the bowls from Zhuang Qingning and Zhuang Qingsui’s hands.

Zhuang Qingning swiftly dodged her and smacked Mrs. Song’s hand with her chopsticks.

The intense blow caught Mrs. Song by surprise and she instinctively retracted her hand.

Zhuang Qingsui, startled by the sounds, hid her bowl behind her and hurried to the corner.

“How dare you, you little bitch! You dare to hit me?” Mrs. Song’s hand was reddening and swollen from the chopstick hits. She took a sharp breath and was about to hit Zhuang Qingning.

Zhuang Qingning retaliated with a few rapid strikes of her chopsticks.

Her thin yet strong body, fortified by good food in recent days, left no room for leniency as she dealt with Mrs. Song, dealing such blows that red welts began to appear all over Mrs. Song’s hand.

A blow struck Mrs. Song’s finger, making her wince in pain. She had no choice but to stop her attack for a moment.

“You ungrateful girl! I am your elder. How dare you show such disrespect?”

Even though her hand was stilled, her mouth was still moving.

“During the establishment of the female household, the village chief made it clear that Qingsui and I now control our own fate and have no connection to you. What elders are you talking about?”

Zhuang Qingning’s eyebrows furrowed in anger.

After establishing the female household, Mrs. Song had kept quiet for a while.

Zhuang Qingning was clear about the reasons.

Mainly, it was the harsh words Zhuang Qingning had said to Zhuang Jingye one day. This made the village chief, who hated disturbances in the village, fearful of any issues. So, he advised Zhuang Ruman and Mrs. Song not to cause trouble.

Also, Zhuang Qingning’s newfound friendship with Mrs. Wen, as well as her infamous reputation, made Zhuang Ruman and Mrs. Song wary of her.

Moreover, they were still hoping that the sisters would fail outside and return home. They were waiting for the sisters to give in and come back so they could manipulate them further.

Unfortunately, their waiting had only resulted in witnessing the sisters’ lives improving day by day. They simply couldn’t sit still anymore.

“What the hell are you talking about? The solid relationship of being flesh and blood relatives can be simply denied?”

Mrs. Song spat, “I was your elder before, and I will always be your elder!”

“Since you are the younger generation, you should respect your elders when you make money. You should bring the first dumpling to your uncle and me, not secretly enjoying it yourselves!”

Seeing the dumplings again, Mrs. Song’s heart gave another aching tug.

Looking at the thin dumpling skin and knowing how much filling must have been used, the amount of chives was obviously less, which meant more meat. What, waste in eating?!

With such a piece of meat, if she took it home and stewed it with cabbage and potatoes, wouldn’t she get a big pot of food, enough for two meals?!

“Having lived on your family’s food for so many years, now that you’ve made some money, you don’t know to honor your elders, but instead feast by yourselves. How thick is your skin?”

“Hand over those dumplings!”

After her rant, Mrs. Song added, “Or else, I’ll go to the village chief and let him deal with you two ungrateful girls!”

Zhuang Qingning smirked.

In the end, it was about Mrs. Song being envious of Zhuang Qingning and Zhuang Qingsui’s better lives and wanting to take some benefits from them.

If that’s the case, they would have to deal with her properly.

Otherwise, if people thought the two sisters were easy to bully, plenty of blood would be drawn in the future.

“Do you want dumplings?”

Zhuang Qingning sneered, giving Mrs. Song a sidelong glance. “I’ll get them for you.”

With that, she went to the kitchen with her bowl.

“That’s more like it!”

Mrs. Song assumed that Zhuang Qingning was frightened by her threats to go to the village chief, which was why she obediently complied.

So what if they had established a female household? Without anyone to support them at home, wouldn’t they still be scolded and reprimanded in front of the village chief?

Seeing Zhuang Qingning go into the kitchen to get the dumplings, Mrs. Song felt ecstatic.

But considering the situation, the dumplings were probably raw dumplings. It didn’t matter, boiling water was not difficult.

The most important thing was if Zhuang Ruman saw the dumplings. It would make him feel better and he would no longer consider her stupid and useless.

Zhuang Qingsui watched Mrs. Song gloat and Zhuang Qingning enter the kitchen. She bit her lip, leaning against the wall, afraid to make a sound.

If they gave the dumplings to Mrs. Song this time, it was certain that in the future, Mrs. Song would come to their door again wanting more…

While she was worrying, Zhuang Qingning came out of the kitchen. She was not holding any dumplings, but… a knife.

Under the bright sun, the well-used kitchen knife gleamed brightly.

Dazzling and ominous.

Mrs. Song turned as pale as a sheet.

“What…what are you going to do?”

Didn’t Zhuang Jingye say before, this girl could be ruthless? If pushed, she would poison the well or turn violent…

Seeing Zhuang Qingning holding a kitchen knife now, was she going to kill her?

“What am I going to do?” Zhuang Qingning sneered, “That depends on my mood today.. Didn’t you say you wanted dumplings from my house? Well then, I’ll give you some!”

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