The Veiled Immortal: He Sealed His Cosmic Powers to Live as a Mortal

Chapter 5: Chapter 5: The Reluctant Prodigy

The Alchemy Workshop of the Falling Leaf Sect occupied the eastern wing of the Inner Affairs Hall, its windows strategically positioned to capture morning sunlight for herb identification and afternoon shade for temperature-sensitive concoctions. As Wei Yun approached, the distinctive fragrances of medicinal herbs, mineral compounds, and spiritual catalysts mingled in the air—a symphony of scents that told an experienced practitioner exactly what projects were currently underway.

A young disciple stood guard at the entrance, eyes widening in recognition as Wei Yun appeared. "Senior Brother Wei! Jin Ling said to expect you." The youth bowed deeply—far more deeply than appropriate for a fellow disciple of similar rank. News of Wei Yun's display at the burial mounds had clearly spread throughout the sect.

"Thank you," Wei Yun acknowledged with a modest nod, carefully balanced between accepting the respect and not encouraging excessive deference. "Is Jin Ling available?"

"Third refining chamber," the disciple replied, stepping aside. "She's been there since dawn."

Wei Yun navigated through the workshop's main hall, where dozens of inner disciples worked at individual stations, grinding herbs, measuring powders, or monitoring small cauldrons. Unlike the competitive atmosphere that pervaded most cultivation activities, the Alchemy Workshop operated with coordinated precision—disciples exchanging materials and advice without the usual jockeying for advantage.

The third refining chamber was separated from the main hall by a heavy door inscribed with protective runes. Wei Yun knocked lightly, recognizing the delicate stage of pill refinement occurring inside from the particular pulse of spiritual energy emanating through the wood.

"Enter if you must, but close the door quickly," came Jin Ling's terse response.

Wei Yun slipped inside, closing the door with barely a whisper of sound. The chamber was bathed in the ethereal blue glow of alchemical fire, centered on a silver cauldron no larger than a rice bowl. Jin Ling stood before it, hands moving in precise gestures as she conducted the volatile energies within the vessel.

Without breaking her concentration, she nodded toward a stool in the corner. "Sit. I'm at a critical juncture."

Wei Yun complied, taking the opportunity to observe her technique. Despite her youth and relatively modest cultivation, Jin Ling's control over the alchemical process was remarkably refined. She wasn't simply following established methods but had developed numerous small innovations that improved efficiency and stability.

For the next twenty-seven minutes—Wei Yun counted precisely out of ancient habit—Jin Ling manipulated the energies within the cauldron, her expression intensely focused. Finally, she executed a complex sealing motion, and the blue flames subsided.

"That should stabilize for the next phase," she said, wiping perspiration from her brow. "Thank you for not disturbing the process."

"Your technique is impressive," Wei Yun observed genuinely. "Particularly the inverse circulation pattern you used during the third phase."

Jin Ling looked up sharply. "You noticed that? Most alchemy masters would have missed it."

Wei Yun realized he had perhaps shown too much expertise and quickly moderated his response. "My family's resonance techniques required similar precision in energy direction."

"Hmm." Jin Ling's penetrating gaze suggested she wasn't entirely convinced by this explanation, but she let it pass. "Well, since you're supposedly a resonance expert, perhaps you can help with a problem I've been facing."

She retrieved a jade slip from a nearby shelf and handed it to Wei Yun. "This is my formula for what I'm calling Void Warding Pills. The concept is to create a temporary barrier within the cultivator's meridians that prevents void energy corruption similar to how certain medicines prevent disease."

Wei Yun examined the formula with genuine interest. The concept was sound—revolutionary even, for this realm's understanding—but the execution had critical flaws that would render the pills ineffective or possibly dangerous.

"An innovative approach," he said carefully, "but there are stability issues in the third and seventh compounding stages."

Jin Ling crossed her arms. "I'm aware. Every test batch either destabilizes during refinement or produces pills that shatter within hours." Her eyes narrowed challengingly. "Since you're apparently skilled enough to notice my circulation technique, perhaps you have suggestions?"

Wei Yun considered how to help without revealing impossible knowledge. Even in the celestial realms, pharmaceuticals designed to counter void corruption were advanced creations. To formulate something functional within mortal limitations would require creative adaptation rather than direct application of higher principles.

"May I?" he gestured toward the workable.

Jin Ling stepped aside as Wei Yun approached the cluttered surface covered with ingredient samples, diagrams, and notes. He examined her materials carefully, identifying the core components of her approach.

