The Strongest God [Online Gaming]

v2 Chapter 154 - +155

Biquge, the latest chapter of the fastest and strongest male **** (online game)!

Chapter 154: College League (2)

The opponents in the first week of the match schedule took turns. The C team had a week of buffer time. After returning, everyone immediately downloaded the equipment simulator and character attribute simulator sent by Liu Chuan, installed them in their own computers, and started to earn money. Carefully note the location of each piece of equipment.

The martial arts equipment library can be described as “massive”. If you look at it one by one, it is estimated that you can’t finish it for an hour. Fortunately, the navigation bar is set up on the left side, which can be classified by genre and level. It is naturally easier to pick your own equipment.

Liu Chuan is right. There are more matches to play, and the equipment he wants is on the first few lines of the first page.

At the registration site at the time, a group of people were busy adding even attribute points. After two days of back-to-school practice, several members of the school team could quickly choose equipment within the prescribed time. Wu Zewen’s hand speed was the fastest. Standing behind him, Liu Chuan watched him operate the mouse to quickly press several buttons. The page was almost flashing in front of him, and he clicked on the equipment he needed. This hand speed was already comparable to many professional players.

Li Xiang’s hand speed was second, and it took about a minute and a half to get everything done. Compared with the other teammates, the other teammates were obviously half a second slower. Fortunately, 5 minutes was enough, and it should not be in this respect when they arrive at the game scene. What went wrong.

Seeing that the game was about to begin, the mood of a few alumni could not help but become more tense.

The first National College League finally kicked off the official duel on the second weekend of November.

In the first week of Liu Chuan’s school, Liu Chuan took a few alumni to the field to watch the game. The first matchup of Group B was two schools, Polytechnic University and Normal University. At that time, the competition had not yet started. There were a lot of cheering groups from two schools shouting cheers in the auditorium. The official obviously also took care of the propaganda. Although the scale of the competition was not large, the atmosphere was lively.

Several people sat down in the back row, and Zhou Xuehai looked at the big stage with lights on, clenched his fists nervously, and said, “We are going to the stage next week, how can I feel that it is not true at all …”

Zhuo Wenchao knocked on the back of his head and said, “When you sit there, you will be real.”

The crowd was amused, and Li wanted to pat his shoulder optimistically: “If you’re afraid, just hit as usual, and you won’t lose a piece of meat if you lose.”

Li Xiang is a born optimist. He does n’t know the fear under any circumstances. There is a kind of bravery that “the newborn calf is not afraid of the tiger.” With such a master in the team, Liu Chuan will be more at ease. , Praised: “Well said, nothing is lost, just let go and fight!”

——In fact, Liu Chuan is very clear that their school team’s current level is already a higher level than when he first came to coach, but it is not so easy to lose.

Not to mention that Li Xiang and Wu Zewen both have the talent to play professional leagues. Several others have also trained very seriously under the supervision of Liu Chuan. Among so many colleges and universities participating in the country, you can invite Liu Chuan to this level of coaching. The team can be said to be rare, can you say the advantages of the C team?

Several of their players did not know their own strength because they had no experience in participating in the game, but the coach Liu Chuan was very clear. To be honest … he was very confident in the school team.

The game officially started, and several people stared intently at the big stage.

The players from both sides sat down on both sides of the big stage, while neatly arranged six computers, just like an internet café. After all, the college league has limited funding, and there is not a stadium that can accommodate tens of thousands of spectators like the professional league. The game is played in a small auditorium. The stage is usually used by schools for evening parties, and there is no formal player soundproof room. The rear of the stage The big projection screen also has only one live channel, and the entire game is broadcast from the perspective of God. The level of live commentary is quite average, not as professional as the official commentary such as Zhang Shuping and Su Tong.

Although in the eyes of Liu Chuan, the college league is far worse than the city and professional leagues, but the surrounding audience is very excited, especially when the players in his school win the head, the cheers are deafening. After all, Symbolizing the honor of the school, the cheering groups on both sides also screamed and cheered like they had beaten chicken blood.

