The Regressor Wants To Stop Becoming Stronger

chapter 176

[Field, enter the ‘Wandering World of Swallowing Mineo’.]

Han Se-rin and I entered a new field.

There was no special event at the entrance, and I let go of Han Se-rin’s hand.

“The whole thing feels like a cave.”

It was a relatively soft space full of wrinkles.

It was dark, so I couldn’t see far.

First of all, I used the relayer’s lights to light up the surroundings.

“The guide didn’t even tell me to secure Joe, so would you like to act like that?”

Han Se-rin’s words were clearly correct.

If I were a swordsman.

“Don’t you know that lighting is the lifeblood of broadcasting?”

“You’re playing before you’re broadcasting.”

“For me, play is broadcast.”

Han Se-rin glared at me slightly dissatisfied.

“Next time, ask me for permission first.”

Seriously, what are you talking about with lights?

But it wasn’t that his position was incomprehensible.

In the case of a dark place, there are many places where a sudden change in light intensity is a trap trigger condition.

If you’re unlucky, an arrow could get stuck in your eyeball just because you lit it.

‘I’ll have to come up with a way to do a good broadcast even when it’s dark.’

For example, shooting techniques such as using an infrared camera.

If I get out of here, I think I’ll have to practice ‘speaking in the water’ and ‘broadcasting in the dark’.

Han Se-rin said in a stern voice.


“Yeah, what.”

Thanks to him, I came to know the limit of my skills: ‘It’s difficult to broadcast in the dark’.

As a token of gratitude, I just replied that I would know.

“Don’t even hold your hand.”

“Hey, that is really strange. You don’t know better because you’re a guide. I’m the only one who can protect you right now, and when you enter this suspicious space, the two of us have to move together… … .”

“anyway! I mean, ask for opinions. It confuses people.”

I don’t know what to confuse.

I don’t know what the circumstances of the first-class guide are.

Anyway, Han Se-rin took the lead and started walking.

“Looks like you’re searching the walls and spraying magic to find the right path. There must be parasites in the body of such a large object, but there are no parasites.”

There was no crisis to speak of, so it felt like the tension had dropped a bit.

Had I known this would happen, I would not have turned on the lights.

There must have been some kind of tension that the darkness gives.

When the broadcast got a little loose, Han Se-rin said.

“As you may have noticed, this is a very complicated maze.”

“by the way?”

Originally, secret pioneer Han Se-rin’s specialty was finding the way in the maze.

It’s not a dungeon in the form of a labyrinth, and there’s no way he won’t be able to find his way in the field inside the monster’s body.

“Very long. It will probably take fortnight to find the right path and move on.”

“ah… … It’s too long. Can’t you shorten it?”

“No matter how fast it is, about 10 days. Assuming there are no dangerous parasitic monsters or traps in the middle.”

“There must be parasitic monsters or traps, right?”

“There is a high probability that there will be. That means it will take longer.”

10 days minimum.

During that time, wandering through a maze didn’t seem like a very good content.

Who likes content that shows the same road no matter where you go?

‘Broadcasting has to be diligent and keep producing interesting content.’

This was a crisis.

“Kim Cheol-soo. Is it possible to summon a thunder dragon here?”

“Perhaps if the world isn’t cut off?”

It seemed possible.

But the problem remained.

“But if I summon a thunder dragon, I think the swallowing Mineo will die.”

“Doesn’t it matter? If the purpose is to hunt mineo that can be swallowed, that would be the fastest.”

Han Se-rin’s eyes twinkled.

It seemed that he was interested in what would happen if he summoned a thunder dragon from within the body of a monster.

“That’s not allowed.”


“that’s… … .”

You can’t do the same with the weak anal sword, can you?

At least I’ll prove something greater than the anal sword.

There is no meaning in simply hunting for a mineo to swallow.

I couldn’t say this, so I thought about it for a while before opening my mouth.

“Because the promise with Terserbac is heavy.”

* * *

Terser Park, sitting on a bench in Yeouido Hangang Park and watching the broadcast, was deeply moved.