"Your fundamental concept is sound," he began, "but void energy doesn't interact with spiritual energy the way you're assuming. It doesn't corrupt through direct contact but through resonance disharmony."

He rearranged several diagrams, creating a new formulation pattern. "If we approach this from a resonance perspective rather than a barrier perspective, we might achieve better results."

For the next hour, Wei Yun guided Jin Ling through a reconceptualization of her formula, introducing principles that would seem innovative but not impossible within this realm's theoretical framework. He carefully avoided direct references to cosmic-level understanding, instead presenting ideas as logical extensions of known alchemical theory.

Jin Ling proved to be an exceptional student, grasping concepts quickly and contributing refinements that sometimes surprised even Wei Yun with their intuitive elegance. By mid-afternoon, they had developed a revised formula that had reasonable probability of success within mortal limitations.

"This could actually work," Jin Ling murmured, reviewing the final diagrams. "The resonance stabilization approach addresses the fundamental issues I couldn't resolve." She looked up at Wei Yun with newfound respect. "Your family's techniques must have been truly exceptional."

Wei Yun offered a modest smile. "They were the result of generations of research."

"We should test this immediately," Jin Ling declared, already gathering ingredients from various containers around the workshop. "If it works, it could protect disciples investigating void manifestations."

"A practical batch will require at least seven days of refinement," Wei Yun cautioned, recalling the temporal constraints of mortal alchemy.

Jin Ling waved dismissively. "Seven days using standard methods. With the Midnight Crucible method, we could complete it in three."

"The Midnight Crucible is notoriously unstable," Wei Yun pointed out, genuinely concerned. The technique she referenced was known for causing explosive failures and even cultivator deaths when attempted by all but the most skilled alchemists.

"Not if we apply your resonance principles to the energy circulation," Jin Ling countered, eyes bright with excitement. "The instability occurs because standard techniques can't maintain harmonic balance during the compression phase. But with the adjustments we just developed..."

Wei Yun found himself intrigued by her reasoning. She had intuitively connected different aspects of his guidance to solve an unrelated problem—exactly the kind of creative leap that made mortal cultivators so fascinating despite their limited power.

"An interesting hypothesis," he acknowledged. "But risky."

"Progress requires risk," she replied simply, continuing to gather materials. "Will you assist, or should I proceed alone?"

Put that way, Wei Yun had little choice. While he had no doubt Jin Ling possessed exceptional talent, the modified Midnight Crucible she proposed could be dangerous without proper guidance. "I'll assist."

Her triumphant smile suggested she had never doubted his answer.

They spent the remainder of the day preparing ingredients and establishing the foundation for the accelerated refinement process. Word of their collaboration spread quickly through the workshop, drawing curious glances from other disciples. By evening, a small audience had gathered outside the refining chamber, speculation running rampant about what the mysterious Wei Yun and the sect's most talented alchemist might be creating together.

"Ignore them," Jin Ling advised as she noticed Wei Yun's awareness of their audience. "Cultivation sects run on gossip more than spiritual energy. Tomorrow they'll find something new to whisper about."

As darkness fell, they began the critical phases of the Midnight Crucible method. Jin Ling managed the physical components—measuring, grinding, and combining rare ingredients with practiced precision—while Wei Yun guided the spiritual energy patterns, carefully introducing resonance principles that would stabilize the volatile process.

The work required intense concentration, and Wei Yun found himself genuinely engaged in the challenge of adapting cosmic understanding to function within mortal limitations. It was like trying to replicate a masterpiece painting using only three colors—requiring creativity and precision rather than raw power.

Near midnight, as the process reached its most dangerous phase, the refining chamber door opened unexpectedly. Wei Yun maintained his focus on the crucial energy patterns while Jin Ling looked up with irritation that quickly transformed to surprise.

"Elder Lin," she acknowledged, hastily bowing while continuing to monitor the cauldron.

Wei Yun sensed the newcomer's presence—a senior elder with late Nascent Soul cultivation, specializing in theoretical alchemy rather than practical application. Elder Lin rarely left his study, making his appearance at this hour particularly unusual.

"I felt the energy signatures from my quarters," the elder explained, his voice carrying the slight tremor of advanced age. "Quite distinctive. Midnight Crucible, if I'm not mistaken, but with modifications I don't recognize."

Jin Ling shot a concerned glance at Wei Yun, who gave an almost imperceptible nod while maintaining the critical resonance balance. She turned back to Elder Lin with as much respect as she could muster while continuing her work.

"Yes, Elder. We're applying resonance principles to stabilize the compression phase."