The system of the college league directly eliminated the stage of the Taiwan competition, simplified into three team battles, and adopted a three-game two-win system.

At the end of the first game, the Polytechnic University won 2 flags and temporarily led.

The second game was won by the Normal University, and the final game of the third game was particularly critical.

In the first two games, each side selected a map. The final game was a random selection of the system. It was drawn from a six-star gallery. This time it was exactly Hongfeng Villa.

Before Liu Chuan asked the team members to practice this map, several people were a little excited when they saw the familiar map.

Zhou Xuehai said: “Oh Hongfeng Villa, we have been practicing! Guess who wins?”

Li Qing was calmer and helped her glasses, saying, “I guess the Polytechnic University will win.”

In the third game, the University of Science and Technology stood up to the pressure and even took the two flags. The cheering group of the University of Science and Technology jumped up from their seats with joy. Liu Chuan made a gesture and took several teammates to quietly leave from the back door.

After returning to school, the mood of several people was very excited. The atmosphere of watching the game on the spot was different. I think they will also be sitting on the stage next week. The students, relatives and friends in the audience will cheer for them. Everyone It’s inevitable to get nervous at the same time.

Liu Chuan said with a smile: “The Polytechnic University won today and they will become our opponents next week. Do you have any opinions?”

Several people stared at each other, and no one spoke.

Liu Chuan went on to say: “Pay attention to the No. 6 player on their side, whose ID is called” Yu Guo Tian Qing “. He is the biggest weakness of the entire team. When you concentrate on the fire, you will take him second, so you can play more and less. It will naturally be a lot easier. “

While everyone was surprised, they felt very ashamed. When everyone watched the game together, Liu Chuan saw much more than them …

Some of them only care about the fierce team battle and the enthusiasm of the on-site cheering team. They did not care about the performance of the players on both sides, but Liu Chuan saw the weakness of the team at a glance-this is the level and consciousness. The difference is worthy of being a coach, the thinking is farther than them.

Zhou Xuehai has now become a loyal fan of Liu Chuan. He looked up at the fellow in the history department and said with an eyebrow: “Coach, how should I fight?”

Liu Chuan glanced at him with a smile and said, “I just want to say, Xuehai, you and Erxiang want to drag the output in the front row together, Li Qing pays attention to protect Jiang Xue, and Ze Wen and Wen Chao set fire. Drop the opposite treatment first, the level of that treatment is average, I believe you two will burst out, and you can easily take him away. After the treatment is dead, then according to the cooperation during the previous training, set the fire one by one and kill them. ! “

Seeing the coach’s confidence, several people were also encouraged and felt like they had suddenly become fierce. They returned to the dormitory happily.

A week passed quickly. Several members of the school team took the time to carry out targeted training. In order to make them feel immersive, Liu Chuan also specially called his team to help and play in a custom room. Simulate a battle, treat the fish as a target and let everyone set fire to practice. However, Xiaoyu is like a slippery fish. Wu Zewen and Zhuo Wenchao set fire to kill him. It took a long time to kill him, plus Jiang Shao He was on the sidelines to help, and Xu Ce, like a mad dog, killed the Quartet politely. The school team’s people played really hard.

A whole week of training finally achieved some results. The cooperation between Wu Zewen and Zhuo Wenchao became more and more tacit. The skills of the two people had been perfectly connected. Xiaoyu was killed as a boss for a week and was finally successfully killed. He was happier than the school team, and said behind Liu Chuan’s butt, “Captain, it feels good to be a target. The people in your school team are very good. I need the target to continue calling me!”

Liu Chuan said with a smile: “Okay, then you can be a target.”

Yu Xiangyang was bored anyway and was very interested in this new task. He agreed without thinking about it.

Saturday is finally here, and the C team is about to welcome their first opponent in the college league.

In the afternoon, Liu Chuan called the school bus early to take some team members to the on-site lounge to prepare. As the leader of the school team, he was responsible for miscellaneous chores such as team sign-in and personnel confirmation. He came to the working group with a representative card. When I checked in, I met an official reporter who was interviewing the person in charge of the competition, followed by a young photographer. When Liu Chuan passed by, the female reporter suddenly stumbled, and then turned to catch up quickly: “Hey, classmates, wait!”