– “Because the promise with Terserbac is heavy.”

Indeed, he was the number one streamer in the world.

The weight of the promise was very heavy.

‘If I had been in Kim Chul-soo’s position… … He might have summoned a thunder dragon.’

However, in the end, Kim Cheol-soo tried to keep his promise.

I was very grateful for that alone.

A warm feeling welled up in his heart.

‘I have to succeed in communicating with the devouring Mineo somehow.’

He brushed off the Mole Man and rode the Duck Man to the Han River.

It wasn’t too difficult to find the Mineo that swallowed it because it had magic marks buried in it.

He caught and raised the devouring mineo with a specially made fishing rod.

“Dear, this is Minya to swallow, right?”


The swallowed mineo had now changed into a carp as small as the palm of the hand.

“If you can hold it like this, why did you grab the magazine earlier?”

“I wasn’t confident.”


“Taming is communion. It is the realm of the senses. Until recently, I had not been able to catch and lift the swallowed Mineo. I lacked self-confidence and lacked a sense of mission to accomplish.”

But now it’s different.

It was only a slight change in his mindset, but his ability to communicate greatly increased.

“Once you know the weight of the promise. I must succeed in rapport.”

* * *

“Let’s break through.”

“Break through… … Are you going?”

This isn’t the Pathfinder way, it’s much closer to the Mole Man’s way.

Normally, Pathfinder Han Se-rin would ‘find’ the right path, and Mole Man would be close to ‘making’ the path.

But now it’s easy to break through the road.

“The walls are soft and easy to cut. Just make a hole and move it.”

I realized a little that Han Se-rin, who was a secret pioneer, had changed her job to a secret destroyer.

“In terms of humans, there is a hole in the large intestine, is that okay?”

“What if it’s not okay?”

Han Se-rin frowned slightly and continued.

“What’s the deal with having a little puncture in the stomach?”


We moved through a hole in the wall.

At first, it didn’t cut well because it was tough, but I got quite used to it after practicing with a sword technique.

“You cut pretty well now?”


At first, Mineo struggled to swallow it as if in agony.

At times like that, it felt like an earthquake had occurred throughout the field, but now it’s a little better.

It meant that my swordsmanship skills (?) had improved.

‘The number of viewers is decreasing.’

The number of real-time viewers decreased by 5,000 from 300,000 to 295,000.

A sense of crisis crept in.

I changed the title of the broadcast.

[The hidden reason why he is a scenario level?]

and asked

“But Han Se-rin. Why is he a scenario-level monster?”


“Even the name itself is a scenario. But don’t you think it has a little less impact than the Ant Queen or the Battle of Yeonhui?”

Han Se-rin pondered for a while before opening her mouth.

“Because it is a special shape that can change the size at will? In fact, it would be almost impossible to find it if it wasn’t for Terserbac’s help. All attacks from the outside are repelled.”

“Is that really all?”

Han Se-rin removed the sticky semi-liquid from her feet.

“Well. We cannot rule out the possibility that something else is connected. It’s strange that [unidentified fiber] keeps getting in the way like this.”


He seems to have finally caught on a bit.

“Well, honestly, I was surprised when you used this to make [Paper Soldier’s Protective Suit].”

The paper soldier is the foreshadowing of the paper magician Mackendra, who will appear in the near future.

Thanks to the word paper soldier, I also realized.

The fact that this ‘swallowing Mineo’ is the starting point of the linkage scenario.

‘At the time, the weak Lee Hyeon-seong killed the mineo he swallowed, so the scenario could not be cleared properly.’

I know I did a partial clear at that time.

I think I have to do something to save this devouring Mineo in order to clear it perfectly.

And the linkage scenario will begin.

Han Se-rin, who started thinking once, quickly continued.

“Kim Cheol-soo. you asked me before Isn’t there something else Black is after?”

“Yes it was.”

“Maybe this fish has something to do with Black.”


“Look at this.”

