The Phoenix – A GOT Fan-Fiction

Chapter 061 – Astapor

[294 AC]

Walking through the main gate of Astapor from the docks, Phenex' calm countenance didn't change at all when they came across the Plaza of Punishment, neither did Mera's and Ruyu's.

The two Feathers had an incredibly strong will and mental fortitude, so even in the face of hundreds of crucified slaves, they were unaffected.

On Phenex' orders, they would not hesitate to unleash destruction akin to two angry dragons upon the city, but without his instructions they wouldn't dare to interfere with his possible plans, their own emotions and goals being secondary in their service as his Feathers.

Jaehaerys and Daenerys were different though, as they were shocked to see all these people visibly suffering, practically waiting to die of dehydration and starvation while being in pain the entire time.

W-what is this-s?”, the boy asked with a stammer, unable to comprehend the suffering he bore witness to, after having just entered the city a few minutes ago.

W-we have to help them.”, Daenerys voiced out quietly.

Looking at the two clad in light leather clothes, Daenerys' being white, while Jaehaery's were dark blue, both of them carrying a normal steel sword on their back.

They hadn't yet earned the right to carry their ancestor's weapons, as such Phenex didn't allow them to carry the Dark Sister and Blackfyre. He knew that it wasn't honor or birthright that would make them qualified to wield such blades, but skill and maturity.

"This is the Plaza of Punishment where disobedient slaves are placed to receive their punishment. Its purpose is to scare all the new slaves entering the city into obedience.", Phenex explained before he continued as he gave Daenerys a deep look, "Helping them is useless, as they will not accept your help."

"The punishment for escaping from their punishment is many times harsher than what they have to endure now, as it isn't only them that will endure the even harsher sentence. Their children will most likely be thrown into the fighting pits to fight against wild animals, while their wives will be raped to death by other slaves. Their punishment will be to watch all that, before they will be dragged back here and left crucified until they die.", Phenex ended.

Horror was visible on their faces as the two Targaryen children heard his words, looking at the bound slaves with helplessness.

B-but can't y-you help them, Phenex?”, Daenerys asked, hope shining in her eyes.

Sighing audibly, the flaming god crouched down and answered: “I could. But even if I help a hundred, or a thousand of them, another ten thousand would still suffer like them.”

Listen carefully, little dragon. It's not about helping them. It's about ensuring that their children and children's children won't have to suffer the same fate. This can't be done by just freeing them and leaving them to their own devices.

Simply freeing them will not bring them freedom, Daenerys. It will only bring them closer to death, as they cannot protect themselves and would be recaptured in mere weeks.", Phenex stated.

Over the next few days where Phenex met with a certain Good Master Krasnyz mo Nakloz, Jon and Daenerys didn't stop being horrified at the sheer brutality with which the Unsullied were trained and how most slaves were treated in Astapor.

Phenex watched over them and talked with them, so they would understand where the root of this problem lay. And while it was hard for him to watch the innocence slowly drain from their eyes, there couldn't be any naivety in the hearts of dragon riders.

Sitting on the terrace of Krasnyz's pyramid, surrounded by slaves serving refreshments, fanning air, or dancing for their entertainment, Phenex stared calmly at the fat slavemaster before him, though his senses had also locked onto the figure of a dark-skinned teenage girl beside Krasnyz.

Phenex knew that she was Missandei, though he hadn't expected her to still serve at this man's side after all the changes he had brought to Essos.

"Have you thought about my offer?", Phenex asked the man directly, unwilling to waste any more time being in his presence without separating his head from his shoulders.

Ruyu was standing behind him, acting like a bodyguard, while Mera had brought Daenerys and Jaehaerys back to the ship.

"Ah yes, I discussed with the other Good Masters and they were willing to part with their Unsullied, but what you ask for isn't cheap, how can we be sure that you can afford to buy all the Unsullied Astapor has to offer?", Krasnyz drawled on in his broken High Valyrian accent, his invasive gaze directed at the incredibly beautiful personal guard of Phenex.

"Maybe you should leave us with some 'insurance' in case you cannot pay and all our efforts would be in vain.", the slaver voiced out, lust coloring his tone and gaze, "How about you leave behind your guard as a sign of goodwill?"

His normally blazing eyes turning ice-cold, while a murderous glint appeared in them, Phenex addressed Ruyu in High Valyrian, making sure the man before him understood every word: “Ruyu, the next time the Good Master Krasnyz suggests such a thing, I want you to cut off his manhood and feed it to him.”

Drawing her daggers, the silver-haired Feather twirled them around her hands in an incredible display of dexterity and speed, as she answered: “Yes, my Lord. It would be my pleasure.”

Paling slightly, Krasnyz soon regained his bearings, anger now visible in his gaze: “Do you think it's wise to threaten me in my own home?”

"Do you think it is wise to insult the one making you the richest and most powerful of all the Good Masters in Astapor? Don't forget I could just as well go to one of your rivals for my business and maybe that is what I should do.", Phenex retorted, as he rose from his seat and prepared to leave.

"Ahh, please don't take it personally. What is a small joke among friends? Here, let me make it up to you.", Krasnyz voiced out hurriedly, gesturing for several of the dancers to approach Phenex and offer their bodies as compensation.

Raising his hand in a gesture that stopped their approach, Phenex answered: “Yes, maybe we can forget this 'small joke', but you will give her to me as a sign of your 'friendship'. And tomorrow at noon, we will close our deal. I will bring my gold, while you will gather all the Unsullied at the Plaza of Pride.”

While speaking, Phenex had pointed at Missandei, making it clear that he meant her with his words, while his unforgiving eyes exerted great pressure on the fat slaver, forcing him to agree almost subconsciously, as he nodded in agreement.

Good.”, Phenex voiced out lightly, as he turned around and walked away, before stopping a few steps later and turning around.

Come, girl. You belong to me now.”, Phenex urged the shell-shocked girl originating from Naath, causing her to finally scamper after the mortal-looking god and his personal guard.

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