Liu Chuan stopped, looked back at her, and pointed to his nose: “Call me?”

The female reporter stared at him from head to toe, and then said, “Chuanshen? No, how could Chushin be in the college league! I must admit it wrong, you go.”

Liu Chuan: “…”

Liu Chuan turned with a touch of his nose, and couldn’t help but laugh at the bottom of his heart—Xu Xiaoqi, the most lively female journalist among the official martial arts press team, is famous in the e-sports circle for speaking fast and enjoying talking to herself. She used to give The Huaxia team has been a team reporter for a period of time, but Liu Chuan did not like to be interviewed. She did not have many opportunities to meet the captain. She was very familiar with Zhang Shuping, the deputy captain of the year. After Zhang Shuping retired, Xu Xiaoqi was not a reporter for the professional team and was sent by her brother to cover some private events. This time, she was responsible for the entire interview and tracking of the college league in the South China Division. I did not expect to encounter it today.

In Liu Chuan’s impression, Xu Xiaoqi is a very bloody, principled, and righteous journalist. His personality is a bit like his sister Liu Xiaomo. Liu Chuan joked at the time that this character should be a reporter for the battlefield. How to run Called to compete in the circle, Xu Xiaoqi was still an intern then, and now she can go out to do it alone. Time flies … However, she is as tragedy as Lu Xiang, her height has never been better.

Liu Chuan naturally recognized her at a glance, but Xu Xiaoqi was not sure if this person was Liu Chuan … Just a joke, what are the top gods of the professional leagues who come to the scene of the college league? Isn’t this as thrilling as NBA star players running to the college games to play basketball?

This is too exaggerated, so much that she dare not recognize Liu Chuan.

However, although he didn’t dare to admit it, the doubts in his heart grew bigger and bigger. Xu Xiaoqi could not help but asked the staff next to him: “Who is that person?”

The staff member replied, “It seems to be the leader of C.”

Liu Chuan just happened to look this way, facing her eyes, smiled slightly, then turned and walked backstage.

Xu Xiaoqi scratched his head, always feeling that smile was a little familiar.

Fifteen minutes before the start of the game, Liu Chuan encouraged each player individually in the background, and then reached out to let everyone shout and cheer together.

The players stepped on the stage in turn, sat in front of the six computers, and the applause immediately thundered!

Today, there are many people from the University of C, Mr. Lin, the instructor of the e-sports association, and many members of the e-sports association, as well as classmates, relatives and friends of the players, 301 and 401 dormitory collective movement Cheering, holding the inflatable stick and shouting to cheer, so lively.

Zhou Xuehai sat on the stage, with dazzling colored lights overhead, listening to the cheering sound of the audience can not help but be terribly nervous, and the hands holding the mouse were shaking, Li wanted to slap him directly to the back: “What are you nervous! It’s not going to the execution ground. “

Zhou Xuehai’s stomach was almost spit out by Li Xiang. He looked at Li Xiang and said, “Are you not nervous at all?”

Li wanted to wave arrogantly: “What’s so nervous about this small game, let me tell you, even if it’s the championship of the professional league, I won’t be nervous.”

Zhou Xuehai gave him a glance: “Just blow it.”

Li Xiang is actually a little nervous. The way he expresses his nervousness is to say to people, “I’m not nervous at all.” Just like a drunk person desperately says that I’m not drunk, this self-hypnotic method seems quite useful.

Wu Zewen had no expression on his face, and his heart was actually a bit nervous. After all, it was the first official match. After thinking of so many people watching the audience, his palms couldn’t help but sweat.

“Below, the game officially begins!”

With a word from the host and thunderous applause, the twelve contestants were pulled into the custom match channel by the referee.

With both sides in place, the countdown is ready.

Freely adjust parameters in 5 minutes!