Elder Lin's bushy eyebrows rose dramatically. "Resonance principles? During Midnight Crucible? Unprecedented." He moved closer, studying the glowing cauldron with intense interest. "Who conceived this approach?"

"It was a collaborative development," Jin Ling replied diplomatically. "Wei Yun contributed the resonance framework, and I adapted it to the Midnight Crucible parameters."

The elder's gaze shifted to Wei Yun, who maintained his focused state while offering a respectful nod of acknowledgment. "Ah, the mysterious Wei disciple I've heard so much about today. Interesting."

For the next hour, Elder Lin observed in silence as they completed the most dangerous phases of the refinement. His presence added pressure that Jin Ling clearly felt, her movements becoming slightly more precise, her attention even more focused than before.

When the cauldron finally emitted a soft chime indicating successful transition to the stabilization phase, Elder Lin nodded approvingly. "Most impressive. The Midnight Crucible typically produces spiritual discharge during transition. Your resonance approach has eliminated that inefficiency entirely."

Jin Ling released a breath she'd apparently been holding. "Thank you, Elder. We can monitor the stabilization phase without disrupting your evening further."

Instead of leaving, Elder Lin settled onto a vacant stool. "I believe I'll stay. This technique merits documentation for the sect archives."

Wei Yun inwardly smiled at the elder's thinly veiled curiosity. Even at the Nascent Soul level, with decades or centuries of cultivation experience, these mortals maintained their thirst for new knowledge—another quality that made them so fascinating despite their limited lifespans.

The stabilization phase proceeded without complications, and by dawn, the cauldron contained twelve perfectly formed pills, each glowing with a subtle golden luminescence that pulsed like a tiny heartbeat.

"Extraordinary," Elder Lin murmured, examining one of the pills through a spirit-sensing jade. "The internal structure maintains perfect resonance harmony even after formation. I've never seen its like."

Jin Ling couldn't quite suppress her pride. "We've named them Void Harmony Pills. They should protect a cultivator's meridians from void corruption for approximately four hours per dose."

"If they perform as designed," Elder Lin said, "this represents a significant advancement in protective pharmaceuticals." He turned to Wei Yun with newfound respect. "These resonance principles of yours—they have applications beyond void protection, I imagine."

Wei Yun bowed modestly. "Resonance underlies all energy interactions, Elder. Its applications are limited only by our understanding."

"Indeed." The elder stroked his beard thoughtfully. "I would be most interested in discussing these concepts further. Perhaps you could visit my study tomorrow afternoon?"

"It would be my honor," Wei Yun replied with appropriate deference.

After Elder Lin departed with two of the pills for analysis, Jin Ling collapsed onto a stool, exhaustion finally claiming its due. "Well, we've certainly attracted attention now. Elder Lin hasn't left his study for anyone below Core Formation in at least five years."

Wei Yun began cleaning the workshop area, using the mundane activity to mask his amusement. "Is that unusual?"

Jin Ling snorted. "Don't pretend ignorance. You know exactly how significant this is." She gestured to the remaining pills. "With Elder Lin's endorsement, the sect will prioritize producing these. Your resonance principles will become core curriculum for advanced alchemy students."

"The concept was yours," Wei Yun reminded her. "I merely provided technical adjustments."

"False modesty doesn't suit you," Jin Ling replied sharply. "We both know your 'technical adjustments' transformed a flawed concept into a revolutionary technique." She studied him with that penetrating gaze that somehow saw more than most. "Why do you keep insisting on downplaying your abilities? First the assessment, now this."

Wei Yun considered his response carefully. Jin Ling's perception made simple deflection unlikely to succeed, yet he couldn't reveal his true motivations.

"Not everyone seeks recognition," he said finally. "Sometimes knowledge applied appropriately is its own reward."

She watched him for a long moment before shaking her head. "There's more to it than that, but fine, keep your secrets. Just know that with achievements like this, anonymity becomes impossible. The sect won't allow talent of your caliber to remain underutilized."

As if to emphasize her point, a junior disciple appeared at the door, bowing nervously. "Senior Brother Wei, the Head Elder requests your presence at the main hall immediately."

Jin Ling gave Wei Yun a look that clearly said "I told you so" before turning back to secure the remaining pills. "Go. I'll complete the documentation."

The main hall had been reconfigured since Wei Yun's interrogation the previous day. Now only three figures awaited him—Head Elder Liu, Elder Mei, and a visitor whose cultivation aura radiated the power of early Tribulation realm.