Han Se-rin removed the ‘unidentified fibers’ that were stuck here and there on the wall.

“The mineo that is swallowed is a gourmet fish in its own way. What I swallowed once, I never swallowed again.”

Swallowed the cruise ship, then the bridge.

“And dissolve everything it swallows clean.”

There were no traces of rebar, concrete, or steel plates at all.

It meant that the swallowed mineo had digested everything.

“But there are too many traces of this unknown fiber. As if someone artificially fed them.”

“… … .”

“Do you remember when I made the hazmat suit earlier? It’s made from a sheep the size of my palm.”

Han Se-rin scratched the ‘unidentified fiber’ and put it on the ground.

“Look at this. This amount is enough to make dozens of the same protective suits. This is not what the swallowing mineo swallowed… … It almost makes me wonder if it was forcibly swallowed.”

“You could have swallowed a lot in one go.”

“They are too evenly distributed to be considered that way. It was there earlier, and it is here at the beginning of the field. I’ve been through for a while, but there are so many here.”

To be honest, I couldn’t figure out exactly how this ‘swallowing mineo’ had anything to do with black.

But it didn’t matter anyway.

‘great. Viewer numbers are rising again.’

* * *

“Oh, my God!”

Terserbak ran with all his might.

I visited Jinsol Cha, valuing the fish tank more than my own life.

“Yes. Please treat me immediately.”

Blood was leaking from the anus of the swallowing fish.

“Mr. Swallow is in great pain. Help.”

Terserbac has given the name of Swallow to the mineo that it swallows.

Cha Jinsol shook his head.

“Cure the hemorrhoids of the fish. Even if you look at people lightly, they’re oil fountains.”

Cha Jin-sol shot the mole man once.

“I heard it was really important. I also postponed an important meeting. What is this? Are you in such a hurry to treat fish hemorrhoids?”

“That, that’s it… … .”

Terserbak said.

“Oh, I didn’t tell you about this. Mr. Swallow’s real name is Swallow Mineo.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“Your brother and Pathfinder are in here. When the main body dies, you don’t know what will happen to the world inside it.”

“You should have said that right away! What can I do?”

“It literally just needs to be cured.”

“But I’ve never cured a monster before.”

“Aren’t you a blood priest? I can feel it. With blood as a medium, you can heal Mr. Swallow. Trust me.”

Cha Jin-sol started to treat hemorrhoids (?) of Swallow, a mineo he swallowed.

Terserbac let out a sigh of relief.

“You have to continue treatment. As you can see from the broadcast, quite cruel plays are being committed in the world inside Mr. Swallow’s body.”

Terserbac wiped the sweat that had leaked from his forehead.

“Blood Priest, if it weren’t for you, Mr. Swallow would be dead.”

“What if this, no, Mr. Swallow dies?”

The Mole Man intervened.

“I will answer that, Douji. The death of the main body seems to be similar to the collapse of the dungeon, Dooji. If the dungeon collapses, all the players inside may die, let it be.”

At those words, Jinsol Cha focused even more.

‘There are all these fish like sunfish.’

Even if the divine power is too much, poisoning occurs.

I had to push a very small amount of divine power steadily.

Actually, it wasn’t easy.

It was easy to breathe out loudly at once, but it was difficult to draw it out thinly and long.

“I recommend Bangple, Dooji.”

Mole Man showed me his cell phone.

It was Cha Jin-hyeok’s broadcast, and Cha Jin-hyeok was cutting the inner wall.

Matching the timing, Cha Jin-sol used a heel.

“There’s nothing to be ashamed of with a bang like this, Dooji.”

And after a few hours, Cha Jin-hyeok found a gate that shimmered in black.

There was even a kindly signboard saying [Goodbye, this was the ‘world inside the body of a swallowing Mineo.’].

Cha Jin-hyeok approached the gate and examined it before asking.

“how? Do you think you’ve found the exit? It seems to be cleared as soon as you go out here, right?”

“no. hang on.”

Han Se-rin, who was looking at the gate for a while, said something strange.

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