Wu Zewen took a deep breath and immediately focused his eyes on the computer screen in front of him. At that moment, his ears seemed to be left with the sound of his own heartbeat and breathing, and only 17 inches in his eyes remained. The LCD screen is the familiar character initialization interface. He held the mouse tightly and moved the pointer to each key precisely …

Attribute points are adjusted, skill points are adjusted, equipment selection is completed …

In less than 1 minute, he did it all!

These actions have almost formed conditioned reflexes during repeated training!

Wu Zewen checked the adjusted character parameters again, confirmed that they were correct, and then looked back at his teammates.

Zhou Xuehai is still very nervous, his fingers are trembling, or Zhuo Wenchao is more responsible, and said directly on the voice channel: “Everything is up! Xuehai, you take a deep breath, if the chain is dropped, you will wash one of us May’s socks, can you hear me! “

Jiang Xue immediately said: “No more, Zhou Xuehai, will you wash your socks?”

This joke seems to have worked. Zhou Xuehai smiled, his fingers gradually stabilized, quickly adjusted the state, and selected the character addition and equipment.

Zhuo Wenchao continued to urge: “Everyone checks it, don’t choose the wrong equipment, there is still some time.”

Everyone opened the character panel and started checking. After confirming that they were correct, they hit 1 in turn on the team channel.

Playing 1 means being ready. As the countdown begins, the players on both sides are ready, the referee’s green light is on, and the game officially begins!


Chapter 155: College League (3)

The first game was selected by the Polytechnic University. The map selected by the opponent is the Gangneung Ancient Road. This map is a more common marine map in a six-star map. It is called “Old Road”. Therefore, the terrain is very narrow and it is not suitable for large-scale scattered guerrillas. Tactics.

At the beginning of the game, Zhuo Wenchao marked the way. Everyone first divided the way to investigate the enemy’s situation according to the usual training mode. Soon, Wu Zewen found the opposite person on the lower lane, and the other 6 people actually held a group here. Wu Zewen immediately marked the enemy. And retreated a few meters at the fastest speed.

Because Wu Zewen was quite sensitive to the terrain, he walked in a position that staggered the range illuminated by the other’s Kong Ming lamp, in a shadowy dead corner that could not be observed on the opposite side. Therefore, the six people on the opposite side did not find him at all, and continued to wait in an ambush there.

——In the end, it was the counterattack of the big six!

Li Xiang rushed forward very bravely, and grabbed a dragon claw from the opposite treatment without saying a word. Wu Zewen then released the spider and pulled the silk, forcibly pulling the other side’s treatment here. Zhuo Wen was so angry. Wudang’s explosive skills immediately kept up. The connection between the three people has been countless times. They are already familiar with the heart. The three people’s rhythm of the move is so fast that the other’s treatment is completely unresponsive. Within a few seconds, they were Zewen’s round. Outbreak is seconds!

Zhuo Wenchao stumbled a moment and said, “It’s faster than a fish to die!”

Li wanted to smile and said, “Fish is much better than this guy!”

Zhuo Wenchao and others immediately responded to the coach’s good intentions. Liu Chuan made Xiaoyu a target for a week to practice for them. They were accustomed to blasting and killing the fish to save their lives. They met today. It’s sunny after this rain, the level is too far away! This is the same as chopping pork ribs with a knife all the time and practicing a strong hand. As a result, it is actually a green vegetable on the cutting board, chopped with a knife, it is really easy for everyone to believe it!

Zhou Xuehai said excitedly: “It’s much simpler than you think, fast, fast, Wudang!”

Li Qing immediately jumped over and jumped calmly, and calmly played a set of palm beggars. Zhuo Wenchao and Wu Zewen cooperated to set fire in the distance. The opposite Wudang knelt without insisting for half a minute! They had no idea that their weaknesses had already been thoroughly studied by the other party, and the first wave of team battles was lost inexplicably!

Next, Zhuo Wenchao still followed Liu Chuan’s previous tactics. Each time he opened the group, he aimed at the opposite treatment and killing. The opposite person was beaten into the clouds, his brain was a little confused, and the formation was chaotic. Extremely vulnerable.

On the map of the Gangneung Ancient Road, C successfully won three consecutive flags and won the first game!