"Wei Yun," Head Elder Liu gestured him forward. "Allow me to introduce Sect Master Huang of the Cloud Peak Sect."

Wei Yun bowed with perfect formality. "This disciple greets Sect Master Huang."

The Cloud Peak Sect occupied the summit of Azure Mist Mountain, their relationship with the Falling Leaf Sect characterized by the condescension of the powerful toward the less significant. For their sect master to personally visit was unprecedented.

"So this is the disciple who contained the void manifestation," Sect Master Huang remarked, studying Wei Yun with undisguised interest. His voice carried the subtle resonance of someone accustomed to unquestioned authority. "He doesn't look remarkable."

"As we've discovered, appearances can be deceiving," Elder Mei commented dryly.

Sect Master Huang circled Wei Yun slowly, his spiritual sense probing with considerably less subtlety than Elder Mei had demonstrated. "Unusual energy compression indeed. And you say he comes from the Eastern Cloudrise Wei family? I thought they were destroyed completely."

"All but one, apparently," Head Elder Liu replied. "Wei Yun has demonstrated both the techniques and knowledge consistent with their lineage."

Wei Yun maintained his respectful posture, inwardly amused by the discussion occurring as if he weren't present. It reminded him of celestial court proceedings where lower immortals were examined like curious specimens rather than addressed directly.

"The void containment techniques interest me most," Sect Master Huang said finally, turning to address Wei Yun directly. "Describe exactly how you neutralized the entity and contained the void stones."

Wei Yun provided a carefully edited explanation, emphasizing the resonance principles while omitting details that would reveal too much cosmic understanding. He described the golden sword technique as a family legacy, its power amplified by the particular qualities of void energy itself.

Throughout his explanation, Sect Master Huang's expression shifted from skepticism to reluctant interest and finally to calculation. When Wei Yun finished, the sect master turned to Head Elder Liu.

"The Cloud Peak Sect will offer thirty high-grade spirit stones and five hundred-year ginseng roots for this disciple's transfer."

The casual attempt to purchase him like a commodity was so reminiscent of immortal politics that Wei Yun nearly laughed aloud. Instead, he maintained his composed expression, waiting for the Falling Leaf elders' response.

Head Elder Liu's face remained impassive. "We appreciate the Cloud Peak Sect's generous offer, but Wei Yun is not available for transfer at this time."

"Fifty spirit stones and access to our celestial herb garden," Sect Master Huang countered immediately.

"The matter is not open to negotiation," Elder Mei interjected firmly. "Wei Yun has critical responsibilities in our sect's defense preparations against further void incursions."

Sect Master Huang's eyes narrowed dangerously. "The Cloud Peak Sect does not take refusal lightly, especially when the greater good of the region is at stake. This disciple's techniques could benefit all cultivation sects in the Azure Mist territory."

"And they will," Head Elder Liu assured him smoothly, "through proper alliance channels. We've already scheduled a presentation of Wei Yun's void containment methods at the next Alliance Council. All major sects will receive equal access to this knowledge."

It was a masterful deflection, Wei Yun noted appreciatively. By offering to share the techniques through official channels, the Falling Leaf Sect maintained possession of their valuable disciple while appearing magnanimous toward their more powerful neighbor.

Sect Master Huang seemed to recognize the diplomatic checkmate. He turned back to Wei Yun with calculating eyes. "Young man, the Cloud Peak Sect offers cultivation resources and opportunities that the Falling Leaf Sect simply cannot match. Consider your future carefully."

Wei Yun bowed respectfully. "This disciple is grateful for Sect Master Huang's interest but remains committed to the sect that accepted him in his time of need."

The sect master's lip curled slightly. "Touching sentiment. We shall see if it persists when faced with practical realities." He turned back to Head Elder Liu. "Our delegation will remain for three days to observe your void defense preparations. I expect full cooperation."

"Of course," Head Elder Liu agreed with perfect political courtesy. "Elder Mei will ensure your delegation receives every accommodation."

After Sect Master Huang departed, flanked by Cloud Peak disciples who had been waiting outside, Elder Mei gave a soft snort. "Three days of having those peacocks strutting around our sect. Delightful."

"Politics requires patience," Head Elder Liu replied mildly before turning to Wei Yun. "You've created quite a stir, young disciple. First Elder Lin reports revolutionary alchemy techniques, now the Cloud Peak Sect attempts to purchase you outright. For someone who claimed to seek anonymity, you have an unusual talent for attracting attention."

Wei Yun accepted the gentle rebuke with a humble nod. "This disciple apologizes for the complications."

