Chapter 11: Stolen Moments, Stolen Time
The first guideline for learning under Ethan Carter?
Don't get distracted.
The second rule?
Absolutely, never consider his appearance when he is concentrated.
I was failing both as well.
"Focus, Carter."
I grimaced, changed my position as Ethan spun about me like a tiger sizing his target. Except for the background repetitive noises of a speed bag being pummeled, the gym was mostly vacant.
I shot back, "I am focused."
Ethan smirk. Certainly? Why then do you keep flinching?
I let my eyes roll back. "Maybe because you keep trying to hit me?"
He laughed, then stepped in too close. I am not attempting to strike you. I am attempting to instruct you.
Absolutely, feels the same.
Ethan crossed his arms and stopped whirling. His black eyes latched on me to evaluate. "You are too tense."
I furrowed a brow. Gee, wonder why?
His grace came back. "Relax."
He went behind me, his chest almost brushing my back, before I could reply. His hands rested gently on my waist, fingers just right to send my brain spiraling.
"Loosen up," he said silently.
I bit hard.
I ought to have started to withdraw.
I should have started some distance and made a joke.
Instead, though, I stood there, locked in his heat.
And for a time, we were not training.
It was just him and myself for a brief period.
a moment snatched.
Ethan cleared his throat by stepping back unexpectedly.
The moment collapsed.
I blinked, breathing under control once more. Just what the devil was that?
"Again," he murmured, his voice harder than it had been.
I tightened my mouth and pushed myself back into training mode.
But no matter how hard I tried to concentrate, the sense that something had changed between us persisted.
That, in some way, I was descending into something I was powerless over.
I told myself later that evening I would head home, shower, sleep, and forget about the sensation of Ethan's hands on my waist.
I ended up back in the gym instead.
Why I went back eluded me. Perhaps because my mind would not turn off. Perhaps in search of answers, clarity, distance.
I obtained none of those items.
Ethan arrived, shirtless, in the low glow of the ring, wrapping his hands as though he were getting ready for a battle.
My inhaled stopped. I ought to have walked off.
Naturally, though, he did notice me.
"You're back," he murmured, his voice low.
I took a swallow. Couldn't get asleep.
His eyes skipped over something incomprehensible. Either me either.
The door creaking behind me, I hesitated before entering.
Not sure you should be home? I asked.
Ethan grinned, but beneath it was something worn out. "Home doesn't feel like home anymore."
Something in my chest got tighter.
I was familiar with the sensation.
Between us, silence heavy and heated.
Then, before I could consider it, I cried out, "Fight me."
Ethan blinked. "What?"
My chin raised. "You claimed you would be teaching me,"
His grin came back, but it was different this time.
Gloomier. Riskier.
You really are ready for it, Carter?
I shrug. "Guessed we will find out."
Fighting Ethan Carter was not feasible.
Not because I was poor at it—though, to be honest, I wasn't very good.
But he was quite nasty in distracting terms.
My heart thumping for all the wrong reasons, we rounded each other in the ring.
Ethan walked first. A quick stride forward, a feint to the left, trying my reflexes.
I turned away. Very barely.
Good, he said in a whisper. But not good enough.
He sprang, snatching my wrist before I could respond, twisting me around so his chest was pushed against.
I choked.
His mouth swept across my ear. "What today?"
I kicked his foot, the only action I could think of.
Ethan moaned; his hold relaxed just enough for me to slide out and whirl to face him.
I assumed he would be irritable.
Rather, he seemed amused.
He said, "clever," rolling his shoulders.
I sneered. Told you I picked things up quickly.
Ethan advanced. "Let's see how fast..."
We were then on our way.
A jumble of counters, dodges, and almost misses. a perilous dance.
And I quit considering battle sometime along the road.
I just could think of him.
His movement revealed something. His observing of me. The way his breath stopped at my too close proximity.
He startled me just the instant I knew I wanted to kiss him.
He pinned me one quick motion.
My back struck the mat and I yelped, Ethan's body hanging over mine.
We were overly nearby.
Our breaths crossed each other.
Our eyes locked.
And then fighting was not what we were engaged in anymore.
Ethan looked down at my lips.
I gave a hard swallow.
Everything inside of me wanted to move, to act, to break the instant before it turned too real.
But I did not.
Ethan let out a strong breath. As though he was battling something.
Like I did, he wanted this as badly.
But He backed off just when I thought he might really act.
frigid. abrupt.
His jaw tightened, his motions stiff as he reached off me and raised a hand.
I looked at it once, then grabbed it.
Ethan said at last when I was standing.
This is not possible.
I felt my stomach drop.
But I nodded instead of asking why not, instead of stating what I desired.
Perhaps I too needed to lie to myself, as much as he did.
Ethan silently guided me to my car.
Though it was chilly, clear night air, it had no effect on reducing the heat still raging inside me.
I hesitated then grabbed for my door handle.
I looked to him. Ethan—"
He gave his head a shake.
I gripped my jaw tightly. "Why?"
His black eyes locked with mine, and for the first time I sensed something exposed there.
"Because if we start this, I won't be able to stop."
My heart faltered.
I opened my lips to say something, not sure.
Ethan, though, beat me to it.
He stood back. In his pockets, hands in there. Voice calm yet forceful.
"You should go."
I so did.
Though I did not want to.
Though deep down I knew—we were already past the point of stopping.
The bond between Ethan and Liv becomes frighteningly close.
Ethan won't let it happen even if neither of them wants to stop.
Their growing conflict is intolerable.
Chapter to come: Something drives them once more together. and this time there is nowhere to flee.