In the second round, it was their turn to choose a map. According to Liu Chuan’s previous layout, Zhuo Wenchao did not hesitate to choose a water battle map-Yinyue Lake.

This map is so named precisely because a curved silver moon is reflected in the middle of the lake. The scene of the map is night, and the visibility at night is quite low. In addition, the influence of the surrounding fog zone of war will cause you to pay little attention. Encountered an ambush …

Unsurprisingly, Team C, under the leadership of Zhuo Wenchao, took advantage of the terrain and once again bravely won three flags and won the second game!

6: 0! No need to play in the third game!

The cheers in the field were all shouting, and the six players on the stage held their hands tightly together-they won!

——They actually won with a score of 6: 0!

Jiang Xue had already reddened his eyes and held back his tears. Zhou Xuehai was usually a little stubborn, and he was so excited that his eyes were about to burst into tears. Zhuo Wenchao patted his teammates’ shoulders in turn, speechless.

For the first time they played on the stage, a beautiful victory such as 6: 0 was a dream ending.

Six people stepped off the stage in turn with deafening applause and cheers. Liu Chuan looked at them with a smile in the background. Everyone walked in front of Liu Chuan, and they didn’t know who said one or two or three. Six people reached out and took Liu together. Chuan lifted up.

“…” Liu Chuan, who was thrown into the air, said helplessly, “Don’t make trouble, let go … let go!”

A few people refused to let him go. He lifted the coach and tossed it. After a few tosses, he finally let him go.

Liu Chuan rubbed his dizzy head and said with a smile, “Look at the excitement, you won the match!”

Zhou Xuehai said: “It’s so **** awesome to win today!” The guy was so excited that he began to swear.

Jiang Xue also smiled and said, “Yes, it was really fun to play today! It is indeed our coach, Liu Chuan’s tactics you arranged directly hiccup the opposite!”

Zhuo Wenchao said: “Go back first, let’s invite the coach for dinner!”

Several people were unaware of Liu Chuan’s origins. They only knew that Liu Chuan’s tactical literacy was high, his eyes were sharp, and he could quickly discover the weaknesses of the other team. Under the guidance of Liu Chuan, their progress in this month has finally been obtained today. Proof.

Only Li Xiang and Wu Zewen knew that Liu Chuan’s strength was far more than that …

Several people gathered around Liu Chuan and walked out together. When they came to the door, they suddenly saw a girl in a white dress running with a microphone. Everyone? “

Everyone won the game in a good mood, and the girl smiled very mildly. Of course, it was not good to refuse interviews from reporters in person. Zhuo Wenchao said graciously: “Yes, you can ask any questions you want!”

Xu Xiaoqi pointed to Liu Chuan: “Is this handsome guy your leader?”

Zhuo Wenchao said: “Yes, he is still our coach.”

Xu Xiaoqi said in surprise: “Are there coaches yet? Are today’s tactics arranged by the coach?”

Zhuo Wenchao said, “Yes!”

“Your coach is great!” Xu Xiaoqi looked back at Liu Chuan. “Mr. Coach, are you also a student of C University? It looks very young and doesn’t look like a teacher!”

Liu Chuan smiled and said, “I am a senior this year. By the way, my name is Liu Chuan. What’s your name, reporter friend?”

“…” Xu Xiaoqi almost ate the microphone.

Liu Chuan! Really Liu Chuan!

A few people didn’t understand why this reporter suddenly stopped, but Liu Chuan still smiled happily: “Are there any questions? Reporter friends?”

Xu Xiaoqi: “…”

The reporter continued in a daze, and everyone had to wave goodbye to her.

On the way back, Wu Zewen sat beside Liu Chuan, and after a long silence, he whispered, “That reporter knows you?”

Liu Chuanzhen comfortably leaned on the back of his chair to close his eyes and healed his eyes. When he heard this, he opened his eyes and replied: “You said that just now? Her name is Xu Xiaoqi.

Wu Zewen snorted, and lowered his head without talking.

