The Strongest Exercise Upgrade System

Chapter 57 - Hostage rescue

Through the hole in the window, Zeng Yu could only see the back of the opponent, not his face.

But based on his back and voice, Zeng Yu could judge that this person must be five big and three thick, with a rough face.

“It’s shameless! Others are not willing, you still force others to agree to you! Just like your chimpanzee, which girl is willing to follow you?”

Zeng Yu’s heart secretly slandered.

“It seems that this black tiger cottage has no plans to simply let Lin Jiao go back.

Once the two village owners and Lin Jiao talk about life, it is very likely that Lin Jiao will be left in the Black Tiger cottage forever as the wife of the village.

And the people in the Black Tiger Village are very greedy, they want it, and they want it too! “

How can Zeng Yu agree to such a good thing?

Gently pulled out the kunyu belt, and touched it on the inverse scales, and the originally soft belt immediately turned into a dangling sword.

Zeng Yu took the sword in his hand and gently pried open the window, and his thin body immediately jumped in through the gap in the window.

“Chrysanthemum residue…”

Taking advantage of the big man’s attention to Lin Jiao’s body.

Zeng Yu took the sword in his hand and turned into an afterimage, approaching the big man at an extremely fast speed.

Before people arrived, the terrifying murderous aura had enveloped the whole house.

When the big man suddenly realized the noise of the window and planned to look back, he suddenly felt a pain in his chest.

Looking down, he saw that the tip of a sword had penetrated his heart and came out through his chest.

A pale and delicate face of a young boy also emerged from the darkness at this moment.


The big man was full of unwillingness and unwillingness to speak. He suddenly showed pain on his face, clutching his chest, and slowly fell down unwillingly.

The burly corpse was gently caught by Zeng Yu, and then gently placed on the ground.

On the ground under the bed, because the man fell, black blood began to flow.

A master of the last tenth level, under the **** of Zeng Yukunyu sword, successfully entered Lin Prison.

“Zeng Yu! You finally came to save me! Uuuuu~”

When Lin Jiao saw that Zeng Yu suddenly killed the big man, she immediately turned from surprise to joy, and burst into tears with excitement.

“Shhh! Don’t talk! I’ll save you!”

After Zeng Yu stopped, he immediately swiped the rope on Lin Jiao with his sword, and immediately untied the rope tied to Lin Jiao.

However, after Zeng Yu untied Lin Jiao’s rope, he began to search around in the room of the master of the second village.

“what are you doing?”

Lin Jiao asked very puzzled.

Now that everyone has been rescued, it should have been evacuated immediately. It would be very rude to search for things in other people’s rooms!

At this moment, Lin Jiao thought so in her heart.

However, Zeng Yu smiled mysteriously, and said: “Listen to the bandits in the Black Tiger cottage burning, killing and looting, everyone is rich!

This one is the second village master of the cottage, and there must be good things hidden at home! “

“Ah! So you thought…”

Lin Jiao immediately covered her mouth when she heard Zeng Yu’s response, and looked at Zeng Yu in surprise.


However, as soon as she was halfway through her words, Zeng Yu stopped her again.

Zeng Yu started rummaging through the cabinets and found a large amount of gold and silver treasures in the cabinet.

“Sure enough, as I expected! This second village master is simply a big local tyrant! But there are too many things to take away alone!”

Zeng Yu looked at the large number of treasures, a little embarrassed.

Finally, pick and choose in the cabinet, pick up the most valuable things, pack them into a big bag, and carry them on their backs.

Just as Zeng Yu was about to leave, a wooden box in the corner of the cabinet suddenly attracted Zeng Yu’s attention. Zeng Yu picked up the wooden box and opened it, and his face immediately showed ecstasy.

“Five hundred years of blood ganoderma! This is the main medicine for refining Xiandan!

I’m worried that I can’t refine the first pill without a magic medicine! Unexpectedly, someone would bring a pillow over when I fell asleep! “

Zeng Yu stuffed the wooden box into his arms, then looked at Lin Jiao with a surprised look and asked, “Do you want to take some valuable things back?”

However, Lin Jiao only frowned and shook her head, obviously not interested in these things.

Zeng Yu finally felt relieved. Lin Jiao had grown up in the gold and silver caves, and was a master of good money.

Someone like Zeng Yu, when he saw the gold and silver treasures in this house, he wanted to move this whole house back, looking like a super wealthy fan.

Zeng Yu took Lin Jiao’s weak and boneless hand, opened the door, and tiptoed out of the house.

Afterwards, Zeng Yu took Lin Jiao and sneaked outside.

Zeng Yu took Lin Jiao’s hand and could feel Lin Jiao’s hand trembling slightly.

Obviously, for this escape experience, I felt both scared and thrilling.

The two fled to the gate outside, and the journey went smoothly.

At the gate of the city, Lin Ci, Zhang Gui and others had already met there.

Obviously, seeing that they had not found Lin Jiao, they had to come here and wait.

When the four of them saw Zeng Yu escaped with Lin Jiao, their faces were full of joy.


Lin Jiao screamed in surprise when seeing Lin Ci actually coming, even the trembling hand finally stopped shaking.

“Don’t say anything! Let’s save you out!”

Although Lin Ci was very happy in his heart, but at this moment he said to Lin Jiao with a solemn expression.

After that, he and Zeng Yu stood by Lin Jiao and jumped to the gate tower.

Then he jumped down from the gate tower, and started dashing down the mountain road to the south.

“Not good! The second master is dead! The hostages are also gone! Come on!”

Just as the six members of Zeng Yu had just jumped out of the city gate and fled towards the foot of the mountain, a loud exclamation suddenly came from the core of the cottage.

After the exclamation fell, the cottage suddenly became brightly lit and the voices of people became noisy.

As soon as the six members of Zeng Yu heard these calls, where did they know that someone had found them running away?

Lin Ci’s expression changed, and he immediately took out a bamboo tube from his arms.

There was a rope at one end of the bamboo tube. Lin Ci pointed the bamboo tube into the air and pulled the lead wire, and a shining signal flare was immediately launched into the air.

The Lin Luo group under the mountain immediately noticed the movement on the mountain.


Lin Ci With a solemn expression, Lin Ci took Lin Jiao’s hand and ran down the mountain.

“Ci has sent a signal! Immediately attack the cottage! Respond to give them down the mountain!”

As soon as Lin Luo saw the signal from Midair, he immediately shouted with a cold expression.

As soon as he finished speaking, he took the hundreds of masters from his family and rushed to the checkpoint at the foot of the mountain in Heihu Village.

The robbers on the mountain discovered that the hostages had fled after the master of the second village had been killed.

Dazhai Master Li let out a roar, ordering all his men to hold weapons and torches, and chase them aggressively down the mountain.

Seeing that long fire dragon on the mountain was running down the mountain, the voices were full of voices, shouting killing.

The expressions of all six of Zeng Yu changed.

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