Chapter 261: The Monsters They Created
"So far we have two of the seven shadow warlocks, not to mention their little brother, Kurt, an autistic human – a very dead one, but not to worry. I'll revive the little shit over and over until I get the location of all seven dipshits.
"In total, the addition of that human makes the shadow warlocks a family of eight. We also need to keep in mind that they are dangerous, and they will keep coming, at least that much obvious," Malika explained and the team sighed.
"Well, we should get going then. I know we lost a lot of people, but stopping here and mourning won't bring them back. It's not what we want to hear or even deal with at the moment. It's not going to be easy; I know that.
"However, the longer we relax, the stronger our enemies grow and that is a pleasure we can't afford right now," Elodie said to the bunch that had gone through hell and was getting a little too familiar with that place.
Perhaps they would pitch a tent there, no?
Malika looked at Rukiya before she looked at her mistress, who seemed to be in deep thought the entire time. It was hard to tell what was going on in Hawi's head, but then they just had to wait it out.
Hawi wanted to say something, anything, but nothing would make it better. Hawi knew this was a risk they had to take and as much as she felt terrible for Rukiya's loss, she couldn't give Adolf the breath of life.
And even if they were to do that, the pile of bodies was so huge that it would take them a few days to go through the Greyson warriors and find Adolf. It wouldn't be fair to the warriors who had come to lay their lives for their alpha.
If anything, even though Hawi hadn't known Adolf for too long, she knew he was a warrior and a team player. The Greyson beta loved his warriors and he would no doubt not appreciate a single revival in any way.
"Ruru… Can you do this? Are you sure you want to tag along? You won't have a chance to mourn your best friend, now that I can't bring him back. Are you really sure about this?" Hawi asked and Rukiya just looked at the loss of them defeatedly.
She knew that this was unexpected and it was a setback that had hurt them all at the same time. She knew how betrayed they were feeling and how it was tempting to find someone to point fingers at.
Their desperation was unanimous, but so was their added motivation to ruin things that were on their way. It didn't matter that the world would condemn them eventually.
Whatever happened couldn't have happened if the world was a better place, now or would it?
"Yeah… Let's get going," Ruru said as she struggled to get up.
Hawi felt her heart shatter for her mate, but she knew Rukiya wouldn't like to be babied in situations like these. Maybe she would get better, eventually, right? Oh but if only they all weren't so broken.
"We'll end them all, no matter how long the list keeps getting. It doesn't matter how old we will be by then, because immortality is something that we would always embrace, my Ruru.
"So don't worry, love… we will find them all, and we will burn every last one of them," Hawi said as she held Rukiya's arm and helped her up. She could see the pain in her woman's eyes and they all understood it.
They knew what it meant to be alone and to feel like everything was her fault.
They truly understood what it meant to be left with a lot of guilt that life wasn't even worth living anymore. It was a hectic run but no matter what happened, they would make sure to win.
"I know, and I trust you… All of you. Let's not blame each other this time, please," Rukiya pleaded as she rubbed her eyes. She was sick of feeling weak, sick of feeling like everything was going wrong in their lives.
This mission was supposed to let them breathe a little and allow them to go back home soon, and yet as they walked toward Atticus who was staring at Hawi with a worried face, they knew that it would all get hard before it got better.
They had each other, and honestly, that was the only hope they had for all of this.
"Why'd you tell me to get the crown and the bloodied gown, Hawi?" Elodie asked, as she looked around, she couldn't see what this was for real, but at the same time, she was sure Hawi never did things the wrong way.
"We're heading to Sicario. When we finally take over the throne, someone's going to need the crown to run the pack. As for the gown, it was a gift from my mother. The only place I can preserve it is home," Hawi said and Elodie just nodded in understanding.
She wasn't sure if there was any other reaction to that. They were all so fucked up and were trying to live in the moment, only that there weren't exactly any happier moments around them.
Life was coming at them from so many ends and it wasn't easy, but at least they were headed in the right direction. They would be able to make it right eventually. Bower until then, they would have to endure the chaos.
"Great. I'll just wrap him up real quick," Malika said as she looked at Atticus who was still in some sort of shock. Well, he was in for a long rise, and it was more than obvious he had messed with the wrong bunch of women this time.
"I'll light up the bodies of our fallen. The chances of us coming back here are minimal this season," Hawi said and together they got busy. It was the hardest set of goodbyes, but what was coming was hope for them.
It was the kind of life that they would eventually have to figure out on their own.
For hours, the five women stood there watching as their friends burned to ashes. It was the longest of their evenings and the tears that fell were a reminder that even they had some humanity in them.
Pain had long identified with them; no matter how they tried to escape it all, they would always return to such points. Perhaps that was what hope and home would feel like in the end.
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There would always be the blank spaces in them with everyone they lost and not even time could close them up.
"You ready?" Hawi asked three hours later when the last of the bones had burnt.
They didn't bother clearing the air, instead, they just formed a little wall around the place that was filled with ashes, almost like they were aware of marking it a grave for their people.
It was easily the hardest thing they had done, but then they had an interesting road ahead, didn't they?
"Let's go be the monsters they wanted us to be!" Rukiya said excitedly, making everyone stare at her worriedly before they joined in. Perhaps this was them embracing the mess they had been forced to live in, right?