Liu Chuan paused, and reached Wu Zewen’s ears, fearing that others would hear it. He lowered his voice and said, “Just a few years ago when I was the captain of Huaxia, she was a reporter with Huaxia’s team. She also knew my name. She saw me today in the college league scene, and she probably didn’t dare to recognize it. “

Wu Zewen nodded: “That’s the case.”

Liu Chuan remained silent for a few seconds, and added: “That … I have nothing to do with her. She knows Zhang Shuping very well. She goes to Zhang Shuping for each interview, and meets with me just to say hello … don’t you Think more. “

Wu Zewen looked back at him and said softly, “… I didn’t think much.”

The two eyes were opposite, and they looked away uneasily.

Liu Chuan didn’t know why he started to explain, presumably afraid of Wu Zewen’s misunderstanding? He didn’t even hold the girl’s hand, how bad would it be if he was misunderstood?

However, to the calm eyes of Shang Zewen, Liu Chuan was guilty of conscience, and felt that his explanation was a bit redundant.

Wu Zewen felt very happy. Liu Chuan took the initiative to clarify that it had nothing to do with Xu Xiaoqi. This made Wu Zewen very reassured. He knew that the person he liked was not the kind of prodigal and prodigal son. Liu Chuan had never talked about love at all, nor had he Girls have had emotional entanglements, and it is estimated that they don’t even know what it feels like to be alone.

Unexpectedly, Chuan Shen, worshipped and admired by countless people, is actually such a pure person …

Wu Zewen couldn’t help looking back at Liu Chuan, just as Liu Chuan also looked back at him. At the moment when his eyes were opposite, his heartbeat seemed to miss a half-beat.

Wu Zewen shifted the topic and said, “The opponent of the next match is the winner of Group D. Do you have any arrangements?”

Liu Chuan said: “Not in a hurry, go back to the Internet to see the video of the game, let’s study it slowly.” After a pause, he said, “You played well today, keep it up.”

Wu Zewen nodded seriously.

For some reason, he believed in Liu Chuan. He believed that as long as Liu Chuan was there, he would be defeated by even the most powerful enemy.


The belief of Wu Zewen is also the belief of all the players on the school team, and the coach Liu Chuan did not let them down.

After returning to school, Liu Chuan went to the official website of the college league to watch the game video with everyone, analyzed the opponents of the next game clearly, and arranged various plays for the weak points.

In the third week of November, we successfully defeated the winner of Group D Foreign Language School and successfully advanced to the monthly competition.

In the monthly game at the end of November, the C team defeated the opponent again and successfully advanced to the next round! !!

After experiencing the initial nervousness, the psychological qualities of several players have also been exercised, and they have become more and more stable, with more and more tacit understanding. Zhuo Wenchao has become an excellent on-site conductor under Liu Chuan’s precept and example. Analyzing the situation and being able to make accurate judgments the first time, Wu Zewen, Li Xiang and others also quickly improved their level in one game after another!

Under the leadership of Liu Chuan, the C team is unstoppable all the way!

At the beginning of December, the second * cycle of the Wulin Official Professional League also ended completely.

The standings of the regular season team are finally finalized. The first place is still the Bronze Sparrow Team. Qixingcao is second over the falling flowers and it is ranked second in the late China. The fifth to eighth are Shengtang, Guose, With the flames and snow wolves, eight teams collectively reached the December playoffs.

It is regrettable that the Changan team failed to make a comeback in the second round of the final round, and finally ranked ninth, unfortunately, was rejected by the playoffs.

The champion team of last season actually failed to make the playoffs this season, which made many people incredible … even Huaxia, who was in the trough after Liu Chuan retired, barely made it to the next playoffs, Changan Mingming No staffing changes, why is this season so slump?

What is even more difficult to understand is that Chang An’s captain Yang Jian, deputy captain Qin Ye, and team manager Xia Mingde kept silent. No matter how the reporters chased them, they did not come forward for an interview.

The strange silence seemed to herald a storm.

The author has something to say:

It’s still too late to update today … I’ll add more words tomorrow 🙂

The meaning of the college league is just fine. The next chapter will start the Changan team branch and the Qin Ye copy will open.

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