"No need for apologies," the Head Elder waved dismissively. "Your contributions are valuable. Just be aware that talent of your caliber inevitably draws interest—both welcome and unwelcome."

"The Cloud Peak Sect won't accept rejection easily," Elder Mei warned. "Expect attempts to recruit you through less official channels."

Wei Yun bowed to both elders. "I will remain vigilant."

As he left the main hall, Wei Yun reflected on how quickly his circumstances had evolved from anonymous outer disciple to sect asset worth political maneuvering. It wasn't entirely unwelcome—higher status provided greater access to information and resources—but it did complicate his original plan for quiet investigation.

The sect grounds buzzed with unusual activity as Cloud Peak disciples in their distinctive white and silver robes moved about with the entitled confidence of superior beings visiting a lesser domain. Their presence created a ripple effect of Falling Leaf disciples straightening their posture, checking their appearance, and generally attempting to appear more dignified than usual.

Wei Yun was heading toward his quarters when a familiar voice called out from behind.

"Senior Brother Wei! Wait!"

He turned to find Min Fei hurrying toward him, face flushed with excitement. The young man had barely spoken to Wei Yun since the burial mound incident, apparently unsure how to interact with his former companion following his elevation.

"I've been looking everywhere for you," Min Fei said breathlessly. "Is it true you created new void protection pills with Jin Ling? The entire Outer Affairs Hall is talking about it."

"News travels quickly," Wei Yun observed with a small smile.

"And that the Cloud Peak Sect tried to recruit you? And that you refused them?" Min Fei's eyes were wide with disbelief. "No one refuses the Cloud Peak Sect!"

"Apparently someone just did," came a sharp voice as Jin Ling appeared beside them. She looked exhausted but satisfied, carrying a small jade box that presumably contained the remaining Void Harmony Pills. "Though I still question the wisdom of that decision."

Min Fei bowed hastily to Jin Ling. "Senior Sister Jin! The pills you created are amazing!"

"Co-created," she corrected, glancing at Wei Yun. "And you haven't even seen them yet, so how would you know they're amazing?"

"Because everyone says so!" Min Fei replied with innocent enthusiasm. "Elder Lin announced to his entire class that they represent a breakthrough in protective pharmaceuticals!"

Jin Ling raised an eyebrow at Wei Yun. "See what I mean about sect gossip? We completed these literally hours ago."

Wei Yun smiled slightly. "Efficient information transfer is a valuable social mechanism."

"Speaking of information," Jin Ling said, turning serious, "the sect is organizing void defense teams in response to reports of new manifestations near the northern farmlands. These pills need practical testing."

"I volunteer!" Min Fei declared immediately, then seemed to reconsider as he remembered the horror of his previous void encounter. "That is, if Senior Brother Wei is participating."

"The Head Elder has assigned me to work with the Cloud Peak delegation for the next three days," Wei Yun explained. "But I believe the pills will provide adequate protection for properly trained teams."

Jin Ling nodded decisively. "Then it's settled. Min Fei, inform Elder Zhao that we have protection measures ready for testing. I'll coordinate with the alchemy department to begin larger production."

As Min Fei hurried off, clearly delighted to be entrusted with an important task, Jin Ling turned to Wei Yun with a measuring look. "Three days with the Cloud Peak delegation? Watch yourself. They're not known for accepting rejection gracefully."

"So I've been warned," Wei Yun acknowledged.

"Good." She handed him the jade box containing several Void Harmony Pills. "Keep these with you. And try not to revolutionize any other fields of cultivation while I'm busy with production. My reputation can only handle so much competition."

Her deadpan delivery was belied by the glint of humor in her eyes. Wei Yun accepted the box with a small bow of appreciation, finding himself once again surprised by how much he enjoyed these simple interactions with mortals who knew nothing of his true nature.

"I shall endeavor to remain unremarkable," he promised solemnly.

Jin Ling snorted. "I think that ship has sailed, Wei Yun." She hesitated, then added more seriously, "Whatever your secrets are—and I know you have many—I'm glad you're here. The void threats are real, and we need every advantage."

With that unexpectedly earnest statement, she turned and strode toward the Alchemy Workshop, leaving Wei Yun contemplating the curious warmth her words had kindled. After ten thousand years of existence, it was strangely fulfilling to be valued for his contributions rather than feared for his power.

Perhaps this journey into the lower realms was providing exactly what he had sought after all—not merely relief from the stagnation of omnipotence, but a reconnection with the simple satisfaction of making meaningful difference in lives that, however brief by cosmic standards, burned with authentic purpose and connection.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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